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Tú y yo
Tú y yo
Tú y yo
Libro electrónico104 páginas1 hora

Tú y yo

Calificación: 3.5 de 5 estrellas



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Encerrado en el sótano para pasar su semana de vacaciones lejos de todos, un introvertido adolescente de catorce años se dispone a vivir su sueño solipsista de felicidad: sin conflictos, sin molestos compañeros de escuela, sin comedias ni ficciones. El mundo, con sus reglas incomprensibles, ha quedado al otro lado de la puerta. Hasta que un día su hermana, nueve años mayor que él, irrumpe en su búnker llena de vitalidad y lo obliga a quitarse la máscara de adolescente difícil y a aceptar el juego caótico de la vida exterior. Una excepcional novela de formación que nos presenta una desgarradora visión de ese mundo adolescente. «Es un libro bellísimo, un relato perfecto. Doloroso y conmovedor» (Francesco Piccolo, l?Unità). «Enormemente atractiva..., tierna y emocionalmente perturbadora a la vez... Inolvidable» (Publishers Weekly). «Una novela que es pura dinamita, y deja al lector ávido, deseando más y más páginas» (Leyla Sanai, Independent on Sunday).

Encerrado en el sótano para pasar su semana de vacaciones lejos de todos, un introvertido adolescente de catorce años se dispone a vivir su sueño solipsista de felicidad: sin conflictos, sin molestos compañeros de escuela, sin comedias ni ficciones. El mundo, con sus reglas incomprensibles, ha quedado al otro lado de la puerta. Hasta que un día su hermana, nueve años mayor que él, irrumpe en su búnker llena de vitalidad y lo obliga a quitarse la máscara de adolescente difícil y a aceptar el juego caó­tico de la vida exterior. Una excepcional novela de formación que nos presenta una desgarradora visión de ese mundo adolescente. «Es un libro bellísimo, un relato perfecto. Doloroso y conmovedor» (Francesco Piccolo, l?Unità). «Enormemente atractiva..., tierna y emocionalmente perturbadora a la vez... Inolvidable» (Publishers Weekly). «Una novela que es pura dinamita, y deja al lector ávido, deseando más y más páginas» (Leyla Sanai, Independent on Sunday).

Fecha de lanzamiento3 may 2012
Tú y yo

Niccolo Ammaniti

NICCOLÒ AMMANITI was born in Rome in 1966. He has written three novels and a collection of short stories. His first novel, I’ll Steal you Away, was longlisted for the Independent Foreign Fiction Prize. He won the prestigious Italian Viareggio- Rèpaci Literary Prize for Fiction for his bestselling novel I’m Not Scared, which has been translated into thirty-five languages. As God Commands received the Premio Strega Prize in 2007. Visit him online at

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Calificación: 3.4617647352941177 de 5 estrellas

