Madeline (TV series)

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Madeline is an animated television series, part of the Madeline media franchise.

Season 1


Madeline and the Forty Thieves [1.1]

Narrator: In an old house in Paris that was covered with vines...lived 12 little girls in two straight lines. They left the house at half past 9:00 in two straight rain...or shine.
Miss Clavel: Ten, eleven, twelve...ahh!
Narrator: The smallest one was Madeline. On a windy day in early fall, Miss Clavel said....
Miss Clavel: Let us not go outside at all.
Girls: Oh, we cannot stay inside! Please, Miss Clavel?
Narrator: But the girls were set to go to the zoo, where they wrapped up in scarves, red, green, and blue, and headed down the avenue. Wind was blowing everywhere. It blew them to the polar bear. And to the tiger turning blue, Madeline could only say...
Madeline: Ah-choo!
Miss Clavel: Right away, my darlings. We must go home.
Narrator: The girls lined up all set to go, as Chloe exclaimed.....
Chloe: Where is my hat?
Madeline: We must find it.
Danielle: Where could it be?
Narrator: They searched high, and they searched low. Where the hat had gone, they didn't know.
Miss Clavel: We must count it lost. I am sorry, Chloe. Now, let's go!
Narrator: But Chloe's cap was only the start. More and more facts began to depart.
Danielle: My shoes? Where have they gone?
Madeline: My brand-new mittens. Have you seen them, Pepito?
Pepito: Your very handsome red ones?
Chloe: My sock! It is gone. Who took it?
Narrator: Just as Miss Clavel had feared, so many facts have disappeared.
Miss Clavel: Really, little girls! You are getting so absent-minded. Ohh! My coat! It was here yesterday. Where could it be? Do not laugh, my little ones. How could this occur?
Narrator: But the response to that was left unsaid. Then they sat down and broke their bread...
Girls: We love our bread, we love our butter, but most of all, we love each other.
Narrator: And brushed their teeth and went to bed.
Miss Clavel: Goodnight, little girls. I hope you sleep well.
Girls: Goodnight, dear Miss Clavel!
Narrator: Then Miss Clavel turned out the light...but tonight, there was no pillow fight, for the little girls had a horrible fright.
Danielle: What is that?
Chloe: What is that?
Nicole: Oh, dear!
Danielle: It is only Madeline. It is one of her tricks.
Madeline: Excuse me, Danielle. But how can that be me if I am right here next to you? It is Miss Clavel.
Miss Clavel: Little girls, I heard a strange, strange noise.
Girls: We were so afraid! What can it be?
Miss Clavel: There it is again, my little ones.
Madeline: It is coming from the attic. We must go and see.
Narrator: 11 little girls all hid in fright, afraid to find the awful sight that made the creaky noise that evening.
Chloe: I will not go up there!
Narrator: But Miss Clavel and Madeline refused to frighten. They hurried away to find the noise upstairs. The attic is an eerie place. They tiptoed in with solemn grace. But until they entered, they cried...
Miss Clavel and Madeline: Eek!
Narrator: Because something in the room went creak.
Miss Clavel: Do you hear it? Look. Something is there. Oh! It is just the window screen.
Narrator: Then Madeline's eyes grew wide with fright, for someone had been there that evening.
Madeline: Miss Clavel, faster! Look here! Our old winter clothing has all disappeared!
Miss Clavel: Csendes!
Madeline: Look! Look! That's it! There he is!

Madeline and the Dog Show [1.2]

Narrator: In an old house in Paris that was covered with vines...
Madeline: Let's go, Genevieve.
Narrator: Lived 12 little girls in two straight lines. They left the house at half past 9:00 in two straight rain...or shine. The smallest one was Madeline. Wherever the girls went, their dog went, as well. There was nothing Genevieve could not do so. Everybody loved her well, all the girls and Miss Clavel.
Miss Clavel: Madeline, I believe that Genevieve is the smartest dog in all of Paris.
Madeline: Excuse me, Miss Clavel, but that is not correct.
Miss Clavel: No?
Madeline: No. Genevieve's the smartest dog in all the world.
Miss Clavel: Yes, Madeline. That is correct.
Narrator: As Genevieve walked from door to door, her many friends would say, "hello." One day, Genevieve began to bark until she saw a poster near the park. A contest would be held to see which dog was the finest in Paris.
Madeline: A competition to find the finest dog in all of Paris? Genevieve, that is you.
Nicole: Without a doubt. Why, look.
Chloe: Her coat is so shiny.
Danielle: And so is her nose.
Madeline: Her manners are perfect.
Miss Clavel: But, yes. That's true. The finest dog in Paris––I mean, in all the world––––is Genevieve.
Narrator: In the 12 little girls' adoring eyes, their dog had already won first prize.
Madeline: What other dog can juggle...multiply...and sing...all at once?
Girls: Yay, Genevieve! Bravo!
Narrator: Then the girls groomed Genevieve from make sure she would win the best in show.
Madeline: You are the best-smelling dog in Paris, isn't it? And the bravest, as well.
Narrator: For they recalled Genevieve the brave, who had saved Madeline from a watery grave. But as the time to leave drew near...Miss Clavel cried, "oh, dear, oh, dear. What an awful mess you girls have made here."
Madeline: Pardon me, Miss Clavel. I know we have made a mess, but it was worth it. Look at our Genevieve! Is she not the perfect dog?
Miss Clavel: Yes, yes, Madeline. Genevieve is the perfect dog. Now, let us make the room as clean as this doggy.
Narrator: In the blink of an eye, the old house was neat. And the girls all headed up the street. Dogs of every shape and size came to try for the famous prize. But Madeline did not concern a bit. Her dog would win. He was sure of it.
Woman: May I help you, little girl?
Madeline: My friends and I want to enter Genevieve in the competition, please.
Woman: Very well. Here is your entry number.
Man: No, no! This will not do so!
Narrator: Just until Genevieve was about to enter, a man stepped forward front and center.
Man: This dog cannot compete!
Woman: No, no, no!
Miss Clavel: What is the meaning of this?
Woman: This dog cannot compete because she had no pedigree!
Man: A mixed breed of highly uncertain heritage. She is not nice enough for this show! No! No, and again, no!
Madeline: That is true. She has no pedigree, but we will go get one. Come, let us go to the pedigree shop!
Miss Clavel: Impossible, Madeline. A pedigree shows that a dog's parents are both the same breed. And Genevieve is a mixture.
Narrator: The dog could not enter with no pedigree, but Madeline and her friends did not agree.
Miss Clavel: We do not need a pedigree to know that Genevieve is the best dog in the world.
Girls: Yes! Yes! Yes! We love you, Genevieve.
Miss Clavel: Certainly!
Madeline: Now all of Paris will never know what a wonderful dog you are.

