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University of Cauca

Language Education Program


English I
Student’s Textbook

Teacher: Zheidy Rivera





Good morning/afternoon/evening See you tomorrow / next Saturday!
Hello/Hi Good bye!
How's it going? Bye Bye!
How do you do? Have a nice weekend / day!
Great to see you again. Good night!
Nice to meet you. See you!
What’s new? See ya!
Thanks. -Answer the questions
Cheers. -Write the answers
Thank you very much. -Work alone / in pairs / in groups
I really appreciate it. -Ask your partner these questions ...
You've made my day. -Answer your partner’s questions ...
That's so kind of you. -Listen and repeat … again …
-Make the question
-Listen and answer these questions
-The homework is ...exercise ….
-Well done
What’s this called?
What does “…….” mean?
What’s the meaning of ….?
How do you say “…….” in English?
How do you spell that?
How do you pronounce this word?
I’m sorry, I’m late
I’m sorry, I don’t understand.
I can’t remember
Is this correct / wrong?
Can you repeat, please?
Frases y oraciones para controlar al hablante

Please speak slowly.

Please speak more slowly.
I don’t understand.
Repeat please.
Can you repeat that


Manera: como se produce el sonido y la forma como el aire se modifica cuando pasa por el sistema fonatorio.
Lugar: lugar de articulación. Se refiere a las partes de la articulación que están involucradas en la producción
del sonido.
Sonoridad: se refiere a si las cuerdas vocales vibran o no durante la producción de una consonante.
Consonantes sonoras: /w/, /v/, /z/, /b/, /d/, /g/, /Ʒ/, /dʒ/, /ð/
Consonantes no sonoras: /h/, /f/, /s/, /p/, /t/, /k/, /ʃ/, /tʃ/, /θ/
Un sonido fricativo es una consonante producida al forzar el aire a través de la construcción formada por los
Un sonido africado es una consonante que tiene un sonido fricativo y una manera frenada de producción.
Un sonido nasal es una consonante producida por el cierre total de la cavidad oral pero con el velo abajo para
permitir que el aire salga por la cavidad nasal.
Un sonido “glide” es una consonante caracterizada por un movimiento continuo y deslizado de los articuladores.

Consonant Manner Place Voicing Example

/f/ Fricative Labio dental Voiceless Food, lifeboat, thief
/v/ Fricative Labio dental Voiced Voice, waiver, above
/θ/ Fricative Lingua dental Voiceless Thing, toothbrush, with Equivale aproximadamente a la z en el
castellano cazar
/ð/ Fricative Lingua dental Voiced That, wither, smooth Equivale aproximadamente a la d
española en nada
/s/ Fricative Lingua alveolar Voiceless Soap, assume, miss
/z/ Fricative Lingua alveolar Voiced Zipper, buzzer, nose
/ʃ/ Fricative Lingua palatal Voiceless Shoe, fishing, wish No tiene equivalente en español.
Suena como la ch francesa; chapeau.
/tʃ/ Affricate Lingua alveolar Voiceless Chop, catcher, watch Equivale aproximadamente a la ch en
/Ʒ/ Fricative Lingua palatal Voiced Vision, beige Semejante a la Y argentina y
/dƷ/ Affricate Lingua alveolar Voiced Job, badger, cage No tiene equivalente en español. En
algunos casos se parece a la y de
/h/ Fricative Glottal Voiceless Happy, greyhound
/ƞ/ Nasal Lingua alveolar Voiced Singer, ring
/j/ Glide Lingua palatal Voiced Yellow, opinion


/ɪə/ beer,ear,here Parecido al sonido “ie” español

/eə/ air,there,square Parecido al sonido muy alargado de una “e” española.
/əʊ/ open,phone,coat Parecido al sonido “ou”en español.
/aʊ/ shout, down Parecido al sonido “au”, con la “u” final menos marcada.
/eɪ/ train, break, change, away Parecido al sonido “ei/ee” en español.
aɪ/ bike Parecido al sonido “ai/ae” en español.
/ɔɪ/ point, boy Parecido al sonido “oi/oe” en español.
/ʊə/ tourist, sure


Exercise 1. Match the phonetic transcriptions with the words.

1. /ʃʌt/ a. later
2. /hɑːt/ b. joke
3. /θɪŋk/ c. heart
4. /wɜːk/ d. there
5. /leɪtə/ e. doubt
6. /bɔːt/ f. work
7. /puːl/ g. shut
8. /dɑʊt/ h. think
9. /dʒəʊk/ i. pool
10. /ðeə/ j. bought

Exercise 2. Listen to the following words and circle the sound that you hear.

1. /æ/ /ʌ/ 6. /eɪ/ /ɑɪ/

2. /æ/ /e/ 7. /ʊ/ /uː/
3. /ʊ/ /ɒ/ 8. /ɪə/ /eə/
4. /ɪː/ /ɪ/ 9. /θ/ /ð/
5. /ɜː/ /ɔː/ 10. /ʃ/ /ʒ/
Exercise 3. Mark (x) the words that contain the /s/ sound.

1. song 5. face 9. issue 13. disciple

2. Islam 6. city 10. months 14. sugar
3. vision 7. message 11. castle 15. mix
4. science 8. houses 12. fascism 16. psychology

Exercise 7. Write down the normal language of these phonetic transcriptions.

/ðə stɑrtɪŋ pɔjnt əf ɔːl əˈtʃiːvmənt ɪz dɪˈzaɪər/





1. Listening to the conversation It’s Nice to Meet You and answer the following


1. What is the woman’s name?

2. What is the man’s name?

2. Listen to your teacher and repeat the pronunciation of the English Alphabet.

3. Listen to the recording and write the CORRECT spelling for each name.

1 2 3 4 5 6
Denice Nique Ana Ebon Aike Manddi
__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

4. Prepare a conversation following the model of the conversation of exercise 1.

Michael: Hello. My name is Michael Ota.

Jennifer: Hi. My name is Jennifer Miller.
Michael: It’s nice to meet you, Jennifer.
Jennifer: nice to meet you, too.
Michael: I’m sorry. What’s your last name again?
Jennifer: It’s Miller







My name is John. I’m seventeen years old. I’m from Cali, Valle. My mother’s name is Gabriela. She
is a teacher. My father’s name is Jorge. He is a lawyer. I have two siblings. My sister is fourteen and
my brother is four years old. They’re students.
Although I’m not a good player, I love playing soccer. My favorite team is Real Madrid.
What is your favorite sport? Are you a good player?
I am not short, I am very tall. My hair is short and dark and I have brown eyes. I like chicken
and candies. Listening to music, sleeping and watching TV are some of the things I like to
do. I don’t like fish and I really hate mathematics.
In my free time, I hang out with my friends; I play video games with the play station or computer
games. My favorite game is Legend of Legends. I love board games and cartoons too.