170 clasificaciones10 comentarios

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  • Calificación: 2 de 5 estrellas
    De dertienjarige Lorenzo, nogal eenzelvig, maakt zijn ouders wijs dat hij op skivakantie mag met zijn vrienden, maar verblijft al die tijd in de kelder van hun appartement. Hij leert er zijn junkie-halfzuster kennen. Goede aanzet, maar nogal ongeloofwaardige wendingen.
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    Whoah craziness guys! You know how there are certain movies out there (I'm looking at you David Lynch) where you're watching them and half of the time you're wondering what's going on while the other halftime you're riveted and SO SURE of yourself?Well. That's ALMOST what it was like reading Me and You. It's the oddness of David Lynch without any dancing midgets.Lorenzo is a fourteen year old oddball. He has no friends and is partially okay with being Mr. Anti-Social. Except, he seems really close with his mom. And by really close, I mean REALLY close. There was no grossness there, folks, so I have to wonder if their level of intimacy is more of a Italian thing...and by that, I hope not to offend because I'm waving the ignorant American flag...but Lorenzo has a couple of thoughts that just seem a bit Oedipul. But perhaps all of that affection that raised red flags for me is nothing more than my stuffy Americanisque, I don't think I've ever thought about the smell of my mother? Missing her smell on a trip away from home. Or holding my mother's hand and having a passing thought of "oh this is what it would be like if I was involved". But there was no ewwiness to be sited, and in fact the dysfunction that does occur is quite suited for my American brain.I feel that I might have embarrassed myself by that paragraph,but none the less will continue.Soooo, Lorenzo lies to the parental figures about going away for the week skiing with friends that he doesn't have but his parents wished he did. After telling this big lie, he must cover up. Which essentially means avoiding the house for a week and hiding out in the cellar. He's pretty much stoked about it, actually. No showering, yummy Nutella sandwiches, and Stephen King's Salem's Lot to keep him company. What's not to dig?But then the unexpected happens. His estranged half sister joins him. And by unexpectedly I mean it's 2AM and snowing outside and she's BEGGING him to let her stay the night in this cozy little hideaway. This completely ruins his isolated plans. And what began as one night, turns into a couple and a whole new discovery takes place. For him. And for his sister.The whole sibling thing was an interesting dynamic. Since you know, they weren't close or anything. Both are sorta disturbed and selfish and it manifests itself differently. Neither are very LIKABLE characters, which is pretty interesting because you're not sure if you should be rooting for them, or wishing for their demise.At best, it's a realistic piece of work. At worst, it's just sorta out there and questionable. I can however see it becoming a movie.
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    Lorenzo is a 14 year-old misfit. He has no friends at his school; to appease his mom, he tells her he's been invited on a ski weekend with some of the most popular kids. As he prepares for his "trip" he's also setting up his "getaway" in the basement of his family's apartment--mattress, sheets, food (including nutella and 20 cans of tuna), a small tv, his PlayStation, and three Stephen King novels. This would be his vacation--a week away from his parents and the stress of his daily life. What bliss! All this planning, only to have it interrupted by his annoying half-sister, Olivia, who was 23. They had never liked one another--why was she bothering him now?In this small gem of a book, "Europe's hottest novelist" (Kirkus Review) has drawn a picture-perfect relationship of two half- siblings, who although they neither like nor even know one another, are drawn together in a time of need. Much of the story is told in dialogue: Lorenzo with his mother, his father, Olivia, and much through Lorenzo's active imagination. Me and You is a real treat--don't miss it!
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    Lorenzo is a fourteen-year-old boy that doesn't fit in with his peers. He learns at a young age what he must do to fit in enough so that he won't be bullied, but he always feels a sense of "aloneness." "But the longer I put on this show, the more different I felt. The chasm that separated me from the others grew deeper. On my own I was happy, with the others I always had to pretend. Sometimes this scared me. Would I have to imitate them for the rest of my life?" (38). When some of Lorenzo's classmates talk of going on a skiing trip, Lorenzo tells his mother that he has been invited. Lorenzo's mother is so overwhelmed by the "normalness" of all this that Lorenzo can't tell her that he lied to her and instead plans a week in hiding. Lorenzo seems to be enjoying his little getaway in the cellar of his building, when he is interrupted by his half-sister, Olivia, whose own issues force Lorenzo to think outside himself.At first, I was a bit apathetic to this book and might not have finished had it been a longer work, but after completing it, it continues to haunt me. The characters are well developed but the reader is left with some questions about why Lorenzo is so different and how his sister Olivia's problems developed. Some of this may be implied such as: Lorenzo's relationship with his mother, Olivia's problems with her father, and what makes Lorenzo different. Delving into these issues truly makes this a story worth reading and discussing!
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    Gripping novella. Great character development and well written. I read it in a day and the pages flew by.
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    Challenging and somewhat confranting about a boy and his junkie sister. A modern take on a "Moral " story. short, sharp and to the point. I loved it and think it's got some potential and class set or textbook for more senior students, Coming of age story. Identity.
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    A rivetting novella or long short story which I read in about an hour and half, never once turning my eyes from the page. Lorenzo is a classic Ammaniti adolescent - clumsy, unsure of himself, and in this case a loner. But he's about to be catapulted into the world of adults. Hiding in the cellar whilst faking a week's skiing holiday with the popular and successful kids at school, he's amazed and distressed when his half sister Olivia, who he's met once, arrives looking for her possessions - and then decides to stay. What follows in the next few days (which is hard to discuss without spoiling it - its only a very short piece) is for Lorenzo a vision and premonition of his own future - he has a moment of clarity in which he can see a different short and long term future to his current miserable lonely existence. Can he take the chance?This is a great piece of work. Lorenzo, Olivia and their parents are brought to life beautifully in a few short paragraphs. Ammaniti is a genius
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    This book was a good start of my reading year, with a book this thin. It was easy to read, but has a clear deeper, touching, layer that makes you think.The story is about Lorenzo, the typical outsider boy at high school. But he tries (and it seems to work) to give his parents the idea that he fits in. Part of this is a made up invitation for a skiing holiday. But of course he isn't. He spents the week in the cellar. And it's a weird week, as an unexpected person comes by and needs his help.Until now I only read the more hillarious books by [[Ammaniti]]. This was much more heavy and touching. And also a good read.
  • Calificación: 2 de 5 estrellas
    De dertienjarige Lorenzo, nogal eenzelvig, maakt zijn ouders wijs dat hij op skivakantie mag met zijn vrienden, maar verblijft al die tijd in de kelder van hun appartement. Hij leert er zijn junkie-halfzuster kennen. Goede aanzet, maar nogal ongeloofwaardige wendingen.
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    14-year-old Lorenzo has always been an outsider, despite his parents' efforts to goad him into having friends and fitting in. When he tries to make points with his mother by telling her he's been invited on a ski trip with a popular group at school, she's so thrilled he can't bring himself to tell her the truth. Instead, he holes up in the basement of their apartment building for a week of uninterrupted "Lorenzo" time, free from adults and peer pressure. Instead, he's interrupted by a half-sister he barely knows, and he experiences changes which will forever alter his picture of himself in the world.Told between the bookends of Lorenzo's life at 24, the story's importance is shown in the final few pages, when he finally goes to see his sister again. Sweet, funny, and sad, all in one.