Madeline and the Easter Bonnet [1.3]

Narrator: In an old house that was covered with vines...lived 12 little girls in two straight lines. They left the house at half past two straight lines, in rain or shine. The smallest one is Madeline. At Easter, Paris was in flower. From the banks of the the Eiffel Tower. Along each boulevard and alley bloomed crocus and lily of the valley.
Butcher: Ah-choo!
All: Hello.
Narrator: The streets were fresh as morning dew, but not everything looked brand-new. Bon-Bon, the old milk wagon mare, wore a straw hat sorely needing repair. A sight that Madeline could not bear.
Madeline: [gasps] Hang on, Bon-Bon! Woah!
Miss Clavel: What is our Madeline up to now?
Narrator: Said Miss Clavel with furrowed brow.
Madeline: Hello, Jacques. Hello, Bon-Bon.
Jacques: Hello, Madeline.
Madeline: Bon-Bon...your hat is a mess. If you lend it to us, we could make it into a beautiful Easter bonnet.
Jacques: Ah, yes, Madeline. Perhaps if her hat looked better, she'd get a little pep back into her.
Madeline: We will return it tomorrow, Bon-Bon, and it will look as fresh as spring.
Jacques: Very well, Miss Madeline. But remember, Bon-Bon will not deliver milk without her hat.
Madeline: Then it will be ready first fact, before you start your rounds.
Narrator: Then Madeline borrowed the tired old bonnet...and hurried to begin work on it. The other girls wanted to help so much that each one added her own special touch.

Madeline and the New House [1.4]

Girls: We love our bread, we love our butter, but most of all, we love...our old house!
Narrator: And tried to brush their teeth......
Girls: There is not enough room!
Narrator: And go to bed.
Girls: Cots!
Narrator: But there was more to complain about. The kitchen made Mrs. Murphy pout.
Madeline: Hello, little mouse. Hello. Well!
Narrator: The mice made Madeline want to shout.
Madeline: Catch, Genevieve!
Narrator: And for a dog, life could be hard without a grassy, large backyard.
Madeline: This place is horrible!
Nicole: I hate it!
Chloe: How can we live here?
Danielle: I want to go home.
Mrs. Murphy: What an impossible kitchen!
Miss Clavel: Please, please, please. This is our home now, and we should be thankful to be here together.

Madeline and the Soccer Star [1.5]

Narrator: In an old house in Paris that was covered with vines...lived 12 little girls in two straight lines. The smallest one was Madeline. They left the house at half past 9:00 off to play soccer in two straight lines...while Miss Clavel tended the vines.
Miss Clavel: Play well, my darlings. I am very sorry I cannot go with you. I must take care of my vegetable garden.
Girls: Farewell, Miss Clavel! Farewell!
Chloe: Farewell with your cabbages and onions.
Girls: Ooh! Ooh-la-la. Look at that! Hello! Hello! Good morning to you all!
Pepito: Hello, Madeline!
Narrator: Their soccer team was called The Tigers. It was one of the best in the all-school league. They practiced each day from morning till dark. Pepito's father, their coach, led the team to the park.
Madeline: Come, Pepito. Let us plan our strategy.
Pepito: I hear we are playing The Kings in the championship.
Madeline: Do not concern. We tigers have beaten them twice.
Pepito: But they have beaten us twice.
Madeline: Do not worry, Pepito. Three will be our magic number.
Girls: Yay! Yippee!
Coach: Huh...
Narrator: All of The Tigers could kick and throw far, but the smallest team player was their biggest star.
Pepito: Yay! Go, Madeline!
Narrator: The Tigers played soccer with speed and with might, but something was missing, something not right.
Coach: If they only had a secret weapon, like the perfect pass I had in my youth or perhaps a grand kick.
Narrator: They practiced and practiced till they had each play right. They were yet in the park past the hours of twilight.
Girls: Farewell! See you tomorrow!
Narrator: At the Old House, Miss Clavel had no cheer, because her garden was quite a disaster this year.
Madeline: Miss Clavel, are you alright?
Miss Clavel: Yes, my darling. But look, my garden!
Narrator: What could they say about the vegetables she'd grown? The cabbages were rotten, which made the girls moan.
Madeline: It is alright, Miss Clavel. We do not like vegetables anyhow.
Both: That is right. We do not like vegetables.
Miss Clavel: But that is not true. You usually love them. Besides, they are nice for you.
Narrator: Then suddenly, Miss Clavel felt very much better. She remembered the arrival of a reluctant letter.
Miss Clavel: Madeline, I almost forgot. I have something for you.
Chloe: Hurry up, Madeline!
Danielle: Who is this from?
Girls: We want to see!
Madeline: It is from my cousin Andre. He lives on a farm. "Our farmhouse is very old, where Papa is fixing it." Andre asks if he can stay with us while they're working on his house.
Miss Clavel: Oh. Really? He wants to come next week? We'd better get ready!
Chloe: What is your cousin like Madeline?
Madeline: I last saw him if we were both 3. He was very handsome then.
Narrator: That evening, they spoke about Cousin Andre. Everyone had a little something to say.
Danielle: He must be very strong......
Chloe: And tall...
Nicole: With a fancy horse.....
Danielle: And fine country clothes.....
Chloe: Yes. Silk scarves and a diamond stickpin.
Miss Clavel: And I bet he will be a big help with my garden.

