Investment Management

Approximately 6% of the MBA class pursue internship and full-time opportunities in IM, all with a passion for investing and many with buy-side experience. These students are working in a range of different funds including Hedge Funds, Mutual Funds, Pension Funds, Private Wealth Management, Family Offices, Endowments, Investor Relations, and Fund of Funds. Some of the positions that our graduates have recently filled include Research Analyst, Investment Analyst, Equity/Credit Research Analyst; Investment Consultant; Portfolio Manager; and Quantitative Analyst.

Partner with the Investment Management Club

One of the most engaged and service-oriented professional MBA clubs on campus, with over 300 active members, the Investment Management Club hosts weekly stock pitch critiques, organizes global treks, markets positions for funds and hosts prominent industry speakers and educational events. Club members actively manage the Wharton Investment Management Fund, a $1.8M all cap long only fund.

Wharton MBA Job Board

The Wharton MBA Job Board provides an opportunity for companies to advertise summer internships, short-term projects and full-time positions to the 1,600 MBA students on campus and 88,000 alumni around the world.

Host IM Treks

Investment Management treks historically have been among the most active and successful student trips, visiting funds all over the world. The Career Management office and the IM Club work in conjunction to identify cities and countries of interest to schedule visits with host companies and alumni. Hosting is a great opportunity to interact with an identified group of interested students

Wharton MBA Career Management Key Contacts

Relationship Manager
Megan Kling
[email protected]

Investment Management Club Co-Presidents 2024-25

Kristy Baba
[email protected]

Rahul Bammi
[email protected]

Ksenia Bobrik
[email protected]

Restructuring & Distressed Investing
Club Co-Presidents 2024-25

Alex Lu
[email protected]

Gvantsa Nikabadze
[email protected]