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Help Documentation 

Knewton Alta
Suggested Uses
How to Integrate with Canvas
Creating a Course 
Adaptive Assignments
Creating an Adaptive Assignment
Editing an Adaptive Assignment
Creating a Test/Quiz

Knewton Alta

Knewton Alta is an adaptive learning courseware tool that helps students address knowledge gaps and engage with subject matter more effectively.

Suggested Uses

  • Create assignments that adapt and identify students’ knowledge gaps as they complete them.

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How to Integrate with Canvas

These steps assume that you have already created a Canvas course space. If you have not, create a course space first.

  1. Open your Canvas course space and click on “Assignments”.
  2. Click on “+Assignment” near the top right.
  3. Under “Submission Type”, select “External Tool” and then click “Find”.
  4. Scroll down the list until you find “Knewton Alta”, and click on it.
  5. Click the “Select” button.
  6. Finish creating your assignment as usual, and click “Save” or “Save & Publish” once done.

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Creating a Course

  1. Sign in a and navigate to your My Courses page. Click Create Course.

  2. On the next page, fill in your Course’s title, institution, ISBN name or number, and enter your Course’s start and end dates.
  3. Select your LMS in the dropdown next to “Learning management system.” Click Create.
  4. Next, build your course outline. Click Add Coursework under Build your course outline.

  5. Select whether you’d like to add an Adaptive Assignment or Assessment to your Course Outline.

  6. Click the Settings button to add details to your course such as a Course description and enabling partial credit and late completion policies.
  7. Add course collaborators. To do this, click on the Add Instructors button.

  8. Click Copy Link next to the link and send this to your desired course collaborator. Once they click on the link, you will get a notification to approve the request when you next log into your account. This will take you back to the course and you can click Approve to add them as a co-instructor to the course officially.
  9. Once you’ve built your course outline, add your Section(s). Navigate back to your course, scroll down, and click Add Section.

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Adaptive Assignments

Creating an Adaptive Assignment

  1. Navigate to your course and click Manage.

  2. Click Add.

  3. Select Adaptive Assignment.

  4. Click the Objectives you would like to include in your assignment. You can search for a particular learning objective using the Search bar or you can expand the chapters in the table of contents to view the topics and objectives.

  5. Select the checkboxes next to the Objectives you would like to include in your assignment.

    Note: The counter at the bottom of the Objectives page will show how many objectives you’ve selected, the range for how many questions on average a student will have to answer, and an estimation for the amount of time the assignment will take a student to complete. Assignments can include up to 12 learning objectives.

  6. Click Next to continue.

  7. For single-topic assignments, the assignment name will auto-populate, but you may choose to rename it. For multi-topic assignments, enter a name. Choose the date and time that your assignment will be available, the due date and time, and whether you would like students to start the assignment with the required instructional material before answering questions. If you want to alter the objectives you’ve selected, click the Edit button.

  8. When you’re happy with your choices, click the Create button to finish building your assignment.

Editing an Adaptive Assignment

  1. Navigate to your course and click Manage.

  2. Click the three dots and select Edit next to the assignment you’d like to make changes to.

  3. Here you can change the assignment name, available and due dates/times, and whether you want students to start with instruction. Choose Edit again to change which learning objectives are selected.
  4. Make your desired changes and click Save Changes to finish.
    Note: You cannot edit assignments after students have begun working on them.

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Creating a Test/Quiz

  1. Navigate to your course and click Manage next to the Course Outline.

  2. Click Add.

  3. Choose Select under Assessment.

  4. Type in a name for your assessment, fill in your available and due dates and times and select whether you would like to label this a Test or a Quiz.

  5. Click Next.
  6. To begin building your assessment, choose + Add Alta Question to add questions authored by Knewton or +Add Custom Question if you’d like to build your own questions.
  7. On the next page, you can search for the objectives you’d like to include in your assessment or click on the chapters and topics to browse available objectives.

  8. Before you select your objectives, select your question Preferences. You can choose whether you would like Static or Pool questions available by default and whether you would like 1 or 2 questions per objective.

  9. Click Apply to finalize your choices and return to the select objectives page.

  10. Click the checkbox next to the objective you’d like to add assessment questions for, or the Topic level checkbox to include all the objectives it covers. 
  11. Once you have selected your objectives and preferences, click Done.

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