Tromsø Arctic-Alpine Botanical Garden

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Illustrasjonsbilde Experience the museum at night

Experience the museum at night

Enjoy an evening of culture, science, and social enrichment when the Arctic University Museum of Norway is open until 9 PM on one Wednesday every month!

Illustrasjonsbilde Highlights from the Botanic Garden

Highlights from the Botanic Garden

Don't miss these flowering plants this week at Tromsø Arctic-Alpine Botanic Garden. We have lots of space, free entrance, and open 24/7. Welcome!

Illustrasjonsbilde Cassiope vol. 2

Cassiope vol. 2

Rhododendron lapponicum, Cassiope tetragona and a fascinating birch forest – excursion guide to Holmevassfjellet near Tromsø by Arve Elvebakk and Kristian Nyvoll. Journal published by Tromsø Arctic-Alpine Botanic Garden at UiT The Arctic University Museum of Noway, April 2021.