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El tapón de cristal
El tapón de cristal
El tapón de cristal
Audiolibro9 horas

El tapón de cristal

Escrito por Maurice Leblanc

Narrado por Alex Ortega

Calificación: 0 de 5 estrellas


Información de este audiolibro

 La residencia del diputado Daubrecq fue el escenario de un robo, las autoridades atrapan a dos de los tres implicados, el tercero, con gran audacia, logra escapar.

Solo una persona pudo evitar esta pesquisa: el astuto caballero ladrón, Arsène Lupin. Ahora, él debe descifrar todo este enredo para salvar de la guillotina a uno de sus mejores amigos, y la única pista que tiene para hacerlo es un tapón de cristal que contiene la lista de veintisiete nombres, entre políticos y jefes parlamentarios, implicados en un delicado caso de corrupción.

Experto en artes marciales, derecho y medicina, además de prestidigitador, sus armas más mortíferas, sin embargo, son su ingenio y audacia. Como un Robin Hood de la Belle Époque, es el paladín de los pobres e indefensos, y un constante agobio para los ricos y burgueses.
El tapón de cristal es una de las aventuras más desafiantes que ha vivido Arsène Lupin. Con el tiempo en su contra y el tapón de cristal desaparecido, deberá emprender un viaje donde su vida peligrará a cada instante para recuperar esta única pista. 

 Audiolibro narrado en español neutro
EditorialGrupo Planeta
Fecha de lanzamiento2 may 2023
El tapón de cristal

Maurice Leblanc

Maurice Leblanc, a name synonymous with the creation of the suave and cunning gentleman thief Arsène Lupin, was born on December 11, 1864, in Rouen, France. Leblanc's early life was steeped in the cultural richness and historical significance of his hometown, which is also known for its association with Joan of Arc and its stunning Gothic architecture. Leblanc initially pursued a career in law, following in the footsteps of his father, but his passion for writing soon led him to abandon this path. Moving to Paris in the 1880s, a city then pulsating with artistic and intellectual fervor, Leblanc became a part of the vibrant literary scene. He worked as a journalist and began writing short stories and novels, albeit with modest success. The turn of the century marked a pivotal moment in Leblanc's career. In 1905, he was commissioned to write a detective story for the magazine "Je sais tout," leading to the creation of Arsène Lupin. The character, a master of disguise and a thief with a heart of gold, was an immediate hit. Lupin's adventures, blending elements of mystery, adventure, and humor, captivated readers and established Leblanc as a literary force. Leblanc's creation of Arsène Lupin was not just a stroke of creative genius but also a reflection of the socio-political climate of the time. France, in the early 20th century, was characterized by a fascination with crime and justice, influenced by the infamous Dreyfus Affair and a growing public interest in detective fiction. Lupin's character, who often outwitted the authorities and righted societal wrongs, resonated with readers who were disillusioned with the establishment. Despite his literary success, Leblanc's life was not without controversy. His works were occasionally criticized for their perceived immorality and for glorifying a criminal. However, many defended him, arguing that Lupin was a complex character who challenged the status quo and highlighted the flaws in the justice system. Leblanc continued to write Lupin stories until his death on November 6, 1941. His works have had a lasting impact, influencing numerous writers and spawning adaptations in various media, including films, television series, and even Japanese manga and anime. In a contemporary context, the themes explored in "Memoirs of Arsène Lupin" remain strikingly relevant. Lupin's battles against corruption, his cunning intelligence, and his unwavering sense of justice mirror modern societal issues such as the fight against systemic injustice and the questioning of authority. The character of Lupin, with his charm and wit, appeals to today's audiences who appreciate complex protagonists who navigate moral ambiguities. Maurice Leblanc's legacy endures, not just through the continued popularity of Arsène Lupin, but also through the lens of modern relevance. His ability to infuse his narratives with social commentary and his creation of a character who transcends time and culture make him a literary figure worth celebrating.

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