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UiT Info

UiT Info – Alta UiT Info – Harstad UiT Info – Narvik UiT Info – Tromsø UiT Info – Faculty of Health Sciences UiT Info – Faculty of Law

UiT Info – Alta

UiT Info – Alta is located in Glassgata at the main entrance. We have a number of services that both students and staff benefit from. As a new student, this is where you go to print student IDs / key cards / parking cards. Here you also get the information and guidance you need to get started with your studies.

If we can not help, we know who can!

Opening hours
08:00–15:30 weekdays (summer hours 08:00–14:45 from 15 May to 14 September)

Phone: +47 78 45 06 00
Email: [email protected]

Study services (self-service portal)

  • Student / key cards
  • Parking cards
  • Audio and video services – we will help you connect and make sure you can start your audio and video conversation with those you want. Remember to book the video conference room early so that you are sure that no one else uses it when you need it.
  • Printing
  • Grade transcripts and confirmations
  • Lending of dictaphones etc.
  • Book lockers
  • Lost and found

You will find answers to most questions about:

UiT Info – Harstad

Bilde av sørvistorget i Harstad

At UiT Info – Harstad you can leave messages, get transcripts of records and student confirmations, and we can help you find the right person at UiT in Harstad if you have questions or problems.

Opening hours
08:00–15:45 Monday – Thursday, 08:00–15:00 Friday (summer hours 08:00-15:00 from May 15th to September 14th)

Phone: +47 77 05 81 46
E-mail: [email protected]

Study services (self-service portal)


UiT Info – Harstad offers the following services:

If we can not help, we know who can!

You will find answers to most questions about:

About transcripts of records and diplomas


Diplomas are issued automatically after you have completed your education and therefore do not need to be ordered. More information about diplomas can be found here.

Transcript of records

If you need to share your results digitally, you can use the Diploma Registry. Here you can also download them. You can also download or order transcripts via Studentweb. More information about transcripts can be found here.

UiT Info – Narvik

UiT Info – Narvik is located to the right at the main entrance. Here you can leave messages, get transcripts of records and student confirmations, and we can help you find the right person at UiT in Narvik if you have questions or problems.

Opening hours
08:00–15:30 weekdays (summer hours 08:00–14:45 from 15 May to 14 September)

Phone: +47 76 96 60 10
Email: [email protected]

Study services (self-service portal)


UiT Info – Narvik offers the following services:

If we can not help, we know who can!

You will find answers to most questions about:

About transcripts of records and diplomas


Diplomas are issued automatically after you have completed your education and therefore do not need to be ordered. More information about diplomas can be found here.

Transcript of records

If you need to share your results digitally, you can use the Diploma Registry. Here you can also download them. You can also download or order transcripts via Studentweb. More information about transcripts can be found here.

UiT Info – Tromsø

Opening hours
10:00–15:00 weekdays.

Location: Culture and Social Sciences Library in Breivika, Tromsø 
Phone: +47 77 64 40 00 (opening hours 09:00-15:00, lunch between 11:30–12:00).
Email: [email protected]

Study services (self-service portal)


UiT Info offers the following services:

You will find answers to most questions about:

About transcripts of records and diplomas

At UiT Info, you will be able to retrieve a transcript of records with your results from UiT. We can not print diplomas for you.

Diplomas are issued automatically after you have completed your education and therefore do not need to be ordered. The exception is a bachelor's degree in freely combined subjects, which you must apply for. More information about diplomas can be found here.

Transcript of records
If you need to share your results digitally, you can use the Diploma Registry. Here you can also download them. You can also download or order transcripts via Studentweb. More information about transcripts can be found here.

UiT Info – Faculty of Health Sciences

Opening hours
09:00–14:00. UiT Info – Faculty of Health Sciences is closed for lunch 11:30-12:00.

MH building west, level 8
Phone: +47 77 64 46 10
E-Mail: [email protected]

Contact and order forms (self-service portal)

Postal address
UiT Info
Seksjon for forskning, utdanning og formidling Helsefak
Faculty of Health Sciences
UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Po. Box 6050, Langnes
9037 Tromsø, Norway

Reception of goods
UiT the Arctic University of Norway,
Faculty of Health Sciences,
Varemottak MH- øst, plan 6,
Sykehusveien 44,
9019 Tromsø


You will find answers to most questions about:

Other inquiries
  • Publication on info screens (UiT Info – Faculty of Health Sciences has the editorial responsibility for info screens belonging to the Faculty of Health Sciences)
  • Publication on the Noticeboard (Tavla) for employees and students at the faculty
  • Right copy in Norwegian and English
  • Submission of a medical certificate in connection with the exam, police certificate, MRSA form, travel expenses and more
Lost & found

On level 6, by the trees, there is a trolley where clothes, mittens, scarfs and other garments are placed and may be found.

All valuable items must be delivered to/picked up at UiT Info on level 8.


UiT Info – Faculty of Law

Informasjonen Jurfak

Opening hours
09:00–14:00 weekdays

Teorifagbygget hus 4, plan 3
Phone: +47 77 64 41 97
E-Mail: [email protected]


We offer the following services:

  • Confirmation of study rights and leave
  • Pick-up of keys to master offices
  • Guest access cards (for employees)
  • Contact persons in the study administration
  • General information
  • Lost and found

You will find answers to most questions about:

About transcripts of records and diplomas

Diplomas are issued automatically after you have completed your education and therefore do not need to be ordered. The exception is a bachelor's degree in freely combined subjects, which you must apply for. More information about diplomas can be found here.

Transcript of records
If you need to share your results digitally, you can use the Diploma Registry. Here you can also download them. You can also download or order transcripts via Studentweb. More information about transcripts can be found here.

  • Malin Elise Rasmussen Hansen
  • Birgitte Greve-Isdahl Mohn
  • Marie Victoria Gaupholm