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0L[LQJ$GD &&
Technical Report
Rev. 0.2 -- 11 June 1999


The Green Hills AdaMulti Integrated Development Environment develops applications written in Ada,
C++, C and FORTRAN. This report describes how a customer can use AdaMulti to develop a single
application written in multiple languages. In particular, this report will discuss mixing Ada with C and
C++. A basic understanding of Ada and C/C++ is necessary for comprehending this report.
Some reasons to mix Ada with C/C++ are as follows:

A customer has a large body of legacy code written in Ada and they want to do future development
in C/C++.

A customer prefers to develop applications in Ada, but is required to use a preexisting C/C++

With some limitations, both cases are possible.

In general, an application is composed of one or more globally visible items. These items have a name
that is associated with either the address of a data item or the address of a function entry point. The
source code that generates these items is stored in one or more source files on the host development
Each source file is written in either Ada or C/C++ and is processed by its own language compiler. The
compilation process converts the source code to object code. The linker then combines these object
code modules into a single executable image. Both Ada and C/C++ use this separate compile and
link approach. As long as all source files are written in the same language, the compile and link
process proceeds smoothly. Problems arise when some files are written in Ada and others are written
in C or C++.
Lets assume that a program is composed of two parts. One part is written in Ada and the other in
C/C++. We might ask:
1. How does one part refer to the other parts globally visible data?
2. How does one part dynamically create and subsequently refer to data items in the other part? How
are those data items destroyed?
3. How can one part call the other parts functions? How are arguments passed? How is the return
value passed back?
4. Where is the program entry point? Is it main() in the C/C++ part or is it a procedure in the Ada
This report will investigate these questions in the following sections.
For the remainder of this report, the word item refers to an intrinsic data item, a composite data item,
or a function. Further, the term function refers to both functions and procedures.


A statically allocated data item occupies a fixed location in memory that can be determined at link time.
A source file can define static data items that are visible to other source files or it can access static data
items that are defined in other source files.
In C/C++, statically allocated data items are globally visible if they are defined outside of a function and
the static qualifier is not present. A C/C++ function can refer to a data item that has been statically
allocated in another source file by declaring that data item with the extern keyword. For example, the
following C++ declarations create a data item visible to Ada and refer to a data item Ada has created.
extern struct adastuff FromAda2Cpp;
struct cppstuff FromCpp2Ada;

// Import from Ada to C++

// Export from C++ to Ada

A similar code fragment accomplishes the same thing in C:

extern struct adastuff FromAda2C;
struct cstuff FromC2Ada;

// Import from Ada to C

// Export from C to Ada

Ada programs make statically allocated data items globally visible to C/C++ by using pragma export
statements. An Ada procedure or function can refer to a data item that has been statically allocated in a
C/C++ source file by using a pragma import statement. Examples are:
pragma import(CPP, CPP_HIS_STUFF, FromCpp2Ada);
pragma export(CPP, CPP_MY_STUFF, FromAda2Cpp);
pragma import(C, C_HIS_STUFF,
pragma export(C, C_MY_STUFF,


These Ada statements associate a local Ada name with a global C/C++ name. Note that an Ada name
can contain embedded dots. This feature of the Ada language is incompatible with C/C++, since
C/C++ uses the dot character to indicate structure, union and class membership. These Ada pragmas
perform the important functions of associating an internal Ada name with an external symbol and
translating the external symbol into a form that is compatible with C/C++.
Ada and C/C++ can share any data type if the machine representations are binary compatible. The
Ada package INTERFACES.C is useful for enforcing this correspondence. The following table shows
this correspondence between Ada and C++ types.



unsigned char
signed char
signed char
signed char


unsigned int
unsigned short
unsigned long
char *

Ada access types map to corresponding C++ pointer types.

Ada, C and C++ can share structures, unions and arrays as well. Note that all Green Hills Ada, C and
C++ compilers allocate members of records and structures in the order that the members are declared.
They also impose the same alignment requirements on the members. These two facts taken together
ensure that if structures have the same number and type of members, they will be binary compatible.
An example code fragment of Ada accessing a C++ data structure is as follows:
class cpprec
int numitems;
float weightofitems;

// Define the structure

cpprec cpp_name;

// Declare the shared structure

type adarec is
itemcount : INTEGER;
itemweight : FLOAT;
end record;

-- Define the structure

ada_name : adarec;

