Laboratory Safety Manual

The laboratory safety manual provides an overview of lab safety procedures and policies.

Biological Safety

Providing support, in the form of risk assessment, review, consultation and training, for research at UC Berkeley that involves the use of recombinant DNA, biohazardous materials and biological toxins.

Biosafety How Do I: collapse all...

Campus Laboratory Safety Policies

The University of California, Berkeley is committed to providing a safe and healthy working environment for the campus community. Faculty, students, and other personnel in laboratories and other academic settings may work with hazardous materials, equipment, and processes. With regard to safety and environmental protection, this teaching, and research work is governed by state and federal regulations and University policies.

New UC Systemwide Laboratory Safety Policies...

Chemical Hygiene Plan

Cal/OSHA (Title 8 CCR Sec. 5191) requires that all laboratories have a written Chemical Hygiene Plan as a fundamental chemical safety plan for the laboratory. This online resource is intended to supplement the information in the hard copy Chemical Hygiene Plan (CHP) Flipchart that includes laboratory-specific information. To obtain a CHP Flip Chart for your laboratory contact EH&S at (510) 642-3073 or [email protected]. All UC Berkeley laboratory personnel who work with laboratory chemicals must know and follow the guidance...

EH&S Inspections

The Office of Environment, Health & Safety provides inspection and self-assessment programs that assist campus with improving regulatory compliance and increase campus awareness of environment, health and safety issues.

Field Research

Safely working and conducting research outdoors, off-campus, and abroad. The UC Field Operations Safety Manual serves as a reference document and teaching tool to promote safe,...

Laser Safety

Ensuring the safe use of lasers, laser systems, and non-ionizing radiation sources. How Do I: collapse all expand all Get authorized to use a laser? Please go to the UC Learning Center and enroll in the course titled...

Non-Ionizing Radiation (Non-Laser) Manual

The modern world is full of devices that, either directly or indirectly, act as sources of non-ionizing radiation (NIR). These sources produce NIR in the electromagnetic spectrum of wavelengths/frequencies ranging from 100 nm to static fields. Many NIR sources are present on the UC Berkeley campus, either in research applications or in ancillary equipment. In general, NIR tends to be less hazardous to humans than ionizing radiation (ionizing radiation has a wavelength of less than 100 nm or a photon energy greater than 12.4 electron Volts). However, depending on the wavelength/frequency and...

Radiation Safety

Radiation SafetyRadiation Safety oversees and facilitates the use of radiation sources in research and instruction; helping to ensure safety and regulatory compliance.

Shops and Trades

Policies, procedures, and training materials for any type of shop-work activities.

Learn about the various EH&S Safety Programs or download Frequently Used Forms.

How Do I: collapse all...

Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for Labs

A standard operating procedure (SOP) is a set of instructions for performing experiments or processes that involve hazards (chemical, physical, biological, radiation). SOPs are lab-specific and include documentation of the people who have received training for that procedure.

New students and employees working in your lab should be provided with hands-on training for hazardous materials and operations that are covered by the SOPs for your lab.

SOPs by Hazard Type General Lab Safety

A library of SOP templates for common hazardous chemicals and operations is available in the...

Waste Disposal

The Office of Environment, Health & Safety maintains a Hazardous Waste Program (HWP) to develop hazard waste disposal procedures, provide orientation to campus personnel, monitor departmental hazardous waste operations, receive departmental waste and dispose of the waste, and evaluate all hazardous waste disposal activities.

What to Do in a Campus Emergency

Emergency procedure signs are posted near the stairs and elevators in every building. These signs tell you what to do during different emergencies. They also show the location of your building’s Emergency Assembly Area.

In the event of a fire: Pull on the nearest manual pull station and call 911. Only use a fire extinguisher if you’ve been trained and the exit is clear. Contact EH&S to request fire extinguisher training. By law, everyone must evacuate the building when the alarm sounds or when directed by emergency personnel or a campus issued...

Workplace Safety

California state regulations require every employer to establish, implement and maintain an effective Injury & Illness Prevention Program (IIPP). In August 2017, the University adopted a campuswide Workplace Safety Program that serves as the University’s central IIPP for creating a safe and healthful work environment. Having one program for the whole University helps to improve access, consistency, and usability across all departments. EH&S is the responsible department for overseeing the campuswide Workplace Safety Program. The campus Workplace Safety Program is based on the Injury...

Learn more about Lab Safety