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Last Widow, The \ última viuda, La (Spanish edition)
Last Widow, The \ última viuda, La (Spanish edition)
Last Widow, The \ última viuda, La (Spanish edition)
Audiolibro18 horas

Last Widow, The \ última viuda, La (Spanish edition)

Escrito por Karin Slaughter

Narrado por Fabiola Stevenson

Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas



Información de este audiolibro

La autora bestseller del New York Times, Karin Slaughter, regresa con otro thriller electrizante en la querida serie de misterio de Will Trent, esta vez enfrentando a Will y Sara contra un misterioso grupo que planea desatar una epidemia mortal.

Gillian Flynn dice que Karin Slaughter es ""simplemente una de las mejores escritoras de suspenso que trabajan hoy"" y Michael Connelly declara que ""sus personajes, su trama y su ritmo no tienen rival entre los escritores de suspenso, y si aún no la han leído, este es el momento"".

Fecha de lanzamiento29 oct 2019
Last Widow, The \ última viuda, La (Spanish edition)

Karin Slaughter

Karin Slaughter is one of the world’s most popular storytellers. She is the author of more than twenty instant New York Times bestselling novels, including the Edgar-nominated Cop Town and standalone novels The Good Daughter and Pretty Girls. An international bestseller, Slaughter is published in 120 countries with more than 40 million copies sold across the globe. Pieces of Her is a #1 Netflix original series, Will Trent is a hit television series starring Ramón Rodríguez on ABC, and it was just announced that Jessica Biel will star in the adaptation of THE GOOD DAUGHTER, which Karin adapted herself. Karin Slaughter is the founder of the Save the Libraries project — a nonprofit organization established to support libraries and library programming. 

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Calificación: 4.118970933762058 de 5 estrellas

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  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    Me encantó el libro. Felicitaciones a la autOra y muchas también para la narradora que es excelente! Parte del disfrute del libro es gracias a ella. Desde los primeros minutos te atrapa. Es un libro que no te permite despegarte de el ni un instante.. vale mucho la pena

    A 1 persona le pareció útil

  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    The Last Widow by Karin SlaughterThe story moves at a steady pace. Very detail oriented pulling me deep into the story. Alternating between Will and Sara kept me on edge, anticipating the next move.The plot was so realistic, it was (almost) frightening. Truly a thought-provoking , page-turning hard to put down read.Karin Slaughter knows how to grab your attention and not let go. I highly recommend The Last Widow to those who enjoy thrilling, suspense filled reads.
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    Holy cow! This was a lot and it was great and it was so surreal…I want to reread it already.
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    This one was soooo good. I love the characters and the stories!
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    Excelente!! Me encanto definitivamente, no podía dejar de escucharlo. Genial!!
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    "On a hot summer night, a scientist from the Centers for Disease Control is grabbed by an unknown assailants in a shopping center parking lot. The authorities are desperate to save the doctor who's vanished into thin air."Classic Will Trent novel full of twists and turns and strong characters with laser-focused goals. True to form, the plot is chilling and complicated. My only wish is that the series would go on forever.
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    Me encantó, me hizo imaginar mucho, todo lo que escuchaba
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    Excelente. Completamente recomendable, está llena de acción y crimen. ?
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    ¡Simplemente magnifico! Es muy interesante, de mis libros favoritos desde ahora.
  • Calificación: 2 de 5 estrellas
    El tema es interesante, pero su lectura fue muy aburrida ya que no hay una coherencia entre el tema y los personajes
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    Muy bueno, bastante entretenido y la narracion te atrapa.
    Si lo recomiendo.
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    The Last Widow. Karin Slaughter. 2020. Gosh it was great to read a Will and Sara novel. I cannot remember when I read the last one. When Will and Sara stop near the Emory hospital to help people in a car wreck, Sara is kidnapped by the group that just bombed the hospital parking deck. Will goes undercover with the white supremacists group which had previously kidnapped a doctor who worked at the CDC. Vintage Slaughter. Suspenseful with touches of humor and romance.
  • Calificación: 3 de 5 estrellas
    I love Karin Slaughter’s books, and sadly, this novel lacked her usual je ne sais quoi... not as compelling, incorrect scientific details... the book was good but not what I had hoped.
  • Calificación: 2 de 5 estrellas
    I generally don't read books like Slaughter's Will Trent series because I find them so formulaic. You pick up one and read it and I find it could have almost any author in the thriller/suspense genre. Additionally, I also don't like reading a series beginning with the ninth book. However, it was a selection of a local library book discussion group and felt obligated to read it for the discussion.Will Trent, GBI agent for Georgia and Sara Linton pediatrician and part-time coroner and Will's paramour respond to explosions at Emory Hospital in Atlanta perpetrated a white supremacist militia known as the Invisible Patriot Army. During the commotion Sara is taken custody. Prior to the abduction, Sara recognizes a woman who is in the group as Michelle Lively, young mother abducted one year earlier who happens to be a noted epidemiologist with the CDC with the highest security clearance. Can you see where this story is going? Will knows that the more time that expires after abduction decreases the odds that Sara and Michelle will be rescued.There wasn't too much unique about this book that, like I said, you haven't read before in this genre. If you are interested in white supremacist groups and bioterrorism, this is your book. The one good part about this book is it is set in my home state; therefore, I recognized many of its geographical features.
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    The Last Widow by Karin Slaughter is a chilling mystery with a topical storyline. Although this newest release is the ninth novel in the Will Trent series, it can easily be read as a standalone.

