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El Blanco Y El Negro (Completo)
El Blanco Y El Negro (Completo)
El Blanco Y El Negro (Completo)
Audiolibro47 minutos

El Blanco Y El Negro (Completo)

Escrito por . Voltaire

Narrado por Marcos Ballate

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Información de este audiolibro

Una historia que conjuga el bien, el mal y el destino del hombre
Fecha de lanzamiento21 ene 2022
El Blanco Y El Negro (Completo)

. Voltaire

Born in Paris in 1694, François-Marie Arouet, who would later go by the nom-de-plume Voltaire, was a French Enlightenment philosopher, poet, historian, and author. Voltaire’s writing was often controversial, and in 1715 he was sent into his first exile in Tulle after a writing a satirical piece about the Duke of Orleans, the Regent of France. It was during this time that he produced his first major work, the play Oedipus. Although allowed to return to Paris a year later, Voltaire’s writing continued to land him in trouble. He was jailed in the Bastille two more times and was exiled from Paris for a good portion of his life. Throughout these troubles, Voltaire continued to write, producing works of poetry, a number of plays, and some historical and political texts. His most famous work is the satirical novel Candide, and many of his plays, including Oedipus and Socrates, are still performed today. Voltaire died in 1778.

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