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Player One Podcast

Player One Podcast

Player One Podcast

1166 episodios


Join ex-game journalists Chris Johnston, Phil Theobald, and Greg Sewart as they talk about console/portable/PC games, raising kids, and the meaning of life.

Episodios1-10 de 1166 episodios


Schmuck Amok

This week! Phil and CJ talk Batman, Beetlejuice, and a whole lot of Star Wars Outlaws. ...

134 minutos
Sep 02, 2024

BONUS: Ep.826: Cowabungas All Around Aftershow (9/6/22)

If you support us on Patreon you may know that we have been doing Aftershows each week ...

43 minutos
Aug 30, 2024

Thank Goodness We’re Back

This week! Greg and Phil are back and we’re going through some of the news from the pas...

87 minutos
Aug 27, 2024

BONUS: Ep.825: Raising The Price Aftershow (8/30/22)

If you support us on Patreon you may know that we have been doing Aftershows each week ...

21 minutos
Aug 23, 2024

Pitfalls in the Past

This week! Greg and Phil are still gone so CJ unearths another lost bit of audio. This ...

41 minutos
Aug 19, 2024

BONUS: Ep.824: Two Holes In One At Once Aftershow (8/23/22)

If you support us on Patreon you may know that we have been doing Aftershows each week ...

25 minutos
Aug 16, 2024

You Tell ‘Em, Bernie! (Sega 1999 E3 Press Conference)

This week! Instead of our regularly scheduled episode, here’s audio from Sega’s 1999 E3...

50 minutos
Aug 12, 2024

BONUS: Ep.823: Saiyans Got A Gun Aftershow (8/16/22)

If you support us on Patreon you may know that we have been doing Aftershows each week ...

39 minutos
Aug 09, 2024

Bad News Streak

This week! A bummer of a week for video games—Game Informer shutters, Bungie layoffs, O...

86 minutos
Aug 06, 2024

BONUS: Ep.822: In The Clouds Aftershow (8/9/22)

If you support us on Patreon you may know that we have been doing Aftershows each week ...

34 minutos
Aug 02, 2024