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Tú y yo - Juan Manuel Salmerón Arjona



Cividale del Friuli 12 de enero de 2010

Roma Diez años antes

Cividale del Friuli 12 de enero de 2010


Y éste es para mi madre y mi padre

En la noche oscura del alma, son siempre las tres de la mañana.


La edad del jazz

But can you save me?

Come on and save me

If you could save me

From the ranks of the freaks

Who suspect they could never love anyone.


Save Me

Se llama mimetismo batesiano a la propiedad que tiene una especie animal inofensiva de parecerse, en color y comportamiento, a otra tóxica o venenosa que vive en su mismo hábitat. Así, la mente del predador asocia la especie mimética a la especie peligrosa, lo que aumenta sus posibilidades de supervivencia.

Cividale del Friuli

12 de enero de 2010


Una camarera me mira por encima de las gafas. Lleva un termo plateado.

Le tiendo la taza.


Me la llena hasta el borde.

–¿Ha venido por la feria?

Niego con la cabeza.

–¿Qué feria?

–La de caballos.

Se queda mirándome. Espera que le diga por qué he venido a Cividale del Friuli. Al final saca una libreta.

–¿Qué habitación tiene?

Le enseño la llave.

–Ciento diecinueve.

Apunta el número.

–Si quiere más café, puede servirse usted mismo en el bufé.


–De nada.

En cuanto se aleja, saco un papel doblado en cuatro de mi cartera y lo despliego sobre la mesa.

Es una nota que escribió mi hermana hace diez años, el veinticuatro de febrero de dos mil.

Yo tenía catorce años y ella veintitrés.


Diez años antes


La noche del dieciocho de febrero de dos mil me acosté temprano y me dormí enseguida, pero a media noche me desperté y ya no pude conciliar el sueño.

A las seis y diez, tapado hasta la barbilla con el edredón, respiraba por la boca.

La casa estaba en silencio. No había más ruidos que el de la lluvia batiendo contra la ventana, el que hacía mi madre en el piso de arriba yendo y viniendo del dormitorio al cuarto de baño, y el del aire que entraba y salía por mi tráquea.

No tardaría mi madre en venir a despertarme para llevarme con los otros.

Encendí la lámpara con forma de grillo que tenía en la mesita. La luz verde pintó un rincón de cuarto en el que se veía la mochila llena de ropa, el chaquetón y un bolso con las botas y los esquís.