    Georgia Bureau of Investigation Agent Will Trent and his girlfriend, medical examiner Sara Linton unwittingly find themselves in the middle of a domestic terrorism plot.  Hearing explosions that appear to have been set off at nearby Emory University, they rush to lend assistance. Before they reach the explosion site, Will and Sara are stopped by a traffic accident. While Sara is giving aid to the wounded, they both notice something about the scene is off. The situation soon turns dire after Sara makes a heart stopping discovery.  Having been savagely beaten, Will helpless watches as Sara is kidnapped. Despite his injuries, Will joins his GBI partner Faith Mitchell and their boss Amanda Wagner as they begin their investigation.

    Meanwhile, Sara fears for her safety as she is forced to treat the wounded men in her care. The apparent leader, Dash, assures her he will set her free when he no longer requires her assistance. Sara tries to remain calm as Dash forces her to accompany him to his remote encampment in the mountains.  She quickly deduces Dash is running a paramilitary organization that is preparing for a cataclysmic mission.  Sara is tasked with caring with the children at the camp who are in the midst of a measles outbreak.  Her concern for her patients escalates as their conditions worsen despite medical treatment. Sara is growing extremely alarmed as Dash makes final preparation for an eminent attack.

    Will is growing increasingly agitated as he tries to find Sara. He and Faith are both frustrated over the lack of co-operation between the different agencies working the investigation. They quickly discover Dash is the leader of a white supremacist group which has managed to fly so low under the radar that details about the group are scarce. Will is determined to figure out a way to go undercover in order to save Sara. But with time running out, is there any chance he can infiltrate the group before it is too late?