-- Declare the shared structure

pragma import(cpp, ada_name, cpp_name);-- Tie the two names together

Now, any reference by the Ada code to ada_name.itemcount will access the same integer memory
location seen by C++ as cpp_name.numitems.
If the Ada record is tagged, then the C++ definition of the record needs to allow space for the Ada
record tag. A dummy variable of type void* should be inserted in the class definition before the first
data member. The following code fragment shows this:

class cpprec
void* tagspace;
int numitems;
float weightofitems;

// Define the structure

cpprec cpp_name;

// Declare the shared structure

// Allow space for the Ada tag

type adarec is tagged
itemcount : INTEGER;
itemweight : FLOAT;
end record;

-- Define the structure

ada_name : adarec;

-- Declare the shared structure

pragma import(cpp, ada_name, cpp_name);-- Tie the two names together

Note that the Ada definition of records shared with C++ does not have to allow for the vptr.
C/C++ code cannot directly access global data items from an existing Ada package since Ada global
symbols have embedded dot characters. In this case, the programmer must use an Ada pragma
export statement for every data item that needs to be visible from C/C++.


There are two closely related programming concepts: function and procedure. A procedure is simply a
function that does not return a value. In Ada, a subprogram is either a procedure or a function. C/C++,
on the other hand, only supports the concept of a function. However, a C/C++ function can be
declared as returning void; in which case, this is effectively the same as an Ada procedure. The void
declaration simply tells the compiler not to expect a return value.
There are many different kinds of functions in both Ada and C/C++. The following common function
types can be used from either side.
1. Globally visible functions Ada can call C/C++ global functions and C/C++ can call Ada global
2. Member functions Ada can call C++ member functions. C++ cannot call Ada dispatching
The Ada subprograms that cannot be accessed from C/C++ are the dispatching operations and the
INITIALIZE, FINALIZE and ADJUST functions of controlled types. All C/C++ functions are accessible
from Ada, although C++ constructors and destructors should not be accessed directly from Ada.
As with global data, the Ada pragma export and pragma import statements associate the Ada
function name with a C/C++ function name.
An example code fragment of an Ada call to a C++ function follows:
function CPROC(input : in integer) return integer;
pragma import(CPP, CPROC, c_proc);
result : integer;
result := CPROC(123); -- Put answer in variable result

int c_proc(int input)
int tmp;
// Accumulate the result here.
return tmp;

// Do some processing here.

// Return the result.

For the case of functions, the Ada compiler uses C++ name encoding to generate the actual global
symbol. The programmer should ensure that the types of the arguments match between the
declaration of the Ada function and the C++ function. For record and enumeration argument types, the
case-sensitive base name of the types must match between the Ada definition and the C++ definition.
The actual specification of the argument type does not matter. The table in section 2 shows the

association of the argument types between Ada and C/C++. If the argument types do not match
between the C++ and Ada declarations of a function, there will be an undefined symbol at link time.
In the above example, the actual external symbol generated for c_proc is c_proc__Fi. Note that the
pragma import statement gets the argument types from the definition of the Ada function but gets the
name of the function from the third argument of the pragma. Also, note that this third argument is a
string. This allows the programmer to specify legal C++ function identifiers that cant be expressed in
Ada; e.g., MyClass::DoStuff.
For the case of non-static C++ member functions, the Ada program must explicitly pass the this
pointer to the C++ function. The Ada function or procedure declaration referenced in the pragma
import statement must explicitly specify this as the name of its first argument.
C/C++ code cannot directly call global functions from an existing Ada package since virtually all Ada
global symbols have embedded dot characters. In this case, the programmer must use a pragma
export statement for every Ada function that needs to be visible to C/C++. For example:
procedure MyProc(MyArg : integer);
pragma import (C, MyProc, c_funct);
Note that the second and third arguments in the pragma import statement are not required to be the
same. In practice, they often are.
For a description of C++ name encoding, refer to section 7.2c of: Ellis & Stroustrup, The Annotated
C++ Reference Manual, 1990, Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., ISBN 0-201-51459-1.