Entre los trece y los catorce años di un estirón tremendo, como si me hubieran dado abono, y superé en altura a todos los de mi edad. Mi madre decía que me habían estirado dos caballos de tiro. Me pasaba un montón de tiempo ante el espejo, mirándome la piel blanca llena de pecas, el vello de las piernas. En la cabeza me crecía una mata de pelo castaño entre la que asomaban las orejas. La pubertad había remodelado mis facciones y me separaba los ojos verdes un narizón enorme.

Me levanté y metí la mano en el bolsillo de la mochila, apoyada junto a la puerta.

–La navaja está. Y la linterna. Todo –dije en voz baja.

Los pasos de mi madre en el pasillo. Debía de llevar los zapatos azules de tacón alto.

Me metí en la cama, apagué la luz y fingí que dormía.

–Lorenzo, arriba, que es tarde.

Alcé la cabeza de la almohada, me froté los ojos.

Mi madre subió la persiana.

–¡Qué día tan horrible!... Esperemos que sea mejor en Cortina.

La luz tétrica del alba dibujaba su fina silueta. Se había puesto la falda y la chaqueta gris que usaba en las ocasiones importantes. El suéter de cuello redondo. Las perlas. Y los zapatos azules de tacón alto.

–Buenos días –dije bostezando, como si acabara de despertar.

Mi madre se sentó en la cama.

–¿Has dormido bien, cielo?


–Voy a prepararte el desayuno... Tú, mientras, lávate.

–¿Y Nihal?

Me peinó el pelo con los dedos.

–A esta hora duerme. ¿Te dio las camisetas planchadas?

Dije que sí con la cabeza.

–Venga, levántate.

Eso quería yo, pero algo me oprimía el pecho.

–¿Qué pasa?

Le tomé la mano.

–¿Me quieres?

Ella sonrió.

–Pues claro que te quiero. –Se puso en pie, se miró en el espejo que había junto a la puerta y se alisó la falda–. Va, arriba. ¿También hoy hay que insistirte para que te levantes?

–Un beso.

Se inclinó sobre mí.

–Que no te vas a la mili, que te vas de semana blanca.

La abracé, hundí la cabeza en el cabello rubio que le caía por la cara y pegué la nariz a su cuello.

Olía bien. Me hacía pensar en Marruecos. Callecitas muy, muy estrechas, llenas de tenderetes con polvos de colores. Aunque yo nunca había estado en Marruecos.

–¿A qué hueles?

–A jabón de sándalo. El que uso siempre.

–¿Me lo prestas?

Enarcó una ceja.

–¿Para qué?

–Para lavarme con él y llevarte conmigo.

Retiró las mantas.

–¿Lavarte? ¡Qué novedad! Va, tonto, si ni te acordarás de mí.

Por la ventanilla del BMW iba mirando la tapia del zoo, cubierta de carteles electorales mojados. Allá arriba, en la jaula de las rapaces, se veía un buitre posado en una rama seca. Parecía una vieja de luto durmiendo bajo la lluvia.

La calefacción del coche me sofocaba y las galletas se me habían atragantado en la garganta.

Cesaba la lluvia. Una pareja, gordo él, delgada ella, hacía gimnasia en las escaleras cubiertas de hojas mojadas del museo de arte moderno.

Miré a mi madre.

–¿Qué pasa? –preguntó, sin apartar los ojos de la carretera.

Inflé el pecho queriendo imitar la voz grave de mi padre.

–Arianna, a ver si lavas el coche que parece una pocilga rodante.

No se rió.

–¿De tu padre te has despedido?


–¿Qué te ha dicho?

–Que no haga tonterías ni esquíe como un loco. –Hice una pausa–. Y que no te llame cada cinco minutos.

–¿Eso ha dicho?


Cambió de marcha y torció en la Flaminia. La ciudad empezaba a llenarse de coches.

–Llámame cuando quieras. ¿Lo llevas todo? ¿Música? ¿El móvil?


El cielo gris gravitaba sobre los tejados y entre las antenas.

–¿Y la bolsa de las medicinas la has cogido? ¿Has echado el termómetro?


Un muchacho en una moto reía con el móvil metido bajo el

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