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Omara Portuondo (Cuba) Track 1 Guantanamera

Espaol Guantanamera Guajira Guantanamera Guantanamera Guajira Guantanamera Yo soy un hombre sincero De donde crecen las palmas. Yo soy un hombre sincero De donde crecen las palmas. Y antes de morirme quiero Echar mis versos del alma. Guantanamera Guajira Guantanamera Guantanamera Guajira Guantanamera Yo vengo de todas partes Y hacia todas partes voy. Yo vengo de todas partes Y hacia todas partes voy. Arte soy entre las artes Y en los montes, monte soy. Guantanamera Guajira Guantanamera Guantanamera Guajira Guantanamera Con los pobres de la tierra, Quiero yo my suerte echar. Con los pobres de la tierra, Quiero yo my suerte echar. El arroyo de la sierra Me complace ms que el mar. Guantanamera Guajira Guantanamera Guantanamera Guajira Guantanamera
1 Latin Playground Lyrics & Translations

Tiene el leopardo su abrigo En su monte seco y pardo. Tiene el leopardo su abrigo En su monte seco y pardo. Yo tengo ms que el leopardo Porque tengo un buen amigo. Guantanamera Guajira Guantanamera Guantanamera Guajira Guantanamera Mi divina guajira Guajira Guantanamera Guajira Guantanamera English Guantanamera Guajira Guantanamera Guantanamera Guajira Guantanamera I am a sincere man From where palm trees grow. I am a sincere man From where palm trees grow. And before I die I want To sing these verses from my soul. Guantanamera Guajira Guantanamera Guantanamera Guajira Guantanamera I come from everywhere And I go everywhere, too. I come from everywhere And I go everywhere, too. I am art among art And a mountain among mountains. Guantanamera Guajira Guantanamera Guantanamera Guajira Guantanamera
2 Latin Playground Lyrics & Translations

With the poor people of the earth I want to share my fate. With the poor people of the earth I want to share my fate. The river in the mountains Pleases me more than the sea. Guantanamera Guajira Guantanamera Guantanamera Guajira Guantanamera The leopard has his fur coat On his dry, dark mountain. The leopard has his fur coat On his dry, dark mountain. But I have more than the leopard Because I have a good friend. Guantanamera Guajira Guantanamera Guantanamera Guajira Guantanamera My divine guajira Guajira Guantanamera Guajira Guantanamera

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Pink Martini (USA) Track 2 Anna (El Negro Zumbn)

Espaol Ya viene el negro zumbn Bailando alegre el bain Repica la zambomba Y llama a la mujer Ya viene el negro zumbn Bailando alegre el bain Repica la zambomba Y llama a la mujer Tengo ganas de bailar el nuevo comps Dicen todos cuando me ven pasar "Chica, dnde vas?" "Me voy pa bailar el bain!" Tengo ganas de bailar el nuevo comps Dicen todos cuando me ven pasar "Chica, dnde vas?" "Me voy pa bailar el bain!" Ya viene el negro zumbn Bailando alegre el bain Repica la zambomba Y llama a la mujer Ya viene el negro zumbn Bailando alegre el bain Repica la zambomba Y llama a la mujer Tengo ganas de bailar el nuevo comps Dicen todos cuando me ven pasar "Chica, dnde vas?" "Me voy pa bailar el bain!" Tengo gana de bailar el nuevo comps Dicen todos cuando me ven pasar "Chica, dnde vas?" "Me voy pa bailar el bain!"

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English Here comes the black joker Happily dancing the bain.* The zambomba answers back
And calls out to the woman

Here comes the black joker Happily dancing the bain. The zambomba answers back
And calls out to the woman I feel like dancing to this new rhythm When I walk by, everyone says Hey girl, where are you going? Im going to dance the bain!

Here comes the black joker Happily dancing the bain. The zambomba answers back
And calls out to the woman

Here comes the black joker Happily dancing the bain. The zambomba answers back
And calls out to the woman I feel like dancing to this new rhythm When I walk by, everyone says Hey girl, where are you going? Im going to dance the bain!
* The bain is a slow dance rhythm from Brazil. The zambomba is a percussion instrument from Spain. It is made out of clay or wood and covered with animal skin. It has a long stick in the middle that produces a deep sound when rubbed.

