The Vet Office

Psicólogos y Trabajadores Sociales IRLANDA

¿Te gustaría trabajar con menores o personas con discapacidades en centros residenciales de Irlanda?

Actualmente necesitamos Psicólogos, Trabajadores sociales y Educadores sociales para trabajar como Trabajadores de Asistencia Social en Irlanda. Nuestro cliente tiene varios centros residenciales de menores y personas que sufren algún tipo de discapacidad bien física o mental. Los centros están ubicados en Sligo y Leitrim (cerca del Norte de Irlanda).

  • 40 horas semanales, y hay algunos turnos de noche.

Algunas de las funciones son:

  • Specific Tasks regarding the Children/young person
  • Working with other members of the Social Care team, and as agreed with the Manager or person in charge, to be actively involved in the direct care of young people in accordance with standards of care as identified within the relevant policy or practice guidelines.
  • The post holder is responsible for the optimum delivery.
  • To take on key carer responsibility with support where necessary for one or more young person.
  • To contribute to placement planning, participating in reviews and other meetings as required.
  • To assist in the implementation of placement plans and supporting young people to work towards agreed goals. This may include assisting young people to return to their families or enable them to move on to alternative cares or independence at the appropriate stage in their lives.
  • Promote and protect the health, safety and wellbeing of young people placed.
  • Support children and young people to make progress in relation to their overall wellbeing, personal development, and relationships with others.
  • Contribute to the normal development of the young people and promote a healthy lifestyle.
  • To promote and support young peoples education and work in partnership with teaching staff.
  • Listening to and talking with young people, observing their behaviour, and recording significant features or events.
  • Be alert to any signs of distress and abuse, and to ensure that children and young people are monitored and protected, reporting any concerns to the Registered Manager or the Senior on Duty.
  • To ensure the safety of young people by working within their approach, including Therapeutic Crisis Intervention.
  • Being aware of the young peoples leisure and recreational needs and supporting their active participation in these. Join other members of the staff group accompanying the young people on their annual holiday as determined and selected by the manager.


1. Muy buen nivel de inglés. A partir de un B2 hablado. Las entrevistas se realizan en inglés desde el primer día.

2. Tener finalizada la carrera en Psicología, Trabajo Social o Educación Social en Europa.

3. Poder trasladarse a Irlanda en 1 a 2 meses una vez obtenida la oferta formal de trabajo.

4. Experiencia valorable con menores o personas con algún tipo de discapacidad, pero no es requisito imprescindible.

5. Poder trabajar en horarios tanto de días como de noches.



  • Contrato indefinido y puesto estable.
  • Sueldo entre 2.300 a 3.000 netos mensuales.
  • Ayuda al traslado.
  • Mucha formación académica y práctica.
  • Vivir una experiencia única en un país de habla inglesa.

Interesad@s, enviar CV en inglés a [email protected] Asunto: Centro Residencial Irlanda
  • Nivel de antigüedad

    Sin experiencia
  • Tipo de empleo

    Jornada completa
  • Función laboral

    Atención médica
  • Sectores

    Dotación y selección de personal

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