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complexity, in science, field of study devoted to the process of self-organization. The basic concept of complexity is that all things tend to organize themselves into patterns, e.g., ant colonies, immune systems, and human cultures; further, they go through cycles of growth, mass extinction, regeneration, and evolution. Complexity looks for the mathematical equations that describe the middle ground between equilibrium (see statics) and chaos (see chaos theory), such as the interplay between supply and demand in an economy or the relationship among living organisms in an ecosystem.

Complexity theory had its beginnings with American mathematician Norbert Wiener's development of cybernetics, Canadian biologist Ludwig von Bertalanffy's development of general system theory, and American mathematician John H. Holland's development of a computerized artificial life simulation. More recent efforts are centered at the Santa Fe Institute in New Mexico, which was established in 1984, and are found in the work of multidisciplinary researchers such as American economist Kenneth Arrow and American physicist Murray Gell-Mann. Because complex systems typically cross the boundaries of traditional disciplines, the study of complexity is an interdisciplinary science. Much of the progress in the field can be attributed to advances in nonlinear dynamics, in the power of computers and in computer graphics, and in adaptive programs and fuzzy logic.


See M. M. Waldrop, Complexity: The Emerging Science at the Edge of Order and Chaos (1992); R. Lewin, Complexity: Life at the Edge of Chaos (1993); J. H. Holland, Hidden Order (1995).

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Consisting of various parts united or connected together, formed by a combination of different elements; intricate, interconnecting parts that are not easily disentangled.
Illustrated Dictionary of Architecture Copyright © 2012, 2002, 1998 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved


(computer science)
The number of elementary operations used by a program or algorithm to accomplish a given task.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E, Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.


The level in difficulty in solving mathematically posed problems as measured by the time, number of steps or arithmetic operations, or memory space required (called time complexity, computational complexity, and space complexity, respectively).

The interesting aspect is usually how complexity scales with the size of the input (the "scalability"), where the size of the input is described by some number N. Thus an algorithm may have computational complexity O(N^2) (of the order of the square of the size of the input), in which case if the input doubles in size, the computation will take four times as many steps. The ideal is a constant time algorithm (O(1)) or failing that, O(N).

See also NP-complete.
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References in periodicals archive ?
As part of this partnership, Complexity players will have access to WinStar's hotel, golf courses and concerts.
'Complexity [also] reduces business agility because, to change one thing, you have to change lots of other things,' the paper added.
The above studies focused on the complexity of air traffic situations from different perspectives.
This cross sectional study was designed to apply Index of Complexity, Outcome and Need (ICON) in Pakistani population to assess treatment need and complexity grades, among the patients visiting department of Orthodontics, de,Montmorency College of dentistry, Lahore, Pakistan.
It is assumed part design complexity will have minimal or no influence on the cost per casting in post-fabrication operations including pour, shakeout and secondary operations such as heat treatment, machining and inspections.
The main results included that participants considered the organoleptic qualities of intensity, harmony, length (persistence in mouth) and balance to be important contributors to perceived complexity, these varying somewhat as a function of taster expertise.
Complexity theory is very much concerned with the study of the structure and dynamics of complex adaptive systems (CAS), characterised with nonlinearity, self-organization, and emergent properties [6].
Managing complexity is becoming a more urgent concern for many companies because the complexity of projects and management systems appears to be increasing.
Yet the very notion of network complexity lacks a strict and agreed-upon definition.
Cornerstone Advisors managing director of Technology Services Brad Smith said, "These executives are battling less with the complexity of their technology architectures than they are with the complexity of managing all that technology.