The Package (1989 film)

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The Package is a 1989 film about an experienced Green Beret sergeant who is escorting an army deserter back to the US when he escapes. While pursuing him, the sergeant learns that his escaped prisoner is not what he seems.

Directed by Andrew Davis. Written by John Bishop.
He's one man racing against time to stop the most explosive conspiracy in history.  (taglines)

Sgt. Johnny Gallagher

  • I lost my package, a prisoner I was bringing back from Germany.
  • Who is Walter Henke?
  • Terrorists sir? They were pretty well organized. It was like a military operation.
  • Who the hell knows what is the truth and what is a lie?
  • Why would he want to smuggle himself in?
  • [to Col. Whitacre] You and I, we're in separate armies, pal - but you're out in the light now, and I'm gonna see you get stepped on!

Thomas Boyette

  • The point, John, is that the Soviets and the American military industrial complex has the entire flag waving patriotic world right by the balls.


  • Col. Glen Whitacre: There hasn't been a world war in over forty years, Sergeant! You ever wonder why? Because of nuclear weapons. We want them, the Soviets want them.


Soviet Colonel: [speaks in Russian, then switches to English] What's now?
Col. Glen Whitacre: [driver pulls over and stops car] Why are we stopping, Sergeant?
MP: Sorry sir, just checking the map. [produces pistol and shoots both passengers dead]

Sgt. Johnny Gallagher: I think you're going to prison, Walter.
Thomas Boyette: You don't know where I'm going.

Sgt. Johnny Gallagher: Who you working for?
Thomas Boyette: Johnny, that information is privileged and confidential. I can tell you it pays very well.
Sgt. Johnny Gallagher: Who? Who pays you?
Thomas Boyette: Everybody pays me. I'm a public servant.
[Boyette laughs as he leaves the basement]
Sgt. Johnny Gallagher: You're a walking zero, Tom. You're a walking fucking ZERO, Tom!

Sgt. Johnny Gallagher: So you living alone now?
Eileen Gallagher: Yeah, sometimes.
Sgt. Johnny Gallagher: What's that mean?
Eileen Gallagher: It means that sometimes I live alone, and sometimes I don't live alone.
Sgt. Johnny Gallagher: For how long?
Eileen Gallagher: A while.
Sgt. Johnny Gallagher: Well, what's a while?
Eileen Gallagher: It's a big mammal that swims in the ocean.

Eileen Gallagher: Why would someone want to take the place of a guy going to prison?
Marth: He gets into the country without a passport. He's here, nobody knows he's here.

Sgt. Johnny Gallagher: I know it's asking a hell of a lot...
Lt. Milan Delich: Sure is.
Sgt. Johnny Gallagher: I understand if you don't want to help...
Lt. Milan Delich: No, I-I didn't say that. But I've got eighteen years invested here, and you come walking up out of my past, like saying that the one year we spent in country is all that counts... and I agree with you. [chuckles] And that's, like, some kind of weird shit.
Sgt. Johnny Gallagher: Thanks.

Eileen Gallagher: How do you know...?
Sgt. Johnny Gallagher: God damn it, I don't know! These people can be anybody they want to be! It scares the piss out of me!


  • He's one man racing against time to stop the most explosive conspiracy in history.
  • Gene Hackman is up against Tommy Lee Jones. Let the best man win!


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