    The Last Widow is a pulse-pounding, suspense-laden mystery with a terrifyingly real storyline.  While certainly compelling, the pacing of the novel is a little slow since the same scenes are shown from multiple characters' points of view.  Despite this unusual narrative choice, the tension builds to an almost unbearable pitch as the novel hurtles to an action packed conclusion. Old and new fans of Karin Slaughter's Will Trent series do not want to miss this all too realistic mystery which features a sinister, ripped from today's headlines plot.
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    Way too long. I like the main characters Will and Sarah as well as the peripheral people. They remain consistent. Not a happy story.
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    Creepy. And a reflection of what could be happening in our society today ( and probably is). So much hatred of the unknown. So much fear of change. The past couple of weeks I've ventured into the type of suspenseful books I read 25 years ago. I'm reading quickly and perhaps not remembering the plots or what the books were about ( i really had to jog my memory on this one) I am throughly enjoying the break from fiction rich self examination and self reflection.
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    Holy smokes, this was probably the most tightly written book I've ever read -- compact in its plotting, every detail tied to every other detail, and the tension never releases.A scientist from the Centers for Disease Control is kidnapped. One month later, twin explosions rock Atlanta. Medical Examiner Sara Linton and Georgia Bureau of Investigation agent Will Trent find themselves in the midst of a horrifying situation that puts at risk the lives of thousands.Aside from the introductory prologue, the entire book takes place over the course of just four days. But they are four non-stop, action-packed days. The chapters alternate from different points of view -- Sara's, Will's, Will's partner Faith's. But the catch is that each time a new chapter is introduced, the timeline has shifted a few minutes -- sometimes a few minutes earlier, sometimes a few minutes later. At first, I wondered why I was reading a chapter that just repeats the chapter before it but from a different character's point of view -- same dialogue, same plot points happening. And then I realized that each subsequent chapter adds just a little bit of detail that the previous chapter omitted because the reader is allowed to see the things that one characters sees, but that the other character didn't. And with sometimes just three or four minutes' difference from one chapter to another, it was just enough of a time difference to allow some details to be revealed. It was a fascinating technique, although I did find myself flipping back quite a few times as I went along, in order to verify the time stamp of the previous chapter and make sure I was clear on the order of events.I've always enjoyed the Will Trent series, and this one is no exception. I couldn't put this book down, and when I finished, I felt like I had to catch my breath because I was so keyed up with tension the entire time. This was a well-written, highly entertaining suspense thriller. I can't wait for Will Trent #10!
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    I am a big fan of Karin Slaughter's writing. I've enjoyed the last few stand alones, but have been waiting for a new Will Trent/Sara Linton book. It's here! The Last Widow. With every book, I say to myself oh, that's the best one yet, but I think Slaughter has outdone herself with The Last Widow - it's an amazing read. I literally couldn't put it down.Slaughter starts off with a prologue guaranteed to hook the reader. A woman out shopping with her daughter is snatched from a parking lot. A month later she is still missing.Will and Sara are at Sara's parents when a car collision sends them running to the street to help. But there's something off about it....And then the unthinkable happens - Sara is taken as well....but who? why? where?And where Slaughter takes her plot from there is not so far removed from today's headlines. The current climate of hate, supremacists and domestic terrorism are the basis of Slaughter's intricate plot. The mind set, thought processes and violence of the characters of the alt-right group are frighteningly real.I was so happy to reconnect with Will and Sara and see how their relationship was progressing. The romantic sub plot that has been building as the series progresses is done so well. Believable and not over the top into saccharin territory. But as the danger to both lead characters increased as the story progressed, I started to worry that Slaughter would do something. (Yes, she has surprised me (and not in a good way) in previous books). And I stayed up very, very late frantically turning pages to make sure that didn't happen. Action packed doesn't even begin to describe this book!Recurring characters also return. Oddly, I am growing quite fond of Will's boss Amanda, despite her single mindedness. And I've always liked Will's partner Faith. Motherhood is examined through the eyes of many women in this novel.Slaughter's writing is addictive and The Last Widow is no exception. If you've not read this series before, I encourage you to go back to the beginning and discover the players right from the start.How many stars? An easy five. Sooooooo good.
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    Holy cow. This is a thriller in the true sense of the word; I was pacing the floor by page 40.The story begins with the kidnapping of a woman, Dr. Michelle Spivey, while she was out shopping. A month later Michelle is finally spotted by Dr. Sara Linton, after Sara is kidnapped by the same group. Sara and her boyfriend, Georgia Bureau of Investigation (GBI) agent Will Trent, were heading toward the sound of a huge explosion near the Emory Campus when they were blocked by a multi-vehicle accident in the road. After the men in one of the vehicles learned Sara was a doctor, they beat Will severely and abducted Sara. One of them said to Will before they took her, “We need a doctor. No offense, brother. Wrong place, right time.” Michelle was in the van with the men.Will was concussed and in a lot of pain, but also determined to find Sara and get her back.Strap in, because the roller coaster ride Slaughter takes you on is about to get even scarier.In alternate chapters, we follow the efforts of Will and the GBI to find out where Sara is and who took her, juxtaposed with what is happening to Sara. The danger faced by