Program Initialization
The main program can be written in Ada or C/C++. Green Hills supports either choice, so the
programmer can pick whatever language is most applicable for the application at hand. In the case of
both Ada and C/C++, the runtime system initialization code needs to be executed before the body of
the main program starts. This initialization code is handled automatically and transparently when the
program is written in a single language. With a mixed language system, the users initialization code
must explicitly call the run-time system initialization code before items in the other language are
If the main function is written in Ada and the Ada code references C++ items, then the Ada main
program should call the function _main() before any reference to a C/C++ item.
If the main function is written in C/C++, then main() must call a function named adainit before the first
reference to any Ada items. It must also call adafinal after the last reference to all Ada items.
For VxWorks, there can be multiple main programs running at one time. If the VxWorks main
programs are written in C++, then the programmer should write a dummy Ada main program (e.g.,
named adadummymain). adadummymain should use with statements to include any package that
the C++ code may need to call. The first C++ main program to run should then call
Further, one of the C++ main programs should call
adadummymain_adafinal after the last call to the Ada code.
If all VxWorks main programs have been written in Ada and they reference a C++ library, then one of
the Ada main programs should call _main before C++ as described above.
Exception Handling
Both Ada and C++ support their own version of exception handling. As a program runs, the run-time
system maintains a call stack. For example, function main calls function sub1(). Function sub1()
calls function sub2() and function sub2() calls function sub3(). If function sub3() detects an exceptional
condition, it may choose to raise (or throw) an exception. This exception transfers control to sub1()
for exception handling.
If all four functions are written in the same language, then the native exception handling mechanism will
work as expected. Will this work if all the above functions are written in one language except sub2,
which is written in the other language? If in the above example, sub2() was written in C++ and it was
compiled with the Xnewexchandling switch, then the answer is yes. Exception handling is a
(possibly) non-local transfer of control up the call stack. To accomplish this, the compiler builds tables
that are used by the run-time exception handling mechanism. The Xnewexchandling switch causes
the C++ compiler to build Ada-compatible exception handling tables.
If, in the above example, all functions were written in C++ and sub2() was written in Ada, then the
answer is no. There is currently no mechanism in the Green Hills Ada compiler to build C++ exception
handling tables.


Many of the more complicated interface chores can be implemented by writing functions that act as an
interface between C/C++ and Ada. A good approach is to establish a canonical set of interface
functions for each C++ class. This set should include, as a minimum, a function to create an instance
of the class, copy an instance of the class, and delete an instance of the class. All other member
functions can be accessed directly.
For example, you might define a C++ class named MyClass which has a member function named
Print. The function MyClass_AdaCreate creates an instance of an object of type MyClass and
returns a pointer to it.
-- Define and import the three canonical interface functions
-function MyClass_AdaCreate return MyClass_AdaPtrType;
function MyClass_AdaCopy(arg : in MyClass_AdaPtrType)
return MyClass_AdaPtrType;
procedure MyClass_AdaDelete(arg : in MyClass_AdaPtrType);
pragma import (CPP, MyClass_AdaCreate, MyClass_AdaCreate);
pragma import (CPP, MyClass_AdaCopy,
pragma import (CPP, MyClass_AdaDelete, MyClass_AdaDelete);
-- Define the normal member function Print. Note that the
-- name of the first argument MUST be this.
-procedure MyClass_Print(this : in MyClass_AdaPtrType);
pragma import (CPP, MyClass_Print, MyClass::Print);
-- Define the variables
-Instance1 : MyClass_AdaPtrType;
Instance2 : MyClass_AdaPtrType;

-- Pointer to 1st object

-- Pointer to 2nd object

-- Executable code.
-Instance1 := MyClass_AdaCreate;
Instance2 := MyClass_AdaCopy(Instance1);


Create the object

Make a copy
Print Instance1
Print Instance2
Delete Instance1
Delete Instance2

// Define the three canonical functions to create, copy,
// and delete objects of type MyClass.
MyClass* MyClass_AdaCreate(void)
return new MyClass;
// Create a new one on the heap
MyClass* MyClass_AdaCopy(MyClass* src)
return new (*src);
// Create a copy on the heap
void MyClass_AdaDelete(MyClass* deletethis)
delete *deletethis;
// Delete this object
Note the pragma import statements in the above code fragments. The first parameter to the pragma
specifies the external language. The second parameter to the pragma is the Ada name of the external
function. The third parameter to the pragma is a string that specifies the fully qualified C++ name of the
function. External symbol names in C++ are generated by a process called name mangling (or
encoding). The Ada compiler knows how to generate this mangled symbol by using information from
the preceding procedure declaration.


Do not call Ada dispatching operations from C/C++.

