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Los applets Java son programas Java que pueden ejecutarse desde una pgina web. Es
posible crearlos desde NetBeans de forma grfica de forma similar a los programas de
escritorio, es decir, utilizando formularios y colocando de forma visual los elementos
que van a formar parte del programa.
Para empezar, se debe crear una Aplicacin Java de forma similar a la utilizada para las
aplicaciones de escritorio: Archivo > Proyecto nuevo > Categora Java > Aplicacin

Se indica el nombre del proyecto que se va a crear, as como la carpeta de destino, y

as se termina con la creacin del proyecto.

En el proyecto recin creado, hay que aadir un formulario JApplet sobre el que se
aadirn los elementos que formarn la aplicacin. Para ello se puede utilizar el men
contextual sobre el paquete utilizado, seleccionando la opcin "Nuevo" y eligiendo la
opcin "Formulario JApplet" (si no se encuentra en la lista hay que buscarlo en la
opcin "Otro").

Al nuevo formulario se le debe indicar un nombre.

En caso se que haya creado el proyecto creando de forma automtica una clase
principal, sta debera ser eliminada, ya que el formulario creado anteriormente ser la
clase que inicie la ejecucin del applet anque no tenga un mtodo main.

En el formulario JApplet creado antes se incluirn los elementos que formen parte de la
aplicacin y el cdigo necesario de forma similar al mtodo utilizado para crear
aplicaciones de escritorio.

Una vez diseado el formulario se debe crear la pgina web que va a contener el applet.
En este caso, se debe crear un archivo HTML fuera del paquete que contiene el applet,
es decir, se debe hacer en "Paquetes de fuentes".

Indicar el nombre del archivo que contendr el applet, en el que no es necesario indicar
la extensin html.

La estructura del proyecto debe ser parecida a la siguiente:

El cdigo de la pgina web debe contener la siguiente lnea en el lugar donde se desea
que aparezca el applet:
<applet code="appletejemplo.VentanaPpal"
archive="AppletEjemplo.jar" width="200"

El cdigo puede variar en funcin de los nombres asignados al proyecto creado y a los
nombres asignados a los archivos. Tras el atributo code se debe indicar el nombre de la
clase principal en el proyecto, y en caso de que se encuentre dentro de un paquete, se
debe indicar su nombre precediendo al nombre de la clase con un punto. Tras el atributo
archive se debe indicar el nombre del proyecto seguido de la extensin jar.
Una vez guardados todos los cambios y compilado el proyecto es el momento de probar
su funcionamiento. En la carpeta "build" aparece el archivo html junto con las carpetas
que contienen las clases compiladas.

Haciendo doble clic sobre la pgina web ("index.html" en este ejemplo) se abrir el
navegador web con la pgina web que contiene el applet creado.


Using Java DB in Desktop Applications

Print-friendly Version
By John O'Conner, March 2006
Articles Index
Sun Microsystems recently announced that it is distributing and supporting Java DB
based on the 100 percent Java technology, open-source Apache Derby database.
Derby was previously available under its earlier name, Cloudscape, from its former
owners: Cloudscape, Informix, and IBM. IBM donated the Derby product source
code to the Apache Foundation as an open-source project. Sun, IBM, other
companies, and individuals have been actively involved in development of the
relational database as part of the Apache Derby community. Sun distributes Java DB
in many of its products, including the Sun Java Enterprise System and the Sun Java
System Application Server. The NetBeans integrated development environment
(IDE) 5.0 also supports Java DB.
Java DB is lightweight at 2 megabytes and embeddable within desktop Java
technology applications. Desktop applications can now access powerful database
storage with triggers, stored procedures, and support for SQL, Java DataBase
Connectivity (JDBC) software, and Java Platform, Enterprise Edition (Java EE,
formerly referred to as J2EE), all embedded within the same Java virtual machine
This article describes how to download, install, integrate, and deploy Java DB within
desktop Java technology applications. A demo application called Address Book

demonstrates how to work with Java DB as an embedded database.