1. Notice the use of the verb “to be” in the previous reading. Write down the
correct form of the verb “to be” in present tense in the following text.
My name (be) ________(1) John. I (be) ________(2) fifteen years old. I live on a farm. It (be)
________(3) in the country. It is quiet in the country. It (be, not) ____ ____(4) loud in the country.
I wake up early. Sometimes, I wake up before the sun rises. Sometimes, it (be) ________(5) still dark
when I wake up. But I don’t mind. I like waking up that early. I like the way the country
looks in the morning. The first thing I do after I wake up is milk the cow. After I (be)
________(6) finished milking the cow, I bring the milk to my mom. I think she uses it to
make breakfast. She makes a delicious breakfast. My mom (be) ________(7) a really
good cook.
Next, I feed the pigs. One time, I asked my mom how come my little sister doesn’t feed them. She said
it is because my sister (be, not) ____ ____(8) strong enough. But I still don’t understand. She is
almost as strong as me! I guess my mom doesn’t want my sister to get hurt. After all, the pigs can (be)
________(9) pretty rough, especially when they (be) ________(10) hungry.
The last thing I do (be) ________(11) feed the chickens. That (be) ________(12) easy. I just throw
some food down on the ground and they run out and eat it. While the chickens (be) ________(13)
eating, I go into their house to collect their eggs. Chicken eggs (be) ________(14) really good to eat.
They (be) ________(15) easy to cook too. That is what I do in the mornings. I (be) ________(16)
pretty busy.

2. Ask the following questions in English to your classmates.

1. ¿Quién es John?
2. ¿Cuántos años tiene John?
3. ¿La mamá de John es una buena cocinera?
4. ¿Son rudos los cerdos cuando tienen hambre?
5. ¿Qué es fácil de cocinar?


Affirmative Sentences

Subject Verb Complement Pronoun Verb Contractions

My name is John I am I’m
I am 17 years old You are You’re
My father’s name is Jorge He is He’s
My sister is fourteen She is She’s
They are students It is It’s
We are We’re
You are You’re
They are They’re
Negative Sentences

Subject verb + not Complement Pron. Verb + Contractions

I am not a good player not
I ’m not short I am not I’m not
You are not You’re not You aren’t
He is not He’s not He isn’t
She is not She’s not She isn’t
It is not It’s not It isn’t
We are not We’re not We aren’t
You are not You’re not You aren’t
They are not They’re not They aren’t
Yes/No Question
Verb Subject Complement
Verb Subject Complement
Am I your friend?
Are you a good player? Are you a good English student?
Is he your husband?
Is she a good student?
Is it here?
Are we in the museum?
Are you at the university?
Are they married?
WH-word Verb Subject WH word Verb Subject
Where am I?
What is your favorite sport?
What kind of person are you?
How many chairs are there?
Who is he?
When is it?
What color is it?
How tall are we?
Why are you here?
How old are they?


I. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb TO BE

1. I ________ an English student. 6. Josh _______20 years old.

2. How old ______ you? 7. They ________ angry.
3. We _______ singers. 8. My sisters _______ happy.
4. _______ she a teacher? 9. ______they my siblings?
5. They ________ my parents. 10. What _______ your name?

II. Correct each one of the following sentences.

1. My father and mother is teachers. ___________________________________________________
2. Is your parents 45 years old? _______________________________________________________
3. I are a good student. ______________________________________________________________
4. Juan and Nancy is my siblings. _____________________________________________________
5. What are your name? _____________________________________________________________

III. Read and answer.

Hi, my name is Eric. I want to talk about my family. I have two sisters. Their names are Rachel and
Carrie. Rachel is 18 years old. Carrie is 10 years old. They are very nice. My mother’s name is Julia.
She is 40 years old. My mother is also very nice. My father's name is Andre. He is smart. He is an
engineer. He builds bridges. I also have a dog. My dog's name is Paw. He is a big dog. He is a brown
dog. He is a big brown dog. I love my family

1. Who are Eric’s sisters? ___________________________________________________________.

2. How old are they? ___________________________________________________________.
3. How old is Julia? ___________________________________________________________.
4. What is Andre’s occupation? _______________________________________________________.
5. Who is Paw? ___________________________________________________________.
Possessive Adjectives

I My We our You your He his She her They their

We use my / your / his / her / your / their / its + a noun:

My mother His car Your hometown
Our house Her family Their occupation

IV. Complete the sentences with the correct possessive adjective.

1. She is Andrea. ______ last name is Sanchez. 2. This is the family’s car. This is ______ car.

3. Hello! I am Martha. This is ______ best friend. 4. John and Luis study medicine. _____ career is difficult.
Family Vocabulary
Possessive case
El caso posesivo (o “genitivo sajón”) es una de las
formas de expresar la posesión en inglés cuando el
poseedor es una persona, un animal, o un país.
Singular Nouns
Cuando el poseedor está en singular:
My father’s car = El auto de mi padre
Mary’s book = El libro de Mary
The cat's ears = Las orejas del gato
Plural Nouns
Cuando el poseedor está en plural acabado
en “s”:
POSEEDOR + (’ ) + LO POSEIDO (sin artículo)
My friends’ car = El auto de mis amigos
My parents’house = La casa de mis padres.

Irregular Nouns
El poseedor está en plural que no acaba en
The children’s toys = Los juguetes de los niños
Women’s job = El trabajo de las mujeres

V. Write sentences according to Martha’s family tree. Use the verb BE.

Pedro Milena
Father/Grandfather/Husband Mother/Grandmother/Wife
Lawyer / 54 years old Housewife / 45 years old

Daughter/Mother /Teacher
27 years old

Martha’s daughter/Granddaughter
Student / 6 years old
1. Pedro __________________________________________________________________________
2. Martha _________________________________________________________________________
3. Pedro and Milena ________________________________________________________________
4. Betty___________________________________________________________________________
5. Milena _________________________________________________________________________

VI. Answer the following questions with your own information.

1. What is your last name? 2. How old are you? 3. Are you an only child? 4. Where are you from?
5. What is your address?


1. Listen to the conversation Louise's Personal Information and answer the following


1.How old is she?

2. Where is she from?

3. How many siblings does Louise have?

4. What are her parents’ names?

5. What are her parents’ occupations?

6. Is Louise a librarian?

2. Prepare a conversation with your partner about the family. Ask about:
Parents’ names
Parents’ occupations
Parents’ ages
Number of siblings
Siblings’ names
Siblings’ occupations
Siblings’ ages


Listen to your teacher and complete the text.

I (1) ___________ Maria Realpe. I (2) ___________ from Cali,

but now I ___________ in Popayán. I live with my mother,
father, brother and ____________. They (3) ___________ in
my house now. My brother (4) ___________ seventeen years
old. He (5) ___________ a student. He likes ___________. He
(6) ___________ very important to me. My brother and I (7)
___________ good ____________. We (8) ___________ very
close and listen to music in the afternoon. My sister (9)
___________ small; she (10) ___________ three years old.
She (11) ___________ my sunshine. What about you? (12)
___________ you a good friend of your sister or brother?
Where (13) ___________ your parents now?

2. Listen to your teacher and write down the whole text.


Write a paragraph about your personal information. Mention your full

name, age, program, parents’ names, occupations, ages, etc.

