Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

Slovenia - Child benefit

This chapter covers the child benefit (otroški dodatek).

In what situation can I claim?

One of the parents or the guardian of the child is entitled to child benefit. The child must be below 18 years of age and have (permanent or temporary) residence in Slovenia. Income for the family member may not exceed EUR 1,218.08 (January 2024).

Child benefit is not valid for a child who:

  • is in employment or carries out farming or sole trader activities or is a company partner;
  • receives full care as a result of treatment, education, school or training in an institution where full-time free care lasts for more than 30 days;
  • is in foster care;
  • has the right to child benefit on the basis of an international agreement;
  • does not live with both parents and only one of the parents is entitled to parental rights, if maintenance is not agreed by the Centre for Social Work or defined by a court ruling except in cases where paternity is not registered.

What conditions do I need to meet?

Parents are entitled to child benefit from the day of birth of the child until the first day of the following month in which they no longer fulfil conditions.

A parent has the right to child benefit for 30 days following the birth of the child, which is claimable from the month of the child's birth. In the case of later entitlement to rights, the latter will be recognised on the first day of the following month following submission of the application.

The right to child benefit is valid for a maximum of 1 year. After one year, the Centre for social work issues a new decision.

What am I entitled to and how can I claim?

The amount of child benefit is defined regarding the average net monthly income for the individual member of the household, for which all income and payments are counted (except for payments covering specific needs). For this, household property and the number of children will be counted. Conditions which are (not) accepted in defining the amount of child benefit are listed on the MDDSZ web site.

Allocation information for qualification according to income group can be found on the MDDSZ web site.

Exceptional amount of child benefit will be defined as:

  • 30% increase in the case of a single parent family;
  • 20% increase in the case where a pre-school child is not included in early childhood education.

Jargon busters

Forms you may need to fill in

The Unified form for right to public funds.

Know your rights

The links below listing your rights are not European Commission pages and do not represent the view of the Commission:

European Commission publications and web pages:

Who do you need to contact?

The right to child benefit is examined through the Centre for Social Work where the child has permanent residence or spends the majority of his/her time.

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