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Neville Goddard: Sentir es el Secreto: Lecciones del filósofo más grande del que jamás oíste hablar actualizadas por Juan David Arbeláez
Neville Goddard: Sentir es el Secreto: Lecciones del filósofo más grande del que jamás oíste hablar actualizadas por Juan David Arbeláez
Neville Goddard: Sentir es el Secreto: Lecciones del filósofo más grande del que jamás oíste hablar actualizadas por Juan David Arbeláez
Audiolibro (versión resumida)28 minutos

Neville Goddard: Sentir es el Secreto: Lecciones del filósofo más grande del que jamás oíste hablar actualizadas por Juan David Arbeláez

Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas



Información de este audiolibro

Sentir es el Secreto es un libro originalmente escrito por el místico Neville Goddard y en esta versión, ha sido traducido y actualizado por Juan David Arbelaez. Este libro es una guía práctica para aquellos que buscan encontrar paz y felicidad en sus vidas y alcanzar sus metas y sueños.

Goddard enseña que nuestras emociones y sentimientos son la clave para crear nuestra realidad y que podemos controlar nuestra vida simplemente cambiando la forma en que nos sentimos. Él sostiene que cuando sentimos una emoción fuerte, nuestro cerebro no distingue entre la realidad y la imaginación y, por lo tanto, nuestros sentimientos se manifiestan en nuestra vida.

Una de las cosas más valiosas de este libro es que ofrece una perspectiva única sobre cómo funciona nuestra mente y cómo podemos usarla para nuestro beneficio. A menudo, nos enfocamos en cambiar nuestras circunstancias externas para sentirnos mejor, pero Goddard nos muestra que podemos tener un mayor control sobre nuestra vida simplemente cambiando la forma en que nos sentimos.

Además, el libro ofrece técnicas concretas y ejercicios prácticos para ayudarnos a cambiar nuestra forma de pensar y sentir, como la visualización y la afirmación. Estos ejercicios son fáciles de seguir y pueden tener un gran impacto en nuestra vida si los practicamos regularmente.

En general, "Sentir es el Secreto" es un libro inspirador y motivador que ofrece una perspectiva única sobre cómo podemos mejorar nuestra vida y alcanzar nuestras metas y sueños.

EditorialMente Lateral
Fecha de lanzamiento28 ene 2023
Neville Goddard: Sentir es el Secreto: Lecciones del filósofo más grande del que jamás oíste hablar actualizadas por Juan David Arbeláez

Neville Goddard

Neville Lancelot Goddard was born on February 19, 1905 on the then British-protectorate of Barbados in the town of St. Michael to an Anglican family of nine sons and one daughter. A 1950s gossip column described the young Neville as “enormously wealthy,” his family possessing “a whole island in the West Indies.”Neville went to New York City at the age of seventeen to study theater – a move that led to a successful career as a vaudeville dancer and Broadway actor. He toured America and England with dance troupes. But Neville’s theater life was hand-to-mouth; he supplemented his income by working as an elevator operator and shipping clerk.In 1931, Neville began to study the Kabbalah under a black-nationalist mystic named Arnold Josiah Ford, called Abdullah.Like Neville, Ford was born in Barbados in 1877 and arrived in Harlem around 1910 and established himself as a leading voice in the Ethiopianism movement, a precursor to Jamaican Rastafarianism.Neville was not naturalized until around the time of World War II, when he served in the United States Army.Neville said that his first understanding of the power of creative thought came while he was living in a rented room on Manhattan’s Upper West Side during the winter of 1933.Possessed of a self-educated and uncommonly sharp intellect, Neville espoused a spiritual vision that was bold and total: Everything you see and experience, including other people, is the result of your own thoughts and emotional states. Each of us dreams into existence an infinitude of realities and outcomes. When you realize this, Neville taught, you will discover yourself to be a slumbering branch of the Creator clothed in human form, and at the helm of limitless possibilities.Neville’s thought system influenced a wide range of spiritual thinkers and writers, from bestselling author Joseph Murphy to mystical iconoclast Carlos Castaneda. He now has an ardent online following, connected by the proliferation of his digitized lectures and books. More still, Neville’s reputation is growing as his mystical teachings are found to comport with key issues in today’s quantum physics debate.Yet little is known about this spiritual teacher who exerted so unusual a pull on the American spiritual scene of latter twentieth century. Neville cultivated an air of mystery, which has contributed to the intrigue and questions around his ideas – and where they came from.The words of spiritual writer and lecturer Neville Goddard retain their power to electrify more than fifty years after his death. In a sonorous, clipped tone that was preserved on thousands of tape recordings made during his lifetime, and now widely circulated online, Neville asserted with complete ease what many would find fantastical: The human imagination is God – and our thoughts create our world, in the most literal sense.Neville Goddard was perhaps the last century’s most intellectually substantive and charismatic purveyor of the philosophy generally called New Thought. He wrote more than ten books under the solitary pen name Neville, and was a popular speaker on metaphysical themes from the late 1930s until his death in 1972.Neville discovered what eventually became the hallmark of his philosophy: It is imperative to assume the feeling that one’s goal has already been attained. “It is not what you want that you attract,” he wrote. “You attract what you believe to be true.”

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  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    Me encantó esta lectura, mi gratitud para Neville Godard por compartir este conocimiento.
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    Excelente Joya, encierra secretos muy útiles del conocimiento Metafisico, un gran libro
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    Magnifica explicación y práctica... lo difícil es asumir el auto compromiso.
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    Fascinante, simplemente hermosa enseñanza, e aprendido mucho sobre sentir para manifestar todos mis deseos... sentir es el secreto ㊙️
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    Amo a Neville por sus cualidades: Conciso, eficiente, perfecto. Amén.