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Oliver Twist
Oliver Twist
Oliver Twist
Audiolibro (versión resumida)2 horas

Oliver Twist

Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas



Información de este audiolibro

Oliver es un niño huérfano que pasa sus primeros años en el asilo de la señora Mann. Al igual que el resto de los niños en el orfanato, Oliver sufre hambre continuamente. Los niños deciden entonces jugar a quién de ellos pedirá más comida y Oliver resulta ser el elegido. Debido a este episodio es tachado de problemático y es ofrecido como aprendiz a cualquiera que lo quiera contratar.
Al poco tiempo, tras una pelea, Oliver decide escapar a Londres. En las afueras de la ciudad, cansado y hambriento, conoce a Jack Dawkins (El Pillastre), quien le ofrece un lugar donde hospedarse en Londres. Lleno de inocencia, Oliver se ve inmerso en el mundo del hampa londinense y se encuentra en medio de una banda de chicos carteristas, dirigida por el malvado Fagin.
Fecha de lanzamiento1 ene 2023

Charles Dickens

Charles Dickens nació en Portsmouth en 1812, segundo de los ocho hijos de un funcionario de la Marina. A los doce años, encarcelado el padre por deudas, tuvo que ponerse a trabajar en una fábrica de betún. Su educación fue irregular: aprendió por su cuenta taquigrafía, trabajó en el bufete de un abogado y finalmente fue corresponsal parlamentario de The Morning Chronicle. Sus artículos, luego recogidos en Bosquejos de Boz (1836-1837), tuvieron un gran éxito y, con la aparición en esos mismos años de los Papeles póstumos del club Pickwick, Dickens se convirtió en un auténtico fenómeno editorial. Novelas como Oliver Twist (1837), Nicholas Nickleby (1838-1839) o (1841) alcanzaron una enorme popularidad, así como algunas crónicas de viajes, como Estampas de Italia (1846; ALBA CLÁSICA núm. LVII). Con Dombey e hijo (1846-1848) inicia su época de madurez novelística, de la que son buenos ejemplos David Copperfield (1849-1850), su primera novela en primera persona, y su favorita, en la que elaboró algunos episodios autobiográficos, Casa desolada (1852-1853), La pequeña Dorrit (1855-1857), Historia de dos ciudades (1859; ALBA PRIMEROS CLÁSICOS núm. 5) y Grandes esperanzas (1860-1861; ALBA CLÁSICA MAIOR núm. I). Dickens murió en Londres en 1870.