Madeline and the Toy Factory [1.6]

Madeline: I am so happy to be your friend, Giselle. And Miss Clavel said we can come back to play again.
Giselle: I am glad you are not a doll, Madeline.
Narrator: Then Madeline asked if it was alright for Giselle to come and stay the night.
Giselle: Oh, please, may I, Mum?
Mother: Yes, my darling.
Miss Clavel: Farewell!
Girls: Farewell! See you tomorrow!
Giselle: If I come home, will we play outside more often, Mum?
Mother: Yes, yes. We will.

Madeline at Cooking School [1.7]

Narrator: In an old house in Paris that was covered with vines...
Madeline: Bonjour.
Narrator: Lived 12 little girls in 2 straight lines. They left the house at 12:09 in two straight rain...or shine. The smallest one was Madeline.
Girls: Bravo! Magnifique! Magnifique.
Narrator: The day was fine. The day was rare. Delicious scents were in the air.
Madeline: Did you hear my tummy rumble? J'ai faim.
Nicole: Ha ha! Madeline, was that your tummy?
Madeline: No, no. I am not that hungry.
Miss Clavel: Vite, vite. Hurry up, little girls, before we get soaked to the skin.
Together: Oh, dear.
Narrator: As they rushed from the gust and gale, Madeline saw a girl so frail. Imagine–––thinner than a rail. This hungry child was glad to find the food that others left behind.
Miss Clavel: Come, Madeline. We must hurry home for lunch.
Madeline: Oui, Miss Clavel. Some of us are very hungry.
Narrator: The thundering storm turned the heavens dark as night. And Miss Clavel turned on the light and said...
Miss Clavel: Oh! Something is not right! Ohh! Mrs. Murphy! Quel dommage!
Narrator: Dr. Cohen explained it was the flu, and their cook would soon be nice as new. She can rest in bed, she can read a book, but absolutely, she must not cook.
Miss Clavel: Attendez, little girls. Today we must leave Mrs. Murphy alone.
Nicole: But what will we eat?
Chloe: We have never cooked for ourselves before.
Miss Clavel: Do not worry, Chloe.
Narrator: Now Miss Clavel looked up in terror, for she had made a horrible error.
Miss Clavel: Zut alors! I forgot that Lord Cucuface is coming for lunch today.
Lord Cucuface: Huh!
Miss Clavel: Bonjour, Lord Cucuface.
Lord Cucuface: Nice day. I've been waiting so long, are you sure that is not good night?
Lord Cucuface: I trust I will not need to wait for my lunch.
Miss Clavel: Ah, oui. Un moment, s'il vous plait.
Lord Cucuface: Miss Clavel, do you need my lunch, or do you not?
Miss Clavel: Oh!
Madeline: We shall be serving lunch momentarily, Lord Cucuface.
Lord Cucuface: "We"? You? Serving lunch?
Madeline: Oui, us. My assistants and I are making lunch today.
Lord Cucuface: I did not know the little girls could cook. What a surprise.
Miss Clavel: Indeed so. A surprise for everyone.
Narrator: The girls broke out the bread and butter...and put one piece atop the other...till they heard a loud voice utter...
Pepito: Hola!
Narrator: Wherever it was time for lunch, Pepito's stomach had a hunch. He came around in time to munch.
Pepito: And what has Mrs. Murphy stuffed today?
Chloe: Mrs. Murphy is sick, and we are cooking lunch for Lord Cucuface.
Pepito: Plain bread and butter for the Chairman of the Board of the Trustees?
Madeline: Maybe we should add some other ingredients. Brie...Roquefort...Camembert...oh!
Chloe: Mmm. Mingumberry jam.
Pepito: Olives!
Chloe: How do you get the olives to stick to the bread?
Nicole: Try this chocolate syrup.
Lord Cucuface: By the time I get my lunch, it'll be time for dinner.
Narrator: And then for the esteemed trustee, the children made a specialty, a feast of creativity.
Madeline: Merci, Genevieve.
Nicole: Whipped cream.
Pepito: And chili peppers.
Madeline: Just a pinch of salt, and we will be done. Oops!
Lord Cucuface: At last! You must have been making beef wellington.
Madeline: Non, Monsieur. We have been making cheese sandwiches a la Cucuface. Since they are named after you, Lord Cucuface, you must try the first one.
Lord Cucuface: Huh. No, merci beaucoup, but ladies first, of course. Ha ha ha.
Girls: We love our bread, we love our butter, but most of all, we love each other.
Narrator: Madeline was elected to take the first taste, which was not expected. Soon facts went from bad to worse because the trustee's reaction was adverse. The little girls began to shriek...
Girls: Lord Cucuface is turning green!

Madeline at the Ballet [1.8]

Miss Clavel: Oh please, please, pick Madeline.
Gaston de Valmont: I do not think this one will do. No, no. Totally too small.
Narrator: He chose each girl along the line, except for one girl.....Madeline.

Madeline and the Singing Dog [1.9]

