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Good habits forever, with James Clear. Episode 324

Good habits forever, with James Clear. Episode 324

DeEl podcast de Cristina Mitre

Good habits forever, with James Clear. Episode 324

DeEl podcast de Cristina Mitre

64 minutos
8 sept 2024
Episodio de podcast


Who doesn't want, or at least hasn't tried at some point, to change their habits? Eat better, get more exercise, go to bed earlier, meditate, not argue about everything...? And once you've achieved it, you have to keep it up. Does this sound familiar: you start cooking at night to take a lunchbox of healthy food to the office every day, and two months later you go back to the daily sandwich or hamburger? Or you sign up for the gym in January without missing a single abs, legs and butt workout, and then in March you never go back? Why is it so hard for us to banish bad habits, create good ones and stick with them? Today we are going to launch the eighth season of Cristina Mitre's Podcast with the great guru of good habits, James Clear. The author of Atomic Habits, a worldwide bestseller with more than 20 million copies sold, hundreds of thousands in Spain, is going to reveal for us the keys to his success. A positive, simple, realistic message based on evidence from neuroscience, biology and psychology, which in a nutshell tells us: focus on making tiny but significant changes. And always keep in mind that habits are not a finishing line we have to cross, but a lasting lifestyle.This episode is also available in Spanish.Instagram @thebeautymailTwitter @cristinamitreYouTube Cristina Mitre ArandaFacebook Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
8 sept 2024
Episodio de podcast

Títulos en esta serie (100)

Este es el podcast de la periodista y escritora Cristina Mitre, autora del conocido blog Todas las semanas, Cristina te sorprenderá con una entrevista a un experto del mundo de la cosmética, la nutrición, el fitness y el bienestar, para que te veas bien y te sientas mejor. Si quieres estar bien informado sobre todo lo que tiene que ver con belleza y salud, tenemos una cita todos los domingos. ¡Bienvenido! Si quieres, puedes seguir a diario a Cristina en su blog y en sus redes sociales.Instagram @thebeautymailFacebook Cristina Mitre ArandaTwitter @CristinamitreYouTube Cristina MitreWeb