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  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    Great story. Oliver is resilient and resourceful but the powers that be seem hell bent on having their way with him. Dickens is always dark and his characters always suffer. No matter the story, his writing is peerless and amazingly literate.
  • Calificación: 2 de 5 estrellas
    I don't consider myself an especially sensitive person, I grew up in a Gentile neighborhood so I've heard it all forever, and I knew ahead of time about Dicken's bigotry and who Fagin was, but I was surprised to be so put off. After a while, I felt like things would be going along OK and then I would be slapped in the face. So here are two stars, don't spend them all in one place.
    I think I've selected the wrong edition. I read the Norton Critical Edition and the included essays are very good.
  • Calificación: 3 de 5 estrellas
    Written in 1837, during Dickens' astronomical rise to success, Oliver Twist is his third major work, second novel, and the negative counterpart to its exact contemporary, The Pickwick Papers. One could argue it's still the work that has had the greatest impact on the public psyche: Dodger, Fagin, Nancy, and Bill loom large in the collective cultural consciousness, don't they? Who can forget Oliver asking for more, or the climactic tightrope walk? In truth, this is not a brilliant work. Only Fagin has any sparks of internal life, and he's an unfortunate anti-Semitic caricature common to the era. Oliver Twist, carrying the torch from some of Dickens' sentimental Sketches is a rather lifeless little twig. What works in the story is the vividness of "low" culture, and Dickens' already fierce moral stance on the inhumanity of much of 19th century English culture. Certainly a worthwhile read, but possibly the least of Dickens' "Big Fifteen". The relatively straightforward Twist will give way to the diffuse, picaresque Nicholas Nickleby, and then the real Dickens will be formed.
  • Calificación: 3 de 5 estrellas
    I don;t know what you can say about this that hasn't been said already. I was slightly surprised that what I remembered from the film took place within the first half of the book - I remembered nothing about the unveiling of Oliver's identity or Mr Monks and his shenanigans. I also had forgotten quite how feeble Iliver is at times - I;m surprised he;d have made it in the tough end of London. There is a huge level of co-incidence that you need to suspend disbelief over, but I suppose I can live with that. It feels, as so often with Dickens, that he spends a lot of the book setting up the final few chapters, and so it is here. The pacing is uneven, and, at times, it feels that we're revisiting certain characters for padding's sake. It does feel like there is a certain amount of glee with which the fate of the less reputable characters are dealt with. But then, the Artful Dodger just vanishes, and he;d one of the more memorable characters. And poor Nancy. Oh!
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    I enjoyed this a lot more than The Pickwick Papers. But it was also totally unlike what I expected. All the bits that you know from popular culture are here but in much smaller doses than you might expect.
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    Good novel of an orphan who gets mixed up with pickpockets. I liked the musical too. Dickens is good at making memorable characters!
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    I reread this recently for the first time since I was a teenager and found (not surprisingly) that I was interested in very different parts of the story than I was when I was younger. I was much more interested in the character of Bill Sykes, and his haunted guilt, fleeing the law. There is a fabulous scene that I had not remembered where he heroically lends a hand during a fire in a desperate effort to rejoin humanity after murdering a friend. Hellfire and damnation mixed in with attempted atonement. It was really quite mesmerizing.
  • Calificación: 3 de 5 estrellas
    I don't know, but this is still my least favorite Dickens book. Something about it just doesn't appeal to me. Too many characters and none that I really care for including the title character. The book is kind of slow too with the exception of the first and last few chapters. This isn't a bad book though. It's a classic, just not one I ever cared for and I thought the book would help change my mind. I still like Dickens. I liked the characters and plot of Christmas Carol better and I found A Tale of Two Cities better writing. I still have a long way to go before I read David Copperfield and Great Expectations, but some reason I feel like I'll like those better. I still think everyone should read at least one Dickens novel in their life.
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    I still remember taking my paperback edition of Oliver Twist with me to summer camp when I was twelve years old. It was my first Dickens and I was mesmerized by the characters and incidents, especially Oliver. While as I have read most of Dickens' other books over the succeeding decades, this novel continues to hold a special place in my reading life.
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    Great story. Oliver is resilient and resourceful but the powers that be seem hell bent on having their way with him. Dickens is always dark and his characters always suffer. No matter the story, his writing is peerless and amazingly literate.
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    A long, enduring tale of one orphan child in England, and the lives he encounters.
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    So many others have written excellent reviews of Dickens' classic that I will only comment on a couple of Christian themes that stand out and adorn this classic with such beauty. First of all the is the Redemption motif -- Redemption offered and rejected, as well as Redemption finally received. Some of the scoundrels whom which Oliver's earliest life in London is associated reveal this double-sided coin both beautifully and tragically. Secondly is the concept of Sovereign Grace which is abundantly displayed in the life of Oliver Twist. Writing this hours after turning the last page, I still cannot take my mind off of my favourite character in the novel -- the prostitute Nancy. She, above all, pictures both sides of the Redemption theme. As for Oliver, whose life was once mired in the same slime as that of his earliest compatriots, we see him through a series of "coincidences", rescued from his hopeless condition.
  • Calificación: 3 de 5 estrellas