Do not call C++ constructors or destructors directly from Ada. Create C++ interface functions to invoke
new and delete for the object. See the example in the section on interface functions.
Dont attempt to call C++ virtual member functions via the C++ vptr/vtbl mechanism. Ada can directly
call any C++ member function if the Ada program has enough knowledge to determine exactly which
function to call. For example, a C++ base class B is defined with a member function print. Two
classes D0 and D1 are derived from B and each has a member function print as well. In this
example, there are three member functions B::print, D0::print and D1::print. If the Ada program has a
pointer to an object of type D0, it can call D0::print. If the Ada program has a pointer to an object of
type D1, it can call D1::print. If the Ada program has a pointer to an object of type B, it doesnt know
whether to call B::print, D0::print or D1::print.


The following example implements a small symbol table class. A symbol table is a mechanism that
stores items that contain name/value pairs. For each item, the name is a string of characters and the
value is an integer. The name of the class is symtbl and it has a member function called add. The
arguments to symtbl::add are the name string and the value. If the name string passed to symtbl::add
is already in the table, the operation is discarded.
This example contains six files that fall into three categories:
File Name

Class Library
Class Library
Ada Interface
Ada Interface
Main Program
Main Program

C++ interface specification for class symtbl.
C++ implementation for class symtbl.
C++ interface routines for Ada to access class symtbl.
Ada specification for class symtbl
Ada main program.
C++ main program.

An Ada program can be build from the files symtbl.h, symtbl.cpp, symtbl_ads.cpp, and
adamain.ada. The C++ program can be build from files symtbl.h, symtbl.cpp and cppmain.cpp.
The C++ program creates a symbol table and stores some words in it. It then prints out a list of the
stored words. Note that the duplicates are not printed. The Ada program does exactly the same thing
as the C++ program.

// File: symtbl.h -- Interface for symbol table class
class symtbl;
////////// Symbol table class
class ste;
////////// Symbol table entry
class symtbl
int howmany;
ste* elements;
ste* current;
symtbl(const symtbl&);

add(char* name, int value);


// Symbol Table
// Everything is public for this example
// Number of elements in the list
// List head pointer
// The "current" table element
// Default constructor
// Copy constructor
// Destructor

Add an element to a table

Find the first element of a table
Find the successor element
Print the current element of a table

class ste
ste* link;
char* namestring;
ste(const ste&);
ste(char* name, int value);

// Symbol Table Entry

// Everything is public for this example
// Elements are linked in a list
// Pointer to the name string
// Associated value

Default constructor
Copy constructor
Normal constructor


// File: symtbl.cpp -- Body for symbol table class
#include <iostream.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "symtbl.h"
// class ste member functions.
link = NULL;
namestring = new char[10];
strcpy(namestring, "$DEFAULT$");
value = 0;

// Default constructor
// Init the link
// Allocate memory
// Default string
// Default value

ste::ste(const ste& src)

link = NULL;
namestring =
new char[strlen(src.namestring)+1];
strcpy(namestring, src.namestring);
value = src.value;

// Copy constructor

ste::ste(char* nam, int val)

link = NULL;
namestring = new char[strlen(nam)+1];
if(namestring) strcpy(namestring, nam);
value = val;

// Normal constructor

delete namestring;

// Destructor

// class symtbl member functions

howmany = 0;
elements = NULL;
current = NULL;
symtbl::symtbl(const symtbl& src)

// Init the link

// Allocate memory
// Copy the string
// Default value


Init the
Copy the
Save the


// Delete the strings memory

// Default constructor
// No elements in the table
// Element list is empty
// No current element

// Copy Constructor

ste* p = src.elements;

// Get listhead from src

add(p->namestring, p->value);
p = p->link;

// While something to do...

// Add this new element
// Point at the next one

ste* p = elements->link;
delete elements;
elements = p;
ste* symtbl::add(char *nam, int val)
ste* p = elements;
ste* q = NULL;

// Destroy the table

// Something is in the list...
// Get a pointer to next one
// Delete this element

// Get a pointer to the list

// Get a place to save the end

if(strcmp(p->namestring, nam) == 0)
return NULL;
q = p;
p = p->link;

// Go look for it

p = new ste(nam, val);

// Make a new one

q->link = p;
elements = p;


howmany += 1;

// Show one more in the list

return current = p;

// Make this new one current

// Already here
// Remember this pointer
// Link to the next one

Something already on list

Put this new one on too
Nothing is on the list
Make this new one first

ste* symtbl::first(void)
return current = elements;
ste* symtbl::next(void)
if(current) current = current->link;

// Make list head current

// Return next element pointer

return current;

ste* symtbl::print(void)
cout << < << current->value << "> ";
cout << current->namestring;
cout << endl;