1. Listen to the information provided by your teacher about Francisco’s family and complete
the following chart.

II. Write a short paragraph about your Francisco’s family tree.

Francisco’s family tree

Francisco is…_____________________________________________________________________

3. SPEAKING: Talk about Francisco’s family.

1. WRITING: Write a paragraph about your family.
My family

My family _________________________________________________________________________

2. SPEAKING: Talk about your family so that your classmates can fill in a family tree chart.
Answer the questions your classmates ask about your family.
3. LISTENING: Listen to the information provided by your classmate about his/her family and
complete the following chart.

Mother Father
Name: _________________ Name: _________________
Age: _________________ Age: _________________
Occupation: _____________ Occupation: _____________

Name: _________________
Age: _________________
Occupation: _____________

Brothers Sisters
Number: ______________ Number: ______________
Age: ______________ My classmate’s Family Tree Age: ______________

Name: _________________
Age: _________________
Occupation: _____________

Number: ______________
Age: _________________



Lesley’s Day
Lesley is an ESOL teacher at Hackney College in London. On
weekdays she always gets up at about 7 o’clock. She has a shower
and she has breakfast with her husband and daughter. After breakfast
she brushes her teeth and gets dressed and then she takes her
daughter to school. She goes to college by bicycle at 8:30 and she
starts work at 9 o’clock.
At about 1:30 she usually has lunch. She has a sandwich and some fruit in her office. She finishes
work at 5’oclock and picks up her daughter from her after-school club. She usually has dinner at
about 7 o’clock and then she drinks a cup of coffee. In the evening she watches television or
sometimes she listens to the radio. She likes listening to music. She usually goes to bed at about
11:30. Then she reads her book for about half an hour. She goes to sleep at midnight.

Notice the verbs used in the previous text about Lesley’s routine. Write the correct
form of the verb in present tense in the following text.
Use the information in parenthesis to complete the questions at the end of the text.

Susan usually _____________ (go) to university at 7:30. She _______________ (have) classes of
English and Economics from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. She _____________ (eat lunch) with her friends at the
university cafeteria. Susan’s friends usually ______________ (eat) soup, rice, chicken, and juice for
lunch. Susan _____________ (prefer) to eat fish, salad and juice for lunch. She _______________
(not eat) soup or rice because she ____________ (be) on a low carbohydrate diet.

Susan ______________ (come back) home at 2 p.m. and

_____________ (do) her homework. She _________________ (not
watch) television in the afternoon and the evening. She and her
parents _________________ (not like) to watch television; they think
it ______________ (be) a waste of time.

Susan _______________ (go) to bed at 9 p.m. because she

_____________ (get up) at 5 a.m. every day to study an online
course in English about finances.

What about you? ________________________________ (you / what time / get up)?

________________________________ (you / watch / television)?


We use the Present Simple for daily

Affirmative and Negative routines and activities. With I, we, Questions
you and they the Present Simple
+ - affirmative form is the same as the I
I infinitive. With he, she, and it we add Do we
We work don’t work –s to the infinitive, but note these What time do you
You do not work exceptions: they
They work?
He doesn’t work Verbs Watch: Does he
endings Add -es Watches
She works does not work When does she
ch, s, sh, x Go:
It Goes it
and o
I work in an office. Verbs Remove - Carry: In questions, don’t add –s to
She doesn’t work every day. ending y and add Carries the verb.
consonant -ies. Note the short answers:
+ -y Yes, I/we/you/they do.
he/she/it does.
Note: The third person of have is No, I/we/you/they don’t.
has. he/she/it doesn’t.
Verbs ending with a vowel + -y are
regular: Play: He plays.


Affirmative Sentences
Pronoun Verb Complement
I get up at 5 a.m.
You go to bed at 9 p.m.
He works from 8 to 6
She studies In the morning
It rains every day
We eat soup for lunch
You have breakfast with your family
They do their homework
Subject Verb Complement

She gets up about 7 o’clock

She has a shower

She brushes her teeth

Negative Sentences
Pro Auxiliar Verb Complement Sub verb + not Verb Comple.
n. y + not
I do not get up at 5 a.m. She does not drive to work
You do not go to bed at 9 She does not go to bed at 9
He does work from 8 to 6
She does study in the morning
It does rain every day
We do not eat soup for lunch
You do not have with your family
They do not do their homework

Yes/No Question
Auxi. Subje. Verb Complement Aux. Subj Verb Comple.
do I get up at 5 a.m.? Does she drive to work?
do you go to bed at 9? Does she go to bed at 9?
does he work from 8 to 6?
does she study in the morning?
does it rain every day?
do we eat soup for lunch?
do you have breakfast with your family?
do they do their homework?

WH Questions
Wh-Word Auxil. Subj. Verb Wh- Auxi. Su. Verb
What time do I get up?
What do you do? word
Where does he work? Where does she have lunch?
How many friends does she have?
How often does it rain? What does she eat for lunch?
What kind of food do we eat?
What time do you have lunch
Who do they study with?

Complete the following questions. Answer them using the previous text about Lesley’s routine

1. What time ______ Lesley get up? ____________________________________________
2. How ______ she go to college? ____________________________________________
3. ______ she ______ lunch at 1:00? ____________________________________________
4. ______ does Lesley do in the evening? ____________________________________________
5. What time does she ______ to bed? ____________________________________________


1. Add –s / -es / -ies to the following verbs.

2. Use the verbs in brackets to complete the sentences, as in the example:

1. I (live) in Edinburgh.
2. He ………. (do) his homework every evening.
3. She’s a teacher. She ……….. (work) at primary school.
4. “Are you a singer?” “No, I’m a pilot. I ………….. (fly) airplanes.
5. Joan …………. (wash) her hair every day.
6. The museum …………….. (close) at seven in the evening.
7. Daniel ……………. (brush) his teeth every morning.
8. She ……………... (study) Science at university.

3. Write questions and negative answers as in the example.

Tom lives in England. → Does Tom live in England? No, Tom doesn’t live in England.
1. Mr. Simpson teaches Chemistry. →__________________________________________________
2. You like playing computer games. → _________________________________________________
3. John and Sue work in a café. →_____________________________________________________
4. We do the shopping on Saturdays. →_________________________________________________
5. The baby cries all the time. →_______________________________________________________

4. Match the questions to the answers.

1. What time does she get up? A. She goes to bed at 10:00.
2. Does he walk to school? B. No, she doesn’t.
3. Does she have breakfast every day? C. She does her homework.
4. What does she do in the afternoon? D. Yes, he walks to school.
5. When does she go to bed?

Daily Routines Vocabulary

1.Wake up 2. Wash my face 3. Take a shower

4. Dry my hair 5. Brush my hair 6. Eat breakfast

7. Brush my teeth 8. Get dressed 9. Go to the bathroom

10. Make my bed 11. Go to school 12. Study

PRONUNCIATION – Third-Person singular – s endings

1. Listen and practice. Notice the pronunciation of the –s endings.

S = /S/ S = /Z/ (e)s = /IZ/ irregular

take takes drive drives dance dances do does
sleep sleeps study studies watch watches have has

2. Find the exit following the (e)s= /IZ/ ending of the verbs.

word final -s = /s, z, Iz/
Directions: Decide if the word ends with an /s/, /Ιz/, or a /z/ sound. Circle the correct answer.