- Creating the Address Book Demo
- Installing Java DB
- Integrating Java DB With NetBeans IDE 5.0
- Loading the Database Driver
- Connecting to the Java DB Database
- Creating the Database
- Using the Database
- Deploying Your Application
- Summary
Creating the Address Book Demo
The Address Book demo uses Java DB to store address information. This demo
stores names, phone numbers, email addresses, and postal addresses. It allows you to
create new address entries and to save, edit, and delete them. The application creates
its database in the user's home directory within an .addressbook subdirectory. The
database is embedded with the application, so there is no need to set up or manage a
separate server or system. To deploy this embedded database application, we need
only the application JAR file and the database library JAR file. Figure 1 shows the
demo's user interface (UI).

Figure 1: Address Book uses Java DB as an embedded database.

Address Book's main frame window is an AddressFrame class that extends a Java
Foundation Classes/Swing (JFC/Swing) JFrame. The AddressFrame is a container
for other graphical components and also acts as a controller by handling various
events generated by the child components. The child components are JPanel
subclasses, each with a different responsibility:


represents an address record. It also provides the UI for

editing existing records and creating new records. It contains text fields for
all the major properties of an Address object.
AddressActionPanel provides buttons for all the major use cases that the
application supports. This panel generates events that AddressFrame must
handle. For example, when the user clicks Save, this panel generates an
event. AddressFrame listens to and handles all important events from this
AddressListPanel provides a scrollable list of names on the far left of the
AddressFrame. The list holds ListEntry objects. A ListEntry stores a
database record's unique identifier. The record identifier (ID) allows the
application to retrieve an entire record's contents into the AddressPanel.

The application uses a Data Access Object (DAO) to isolate the database-specific
code. The DAO encapsulates database connections and statements. A DAO is a
useful design pattern that allows loose coupling between an application and the
underlying persistence-storage mechanism. The application's AddressDao class is an
example of a DAO. When the AddressFrame edits, saves, or deletes an Address
object, it always uses an instance of the AddressDao class. Although the Address
Book application uses Java DB, you could change it to use an entirely different
database just by modifying this one class.
Installing Java DB
The easiest way to get Java DB is to download a copy from the Sun Developer
Network's Java DB site. The binary distribution provides everything you need to
begin working with embedded database applications. After you download the binary
distribution, you'll find a Java DB directory structure that contains the following

The demo subdirectory has two demonstration programs. One example shows
how to create a trivial embedded application. The other shows how to use
Java DB in a client-server environment.
The frameworks subdirectory contains utilities for setting up environment
variables and for creating and working with databases. This directory is not
useful for our demo because our application will be entirely self-contained.
No outside utilities will be used for the Address Book application.
The javadoc subdirectory contains API documentation. This directory is
particularly useful if you configure your IDE to point to it as the Java DB
API Javadoc.
The docs subdirectory contains documentation about the Java DB product
itself: setup, administrator, and reference guides.
Finally, the lib subdirectory contains the Java DB libraries packaged as JAR
files. Read the Java DB documentation to find out about the various libraries.
For an embedded database application, we will use only the derby.jar
library file.

Installing Java DB for development requires only that you make the derby.jar file
part of your application classpath. It's that simple. You can set the CLASSPATH

variable of your Solaris, Linux, Windows, or other host environment to include the
JAR file, or you can include the file as part of your command-line options when
compiling or running. The Address Book demo's ANT script shows you how to
include this JAR file during project development if you use ANT. Alternatively,
some IDEs, including NetBeans IDE 5.0, let you configure classpaths.
Integrating Java DB With NetBeans IDE 5.0
Most IDEs provide a way to add libraries to the development classpath. Follow these
instructions to add the Java DB libraries to NetBeans IDE 5.0:
1. From the Tools menu, select Library Manager, as shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2: The library manager lets you add third-party libraries to your
3. In the Library Manager window, create a new library named
JavaDBEmbedded, as shown in Figure 3. Click OK.