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Colibr (Chile/USA) Track 3 Cielito Lindo

Espaol De la Sierra Morena, Cielito lindo, vienen bajando, Un par de ojitos negros, Cielito lindo, de contrabando. De la Sierra Morena, Cielito lindo, vienen bajando, Un par de ojitos negros, Cielito lindo, de contrabando. Ay, ay, ay, ay, Canta y no llores, Porque cantando se alegran, Cielito lindo, los corazones. Ese lunar que tienes, Cielito lindo, junto a la boca, No se lo des a nadie, Cielito lindo, que a m me toca. Ese lunar que tienes, Cielito lindo, junto a la boca, No se lo des a nadie, Cielito lindo, que a m me toca. Ay, ay, ay, ay, Canta y no llores, Porque cantando se alegran, Cielito lindo, los corazones. De domingo a domingo, Cielito lindo, te vengo a ver, Cuando ser domingo, Cielito lindo, para volver? rbol de la esperanza, Cielito lindo, yo bien quisiera Que toda las semanas, Cielito lindo, domingo fuera Ay, ay, ay, ay, Canta y no llores, Porque cantando se alegran, Cielito lindo, los corazones.
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Ay, ay, ay, ay, Canta y no llores, Porque cantando se alegran, Cielito lindo, los corazones. English From the Sierra Morena, Cielito lindo* approaches, With a pair of little black eyes, Cielito lindo, that is full of mischief. From the Sierra Morena, Cielito lindo approaches, With a pair of little black eyes, Cielito lindo, that is full of mischief. Ay, ay, ay, ay, Sing and don't cry, For singing, Cielito lindo, Makes every heart glad. Don't give away that beauty mark, Cielito lindo, that you have next to your mouth, Not to anyone, Cielito lindo, share all your beauty with me. Don't give away that beauty mark, Cielito lindo, that you have next to your mouth, Not to anyone, Cielito lindo, because your beauty moves me. Ay, ay, ay, ay, Sing and don't cry, For singing, Cielito lindo, Makes every heart glad. Each and every Sunday, Cielito lindo, I come to visit you. Oh, when will Sunday come again, So I can return? Tree of hope, Cielitlo lindo, I would truly love If every week, Cielito lindo, was full of Sundays.

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Ay, ay, ay, ay, Sing and don't cry, For singing, Cielito lindo, Makes every heart glad.
* Cielito Lindo means pretty little sky. It is a nickname for a little girl.

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Botafogo (Argentina) Track 4 El Reino del Revs

Espaol Me dijeron que en el reino del revs Nada el pjaro y vuela el pez, Que los gatos no hacen meow ni dicen yes, Aunque estudian mucho ingles. Vamos a ver como es El reino del revs. Vamos a ver como es El reino del revs. Me dijeron que en el reino del revs Nadie baila con los pis Un ladrn es vigilante y otro es juez Y que dos y dos son tres. Vamos a ver como es El reino del revs. Vamos a ver como es El reino del revs. Me dijeron que en el reino del revs Cabe un oso en una nuez. Usan barbas y bigotes los bebs, Y que un ao dura un mes. Vamos a ver como es El reino del revs. Vamos a ver como es El reino del revs. Me dijeron que en el reino del revs Hay un perro pekins Que se cae para arriba y una vez No pudo bajar despus. Vamos a ver como es El reino del revs. Vamos a ver como es El reino del revs.

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Me dijeron que en el reino del revs Un seor llamado Andrs Tiene 1530 chimpancs Que si miras, no los ves. Vamos a ver como es El reino del revs. Vamos a ver como es El reino del revs. Me dijeron que en el reino del revs Una araa y un cien-pies Van montados al palacio del Marqus En caballos de ajedrez Vamos a ver como es El reino del revs. Vamos a ver como es El reino del revs. English They told me that that in the Backwards Kingdom, Birds swim and fish fly. The cats dont meow or even say yes, Although they often study English. Lets see what its like In the Backwards Kingdom. Lets see what its like In the Backwards Kingdom. They told me that in the Backwards Kingdom, No one dances with their feet. A robber is a police officer and another is a judge And two plus two equals three. Lets see what its like In the Backwards Kingdom. Lets see what its like In the Backwards Kingdom. They told me that in backwards kingdom. A bear fits inside a nut. All the babies have beards and mustaches And a year lasts a month.
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Lets see what its like In backwards kingdom. Lets see what its like In the backwards kingdom. They told me that in the backwards kingdom, Theres a Pekinese Who falls upwards And once, he couldnt come down afterwards. Lets see what its like In the backwards kingdom. Lets see what its like In the backwards kingdom. They told me that in the backwards kingdom, A man named Andrs Has 1530 chimpanzees That if you look at, you dont see. Lets see what its like In the backwards kingdom. Lets see what its like In the backwards kingdom. They told me that in the backwards kingdom A spider and a centipede Ride horses to the palace of the Marquis On horses from the game of chess.