1. acts* /s/ /Ιz/ /z/

2. replies* /s/ /Ιz/ /z/

3. gets /s/ /Ιz/ /z/

4. crashes* /s/ /Ιz/ /z/

5. invests /s/ /Ιz/ /z/

6. debates* /s/ /Ιz/ /z/

7. ages* /s/ /Ιz/ /z/

8. feels /s/ /Ιz/ /z/

9. persuades /s/ /Ιz/ /z/

10. searches* /s/ /Ιz/ /z/

11. appears /s/ /Ιz/ /z/

12. releases /s/ /Ιz/ /z/

13. spends /s/ /Ιz/ /z/

14. results* /s/ /Ιz/ /z/

15. attempts* /s/ /Ιz/ /z/

Answers: * Can be nous as well.

1. acts* /s/ 9. persuades /z/

2. replies* /z/ 10. searches* /Ιz/

3. gets /s/ 11. appears /z/

4. crashes* /Ιz/ 12. releases /Ιz/

5. invests /s/ 13. spends /z/

6. debates* /s/ 14. results* /s/

7. ages* /Ιz/ 15. attempts* /s/

8. feels /z/


Mary’s Night
On Monday, Mary comes back home from work. She looks at the clock and
yawns. What time is it? She asks herself. It’s nine o'clock. She goes to her
bedroom and puts on her pajamas. She gets her blanket. She lies down on her
bed. The room is cold. It’s rainy outside. She gets up and goes to her closet to get
extra blankets. She lies down again and covers herself. She falls asleep at half
past ten. She wakes up at midnight to get a glass of water. She drinks the glass
of water. She walks back to her bedroom. What time is it? She asks herself
again. It is five to one. She yawns and falls asleep. Two hours pass. She wakes
up and goes to the restroom. She hears a noise outside her window. She looks
out the window to see what it is. It is a black cat climbing a tree. She hushes the
cat. The cat runs away. She goes back to bed. She closes her eyes and falls
asleep. She sleeps very little.

Parts of the day: in
the morning,
afternoon, evening. Days of the week:
Months: January, Times:
Monday, Tuesday morning
February… Three o’clock,
Weekdays, weekends
Years: 2001, 2002 midday/noon
Dates: July 12th, 2012,
Seasons: summer, midnight.
my birthday, Christmas
winter, autumn, Night
spring. Vacation


Complete the text with the correct time preposition: IN, ON, AT.

My father’s name is Jack. He is a math’s teacher in an elementary school. (1)

_____ the mornings he usually gets up (2) _____ 6:30. But this is only (3)
______ weekdays, because (4) _____ weekends he gets up later. (5) _____
Tuesday and Thursdays he has lunch in the school (6) ______ 12:30, because
he has lessons both (7) _____ the morning and (8) ______ the afternoon. The
other days he finishes work (9) _____ noon, so he comes home for lunch. He
sometimes corrects exercises (10) _____ the evenings after dinner.
My father has his summer holiday (11) ______ August. He has a difficult job, but
he loves it!

Complete the sentences with the correct time preposition:

1. What do you usually do _______ weekends?

2. My father doesn’t work _______ Saturdays.
3. The film starts ______ 11:00 p.m. and finishes _______ midnight.
4. ______ spring, my garden is full of flowers.
5. William Shakespeare was born ______ 1564.
6. My mum’s birthday is _____ May 5th.
ON 7. Our office is closed ______ August.
8. There are a lot of stars in the sky ______ night.
9. My best friend always phones me _______ the evening.
AT 10. ______ my birthday I always have a big party.
11. I love reading in bed ______ Sunday mornings.

It’s noon It’s midnight

Look at these clocks. What time is it?

A: What time is it?
B.: It’s twenty past two. OR It’s two-twenty


1. Read and Listen

Rick: What time is English class? English Class

Lily: 10: 00. 10.00 a.m
Rick: Uh-oh. Am I late?
Lily: No, you’re not. It’s five to ten.
Rick: Five to ten?
Lily: That’s right. Don’t worry. You’re on time.

2. Practice the conversation. Use the clock, the class times and this guide

A: What time is …….?

B: ______________________.
A: Uh –oh. Am I late?
B: ______________. It’s ______________.
A: ____________________?
B: That’s right. _____________.

Math Class Ethics class Sports class

2:00 p.m 8:00 a.m 10: 00 a.m

3. Listening Exercise. Listen and complete the table with the show times for the movies

Holiday in Rome Hong Kong Warrior Ralph the rabbit Alien from Saturn



párrafo es la mínima unidad de
redacción que explica y desarrolla el
significado de una idea. La idea
principal de un párrafo está
contenida en una oración principal,
la cual debe ser lo suficientemente


Generalmente tiene tres partes:
1. La oración temática
2. Las oraciones argumentativas
3. La oración concluyente

LA ORACION TEMÁTICA: La idea principal de un párrafo está contenida en una oración temática, la
cual debe ser lo suficientemente clara. Una buena oración temática no es demasiado general o
demasiado estricta en su sentido. Es recomendable establecer la idea central al principio del párrafo,
en la primera oración.

LAS ORACIONES ARGUMENTATIVAS: Van después de la oración principal, componen el cuerpo

de un párrafo. Dan detalles para desarrollar y sustentar la idea principal del párrafo. Se deben dar
hechos, detalles y ejemplos para sustentar.

LA ORACIÓN CONCLUYENTE: La oración concluyente es la última oración de un párrafo. Reafirma

la idea principal del párrafo. Se debe volver a exponer la idea del párrafo usando palabras diferentes.


1. Oración temática: Hay tres razones por las cuales Canadá es uno de los mejores países del
2. Explicación o desarrollo de la oración principal
a. Canadá tiene un excelente sistema de salud. Todos los canadienses tienen acceso a los
servicios médicos a un precio razonable.
b. Canadá tiene un alto estándar de educación.
c. Las ciudades canadienses son limpias y están dirigidas de manera eficiente.

3. Oración concluyente: Canadá es un lugar deseable para vivir.

There are three reasons why Canada is one of the best countries in the world. First, Canada has an
excellent health care system. All Canadians have access to medical services at a reasonable price.
Second, Canada has a high standard of education. Students are taught by well-trained teachers and
are encouraged to continue studying at university. Finally, Canada's cities are clean and efficiently
managed. Canadian cities have many parks and lots of space for people to live. As a result, Canada is
a desirable place to live.

How to Write a Descriptive Paragraph

The purpose of descriptive writing is to make our readers see, feel, and hear what we have seen, felt,
and heard. Whether we're describing a person, a place, or a thing, our aim is to reveal a subject
through vivid and carefully selected details.

1) Find and Explore a Topic: Before you can write an effective descriptive paragraph, you need to do
two things:
1. Find a good topic.
2. Study the topic carefully (a strategy that we call probing).

2) Draft a Descriptive Paragraph: Once you have settled on a topic for your descriptive paragraph and
collected some details, you're ready to assemble those details in a rough draft that begins with a topic
sentence. (Topic sentence is a sentence, sometimes at the beginning of a paragraph, that states or
suggests the main idea (or topic) of a paragraph.)

3) Revise a Descriptive Paragraph: Now you will revise your descriptive paragraph, concentrating on
its organization. That is, you will check to see that your sentences follow a clear and logical order,
each detail related to the one that came before and leading to the one that follows.