Figure 3: Name the set of libraries that your project will

5. To add the derby.jar file to the JavaDBEmbedded library, click on Add
JAR/Folder... in the Library Manager window. Navigate the file chooser to
the derby.jar file and select it as shown in Figure 4.

Figure 4: Add the derby.jar file to the JavaDBEmbedded library.

7. In the same Library Manager window for the JavaDBEmbedded library,
select the Javadoc tab. Add the javadoc subdirectory from your Java DB
installation. Now, the Java DB API Javadoc is available when you use the
JavaDBEmbedded library in your NetBeans IDE projects.
You can now add the JavaDBEmbedded library to your NetBeans IDE 5.0 project by
using the project's property settings. When you compile, debug, and run the

application within the IDE, the IDE will be able to find the needed derby.jar file.
To accommodate users of other IDEs, I have placed the derby.jar library within the
lib subdirectory of the downloadable Address Book project. The accompanying
ANT script can build and run the demo without any dependencies on the NetBeans
Loading the Database Driver
Loading the JDBC technology driver starts the database management system. Java
DB's drivers come with the derby.jar file, so you don't need to download anything
else. Load the JDBC driver by referencing it using the Class.forName method. The
embedded driver name is org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver, and you can
load it as you would other JDBC drivers.

The Address Book demo reads the driver name from a configuration property file
and passes the name to a loadDriver method. Additionally, as mentioned earlier,
Address Book encapsulates all database functionality into a Data Access Object
(DAO), a core Java EE design pattern used to access data from a variety of sources.
The DAO pattern works equally well for Java SE applications like Address Book.
The following code snippet shows how AddressDao reads the driver name and loads
the driver:
private Properties bProperties = null;
public AddressDao(String addressBookName) {
this.dbName = addressBookName;
dbProperties = loadDBProperties();
String driverName = dbProperties.getProperty("derby.driver");
private Properties loadDBProperties() {
InputStream dbPropInputStream = null;
dbPropInputStream =
dbProperties = new Properties();
try {
} catch (IOException ex) {

return dbProperties;
private void loadDatabaseDriver(String driverName) {
// Load the Java DB driver.
try {
} catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) {

Connecting to the Java DB Database

A JDBC technology connection identifies a specific database and allows you to
perform administrative tasks. Tasks include starting, stopping, copying, and even
deleting a database. The driver manager provides all database connections.
Retrieve a connection from the driver manager by providing a URL string that
identifies the database and a set of properties that influence the connection's
interaction with the database. A very common use of properties is to associate a user
name and password with a connection.
All connection URLs have the following form:

The dbName portion of the URL identifies a specific database. A database can be in
one of many locations: in the current working directory, on the classpath, in a JAR
file, in a specific Java DB database home directory, or in an absolute location on
your file system. The easiest way to manage your database location in an embedded
environment is to set the derby.system.home system property. This property tells
Java DB the default home location of all databases. By setting this property, the
Address Book demo ensures that Java DB always finds the correct application
database. The application database is named DefaultAddressBook, and it will exist
within the directory indicated by the derby.system.home property. The connection
URL for this database would look like this:

The optional propertyList is a set of properties that you can pass to the database
system. You can pass properties into the Java DB system either on the URL itself or

as a separate Properties object. If properties are part of the URL, a semicolon (;)
should precede each property. The most common properties are these:


To connect to the DefaultAddressBook database, the demo must first set the
derby.system.home system property. The demo uses the .addressbook
subdirectory of the user's home directory. Use the System class to find out the user's
home directory. Then use the class again to set the derby.system.home property:
private void setDBSystemDir() {
// Decide on the db system directory:
String userHomeDir = System.getProperty("user.home", ".");
String systemDir = userHomeDir + "/.addressbook";

// Set the db system directory.