both Will and Sara enables them to achieve a more solid understanding not only about how they feel about each other, but how they might face the death that is almost surely awaiting each of them.Discussion: What makes this book even horrifying than a “thriller” might ordinarily be is that the story is taken right out of some of the more frightening developments in the country right now. The perpetrators are part of a group of white supremacists who are fearful about their place in life, easily manipulated, and have no moral compass. They are “basically fuck-ups and losers” looking for validation by being a part of a bigger movement that seems to value them. They have no interest in facts that contradict the worldview they have adopted. Wanting to feel powerful and successful, they don’t care who they hurt or what they destroy to achieve that.But if you think the white supremacy movement is the worst (and unfortunately relevant) horror you will encounter in this story, you would be wrong. As is usual with books by this author, the issues are real and well-researched but so well-integrated into the story you come to understand them as byproducts of the plot progression rather than as heavy-handed efforts to make a point.Evaluation: Absolutely terrifying, and a great read!
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    Another outstanding novel by Karin Slaughter. While this is #9 in her Will Trent series, this is the first I have read and I didn’t feel like I missed anything by jumping into the series. This action-packed book keeps you on the edge of your seat with surprising twists and a plot that could have come straight from newspapers today.A scientist from the Centers for Disease Control is kidnapped. A month later there is a devastating explosion on the Emory campus which includes Emory Hospital and University, CDC, Grady Hospital and FBI headquarters. Will’s girlfriend Sara, a medical examiner, is also kidnapped when they rush to the scene of the explosion. Will goes undercover to find out what the group that kidnapped Sara plans to do next and, of course, to save Sara. What Will and Sara discover is beyond comprehension – pure evil. With plans to cause the death of multitudes of people the race is on to stop them.The story is told in the alternating perspectives of Will and Sara. I felt like I was right there alongside Sara as she moved among the members of the group soon realizing how serious these people are about their “mission”. Then in Will’s chapters I could feel his fear for Sara’s life. If you like a story where you have to remind yourself to breathe, I highly recommend this book.
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    Excuse me, my fangirl is showing.I don't want to say too much about this story's content, because I don't want to give even the slightest spoiler. I'll simply tell you what I loved: everything!Some author's screw up details because they don't do enough research. Others provide an information dump, overwhelming us with all the minutiae. Karin Slaughter gets the balance exactly right. She has a firm understanding of her subject, and she feeds us just enough so that we experience it along with the characters. The realism here is astounding.Another aspect I appreciate is that character development isn't sacrificed in favor of all the action. The pace is quick and there's a lot going on, but I still felt an emotional connection. The content packs a punch. It's terrifying because it could so easily happen exactly as Karin Slaughter wrote it.This book reads well as a stand-alone. Some of the characters' backstories are woven in to help new readers orient themselves. As with any series, the subtleties of various relationships won't be as clear if you don't start at the beginning, but it's a powerful read either way.*I received a review copy from the publisher, via NetGalley.*
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    I’ll begin by offering a bit of advice. Don’t open this with the idea of just getting a few chapters under your belt. Prepare. Find a quiet spot, break out the emergency reading kit (snacks, beverages, blankie, heart rate monitor, etc.) & get comfortable. Because this author doesn’t so much gently lead you into the story as throw you off a moving train. In the ebook version we have our first kidnapping at 2%. The she gives you a bit of a break, holding off ’til 8% for the second one. At this point you might be digging around for a seatbelt. Dr. Michelle Spivey was enjoying an outing with her daughter. When a van suddenly pulls up beside them, her first thought is for her little girl. She needn’t have worried. It’s Michelle they want. One month later, Georgia Bureau of Investigation agent Will Trent & his girlfriend Dr. Sara Linton are spending time with her family when they hear 2 explosions. It’s coming from the Emory Campus & as they attempt to get to the scene, they’re waylaid by a road accident. In the blink of an eye Will is badly beaten & Sara is gone (good time for snack/drink/heart rate check #1).What follows is a gripping story told by 2 main narrators. In Will’s chapters we follow him & various levels of law enforcement as they try to find Sara & figure out what the hell is going on. His boss Amanda is as cagey & acerbic as ever as she directs the search while sparring with the FBI. Colleague Faith is in the thick of it, doing the grunt work & providing some much needed comic relief. In alternate chapters, we’re with Sara. Here we learn exactly what a secretive group are up to & why she & Michelle were selected. What they endure, witness & hear makes for a disturbing read at times but one that keeps you glued to the pages. Ms. Slaughter has a tendency to punt you out of your comfort zone but for me, the most unsettling parts were those that reflected the sad truths of actual current events. The premise is frighteningly plausible & clearly she’s done her homework.There is some minor repetition of scenes that seemed unnecessary but that’s nitpicking. Initially you’re swept up by the pace & need to know how all these players fit in. Then there’s a dawning sense of dread as it becomes clear what the bad guys’ agenda is. To the squillion or so Will Trent fans out there, you can rejoice. It’s been a long wait for this instalment & it doesn’t disappoint. Although it can be enjoyed as a stand alone, there is a boat load of history among these characters that adds depth to the present day situation. The ending leaves the door open for a book #10 & we can only hope it won’t be a long wait. You can use the time to deep breathe & replenish your empty reading kit.