Narrator: In an old house in Paris that was covered with vines...
Madeline: Bravo, Genevieve. Let's go.
Narrator: Lived 12 little girls in 2 straight lines. They left the house at half past two straight rain or shine. The smallest one was Madeline. One day, Miss Clavel cried with delight until she found a letter in gold and white inviting them all to the opera that evening.
Miss Clavel: Little girls, this is from Lord Cucuface. He thinks you he will learn a lot at the opera, but most of all, you will have fun.
Girls: Hooray! Hurray! We are going to the opera!
Madeline: Miss Clavel, what is the opera?
Miss Clavel: Madeline, the opera warns a story with beautiful music and singing, and everybody dresses up.
Chloe: I will just wear my festival dress.
Danielle: And I will wear my new shoes.
Nicole: And I will wear a ribbon in my hair.
Narrator: And then, that night, they all got dressed, each of them eager to look her best. Before long, it was time to leave, for all the girls....
Madeline: Ah, do not worry. I have not forgotten you.
Narrator: And Genevieve.
Miss Clavel: But what is this? A dog cannot go to the opera, not even Genevieve.
Girls: Please, Miss Clavel. Please? She will be so lonely without us.
Madeline: Besides, Genevieve loves beautiful singing. She is a singer herself.
Miss Clavel: Very well. Come along then, Genevieve.
Narrator: They took a lovely taxi ride...and all got out....and walked inside.
Conductor: I'm sorry, but the dog will need to remain outside.
Madeline: But this dog has perfect behavior.
Girls: That is true. She is perfect. She will not misbehave.
Conductor: We cannot need any barking during the opera.
Miss Clavel: Do not worry. I can assure you that Genevieve will not bark.
Conductor: And she had better not whine.
Miss Clavel, Mister, if you let Genevieve in, I personally guarantee that she will not make a peep.
Conductor: Very well, but if there is the tiniest little dog noise, she will be thrown out in an instant.
Miss Clavel: Thank you, mister.
Narrator: Then Miss Clavel called them to attention. There were some facts she had to mention. She said, be silent as a mouse.
Miss Clavel: Csendes! Only singers should be heard in an opera house.
Girls: We will be very silent, Miss Clavel. We promise.
Narrator: At that, the opera house went dark. The girls did not speak, and their dog did not bark. While they sat there in a row...the baritone almost stole the show...singing louder. Everyone looked, but none could believe.....that singing along was Genevieve. And right away, they were asked to leave.
Chloe: I have never been so embarrassed in my entire life.
Nicole: Me as well.
Danielle: Me, as well.
Miss Clavel: I agree, little girls. Genevieve was a very naughty dog.
Narrator: Miss Clavel said....
Miss Clavel: Genevieve, you did not behave right, then you must sleep outside tonight.
Madeline: Miss Clavel...huh.
Narrator: And she walked in the house and turned out the light. But before long, an impresario who heard her singing, Figaro said....
Figaro: I will help you. Come. Let's go. The little girls do not want you anymore. Look how they have made you sleep outside.

Madeline's Winter Vacation [1.10]

Radio: Snow warning–––blizzard moving in tonight. Repeat, snowstorm alert. Snow will accumulate up to 2 feet in mountain areas. [girls cheer]
Hilda: Let us hope there is not too much.
Narrator: Later, the children ate gingerbread...and brushed their teeth....and went to bed. But they thought they heard some monsters peep, and not even one could fall asleep. In the middle of the night, Miss Clavel turned on the light and said...
Miss Clavel: Something is not right.
Narrator: Miss Clavel ran fast and faster, hurrying toward the new disaster.
Madeline: Miss Clavel, save us!
Miss Clavel: What is this, my little ones?
Chloe: The monster!
Miss Clavel: What monster?
Nicole: The abominable snowman. He is outside her window. Listen.
Madeline: Look! There he is!
Miss Clavel: How awful!

Madeline in Hollywood [1.11]

Director: Lights! Camera! Everybody on the set! Slate! Action!
Sugar Dimples: What a lovely day! It fills my heart with joy! Marie.
Madeline: Yes, missus?
Sugar Dimples: I'm off to invite all the poor children to have holiday dinner with me.
Madeline: Yes, miss.
[Sugar Dimples bumps into a vase and smashes it onto the floor]
Director: Cut!
Sugar Dimples: Look what you made me do, little amateur!
Madeline: But I––
Man: Uh, no problem. We'll replace the vase and shoot the scene again.
Sugar Dimples: It was all her fault! I don't want her in my movie. Fire her!
Madeline: Fire me? This is so unfair.

Madeline and the Pirates [1.12]

Narrator: Then there were fireworks......bright confetti....and there was music and spaghetti. Soon they were sleepy as could be.
Pepito: Look!
Narrator: Then they sat and watched the waves on the sea.
Lord Cucuface: Children, I'm glad you are safe. Now you can all enjoy a nice, relaxing sail home.
Madeline: Please, no, Lord Cucuface. I want to help you sail home.
Pepito: Me, as well.
Girls: Us, as well.
Lord Cucuface: Well, maybe you're right. A little adventure is nice for boys and girls, and perhaps even for Lord Cucuface, as well. Ha ha ha!

Madeline's Birthday at the Zoo [1.13]

Narrator: In an old house in Paris that was covered with vines...lived 12 little girls in two straight lines. They left the house at half past 9:00...
Miss Clavel: Let's go, little girls. Hurry up!
Narrator: In two straight rain...or shine.
Girls: This is so much fun!
Narrator: The smallest one was Madeline. She was not afraid of mice. She loved winter, snow and ice. One fine morning, without a peep, from the bedroom the girls did creep.
Chloe: [whispering] Silence!
Danielle: Silence.
Nicole: Silence.
Narrator: On Madeline's birthday, they let her sleep.
Together: We love our bread, we love our butter, but most of all, we love each other. Csendes!
Miss Clavel: Listen, little girls. We are giving our Madeline a surprise festival at 3:00.
Girls: Hooray! A birthday festival!
Narrator: Everyone would be there, even the mouse. But they had to get Madeline out of the house.
Danielle: But how? I know! We will send her up in a big balloon.
Chloe: No, no. We will play hide-and-seek and never find her.
Nicole: No, no. We will send her on a very, very long taxi ride.
Several Girls: No, no!
Narrator: They thought and thought a little more...
Girls: Huh...huh...
Narrator: Till they heard a knock upon the door...and in walked Pepito and the Ambassador.
Ambassador: Good morning, Miss Clavel.
Pepito: Good morning. For Madeline's birthday, my father and I would like to take everyone to the zoo!
Girls: Hurray! The zoo!
Miss Clavel: The little girls cannot go, Pepito, but if you like, you may take Madeline.
Narrator: Now, the girls knew what to do while Madeline was at the zoo.
Girls: That is a wonderful idea!
Madeline: What is a wonderful idea?
Girls: Oh, nothing. Nothing, Madeline. Happy birthday, Madeline!
Both: Yes. Happy birthday.
Madeline: Thank you! I hope this is a birthday I will never forget. Will I have a festival?
Miss Clavel: I am sorry. I am very sorry, Madeline, but that is impossible. But that is for a very nice reason.
Girls: Yes!
Miss Clavel: That is because....uh...because, uh...excuse me. That could be the reason now. Hello? Yes, sir. Alright. Farewell. My children, that is because Lord Cucuface is coming. Everyone must stay home and clean the house.
Madeline: That is alright. I will need another birthday next year.
Miss Clavel: Do not be silly, Madeline. You will have a special day at the zoo. Pepito and his father will take you.
Madeline: Oh. Really?
Miss Clavel: Really.
Madeline: Hooray! I love the zoo!
Narrator: As Pepito gave Madeline a box that was tall, inside it, she found a new parasol.
Madeline: That is my favorite color––yellow.
Narrator: Oh, Pepito was a thoughtful fellow.
Miss Clavel: Have a nice time. And you must be home by 5 to 3:00. That is until Lord Cucuface is arriving.
Madeline: I will, Miss Clavel. I promise.
Girls: Farewell!
Narrator: Without much fuss or much ado, the Ambassador led them to the zoo.
Ambassador: I will stay here––––I have much work, a lot of work––––while you are visiting the zoo. Remember, to be back by 4:00.
Narrator: Said the Spanish Ambassador. Madeline said....
Madeline: That cannot be. We must be home by 5 to 3:00.
Ambassador: You are right. I forgot. Yes, yes.
Narrator: Then Pepito and Madeline strolled all around, seeing lions....and penguins...then birds, green and brown.
Madeline: Look!
Gerard: Hello, Madeline.
Madeline: Hello, Mister Gerard. Hello, Coco. Guess what? Today is my birthday!
Gerard: Then we will do something special.
Narrator: Then the organ grinder's monkey had a chance to delight Madeline with a birthday dance.
Madeline: Ha ha! Farewell.
Gerard: Farewell.
Narrator: A tiger growled with much ado...but Madeline just said......
Madeline: Pooh, pooh.
Narrator: The monkeys chattered.....and the littlest one climbed up a tree.
Both: Hello.
Zookeeper: Hello!
Madeline: Mr. Zookeeper, guess what? Today is my birthday!
Zookeeper: Ah! Very well, my little one. Happy birthday.
Narrator: Then the monkey slipped out, and that is not all.
Madeline: Oh, dear! You naughty, naughty monkey!
Narrator: The rascal grabbed Madeline's new parasol.
Together: Come back, you naughty monkey! Come back!