System.setProperty("derby.system.home", systemDir);

Once the application has specified where all databases will exist, it can retrieve a
database connection. In this example, notice that I have appended connection
properties to the database URL.
Connection dbConnection = null;
String strUrl =
try {
dbConnection = DriverManager.getConnection(strUrl);
} catch (SQLException sqle) {

Alternatively, you can put those properties into a Properties object. Pass the
Properties object as an argument when retrieving a connection:
Connection dbConnection = null;
String strUrl = "jdbc:derby:DefaultAddressBook";
Properties props = new Properties();
props.put("user", "dbuser");

props.put("password", "dbuserpwd");
try {
dbConnection = DriverManager.getConnection(strUrl, props);
} catch(SQLException sqle) {

Creating the Database

The Address Book demo application does not have a ready-made database. Instead,
the application must create the database when it starts. One of the biggest advantages
of using an embedded database is that the application -- not the user -- takes care of
the details of setting up a database. The application can control where the database
exists, what tables exist, and how permissions are handled.
Address Book creates a database called DefaultAddressBook in a subdirectory of the
user's home directory, and it does so without asking the user for any additional
information. You can create a new database in Java DB by using the create=true
property when retrieving a connection to a database. Because our application will use
the DefaultAddressBook database, we should first create this database. Assuming
that the application has already set the derby.system.home property as discussed
earlier, the application creates the database and connects to it like this:
Connection dbConnection = null;
String strUrl = "jdbc:derby:DefaultAddressBook;create=true";
try {
dbConnection = DriverManager.getConnection(strUrl);
} catch (SQLException ex) {

Because the create=true property is included, Java DB will attempt to create the
database files for the first time. Creating the database doesn't actually create any
application tables. However, you should now be able to find a new subdirectory
named .addressbook/DefaultAddressBook in your home directory.
After it has created the database, the application creates the tables. The demo uses
only one ADDRESS table in the default application APP schema. The following SQL
code creates the ADDRESS table:



Each record has a record identifier or ID field. Java DB generates this value for each
new record that it adds to the database. The ID field is the primary key for each
address record.
All remaining address record fields contain varchar elements of various lengths. For
example, the LASTNAME field can contain a maximum of 30 varchar characters. The
varchar type is equivalent to a UTF-16 Java char code unit.
The Java technology code that uses the above SQL statement to create the ADDRESS
table looks like the following code. The dbConnection is the same as the one shown
in the previous code. We simply pass it into createTables, create a new Statement,
and call the execute method to run the SQL code on the newly formed database.
The strCreateAddressTable instance variable holds the SQL statement text.
private boolean createTables(Connection dbConnection) {
boolean bCreatedTables = false;
Statement statement = null;
try {
statement = dbConnection.createStatement();
bCreatedTables = true;
} catch (SQLException ex) {
return bCreatedTables;

At this point, the database and the ADDRESS table exist in a subdirectory named
.addressbook/DefaultAddressBook in your home directory. Although you can
browse this subdirectory, avoid modifying any files. If you edit or delete any of these
database files directly, you can destroy the integrity of your database.
Using the Database

Once the database and its tables have been created, your application can create new
connections and statements to add, edit, delete, or retrieve records. In Address Book,
these actions are controlled by buttons within the AddressActionPanel. Figure 5
shows the available options:

New. Create a new address record.

Delete. Delete the displayed address record.
Edit. Edit the displayed address record.
Save. Save the new or edited address record that is displayed.
Cancel. Cancel any edits or any attempt to create a new record.