    Oliver lives the inevitably difficult life of an orphan born in a Victorian-era rural poorhouse and after escaping to London encounters a variety of fascinating personalities in what most would consider the dregs of the city before discovering kindred and kind spirits elsewhere.I went into this novel knowing mostly just, "Please sir I want some more" and the names of Fagin and the Artful Dodger. Beyond that I hadn't really been exposed to the plot of the novel before so had little expectations except those built in from my other experiences with Dickens. I did enjoy the read but of this cast of characters Oliver is the least interesting part. Instead its the other people he encounters along the way who are the true draw here, whether it's conflicted Nancy, the hypocritical Bumbles, or the kind and clever Brownlow and Rose. There's glimpses of the humour and observations I've loved in other Dickens novels but they're lighter on the ground here. There's also a whole heaping pile of anti-Semitism in the character of Fagin (and at least one notable dig at the Irish); not unusual for the period but still not cool. Glad to have experienced for all the many cultural references that come from this one but not destined to make it into my list of top Dickens' novels.
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    The first half of this novel is suffering-porn. The second half is an excellent murder/birth story mystery. When the novel veers away from Oliver's suffering and focuses on the satire of wealthy corruption, it is engaging and focused. I realize that Dickens cannot stay away from the picaresque, but I like his legal thrillers and intrigues more than tales of suffering and woe.
  • Calificación: 3 de 5 estrellas
    I think I like Dickens’ truly comedic books more than his melodramas. This one does have many of his engaging features, like situations that evoke a reader’s sympathies, characters so bad that they become villainous archetypes, and settings that match the characters most extreme emotions. And (almost) everyone gets their just deserts in the end, however contrived that may seem.What makes this novel problematic is, first, that poor Oliver is such a weak character. He has little character of his own beyond his innate sense of rightness and injustice, and since he is always the victim of injustice it takes little virtue for him to object to it. I think that everything that happens to him, whether good or bad, is imposed on him by other characters, from the governors of the orphanage or the evil den of thieves to the wealthy and principled family and friends who save him. Perhaps they would have been less inclined to save him had he not had such a pure and noble character, although they do try to save Nancy, too. But this is also a problem. Oliver is pure and noble only because he was born of a pure and noble mother, not because of anything he learned in his miserable upbringing. But Nancy has a common birth and she is too far gone to be saved, even though she is generous and protective toward Oliver. Dickens’ Victorian morals reserve good character to those of good birth, and only they are saved. I don’t know if Dickens was conscious of this, but it puts his sympathies for the working classes on a very limited basis.Nevertheless, this is a social satire, and a pointed one. The contrast between Oliver’s true saviors and those who are appointed to help the orphans is acute. The self-serving, greedy middle-class governors of the orphanage and the small business owners who bully and exploit their child workers are little better than the criminal gang that Oliver escapes to – perhaps worse, as Oliver seems generally well-fed and warm with Fagin’s gang, and enjoys the company of Charley and Jack the Artful Dodger. Of course, the gang does threaten and intimidate him into thievery that Oliver clearly wants no part of. He only avoids them by the luck of being captured by good-hearted saviors who turn out to be the only people in London who can discover his true story.In Dickens, it’s always the characters that make the story memorable, and their strength makes Oliver himself fade away. This story presents the pompous Bumble and the avaricious wife he ties himself to, the cheerful Dodger, the truly nasty Bill Sikes and his unhappy partner Nancy, and the conniving Fagin. These are such colourful characters that they overshadow the purity of Mr Brownlow, Harry and Rose, and even Oliver himself. The villains are always more colourful.Unfortunately, it’s hard to ignore the anti-Semitism that colours Dickens’ portrait of Fagin, whom he commonly simply calls the Jew and shows hovering over his hoard of stolen treasure. The stereotype of the Jewish criminal miser leaves an unpleasant taste. Fagin only stops being a caricature in his final days when he faces death and Dickens shows his disordered torment with surprising sympathy. The Victorians had quite a taste for maudlin sentimentality, and that is one of the forces driving the story. Dickens’ characters and his descriptive writing elevate the novel beyond that, but modern audiences must have a hard time getting beyond the sentimentality. I suppose that’s why modern adaptations like the movies and the musical leave a lot of the story line out to create a celebration of the characters that is fun, if not very close to Dickens’ original.
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    Annual re-read of a Dickens Classic ... this book rocks.
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    I'll be honest, the first third or so of Charles Dickens' "Oliver Twist" really dragged for me. I started wondering why it is so beloved. However, by the final third, I thought it was both fun and fairly riveting. As most people probably know, the novel is about Oliver, a young orphan who is led into crime circles by The Artful Dodger. A series of mishaps and adventures ensue impacting Oliver's life in both good and bad ways.Once it got going, this was really an interesting tale.
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    Dicken's second book. This is a story of Oliver Twist, a boy orphaned and birth. Oliver manages to stay pure and innocent regardless of all the negatives in his life. Born to the work house, indentured out, taken in by thieves and mistreated and bullied, starved and abused yet he stays sweet and innocent. Oliver would be a case for genes overcome environment. Dickens wrote this novel as social commentary of the criminal dark side of London. His usual larger than life characters fill up this book. One character is Mr Fagin, referred to as The Jew. Mr Fagin is a fence and he is symbolized as the devil. He is described as standing over the fire holding a toasting fork. The settings are dark nights, dim rooms and unusually cold weather. As with Dickens, his stories are written as serials, pay by the word and has a happy ending. This is not my favorite Dickens but it is still a good read.
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    My first Dickens and I was pleasantly surprised how enjoyable it was. My main reason for reading this book was to get some insight into both what England in 1830s was like and why is Dickens considered to be such an important and accomplished writer - and for this it was well worth my time, I've learned a lot about the nature of those times and about Dickens.