Madeline at the Louvre [1.14]

Narrator: In an old house in Paris that was covered with vines...lived 12 little girls in 2 straight lines. They left the house at half past 9:00 in two straight lines. The smallest one was Madeline. There is a small Parisian street where people of grand talent meet. And going there is quite a treat. Musicians, mimes with red suspenders......dancers, clowns and ice-cream vendors. And the most colorful, if not the smartest, are the many, many artists. They paint one picture and another. They'll sketch your cat or dog or mother. One artist that they knew quite well was an old friend of Miss Clavel.
Miss Clavel: Hello, Ludwig. How are you?
Ludwig: Very well, miss. You are looking well. And then, of course, are the little girls.
Girls: Thank you, Mr. Ludwig.
Narrator: Ludwig's goatee was white as snow. And his eyebrows wiggled to and fro. The entire world was his studio.
Girls: Draw me! Oh, please!
Madeline: Tremendous! How I wish I could draw like you, Ludwig.
Ludwig: You can try, Madeline, but it takes a lot of hard work.
Narrator: Then Madeline sat down with some paints and a brush.
Madeline: My first artwork looks a lot like mush.
Miss Clavel: Oh, I...ahem! Just keep trying, my little one. It will come. You must have patience.
Narrator: Then Madeline took another try, but it resembled a mud pie. She used charcoal, inks and oil. How our Madeline did our toil. But each new work was fast to spoil. Every doodle, sketch or copy was very rough or downright sloppy. Eventually, with a sudden thrust, she threw down her brushes in disgust.
Miss Clavel: I know you are outrageous, Madeline. But that is no reason to give up. Maybe Ludwig can come and tutor you.
Madeline: Do you mean it? Would he?
Miss Clavel: I will give him a call.
Narrator: The very next day at 10 to 4:00, Ludwig came to their front door and squirted paint upon the floor.
Ludwig: Oh! I'm sorry, miss. I–I am horribly sorry.
Miss Clavel: Do not worry, Ludwig. We can clean it up. But, uh...maybe you had better work outside in the garden.
Ludwig: Certainly! Now, Madeline, there are many kinds of artwork styles––baroque, neoclassical, rococo, romantic.
Madeline: Huh...he does not look very romantic to me.
Ludwig: Ahh! But romantic artists showed feeling and emotion, look at the strong color and dramatic pose.
Madeline: Ah! I see what you mean, Ludwig.
Ludwig: And here are some examples of realism, impressionism, post-impressionism and cubism.
Madeline: These are not just cubes. I see a fruit and a bottle and a guitar.
Ludwig: Cubist artists use colors and shapes to represent their ideas and feelings.
Madeline: Look, Ludwig. A cubist.
Ludwig: Yes. Very well, Madeline. But you need not copy the grand works. You should paint what is reluctant to you. Paint what you feel. Paint what you see. Remember, no one else is you!

Madeline and the Missing Clown [1.15]