// Only if current exists

return current;

// File: symtbl_ads.cpp -- Symtbl interface routines
#include "symtbl.h"
This file contains the create/copy/delete interface routines. Since
they need to be able to access the C++ storage allocation mechanism,
they are written in C++.
symtbl* symtbl_create(void)
return new symtbl;
symtbl* symtbl_copy(symtbl* src)
return new symtbl(*src);
void symtbl_destroy(symtbl* src)
delete src;

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File: -- Ada interface spec. for C++ symtbl package.
-WITH Interfaces.C;
-- Declare some useful types.
-TYPE ste
TYPE ste_ptr

-- Dummy entry record

-- Entry record pointer

TYPE symtbl IS
howmany : INTEGER;
elements : ste_ptr;
current : ste_ptr;

-- Table record

TYPE symtbl_ptr IS ACCESS symtbl;

-- Table record pointer

TYPE char_ptr IS NEW Interfaces.C.char_array;

-- Pointer to C string

-- How many in this table

-- List head
-- Current element

-- Declare the create, copy and destroy interface functions. Note

-- that in the following three PRAGMA IMPORTs, the second and third
-- arguments are the same. This is just a convention and not a
-- requirement.
-FUNCTION symtbl_create RETURN symtbl_ptr;
FUNCTION symtbl_copy(src : IN symtbl_ptr) RETURN symtbl_ptr;
PROCEDURE symtbl_destroy(src : IN symtbl_ptr);
PRAGMA IMPORT(CPP, symtbl_create, "symtbl_create");
PRAGMA IMPORT(CPP, symtbl_copy,
PRAGMA IMPORT(CPP, symtbl_destroy, "symtbl_destroy");

-- Declare the C++ member functions. These functions are

-- i.e., there is no intermediate interface routine.
-FUNCTION symtbl_add (this : IN symtbl_ptr;
name : IN char_ptr;
value : IN RETURN
FUNCTION symtbl_first(this : IN symtbl_ptr)
FUNCTION symtbl_next (this : IN symtbl_ptr)
FUNCTION symtbl_print(this : IN symtbl_ptr)





END symtbl;

accessed directly;


--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File: adamain.ada -- Ada main test program for C++ symtbl package
-WITH text_io;
WITH symtbl; USE symtbl;
with interfaces.c; use interfaces.c;
PROCEDURE symtbl_main IS
PROCEDURE cpp_Initialization;
PRAGMA IMPORT(C, cpp_Initialization, "_main");
pt_my_table : symtbl_ptr;
tmp : ste_ptr;

-- Ptr to a table
-- Ptr to a table entry

text_io.put_line("adamain -- Ada test driver for C++ symtbl package");
-- Create a table
-pt_my_table := symtbl_create;
-- Add
-tmp :=
tmp :=
tmp :=
tmp :=
tmp :=
tmp :=
tmp :=
tmp :=
tmp :=
tmp :=
tmp :=
tmp :=

a bunch of entries

TO_C("burning"), 6);
TO_C("peanuts"), 9);

-- Print out the table.

-text_io.put("The number of items in this table is:");
tmp := symtbl_first(pt_my_table);
tmp := symtbl_print(pt_my_table);
tmp := symtbl_next (pt_my_table);

Clean up.


-- Destroy my table

END symtbl_main;

The following is the console output for the Ada main program. Note that the duplicate values are not
$ adamain
adamain -- Ada test driver for C++ symtbl package
The number of items in this table is: 10
<1> the
<2> boy
<3> stood
<4> on
<6> burning
<7> deck,
<8> eating
<9> peanuts
<10> by
<12> peck.

// File: cppmain.cpp -- Symbol table test driver
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <iostream.h>
#include "symtbl.h"
char* input[] =
"eating","peanuts","by","the","peck.", NULL
symtbl mytbl;
int i = 0;
for(char** p = input; *p; ) mytbl.add(*p++, i+=1);
cout << "cppmain -- C++ test driver for C++ symtbl package\n"
<< "The number of items in this table is: "
<< mytbl.howmany << endl;
for(mytbl.first(); mytbl.print(); ;

The following is the console output for the C++ main program. Note that the duplicate values arent
$ cppmain
cppmain -- C++ test driver for C++ symtbl package
The number of items in this table is: 10
<1> the
<2> boy
<3> stood
<4> on
<6> burning
<7> deck,
<8> eating
<9> peanuts
<10> by
<12> peck.

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