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Contracciones Informales en Ingls Wanna, Gonna, Shoulda, Kinda, Gotta, etc.

Aprende las contracciones informales en esta leccin de SELVA ingls. 1. If you ________ be my lover, you've ________ ask my dad first. A. B. C. D. wanna / gotta gotta / wanna gonna / wanna shoulda / gonna

2. I've ________ say what's on my mind. I really need to. A. B. C. D. gonna shoulda kinda gotta

3. I'm going to Hollywood. I'm ________ be a star. A. B. C. D. gonna wanna kinda oughta

4. Sorry I can't stay longer but I really ________ study for an exam. A. B. C. D. shoulda oughta gotta wanna

5. I failed the exam... I ________ studied more. A. B. C. D. shoulda oughta gotta kinda

6. "Do you understand this?" - "Yeah, I ________ get it, but I still need to think about it some more." A. B. C. D. wanna gotta kinda mighta

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7. If I had studied I ________ passed the exam. A. B. C. D. mighta coulda woulda All are possible

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Respuestas y Explicaciones
1. If you ________ be my lover, you've ________ ask my dad first. A. wanna / gotta - "want to" (si quieres) "have got to" (tienes que). 2. I've ________ say what's on my mind. I really need to. D. gotta - "have got to" (tengo que). 3. I'm going to Hollywood. I'm ________ be a star. A. gonna - "going to" (voy a ser estrella). 4. Sorry I can't stay longer but I really ________ study for an exam. B. oughta - "ought to" debera estudiar" no se puede usar "shoulda" que significa "should have" (debera haber... estudiado). 5. I failed the exam... I ________ studied more. A. shoulda - "should have" deb estudiar ms ("oughta" significa "ought to" as que sera "ought to study"- debera estudiar). 6. "Do you understand this?" - "Yeah, I ________ get it, but I still need to think about it some more." C. kinda - "I kind of get it" (lo pillo ms o menos). 7. If I had studied I ________ passed the exam. D. All are possible - "might have" / could have... si hubiera estudiado podra haber aprobado, would have Si hubiera estudiado podra haber aprobado.

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A t xito sin lmites,

Jessica Ojeda fundadora

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