Figure 5: Address Book has several options for interacting with records.
The main window of the application is AddressFrame, which acts as a controller and
as a view at the same time. It registers itself with the AddressActionPanel to
receive notification when a user clicks anywhere on the action bar.
The New command clears the address entry panel and enables the user to edit all
fields. No SQL commands are issued at this point, but the UI should allow you to
enter a new address.
The Delete command attempts to delete the currently selected address record.
AddressFrame retrieves the currently selected Address identifier from the
AddressPanel and uses AddressDao to delete the record. The panel calls its own
deleteAddress method, which calls the DAO's deleteRecord method with the
correct ID. After deleting the record from the database, the application must delete
the ListEntry from the AddressListPanel too.
private void deleteAddress() {
int id = addressPanel.getId();
if (id != -1) {
int selectedIndex =


In the AddressDao, the deleteRecord method handles the actual deletion of the
record from the database. The AddressDao creates a PreparedStatement when it
first connects to the database.
stmtDeleteAddress = dbConnection.prepareStatement(
"WHERE ID = ?");

The PreparedStatement can be used multiple times, and this one uses a parameter
to determine which record to delete. The deleteRecord method executes the update
after setting the ID parameter:
public boolean deleteRecord(int id) {
boolean bDeleted = false;
try {
stmtDeleteAddress.setInt(1, id);
bDeleted = true;
} catch (SQLException sqle) {
return bDeleted;

The Edit command allows the user to edit the currently selected Address record in
the AddressPanel. For example, you can change the name, city, or phone number of
a saved record.
The Save command retrieves either the newly created or edited Address from the
AddressPanel and attempts to either update the existing record or create a new
record. If the user has been editing a record, Save will update that record with the
new information. If the user has created a new record, Save will insert a new record
in the database. New records have not yet been saved. At this point, their ID field is
still set to the default -1 value. This value changes to an autogenerated, unique
record identifier once you save the record.
The following code in AddressFrame will save edited and newly created address
records by calling the DAO's editRecord or saveRecord method, respectively. Of

course, when you create a new record, the application must also update the
private void saveAddress() {
if (addressPanel.isEditable()) {
Address address = addressPanel.getAddress();
int id = address.getId();
if (id == -1) {
id = db.saveRecord(address);
String lname = address.getLastName();
String fname = address.getFirstName();
String mname = address.getMiddleName();
ListEntry entry = new ListEntry(lname, fname, mname,


} else {


The DAO's editRecord method must update the fields that change in the Address
record. Because the demo application doesn't distinguish between edited and
unedited fields, it simply updates all fields in the record. Following are the
PreparedStatement object and the editRecord method:
stmtUpdateExistingRecord = dbConnection.prepareStatement(
"SET LASTNAME = ?, " +
FIRSTNAME = ?, " +
PHONE = ?, " +
EMAIL = ?, " +
ADDRESS1 = ?, " +
ADDRESS2 = ?, " +
CITY = ?, " +
STATE = ?, " +
COUNTRY = ? " +
"WHERE ID = ?");
public boolean editRecord(Address record) {
boolean bEdited = false;
try {

stmtUpdateExistingRecord.setString(4, record.getPhone());
stmtUpdateExistingRecord.setString(5, record.getEmail());
stmtUpdateExistingRecord.setString(8, record.getCity());
stmtUpdateExistingRecord.setString(9, record.getState());
stmtUpdateExistingRecord.setInt(12, record.getId());
bEdited = true;
} catch(SQLException sqle) {
return bEdited;

Saving a new Address creates a new database record, and that new record has a new
primary key or record identifier. When we create the PreparedStatement, we can
tell the database that we want to know the generated keys. Notice how we can
retrieve a ResultSet of generated keys after inserting the record. The saveRecord
method returns the primary key of the newly created record.
stmtSaveNewRecord = dbConnection.prepareStatement(
"VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)",
public int saveRecord(Address record) {
int id = -1;
try {
stmtSaveNewRecord.setString(1, record.getLastName());
stmtSaveNewRecord.setString(2, record.getFirstName());
stmtSaveNewRecord.setString(3, record.getMiddleName());
stmtSaveNewRecord.setString(4, record.getPhone());
stmtSaveNewRecord.setString(5, record.getEmail());
stmtSaveNewRecord.setString(6, record.getAddress1());
stmtSaveNewRecord.setString(7, record.getAddress2());

stmtSaveNewRecord.setString(8, record.getCity());
stmtSaveNewRecord.setString(9, record.getState());
stmtSaveNewRecord.setString(10, record.getPostalCode());
stmtSaveNewRecord.setString(11, record.getCountry());
int rowCount = stmtSaveNewRecord.executeUpdate();
ResultSet results = stmtSaveNewRecord.getGeneratedKeys();
if ( {
id = results.getInt(1);
} catch(SQLException sqle) {
return id;