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Los 50 de Joselito (Colombia) Track 5 La Araa Picua

Espaol Yo vi una araa con pelo Yo vi una araa con pelo En el ala de mi casa Con rabo y con cuatro patas Con rabo y con cuatro patas Y tena forma de cangrejo Yo vi una araa con pelo Yo vi una araa con pelo En el ala de mi casa Con rabo y con cuatro patas Con rabo y con cuatro patas Y tena forma de cangrejo La araa te va a picar Agrrala por detrs La araa te va a morder Sujtala por los pies La araa pic a Gustavo Porque le tentaba el rabo Borracha araa atrevida Ayer asust a Mara Esa araa inteligente Esa araa inteligente Es una frialdad pa mi. De pronto la veo subir De pronto la veo subir Haciendo mueca a la gente Esa araa inteligente Esa araa inteligente Es una frialdad pa mi. De pronto la veo subir De pronto la veo subir Haciendo mueca a la gente

La araa te va a picar Agrrala por detrs La araa te va a morder

12 Latin Playground Lyrics & Translations

Sujtala por los pies La araa pic a Gustavo Porque le tentaba el rabo Borracha araa atrevida Ayer asust a Mara. English I saw a hairy spider I saw a hairy spider In a wing of my house It had a tail and four legs It had a tail and four legs And looked like a crab. I saw a hairy spider I saw a hairy spider In a wing of my house It had a tail and four legs It had a tail and four legs And looked like a crab. The spider is going to sting you Grab it from behind The spider is going to bite you Hold it by its legs The spider stung Gustavo Because he felt for its tail That daring drunken spider Yesterday it scared Maria That intelligent spider That intelligent spider Gives me the shivers Suddenly I see it rise Suddenly I see it rise Making faces at everyone That intelligent spider That intelligent spider Gives me the shivers Suddenly I see it rise Suddenly I see it rise Making faces at everyone

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The spider is going to sting you Grab it from behind The spider is going to bite you Hold it by its legs The spider stung Gustavo Because he felt for its tail That daring drunken spider Yesterday it scared Maria

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Margarita Laso (Ecuador) Track 6 Viva Vargas Torres*

Espaol No nos asusta el combate ni nos da temor, ni nos da temor, ni nos da temor Porqu aqu en la tierra verde no sobra el valor, nos sobra el valor, nos sobra el valor En esta tierra esmeraldea, luchamos por la libertad En esta tierra esmeraldea, luchamos por la libertad Negros, blancos y mulatos, buscaremos la igualdad Negros, mestizos, mulatos, buscaremos la igualdad No nos asusta el combate ni nos da temor, ni nos da temor, ni nos da temor Porqu aqu en la tierra verde no sobra el valor, nos sobra el valor, nos sobra el valor Nosotros somos el norte y el pendn del Ecuador Nosotros somos el norte y el pendn del Ecuador Lucharemos porqu impere en la patria lo mejor Lucharemos porqu impere en la patria lo mejor No nos asusta el combate ni nos da temor, ni nos da temor, ni nos da temor Porqu aqu en la tierra verde nos sobra el valor, nos sobra el valor, nos sobra el valor Vargas Torres es el gua y es ejemplo redentor Vargas Torres es el gua y es ejemplo redentor Nosotros con l tendremos democracia en Ecuador Nosotros con l tendremos democracia en Ecuador Viva Vargas Torres! Viva! English We are not scared of the fight, nor do we fear it, nor do we fear it, nor do we fear it Because here in our green land we have plenty of courage, we have plenty of courage, we have plenty of courage In this emerald land, we will fight for liberty In this emerald land, we will fight for liberty Blacks, whites, and mulatos, we all seek equality Blacks, mestizos, and mulatos, we all seek equality We are not scared of battle, nor do we fear it, nor do we fear it, nor do we fear it Because here in our green land we have plenty of courage, we have plenty of courage, we have plenty of courage We are the north and the banner of Ecuador We are the north and the banner of Ecuador We will fight because the best must prevail in our homeland We will fight because the best must prevail in our homeland