Narrator: In an old house in Paris that was covered with vines...
Madeline: Let's go, Genevieve.
Narrator: Lived 12 little girls in 2 straight lines. They left the house at half past 2 straight lines in rain or shine. The smallest one was Madeline.
Madeline: What? Miss Clavel, Miss Clavel, look!
Girls: The smoke! It is black! Look at the smoke! What is wrong, Miss Clavel?
Miss Clavel: It is alright, my darlings. We will just need to call a chimney sweep the moment we get back from the circus.
Girls: Yes, Madeline, hurry up! If we miss the bus, we will miss the circus.
Narrator: A very small circus had come into town...a circus which starred the world's smallest clown.
Madeline: There he is–––Mr. Funny Bones.
Nicole: Ha ha ha. It makes me laugh just to see his picture.
Narrator: The little girls could hardly wait to see a clown who was, oh, so grand.
Miss Clavel: Thank you.
Narrator: Miss Clavel led them to their places. They sat right in front of happy faces.
Madeline: Where do we get to see Mr. Funny Bones, Miss Clavel?
Chloe: Yes, where do we see him?
Danielle: Is he coming out first?
Nicole: How much longer?
Girls: We want Mr. Funny Bones!
Miss Clavel: Patience, my darlings. The circus is complete with many other wonders.
Ringmaster: Welcome to the extraordinary circus. And now, to open our magnificent show...Antoine the Amazing.
Narrator: All the girls were thunderstruck to see the strong man lift his truck. But now and then, some eyes were hiding from the daring bareback riding.
Nicole: Be careful!
Chloe: Watch out!
Madeline: Now I know what I want to be if I grow up.
Narrator: Soon, there was grand laughter in the refreshment stands until a bear rode a bicycle with no hands.
Girls: Hooray! Bravo! Fantastic! It worked! Magnificent!
Chloe: Is he not astounding, Madeline? I could watch him forever.
Madeline: Not me. Then we would never get to see Mr. Funny Bones.
Chloe: You are right. I hope we see him very soon.
Girls: Yes! Very soon!
Miss Clavel: You will, my darlings. I assure you he is backstage right now getting ready for his performance.
Antoine: Look, everyone. Mr. Teeny Bones cannot even reach the latch. Ha ha ha!
Teeny Bones: Unh!
Antoine: Ha ha ha! Tsk tsk tsk tsk. If he were any smaller, no one could even see him. Ah ha ha ha ha ha!
Ringmaster: Ladies and gentlemen, your attention, please. Before you enjoy the grand highlight of our circus, I have a reluctant task to perform.
Girls: A reluctant task?
Nicole: What could it be?
Ringmaster: I will select an assistant from the audience to help Mr. Funny Bones in his act.
Chloe: An assistant?
Madeline: To Mr. Funny Bones.
Chloe: I hope that is me.
Nicole: No, me.
Narrator: The crowd held its breath as the ringmaster pondered, and over each face, his thoughtful eyes wandered. He did not choose the very boldest. He passed right side-by-side the very oldest. He skipped the wildest and the tallest, and in the end, he chose the smallest.
Girls: Way to go, Madeline!
Ringmaster: And what is your name, my little friend?
Madeline: Madeline.
Ringmaster: Miss Madeline, you are exactly the right size to be Mr. Funny Bones' official assistant.
Crowd: Bravo! Bravo!
Madeline: Thank you very much.
Ringmaster: Shucks! Can this be true? Ladies and gentlemen, I do not know how I am going to break this news to you. You must all go home now. The circus is canceled!
Girls: Canceled? How can this be? What does he mean? Why?
Miss Clavel: What just happened, mister?
Ringmaster: A grand mystery, madam. The star of our show is nowhere to be found. Mr. Funny Bones has disappeared!

Madeline and the Costume Party [1.16]

Narrator: In an old house in Paris that was covered with vines lived 12 little girls in two straight lines. The smallest one was Madeline.
Madeline: What could that be? An elephant loose from the zoo? An earthquake? Aha! It's coming from the Embassy.
Narrator: It was something grand, no doubt, for a giant truck was pulling out.
Madeline: Someone very reluctant must be visiting the Spanish Ambassador.
Narrator: A workman hung bright lights all over while the gardener cut the clover.
Madeline: That's it! Look!
Danielle: A tent. The biggest one I've ever seen!
Madeline: Pepito, what is going on? Is the king of Spain coming to visit?
Pepito: Perhaps both the king and queen.
Madeline: How emotional!
Pepito: And perhaps not!
Chloe: But then who is this all for?
Madeline: I know! A famous Spanish bullfighter.
Pepito: Perhaps. Then again, perhaps not.
Narrator: Not in recent history had there been such a mystery.
Madeline: Pepito! Alright, Pepito. Speak sensibly.
Pepito: I am speaking sensibly. We are having a ball. Perhaps a sheik or a princess will come. Perhaps 10 or 20!
Madeline: Perhaps? You do not know who you invited?
Pepito: It is a costume ball, silly. Anyone could show up.
Girls: Oh, wow! How emotional!
Pepito: It will be the grandest ball ever!
Madeline: We are invited, isn't it? Yes?
Pepito: You? Oh, I do not know.
Pepito's Mum: Pepito, you naughty boy. You forgot to give these to the girls!
Pepito: Oh, these! I must have forgotten, Mama.
Madeline: It is an invitation to the ball.
Pepito: Of course! You're my best friends.
Madeline: And there will be a grand prize for best costume.
Chloe: How emotional!
Nicole: I shall win!
Danielle: No, I will!
Madeline: Me!
Pepito: Come play bullfight, Madeline. I will even let you be the matador this time.
Madeline: I'm sorry, Pepito. We must start making our costumes.
Pepito: But...aah!
Narrator: The girls worked on their costumes with determination...
Danielle: I am Fatima, gypsy princess. Yippee!
Narrator: Chortling at every silly new creation.
Chloe: Beware!
Girls: Oh! Oh, dear!
Chloe: The Phantom of the Opera! Woah! Aah! Ugh!
Narrator: With their grand prize as their incentive, the little girls were most inventive.
Danielle: What is this?
Madeline: A fairy godmother? Uh-uh.
Narrator: Everyone was doing fine except, maybe, for Madeline. No matter how hard Madeline tried...she could not be satisfied. Then, left alone to do some hiking...
Madeline: Aha! I did so!
Narrator: She thought of something to her liking, and the girls knew it would be quite striking.

Madeline and the Old Violin [1.17]

Chloe: You must play. Please, do it for me.
Madeline: Miss Clavel, I want to play for Chloe, but I do not want to practice.
Girls: Yes. We do not want to practice.
Miss Clavel: Dear children, if I was your age, I played the violin, but I would not practice either.
Madeline: No?
Miss Clavel: No. And now I am sorry that I never learned to play, especially since I hear the music.
Madeline: What music?
Miss Clavel: Music is everywhere. If you listen carefully, you can hear it all around you.