4) Revise, Edit, and Proofread: You're almost done. It's now time to invite someone else (a classmate,
for example, or your instructor) to read your descriptive paragraph and suggest ways to improve it.
Taking your reader's comments into consideration, revise the paragraph one last time, using as a
guide this Revision.

Checklist for a Descriptive Paragraph:

a. Does your paragraph begin with a topic sentence--one that clearly identifies the person, place,
or thing you're about to describe?
b. In the rest of the paragraph, have you clearly and consistently supported the topic sentence
with specific descriptive details?
c. Have you followed a logical pattern in organizing the supporting sentences in your paragraph?
Is your paragraph unified--that is, do all your supporting sentences relate directly to the topic
introduced in the first sentence?
d. Is your paragraph cohesive--that is, have you clearly connected the supporting details in your
paragraph and guided readers from one sentence to the next? Throughout the paragraph,
have you chosen words that clearly, accurately, and specifically show readers what you mean?
e. Have you read your paragraph aloud (or asked someone to read it to you) to check for trouble
spots, such as awkward phrasing or needless repetition?
f. Finally, have you carefully edited and proofread your paragraph?

Gregory is my beautiful gray Persian cat. He walks with pride and grace, performing a dance
of disdain as he slowly lifts and lowers each paw with the delicacy of a ballet dancer. His pride,
however, does not extend to his appearance, for he spends most of his time indoors watching
television and growing fat. He enjoys TV commercials, especially those for Meow Mix and 9
Lives. His familiarity with cat food commercials makes him to reject generic brands of cat food in favor of only
the most expensive brands. Gregory is as careful about visitors as he is about what he eats, associating with some
and repelling others. He may snuggle up against your ankle, begging to be petted, or he may imitate a skunk and
stain your favorite trousers. Gregory does not do this to establish his territory, but to humiliate me because he is
jealous of my friends. After my guests leave, I look at him smiling to himself in front of the television set, and I
have to forgive him for his annoying, but charming, habits.

Listen to your teacher and complete the text.
Tom ________ at a _________. He _____ the manager. He _______
work every day _____ _____ _____. He __________ work every day
_____ _______ ______. He _______ very close to the ________. He
________ to _______ every _______. _____ ________ and ________
also _______ _____ the bank. However, they _____ ____ _______ close
to the bank. They _______ cars to ______. They _______ _______
_____ _____ ____. In the bank, Tom _____ the _______. He ________
all the _______ and _______ them what to do. He ________ ______
_____. He ____ also very ________ _____ ______ ______.
Many customers like Tom, and they ________ hello to ______ when
they ________ to the bank. Tom __________ to talk to the customers and ________ ______
feel _______. Tom really ________ _____ ______.


Write a descriptive paragraph about the routine of a very close relative.
First draft

Final paper


Talk about a relative’s routine.


Watch the video sequence and take notes. Then, write about Vanessa’s routine.


Vanessa’s Routine


1. Oral practice: Simple Present WH-Questions.

What time you work

How long we study
Where do they go shopping
How many students I have ?
Who live with
Which subject she like
Why does he work alone
What type of music it
listen to

2. Write down four questions that follow the previous patterns.


3. Oral practice: Prepositions of Time.

Bryan and Carlos get up January

You watch television 6 a.m.
I like to exercise at the evening
We study in Mondays and Wednesday .
Martha works on night
He loves reading the afternoon
It always rains Saturday’s mornings

4. Write four sentences that follow the previous pattern.




1. Move into groups of four.

2. Listen to the teacher talk about Joe.
3. Listen for meaning: Listen to the whole text (the teacher reads only the text about Joao).
4. Listen and take notes: Take notes listening key words.

5. Work in groups to reconstruct an approximation of the text from notes (one student acts as the

6. Listen for meaning: Listen to the whole text (the teacher reads the text about Sofia)
7. Listen and take notes: Take notes listening key words.

8. Work in groups to reconstruct an approximation of the text from notes (another student acts as the

9. Compare the reconstructed texts and the original texts. Notice the type of errors that got in the way
of understanding the text.


Student A: Ask student B about Sofia. Complete the table. Answer student B’s questions about Joao.
Student B: Answer student’s A’ questions about Sofia. Ask student A about Joao.

Student’s A copy

2.1. Complete the table about Sofia. Use short answers.

# Topic Sofia
1. Nationality / City
2. Age
3. Occupation
4. Interests
5. Languages

2.2. Use the information you got in the previous exercise and write a paragraph about Sofia.

Student B’s copy

2.1. Complete the table about Joao. Use short answers.

# Topic Joao
1. Nationality / City
2. Age
3. Occupation
4. Interests
5. Languages

2.1. Use the information you got in the previous exercise and write a paragraph about Joao.



1. Read the text and underline the nouns related to clothes and accessories.

Jenny tells us about her favorite places for shopping in London

When I visit London, one of my favorite things to do is shopping!
I really enjoy searching for a bargain in the sales, and buying
something new to wear on a Saturday night, for example a beautiful dress,
high heels and a purse. I also like doing window-shopping. It’s nice and it
doesn't cost a penny! Sometimes I spend hours just walking around a
market and having a chat with my friends.
There are lots of different places to go shopping in London. One of
the most famous places is Oxford Street, but it gets too busy sometimes. If
you want a more relaxing shopping experience, go to Covent Garden. There you can have a
cappuccino, and watch some street theater at the same time.
Some people like shopping in department stores. The most famous one in London is
'Harrods' in Knightsbridge, but for me, it's not modern and it’s too expensive. Sometimes shopping
there is really a rip-off! The best of all the big department stores is 'Selfridges' in Oxford
Street. It's a shoppers' paradise, nice clothes like jeans, t-shirts, trousers, panties, scarves, and
the prices? Well, at least I can look, can't I?
If you go to London, you can’t miss Camden street markets. It's busy and exciting. You
can find trendy accessories like sunglasses, earrings and all kinds of shoes for really low prices.
It’s really a bargain!

2. Classify the nouns in singular and plural in the following chart.


3. Complete the following sentences, making any underlined singular nouns

plural. Notice that modifiers like many, most, several and two, signal the plural
form of count nouns.
Example: The student studied for the history midterm.
Many students studied for the history midterm.

1. I filled a box while I was working.

1. I filled several _______________ while I was working.

2. The library has a collection of rare books.

2. Most _____________ have _____________ of rare books.

3. The photographer took shots of a wolf traveling in a pack.

3. A team of ______________ took shots of _____________ traveling in a pack.

4. The woman ran a daycare center.

4. The three _____________ ran a daycare center together.

5. Maria ate a stuffed tomato for dinner.

5. Maria ate two stuffed _____________ for dinner.


1. How to form the plural 2. Nouns ending in sibilants

We form the plural by adding - Add -es. Add -s if the noun ends in one -e.
s to the singular of the noun. The English sibilants are /s, z, ʃ, ʒ, tʃ, dʒ/

Singular Plural Singular plural

A car Two cars A box Two boxes
A cassette Two cassettes A sandwich Two sandwiches
A lamp Two lamps A suitcase Two suitcases
A hat Two hats A rose Two roses
A cup Two cups A garage Two garages

3. Nouns ending in -y
3.1. y after consonant 3.2. y after vowel
Change –y to –i, then add –es. Add –s after a vowel.
Singular Plural Singular plural
A city Two cities A boy Two boys
A lady Two ladies A day Two days

4. Nouns ending in –f or –fe 5. Nouns ending in o

Plurals of nouns that end in –f or A lot of nouns that end in o take es in the
–fe usually change the –f sound plural.
a –v sound and add –s or –es.