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We are not scared of battle, nor do we fear it, nor do we fear it, nor do we fear it Because here in our green land we have plenty of courage, we have plenty of courage, we have plenty of courage Vargas Torres is the guide and redeeming example Vargas Torres is the guide and redeeming example With him/it we will have democracy in Ecuador With him/it we will have democracy in Ecuador Long live Vargas Torres!
* Un personaje importante en la lucha para la independencia de Ecuador en el siglo XIX. An important figure in Ecuadors struggle for independence in the 19th century.

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Ska Cubano (Cuba/Jamaica) Track 7 Chispa Tren


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Cubanismo (Cuba/USA) Track 8 Mardi Gras Mambo

English Down in New Orleans where the blues were born It takes a cool cat just to blow a horn On Lasalle and Rampart Street The combo player with the mambo beat Mardi Gras mambo, mambo, mambo Mardi Gras mambo, mambo, mambo Mardi Gras mambo, down in New Orleans In a gray town where the cats all meet Its the Mardi Gras mambo with a beat Jolly Chief or the Zulu king And truck on down with the mambo swing Mardi Gras mambo, mambo, mambo Mardi Gras mambo, mambo, mambo Mardi Gras mambo, down in New Orleans (x5) Mardi Gras mambo, mambo, mambo Mardi Gras mambo, mambo, mambo (x3) Down in New Orleans where the blues were born It takes a cool cat just to blow a horn On Lasalle and Rampart Street The combo player with the mambo beat Mardi Gras mambo, mambo, mambo Mardi Gras mambo, mambo, mambo Mardi Gras mambo, down in New Orleans (x2) Espaol All en Nueva Orleans, donde naci el blues Hay que ser muy bueno para tocar la trompeta Por la calle Lasalle y la calle Rampart Tocan los msicos el ritmo del mambo

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Mardi Gras mambo, mambo, mambo Mardi Gras mambo, mambo, mambo Mardi Gras mambo, all en Nueva Orleans En la ciudad gris donde bailan los mejores Se toca el Mardi Gras Mambo con pasin All estn el Jolly Chief y el rey zul Ven con nosotros a bailar el mambo. Mardi Gras mambo, mambo, mambo Mardi Gras mambo, mambo, mambo Mardi Gras mambo, all en Nueva Orleans (x5) Mardi Gras mambo, mambo, mambo Mardi Gras mambo, mambo, mambo (x3) All en Nueva Orleans, donde naci el blues Hay que ser muy bueno para tocar la trompeta Por la calle Lasalle y la calle Rampart Tocan los msicos el ritmo del mambo Mardi Gras mambo, mambo, mambo Mardi Gras mambo, mambo, mambo Mardi Gras mambo, all en Nueva Orleans (x2)

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Matatoa (Easter Island/Chile) Track 9 Fusin Natural