Madeline and the Mean, Nasty, Horrible Hats [1.18]

Narrator: In an old house in Paris that was covered with vines...lived 12 little girls in two straight lines. They left the house at half past nine in two straight rain or shine. The smallest one was Madeline. In another old house that stood next door lived Pepito, the son of the Spanish Ambassador.
Pepito: Good morning, girls! I have wonderful news!
Girls: What is this? Warn us!
Narrator: Pepito had an invitation that brought a grand deal of elation.
Together: A trip to Spain!
Madeline: For our vacation?
Pepito: Yes, Spain! My parents cannot come, but we can stay with my aunt and uncle, and cousins at their hacienda.
Girls: Ole! Spain!
Chloe: It sounds formidable!
Danielle: It sounds fantastic!
Madeline: It we should ask Miss Clavel.
Girls: Oh, please! Please!
Miss Clavel: Are you sure that is alright with your family, Pepito?
Pepito: Yes, Miss Clavel. And I promise you a wonderful time.
Miss Clavel: In that case, thanks, Pepito. It is a lovely invitation.
Girls: Hooray! Yippee!
Chloe: Ole!
Nicole: Charge!
Narrator: The very next week, all their clothing was stacked, and in an hour or two, their luggage was packed.
Miss Clavel: Come along, little girls.
Girls: So much fun!
Pepito: Wait! Wait for me!
Girls: Farewell!
Narrator: They brought big hats for sun and umbrellas for rain. The girls were ready until they jumped on the train.
Girls: Oh, look!
Narrator: And before they all knew it, they were in Spain. As they got to the capital city, Madrid, there were all kinds of facts that the little girls did so.
Chloe: I love Madrid!
Nicole: Me, as well!
Danielle: Me, as well!
Madeline: I want to see everything. The city gate!
Miss Clavel: Look! The monument to Cervantes.
Girls: Ooh! Ahh! The city hall!
Miss Clavel: Let me see. We must visit the Royal Palace and the Prado and all the other museums.
Pepito: And I, Mr. Pepito, will be your guide. Follow me.
Girls: Thanks, Mr. Pepito.
Pepito: The Prado Museum has one of the biggest art collections in the world!
Nicole: Like the Louvre?
Pepito: But with more Spanish artists.
Girls: Ooh la la! Look at that!
Pepito: And this is the Grand Salon of the Loyal Palace, the Big Room of the Royal Palace.
Nicole: Ahh! Look! That tablecloth!
Chloe: Ahh! Magnificent!
Miss Clavel: Ha ha ha! These are tapestries, little girls.
Pepito: Yes. They cover the cold walls. C'mon, girls!
Girls: Yes, Mr. Pepito.
Pepito: One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven...aye! Where is Number 12?
Miss Clavel: Yes, yes. Where is Madeline?
Girls: Where is Madeline? Madeline!
Pepito: I think I know where she is.
Girls: Oh, Madeline! Look at the camera, Madeline!
Chloe: Say cheese, Madeline.
Narrator: The next item Pepito had on the agenda...was a trip to his family's grand hacienda.
Girls: Ooh la la!
Aunt Paca: Welcome! Oh, my little Pepito!
Pepito: Aunt Paca!
Aunt Paca: Pepito!
Uncle Paco: Aye! How you have grown!
Pepito: Aunt Paco! This is my Aunt Paca and Uncle Paco.
Uncle Paco: Welcome! Welcome, everyone, to el Rancho de los Sombreros, the Ranch of the Hats.
Girls: Hello! Hello!
Uncle Paco: Oh, do not mind the duck. She thinks my head is an egg.
Aunt Paca: I think she is hungry. Now, you children play, and soon we will all have a delicious, lunch, a feast.
Uncle Paco: Our three sons will help you with your suitcases.
Aunt Paca: Come, Miss Clavel. We will show you your room.
Narrator: Suddenly, they heard a horrible noise. It was Pepito's three cousins, who were all naughty boys.
Pepito: My cousins! My cousins!
Cousins: Hey, Pepito!
Pepito: Ahh! I see you haven't changed.
Paquito: I am Paquito.
Pablito: I am Pablito.
Panchito: And I am Panchito.
Girls: Hello.
Madeline: Huh!
Paquito: Allow me to help you with your luggage. Beaks up!
Girls: Oh!
Paquito: Oops! Ha ha ha! Oops! Oh, dear! It slipped right out of my hands. Pitiful!
Madeline: That is not very nice!
Paquito: I am very sorry. It was an incident. And to show there are no hard feelings, would you want an olive?
Nicole: Yes! Thanks! I love olives. Ow!
Girls: Hey! Woah! Yeow!
Pablito: Pepito, aren't you going to join us?
Panchito: C'mon!
Pepito: No. see...I do not want olives anymore.
Madeline: Pardon me! What Pepito is trying to say is that he used to be a naughty boy, but he is not any longer!
Nicole: He was worse than a naughty boy. He was a bad hat!
Madeline: And you boys are worse than bad hats.
Nicole: You are mean hats!
Chloe: Nasty hats!
Danielle: Horrible hats!
Girls: Mean and nasty, horrible hats!
Pepito: But they are cousins, Madeline.
Madeline: They are nothing but mean and nasty, horrible hats. Look!
Girls: Huh!

Madeline and the Talking Parrot [1.19]