Singular Plural Singular plural

A knife Two knives A potato Three potatoes
A leaf Two leaves A hero Two heroes
A life Two lives
A wife Two wives

6. Irregular Nouns
Singular Plural Singular Plural
A woman Two women A goose Two geese
A child Two children A foot Two feet
A mouse Two mice An ox Two oxen
A man Two men A tooth The teeth


Swimsuit Bra Underpants

Clothes: singular / plural

panty T-shirt purse

tie jeans sunglasses

dress shoe scarf

earring blouse watch

jacket trousers boot

glove sock suit

belt hat vest

swimsuit sweater coat

briefcase cap necklace

Change the sentences from singular into plural.

1. There is a mouse under the bed.

2. It is a box.
3. It is a child.
4. There is a goose in the garden.
5. He is a thief.
6. My foot is cold.
7. He has an ox.
8. There is a man there.
9. He is in the bus.
10. He has a nice watch.
11. There is a knife on the table.
12. She has a baby.
13. She is a beautiful woman.
14. This is a red dress.
15. He is a boy.
16. It is a big city.
17. The leaf is green.
18. He wears a nice scarf.

Additional Task: Put the sentences into the possessive case, using apostrophes.

1. The book of the girl.

2. The bike of Jim.
3. The shoes of the women.
4. The husband of Mrs. West.
5. The toys of the children.
6. The room of Helen.
7. The leg of the dog.
8. The eyes of the cats.
9. The garden of Mrs. Brown.
10. The father of Jean.
11. The brother of Helen.
12. The books of the boys.


Shopping for clothes. Colors and sizes

1. Listen to three people buying clothes and complete the grid.

Clothes item Color Size

Woman 1

Woman 2

Woman 3

2. Read the conversation. Turn the copy, listen to the conversation and answer the questions.

1. How much are the gloves?
2. Which scarf does she want?
3. Does she buy the hat?

3. Read and listen to the conversation.

Man: Can I help you?

Woman: Yes, thank you. How much are these gloves?
Man: The gray ones? They’re $ 18
Woman: Oh, that’s not bad! Do they come in black?
Man: No, sorry. Just gray.
Woman: Ok. Hmmm, how much is that scarf?
Man: Which one? The blue and orange one?
Woman: No, the yellow one.
Man: Let’s see. It’s $ 24.95.
Woman: it’s really pretty. I’ll take it.
Man: We have some nice hats over here.
Woman: Oh, yeah? I need a new hat.
Man: They’re on sale, today only.
Woman: Oh, they are nice. This red one is pretty. How much is it?
Man: it’s $ 26.50
Woman: hmmm…I don’t think so. Thanks anyway.

4. Practice the conversation substituting colors, clothes items, accessories, and prices.

5. Practice the conversation using the guide on the board.


1. Listen to your teacher and complete the text.

London is a major ______________ ___________ _____________.

There are thousands of ___________ and ____________
______________ in London. The shops in London can be __________
______________ especially the ____________ _____________ like
Harrods, Harvey Nicholls and Liberty, but the ___________ are of
________ ___________ and tourists come from all over the
___________ to shop there. In these shops you can find
__________________ kinds of clothing like ____________,
___________, __________, __________, __________ and a big
variety of _____________ and ______________ for everybody.
London _______ __________ _________ __________ markets that
are often inexpensive. The markets sell all kind of ____________, from
_____________ and ________________ to ______________ and

2. Listen to your teacher and write down the whole text.


1. Read the following situation and the task given about it in order to solve a problem.

One female friend of yours has decided to change her wardrobe since she has a lot
of weight and any of the actual clothes fit her. Your friend does not have a lot of
money but she likes to wear trendy clothes.

- Your friend only has 500.000 Colombian pesos.
- She needs different kinds of clothes. Clothes for work (she is a secretary),
and casual clothes.

2. Working together as a group, suggest different places where your friend can buy clothes in
Popayan. Each member of the group has to suggest one place and say the reasons why he/she
suggests it.

3. After all the places are presented to the group individually, as a group rank the places from
one to four in the order of pertinence as the best option for your friend.

4. Once the group is ready, present the results to the whole class.

Useful Phrases Useful Phrases

There are clothes I think…
expensive, too expensive I agree with you
cheap, really cheap I don’t agree with you
reasonable This is the best…
At that place there are no
casual clothes
beautiful clothes
At that place there are
a lot of clothes for work
a lot of sizes

1. Oral practice
that scarf
these hat
How much those gloves ?
the shoes
a undershirt

2. Write down three questions where you use is, three questions where you use are and three
questions where you use 3 words about clothes different from the ones given in the table.
a. _______________________________________________________________________________
b. _______________________________________________________________________________
c. _______________________________________________________________________________
d. _______________________________________________________________________________
e. _______________________________________________________________________________
f. _______________________________________________________________________________
g. _______________________________________________________________________________
i. ________________________________________________________________________________

A/AN: we use a/an before singular nouns, indefinite article (not a specific object, one of a number of
the same objects)

A: with consonants sounds AN: with vowels sounds (a,e,i,o,u)

Examples: Eric has a dog.

Gregory works in a factory.
I saw an eagle in the forest.
Donata is an English teacher.

THE: we use THE to talk about a specific object that both the person speaking and the listener know.

Examples: The dogs are sleeping.

I like the birds they have in their house.

A, AN or THE
The first time you speak of something use "A or AN", the next time you repeat that object use "the".

I live in a house. The house is very old and has two bedrooms.
I ate in an Italian restaurant. The restaurant was not very clean.

We use no article to talk about things in general, with plural nouns.

Dogs don’t like cats.

Lions live in the savannah.
Jane loves children.

The demonstratives are this, that, these, and those. We use demonstratives to point to things and

Examples: This is my desk. Those desks are for students.

• We use this, that, these, those with a noun: This jacket is very nice. - Do you like these
Or without a noun: This is a nice jacket. - Who’s that?
• Use a verb in singular after this – that: That is a beautiful blouse.
• Use a verb in plural after these – those: These books are very interesting.


1. Insert a or an 2. Insert definite or indefinite articles, the an, a,
where necessary
1. This is __________ orange.
2. That is __________ book. 1. Greeks like __________ coffee.
3. This is __________ hospital. 2. English like __________ tea.
4. That is __________ egg. 3. __________ exercise he is writing is very easy.
5. He is eating __________ apple. 4. __________ exercise is good for our health.
6. This is __________ umbrella. 5. He lives in __________ Japan.
7. That is __________ university. 6. Is __________ Chinese easy?
8. I'll be away for __________ hour. 7. __________ Chinese language is difficult.
9. What __________ nice day! 8. Mr. Brown is __________ teacher.
10. ______ horse is _____ animal. 9. They took him to hospital in __________ ambulance
10. __________ good students work hard.
11. __________ students must work hard.
12. He is having __________ lunch.

