The Witching is a comic book series written by Jonathan Vankin and Leigh Gallagher, with Tara McPherson creating the cover art. This comic was published in the United States by the DC Comics imprint Vertigo. A total of 10 monthly issues were released in 2004 and 2005. Issue #5 featured a guest artist, Mark Buckingham, best known as the regular artist on the Vertigo series, Fables.

The Witching
Publication information
FormatOngoing series
Publication dateAugust 2004 – May 2005
No. of issues10
Creative team
Written byJonathan Vankin
Penciller(s)Leigh Gallagher
Inker(s)Ron Randall
Letterer(s)Phil Balsman
Colorist(s)Brian Miller
Editor(s)Shelly Bond
Mariah Huehner