Deploying Your Application

Now that you have written the application, you must deploy it to users. Java
technology applications can use a variety of deployment strategies, including Java
Web Start software, applets, and stand-alone JAR files. I distribute the Address Book
application as a stand-alone application with JAR files.
The ANT build file, build.xml, uses a dist target to create AddressBook.jar. It
also places the database JAR file in the lib subdirectory directly under the
AddressBook.jar location. The final distribution structure for the application looks
like this:

In many cases, applications that use third-party libraries such as derby.jar require
an external script to run. The script usually places the third-party JAR files on the
classpath and then executes the application from its JAR. This method is
troublesome, however, because it requires multiple scripts, typically one for each
supported host operating system. For example, to support distribution on Windows,
Solaris, and Linux platforms, I would create a run.bat batch file for the Windows
platform and a run.csh script for a Solaris or Linux platform. Instead, we can avoid
these clumsy execution scripts.
If our build process includes classpath information in the AddressBook.jar
manifest file, you can run the application by simply passing the AddressBook.jar
file on the execution command line. On most platforms, you can also just doubleclick on the JAR file name in a graphical window. On a command line, you can use
this simple execution command:

java -jar AddressBook.jar

This simple deployment and execution scenario can be accomplished by creating a file that becomes part of the AddressBook.jar file. You can include
information in the manifest that tells the Java programming language interpreter
which class contains the main method and what other JAR files should become part
of the classpath. The following manifest does both, and we can include it when
building AddressBook.jar.
Manifest-Version: 1.0
Main-Class: com.sun.demo.addressbook.AddressFrame
Class-Path: lib/derby.jar

Once your build process generates the application distribution structure shown
previously, you can simply distribute this structure as a ZIP file. Users can simply
unzip the file into any location and run the AddressBook.jar file. The
AddressBook.jar file will contain the manifest file mentioned earlier and will tell
your runtime environment what JAR files should also be on the classpath. Of course,
because Java DB is embedded into this application, it must be able to find
lib/derby.jar in order to run correctly.

Conectar Netbeans a una BBDD

En esta entrada veremos como podemos conectar Netbeans a una Base de Datos, en mi
caso trabajo con Oracle, por tanto la tomaremos de ejemplo.
Utilizaremos el estndar JDBC, basado en java para conexiones remotas de BBDD.
Para empezar le echaremos un vistazo a un par de enlaces:

Este es una entrada de la wiki de Netbeans donde tenemos enlaces a todos los
drivers SGBDs que soporta. Por tanto si ests buscando algo para PosgreSQL,
MySQL, M$, DB2,.. puedes intentarlo en este enlace.
Aqu tenemos el driver JDBC para Oracle concretamente. En principio debera
valer para acualquier versin de Oracle a partir de la 9i.

Del segundo enlace descargu el driver contenido en el fichero ojdbc14.jar. Este ser el
que hay qhe instalar en la pestaa Services > Botn derecho sobre Drivers > New

Buscamos el driver que hemos descargado en nuestro sistema, y lo instalamos.

Para crear la nueva conexin lo hacemos en la pestaa Services > Botn derecho sobre
DataBases > New Connection

Tenemos que construir nuestra URL de conexin con el siguiente modelo:


En la ventana principal se pueden sacar conultas directas para probar:

Naturalmente, con un driver JDBC preinstalado en Netbeans como el de MySQL sera

ms inmediato crear una conexin. Podeis tener en cuenta la configuracin de la

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