3. Use `this´ or `these´. 4. Use `that´ or `those´.

1. ____________ is my desk. 1. Who owns ___________ house?
2. ____________ are my pets. 2. Look at ___________ man over there.
3. ____________ is Pete’s house. 3. ___________ is a computer.
4. It’s raining again. ____________ is awful. 4. ___________ woman is a professor.
5. Hello Kath, ____________ is Bob. 5. ___________ is my brother.
6. ____________ is my friend, Paul. 6. Wasn’t ___________ a horrible thing to say?
7. ____________ cake tastes delicious. 7. ___________ is my cousin, Jessica.
8. I don’t like ____________ one. 8. Do you see ___________ birds on the tree top?
9. ____________ apples look good. 9. What does ___________ notice say?
10. I’ll take ____________ grapes. 10. ___________ mountains are the Alps.
11. ____________ books belong to Linda. 11. Don’t take ___________ mug.
12. Jack brought ____________ trousers. 12. This book or ___________ book?
13. ____________ hamburgers taste good. 13. This is my car and ___________ is your car.
14. Have you seen ____________ movie? 14. ___________ is my school.
15. ____________ are good times. 15. ___________ are my brother’s things.
16. Do you like ____________ shirts? 16. ___________ is my aunt.
17. ____________ is much heavier than that. 17. ___________ is my friend’s umbrella.
18. ____________ is unbelievable. 18. I can’t read ___________ words.
19. Is ____________ John’s house. 19. ___________ stars are very far from the earth.
20. Do you like ____________ flowers? 20. I’d like to live in ___________ country.


I have two teenage children who love shopping for clothes. They go to
the mall with their friends every Saturday.

On school days, my son, Stan, likes to wear blue jeans and T-shirts.
He only wears a suit on formal occasions like weddings or funerals.
He feels comfortable wearing a jacket but not a tie. My daughter, Lily,
likes to wear tight pants. She wears a dress or a skirt and blouse for
parties or dinners. She doesn't feel comfortable in high heeled shoes
and loves wearing casual and sporty clothes. When Lily visited her
aunt in Texas, she bought cowboy boots, tight blue jeans and a
cowboy hat.

In winter, my children wear coats, hats and gloves on cold days. When
they go skiing, they put on toques and mittens. Mittens are warmer
than gloves. My son doesn't like rainy days because he has to wear a raincoat and carry an
umbrella. My daughter loves to wear the scarf that I bought for her Birthday.

In the summer, when the weather is hot and windy, Lily and Stan usually wear shorts, tank
tops and sandals to the beach. Sometimes on weekends, we go walking in the mountains so
they wear hiking boots and thick woolen socks to protect their feet and toes.

Last Saturday, my children came home with a bag of clothes each. My son bought two
sweaters, and a pair of leather shoes. My daughter bought a black belt to wear with her blue
dress, a pair of grey pants and a matching jacket. She also bought a green blouse.

My children have no problem spending money. They think money grows on trees!

Answer the following questions:

1. What clothes do Stan and Lily wear in winter?

2. Who doesn’t like rainy days?

3. What clothes do Stan and Lily wear when the weather is hot and windy?

Dictation - Weather
Unit 6, Activity 8

1. snow spring fall

2. summer cold hot

3. windy cloudy rainy

4. winter sunny stormy


1. Listen and check today’s weather in each of the cities. Then listen again. Write
today’s temperature.

2. Listen and complete the blanks with the word you hear.

The _______ today is very _______. It's just a few degrees above zero right now, and it's
probably going to _______. The sky is gray and _______.

Yesterday's _______ was like today's. It was cold and cloudy, and then it snowed in the
afternoon. In the evening, it got really, really cold. After _______, the temperature was ten
degrees below zero.

The _______ in Minnesota is long and hard. Usually, the _______ starts to fall in November
and it stops falling in March. In April it melts. On average, there are five months of _______

On days when it snows, the _______ is dark and gray, but on _______ when the temperature
goes below zero, it's very _______ and the sky is _______ and blue. Isn't that interesting?

3. Speaking: Write and practice a conversation about clothes and weather including
the following aspects:

• Favorite type of weather and clothes to wear accordingly

• Characteristics of your favorite type of weather
• Clothes you usually wear regardless the type of weather
• Importance of the weather in people’s daily life activities


1. Listen and practice. Notice the pronunciation of the plural –s endings.

s = /z/ s = /s/ (e)s = /iz/

Earring Earrings Desk Desks Pencil case Pencil cases
Phone Phones Laptop Laptops Class Classes
Book bag Book bags Wastebasket Wastebaskets Box Boxes

2. Say the plural forms of these nouns. Then complete the chart.

briefcase ID map newspaper purse

Stamp television ticket watch

/z/ /s/ /iz/

3. Listen and check your answers.

Talk about the clothes you wear.



1. Read the following interview: My Favorite Item of Clothing

Jimmy is talking about his favorite item of clothing. Read the


Interviewer: What is your favorite item of clothing?

Jimmy: I’m not really a fashion fan. I try to look good but I do not
worry too much about my personal appearance and the clothes I’m
wearing. But I will tell about my favorite article of clothing – my
leather jacket. That is my favorite piece of clothing.

Interviewer: What does it look like?

Jimmy: It’s a normal or regular leather jacket. I suppose one

unusual feature is that it has white stripes down the sleeves. I
usually wear it throughout the winter months. I still love it though
and I don’t mind at all that it looks rather second-hand.

Interviewer: When do you wear it?

Jimmy: I wear it especially on weekends when I go out with my friends. I also wear it when I have
concerts with my band, I play the guitar.

Interviewer: Where can you buy this type of jacket?

Jimmy: You can find it in almost any department store, in the clothes section. But if you are looking for
a great discount or a good price you can go to K-S Discount Mart.

Interviewer: How much does this kind of jacket cost?

Jimmy: Well, there are different prices depending on the place or the brand. You can have one for
about $250, however, when there are sales the price can be reduced by 50%.

Interviewer: Why do you like it?

Jimmy: I like it because it’s different – it’s just not like any other clothes I have in my wardrobe.

2. Fill in the following diagram with information about Jimmy’s favorite item of clothing. Use
vocabulary and grammatical structures from the interview you just read. Then, give an oral
report about Jimmy’s favorite item of clothing.

What is his favorite item of clothing?

What does it look like?

Why does he like it?

Jimmy’s favorite item of


When does he wear it?

Where can you buy this item?

How much does this item cost?

3. Use the previous diagram to write and talk about Jimmy’s favorite item of clothing.


It’s a question of style

1. Interview your partner. Write your partner’s answers to the questions about clothes and
style in the spaces provided.

1. What kind of clothes do you like? 6. How often do you go shopping?

__________________________ __________________________
__________________________ __________________________

2. Describe your favorite item of clothing? 7. What is your favorite place to

__________________________ __________________________
__________________________ __________________________

3. What item of clothing would you never 8. What do you normally wear to a
wear? party?
__________________________ __________________________
__________________________ __________________________

4. What do you normally wear to work or 9. Do you compare prices at

class? different stores when you go
__________________________ __________________________
__________________________ __________________________

5. What color do you like to wear? 10. Do you like to go shopping alone
or with friends?
__________________________ __________________________
__________________________ __________________________

2. When you have finished, make a report about your partner’s answer to the whole class.


Write a paragraph describing the clothes you wear according

to the weather.