Espaol Se desvanece todo No s cundo y porqu Lo ms claro en la vida Se oculta de mi vista Si no fuera por mis sentidos Perdera de vivir Pero aun puedo sentir en el alma En el alma La amistad es un secreto, Un tesoro entre t y yo La amistad es un secreto, Un tesoro entre t y yo Nos envuelve con su energa Una mano de cortesa Una tormenta de amor, amor Suea, suea y vuelve a soar Tu sangre es mi sangre Tu cuerpo con mi cuerpo Fusin natural Suea, suea y vuelve a soar Tu sangre es mi sangre Tu cuerpo con mi cuerpo Fusin natural Se desvanece todo No s cundo ni porqu Lo ms claro en la vida Se oculta de mi vista Si no fueran por mis sentidos Perdera de vivir Pero aun puedo sentir en el alma En el alma La amistad es un secreto, Un tesoro entre t y yo La amistad es un secreto, Un tesoro entre t y yo Nos envuelve con su energa
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Una mano de cortesa Una tormenta de amor, amor Suea y suea y vuelve a soar Tu sangre es mi sangre Tu cuerpo con mi cuerpo Fusin natural Suea, suea y vuelve a soar Tu sangre es mi sangre Tu cuerpo con mi cuerpo Fusin natural English Everything is vanishing I dont know when or why What is clearest in life Is hidden from my view. If it werent for my senses I would cease to live But even then, I feel in my soul, in my soul Friendship is a secret, a treasure between you and me Friendship is a secret, a treasure between you and me It bonds us with its positive energy A hand of courtesy, A storm of love, of love Dream, dream and dream again Your blood is my blood Your body and my body Natural fusion Everything is vanishing I dont know when or why What is clearest in life Is hidden from my view. If it werent for my senses I would cease to live But even then, I feel in my soul, in my soul Friendship is a secret, a treasure between you and me Friendship is a secret, a treasure between you and me It bonds us with its positive energy A hand of courtesy,
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A storm of love, of love Friendship is a secret, a treasure between you and me Friendship is a secret, a treasure between you and me It bonds us with its positive energy A hand of courtesy, A storm of love, of love Dream, dream and dream again Your blood is my blood Your body and my body Natural fusion Dream, dream and dream again Your blood is my blood Your body and my body Natural fusion

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Lila Downs (Mexico) Track 10 Hanal Weech

Original language: Ancient Mayan Espaol Tu, preciosa mujer Por mucha que sea tu hermosura El da llegar que te deje Porque tienes olor a armadillo Sabes por qu siempre te recuerdo Sabes por qu no te puedo olvidar English You, beautiful woman Even though you are very attractive The day will come when I will leave you Because you smell like an armadillo You know why I always remember you You know why I cant forget you

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Jos Gonzlez y Banda Criolla (Puerto Rico) Track 11 Bomba Le Le

Espaol Ay Bendito, ay qu rico Es la bomba* de Puerto Rico Fuego ardiente tropical Pa invitarte a bailar Ay qu gusto, ay qu ritmo Qu sabor tiene Puerto Rico Pa Loiza a celebrar Que esta fiesta va a empezar Si la vida quieres gozar Bomba vamos a bailar Del Caribe traigo un manjar Bomba pa celebrar frica te invita a soar Bomba vamos a bailar Dale duro, rico que est Bomba pa celebrar Ay Bendito, ay qu rico Es la bomba de Puerto Rico Fuego ardiente tropical Pa invitarte a bailar Ay qu gusto, ay qu ritmo Qu sabor tiene Puerto Rico Pa Loiza a celebrar Que esta fiesta va a empezar Oy tumbao que suena igual Bomba vamos a bailar Antillano vente a bombear Bomba pacelebrar Un pasito adelante nada ms Bomba vamos a bailar Medio al lado y ahora pa tras Bomba pa celebrar Bomba bomba bomba le le Baila mi bomba Bomba bomba bomba le le
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Ponle sabor Bomba bomba le le Baila mi bomba Bomba bomba bomba le le Dale al tambor English My oh my, how enchanting Is the bomba from Puerto Rico A burning tropical fire Inviting you to dance Oh,what pleasure, oh, what rhythm, Oh, what flavor has Puerto Rico Lets go to Loiza to celebrate Because this party is about to start If you want to enjoy life Bomba, were going to dance Im bringing you a Caribbean treat Bomba, to celebrate Africa invites you to dream Bomba, were going to dance Play it faster, its so delightful! Bomba, to celebrate My oh my, how enchanting Is the bomba from Puerto Rico A burning tropical fire Inviting you to dance Oh, what pleasure, Oh, what rhythm, What flavor has Puerto Rico Lets go to Loiza to celebrate Because this party is about to start What swing, it sounds the same Bomba, were going to dance Antillano, come and dance bomba Bomba, to celebrate A little step forward, nothing more Bomba, were going to dance Halfway to the side and now backwards Bomba to celebrate

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Bomba bomba bomba le le Dance to my bomba Bomba bomba bomba le le Give it flavor Bomba bomba le le Dance to my bomba Bomba bomba bomba le le Hit that drum
*The bomba is a traditional Afro-Caribbean rhythm that has a corresponding dance. Antillano refers to someone who lives in the Antilles (the central Caribbean)

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