    What I really didn't expect was that the story will be so interesting and that I will be immersed in 200 years old story with such power. It is truly well written, touching and it has a very.. realistic feel, I could tell that Dickens had a first-hand experience from the trials etc.

    4/5 because some passages were unnecessary and quite boring (mostly in the middle).
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    Die Geschichte des Waisen Oliver, der im Armenhaus zur Welt kommt und seine Kindheit verbringt, schon vor seinem 10. Lebensjahr auf eigenen Füßen stehen muss, in die Hände einer Diebesbande gerät und viele Abenteuer besteht, bevor seine Herkunft geklärt wird und er sein Erbe antreten kann, um das sein Halbbruder ihn betrügen wollte.Erstaunllich, dass dieser Roman von Charles Dickens allgemein bekannter ist und sich größerer Beliebtheit erfreut als "David Copperfield". Für mich ist die Geschichte von Oliver Twist an vielen Stellen langatmig (vor allem auch in der Darstellung des Zusammenlebens der Diebesbande) und hat zu viele Wendungen, bis sie gegen Ende doch noch spannend wird und in ein sehr konstruiertes Happy End mündet. Erschwerend kommt hinzu, dass mir die Lesung von Andreas Dietrich überhaupt nicht gefallen hat. Der gewollt ironische Tonfall mag zumindest teilweise zum Inhalt passen, nervte mich aber schon nach ein paar Minuten und machte es mir sehr schwer, die Lesung ganz durchzuhalten.
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    Still one of my favorite books. I loved rereading it. I read it the first time in Jr. High. The power of the words is even greater today.
  • Calificación: 1 de 5 estrellas
    seemed really predictable, hackneyed, lacking dimension. Oddly, the movie is so much better.
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    It’s a story that make everyone think about Oliver, like a brave man. He escaped from the workhouse, have a rich family that he never knew, a brother try to harm him, his mother die in workhouse, he never ‘ ew he had a family, a father or even a brother. He been with the thief, but he was benn help by a kind young and old lady at the house where he try to steal things. The thief never forgive him, they try to catch him back, they think he one of them for ever. But he met nice people who willing to help him out those thief.This is amazing story, poor Oliver
  • Calificación: 3 de 5 estrellas
    Language was awesome. The story was not connected enough and the point that the author intended to place, that morality in not class dependent was not fulfilled.
  • Calificación: 3 de 5 estrellas
    A must read for Saigon Star readers keen to have a taste of Dickens
  • Calificación: 3 de 5 estrellas
    Not my favorite Dickens novel, but still worth reading.
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    A classic.
    A tragedy.
    A horror.
    A love story.
    A fairytale.
    'Oliver Twist' is the bleakest and brightest of tales. Charles Dickens weaves all of the elements for a gripping story into his book. What I love most, however, is Mr. Dickens' ability to paint a world, a character, a situation, a single sentiment with nothing but words. It was a treat and an education reading this book. The characters are vivid. They are awful and delightful. Throughout the reading are included words of wisdom--quotes which I paused to highlight. I will reread them time and again. I highly recommend this book to all story lovers. It is a masterpiece.
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    Outside of a failed attempt at the Pickwick Papers a decade or so ago, I believe this is the first Dickens I have read as an adult. Is that possible? I should be sent to the workhouse myself for that.
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    Well, I finally finished re-reading Oliver Twist. Also known as, how much bad stuff can happen to one poor orphan boy? It took me a while to finish reading, not because of the story itself, but simply because of other time issues. I enjoyed the story and the ideas. I love Dickens' writing style, I just wish I'd been able to read more of it at a time during one sitting. Now that I've re-read this one, I'd like to re-read more of his work.
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    I first read this after seeing the 1960's film musical. Loved it then. When I reread it as an adult, I was a little less more impartial. But I still enjoyed the imagery, the characters and the commentary on society.