Narrator: In an old house in Paris that was covered with vines...lived 12 little girls in two straight lines. They left the house at half past two straight rain...or shine. The smallest one was Madeline.
Madeline: Hello. Hello.
Narrator: On a warm and sunny day, Miss Clavel took the girls out to play. They'd run in the park with all their might and watch while the others flew a kite.
Chloe: Watch out, Madeline. Watch out!
Madeline: It is caught. Do not worry, Nicole. I will get it. Who is there?
Parrot: Who is there? Who is there?
Madeline: Ah! I asked you first.
Parrot: I asked you first. Where am I? Where am I?
Madeline: Can you not see? You are in a tree.
Parrot: Watch your step. Watch your step.
Madeline: I think you did not watch your step.
Narrator: Madeline saw that the bird couldn't fly, where she called Miss Clavel to come and see why.
Miss Clavel: Something happened to his wing. Poor fact.
Parrot: Poor fact. Poor fact.
Chloe: What is an injured parrot thinking all alone in the park, Miss Clavel?
Narrator: She asked the bird.
Miss Clavel: Where is your master?
Narrator: But all he did was speak much faster.
Parrot: Shucks! Where am I? Excuse me, my friend. Who are you? Who are you? Where am I?
Madeline: He must be lost.
Chloe: Yes. The poor fact is lost.
Madeline: Can we take him home, Miss Clavel?
Nicole: He must be very hungry.
Chloe: And he's not at all well.
Narrator: Then they headed for home at urgent speed, with Madeline and the parrot in lead.
Girls: Here, Mr. Parrot. Taste nice?
Narrator: They fed him some food, and then tended his wing with a red-and-white kerchief that they used as a sling.
Parrot: Thank you so much. You're welcome. Thank you very much. You're welcome.
Madeline: He is a very polite parrot, Miss Clavel.
Chloe: Can he be our parrot? He likes us.
Nicole: And we love him. Please let us keep him. Please?
Girls: Please, Miss Clavel? Please!
Miss Clavel: I know how you feel, my darlings, but that is not for me to decide.
Narrator: Miss Clavel was correct. It was not her place. For a matter like this, she must call Lord Cucuface.
Lord Cucuface: A parrot? They wish to keep a parrot? I will be there immediately.
Narrator: As head trustee of the boarding school, he had a list of every rule. He scanned the pages and read every word.
Lord Cucuface: I find nothing that says you can keep a big bird.
Miss Clavel: But there is nothing in the book that says you cannot keep a big bird.
Lord Cucuface: That's true. It does not say that, either.
Chloe: Then let us keep him, Lord Cucuface. Please!
Girls: Yes, Lord Cucuface! Please!
Parrot: Pardon me, please. Thank you very much. Excuse me, please.
Nicole: He is a wonderful parrot.
Madeline: Once you get to know him, you will love him, just like we do so.
Nicole: He is magnificent.
Madeline: Mr. Parrot, say hello to Lord Cucuface.
Parrot: Hello, cuckoo bird.
Madeline: His name is Lord Cucuface.
Parrot: Hello, Lord Cuckoo Clock. Watch your step.
Lord Cucuface: Cucuface! Cucuface!
Parrot: Hello, Lord Cuckoo Man. Watch your step. Watch your step.
Nicole: We will never get to keep him now.
Chloe: Never!
Narrator: But then Lord Cucuface paced the floor, and checked his rule book three times more.
Lord Cucuface: I have decided I can let you keep this parrot.
Madeline: We can?
Girls: Thank you, Lord Cucuface!
Lord Cucuface: On one condition.
Madeline: Condition?
Lord Cucuface: If he has had all his proper shots. Did you buy him at a reliable pet shop?
Madeline: I found him in the park.
Lord Cucuface: Found him? Then he must be returned to his rightful owner. First fact in the morning, I will put an ad in the newspaper.
Narrator: Then the Chairman of the Board put on his hat. He bid them hello, and away he did go.
Parrot: Hello, Lord Cuckoo Nose. Watch your step.
Lord Cucuface: Oh! Ahem.
Chloe: I do not care what Lord Cucuface says. Mr. Parrot should stay with us.
Nicole: Yes. Lord Cucuface is just mad at him because Mr. Parrot did not get his name right.
Mr. Parrot: Lord Cuckoo Bird. Lord Cuckoo Clock. Lord Cuckoo Bird. Lord Cuckoo Breath.
Madeline: Do not worry, Mr. Parrot. We will find a road to keep you.
Narrator: That night, as they slept in their beds up the stairs, they dreamed that the parrot would always be theirs. But right after midnight, Madeline awakened with surprise. She thought she heard the sound of laments.
Madeline: Do not cry, Mr. Parrot. We will make sure you never leave us.
Mr. Parrot: At my house. At my house.
Madeline: Your home?
Mr. Parrot: My home. My home.
Madeline: Do you not wish to live here?
Mr. Parrot: My house. My house.
Madeline: You want to go to your home, is that right?
Mr. Parrot: Yes, please. Thank you so much. Yes, please. Thank you very much.
Nicole: What is going on, Madeline?
Madeline: Lord Cucuface was right. We cannot keep Mr. Parrot.
Chloe: We cannot?
Madeline: No. He needs his own home too much, and we must find it.

Madeline in New York [1.20]

Mayor: Madeline, we are gonna have a parade.
Madeline: For the Yankees?
Mayor: No. For the little girl who gave us the Brooklyn Bridge and for her friends, who brought French fries to the USA.
Narrator: On Wall Street, all the bells were rung and miles of ticker tape were flung.
Mayor: I declare today "Madeline Day." Until tomorrow, Madison Avenue will be known as Madeline Avenue.

Season 2


Madeline and the Lost Crown [2.1]


Madeline on the Orient Express [2.2]


Madeline and the Dinosaur Bone [2.3]


Madeline and the Magic Carpet [2.4]


Madeline and the Treasure Hunt [2.5]


Madeline and the Mummy [2.6]


Madeline's Detective School [2.7]


Madeline and the Hunchback of Notre Dame [2.8]


Madeline and the Big Cheese [2.9]


Madeline and the Science Project [2.10]


Madeline and the Haunted Castle [2.11]


Madeline and the Wild West [2.12]


Madeline's Holiday with Mr. Grump [2.13]


Season 3


Madeline's Halloween [3.1]


Madeline and the Spider Lady [3.2]


Madeline and the Can Can Cliques [3.3]


Madeline in Cannes [3.4]


Madeline and the Show Off [3.5]


Madeline and the Wedding [3.6]


Madeline on Safari [3.7]


Madeline at the North Pole [3.8]


Madeline and Santa [3.9]


Madeline and the New Girl [3.10]


Madeline at Versailles [3.11]


Madeline at the Hotel Riche [3.12]


Madeline on Stage [3.13]


Madeline and the Marionettes [3.14]


Madeline and the Ice Skates [3.15]


Madeline and the Giants [3.16]


Madeline and the Fashion Show [3.17]


Madeline's Manners [3.18]


Madeline and the Magic Show [3.19]


Madeline's Valentine [3.20]


Madeline and the Perfume Factory [3.21]


Madeline at the Eiffel Tower [3.22]


Madeline and the Tea Party [3.23]


Madeline and the White Lie [3.24]


Madeline and the Dog Who Cried Wolf [3.25]


Madeline at the Flea Market [3.26]



  • Madeline (voiced by Tracey Lee Smythe in season 1)
  • Miss Clavel (voiced by Louise Valance in season 1)

Eleven Little Girls

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