1. LISTENING: Listen to the following conversation about buying clothes and write T for true
and F for false:

1. The woman wants to buy a gray suit. 4. The sales assistant thinks the blouse is
2. The woman does not like the purple blouse. cheap.
3. The woman tries on a medium sized, dark blue 5. The woman decides to pay by credit card.


Read the sentences and put them in the correct order. Then, listen to the conversation and
check the order. Then, read the conversation with a partner.
____ Just a minute. What size are you?
____ Yes, please. I’m looking for a blouse to match with a gray suit. It’s for a job interview.
____ I’m afraid, it’s still too expensive. Thank you, anyway.
____ Oh, I don’t think so. It’s too fancy for me.
____ It’s on sale. 20% discount. It’s only $79.95.
____ Actually, I prefer this one. Do you have it in light blue?
____ Hello. Can I help you?
____ So, how do you like it?
____ Medium.
____ Let me show you a few. How about this purple one?
____ Well, it comes in other colors, too.
____ It’s beautiful. Can I try it on?
____ Here you are.
____ Certainly. The fitting rooms are over there.
____ It’s a really nice blouse and it fits me very well. How much is it?
____ Well…
____ Would you like to pay in cash or by credit card?
____ You’re welcome.

3. WRITING: Work with a partner. Create your own clothes shop conversation between a shop
assistant (SA) and a customer (C).
SA: ______________________________________________________________________________
C: _______________________________________________________________________________
SA: ______________________________________________________________________________
C: _______________________________________________________________________________
SA: ______________________________________________________________________________
C: _______________________________________________________________________________
SA: ______________________________________________________________________________
C: _______________________________________________________________________________
SA: ______________________________________________________________________________
C: _______________________________________________________________________________

D. SPEAKING: Present your conversation to the class.




1. Listen to the conversation. Answer the following questions before reading the conversation.


1. Who likes country music?

2. What kind of music does Brian like?
3. Who is Brian’s favorite singer?

Marissa: Do you like country music, Brian?

Brian: No, I don’t like it very much. Do you?
Marissa: Yeah, I do. I’m a big fan of Taylor Swift.
Brian: I think I know her. Does she play the guitar?
Marissa: Yes, she does. She’s a really good musician.
So, what kind of music do you like?
Brian: I really like hip-hop.
Marissa: Oh, yeah? Who’s your favorite singer?
Brian: Jay-Z. Do you like him?
Marissa: No, I don’t. I don´t like hip-hop very much.

2. Listen to the rest of the conversation. Who is Brian’s favorite group? Does Marissa like

3. Practice the conversation in pairs. Then, try to change some of the information to talk about
your favorite type of music, songs, and singers.


1. Oral practice

I hate
You love to swim
We like to play pool
You prefer to work out
They to watch TV .
hates sleeping
He loves going shopping
She likes visiting friends
It prefers

2. Write down five sentences that follow the previous pattern.




to + verb Verb + -ing

I love to swim I love swimming
I like to play pool I like playing pool
I hate to work out I hate working out
I prefer to watch TV I prefer watching TV

Prepare a talk about likes and dislikes. Consider the following

questions that your classmates may ask you when you
present your talk:

What kind of ….do you like? (music, TV programs, video games)

Do you like…? (reggae, game shows, action movies)
Who is your favorite…? (singer, actor, athlete)
What do you like to do…? (on the weekends, on Saturdays, on
vacations, in your free time, at night)

PRONUNCIATION: Intonation in questions

1. Listen and practice.

Yes/No questions usually have rising intonation.

Wh-questions usually have falling intonation.

2. Practice the correct intonation of the following questions.

1. What kind of music do you like?

2. What kinds of music don't you like?
3. Do you like to watch TV?
4. Do you like movies?
5. Who are your favorite actors?
6. Do you like sports?
7. What are your favorite kinds of sports?
8. Who are your favorite athletes?
9. Do you like books? Who are your favorite authors?
10. What do you do in your free time?
11. What hobbies do you have?
12. Do you have a hobby?

3. Students can watch the video too: Wh questions – video or audio


1. Listen to your teacher and complete the text.

Ana and Pablo aren’t interested in reading books. They prefer ___
_____________ magazines. They really _______ ___________
together. His friend, Carlos, ________ ____ ________ every day. He
__________ _________ ____________ in the gym at all. He
____________ _____________ at home with a video. They have
another friend, Maria. She ___________ ______ ____________
salsa. She can’t __________ the tango. She ___________
______________ with her friends. Their friends Erica and German
usually ___________ _______ ____________. They ____________
____ ____________together and they ____________
_______________ for their friends. Marcos can’t _________ the piano very well. He
___________ ________________ the guitar, and he would ___________ to learn to play
different instruments, too.

2. Listen to your teacher and write down the whole text.

Talk about your likes and dislikes.



Write about your best friend’s likes and dislikes.













1. READING: Read the text below and the following words.
1. Amador 2. Twelve 3. In Mali 4. One brother, one sister 5. How-clothes
6. Time-6am 7. They sweep 8. What-night 9. Hot and dry 10. wear his tunic

My name’s Amador and I’m twelve

years old. I live in a village in Mali in Africa.
I live in a small house with my family.
There are two rooms in my house. My
mum, dad and brother sleep in one room,
and I sleep in a room with my sister. In
Mali, people don’t wear expensive clothes.
I’m a teenager so I usually wear pants and
shirts but sometimes I wear a short tunic.

I usually wake up at 5.30 am. I help my mother cook the porridge for breakfast. We
leave home at 6 am to go to school. I usually walk to school alone, but sometimes I meet my
friends on the way. Before school starts, we get a broom and sweep the classrooms. We also
have to collect water for cooking lunch. Our lessons start at 7.30 am. School finishes at 12 pm
every day. It takes an hour to walk home. Sometimes I stop at a friend’s house and we do our
homework and read books. We also like riding bikes, cooking and sewing, or making things
with beads. At night, I visit my friends around the village. Sometimes we watch TV, but we
often have problems with electricity so the TV doesn’t work. We like telling stories.

Mali climate differs from one place to another. I live in the Northern Sahara zone so the
climate is really hot and dry, but I have some relatives that live in the southern part of Mali.
The climate there is hot and humid. I prefer the weather here because I can wear my short

2. WRITING: Write down ten predicted questions taking into account the words and phrases
written above.

3. SPEAKING: In pairs, students compare their questions and answers and improve them.
Students answer all the questions orally.

Read about Andrea’s family and complete her family tree with the corresponding information.

This is Andrea’s family. Andrea is 20 years old. She is single.

And she’s a university student. Her grandparents are Rodrigo
and Mary. Rodrigo is 75 years old and he is retired. Mary is 74
years old and she is a housewife. They have two sons. Carlos
and Francisco. They are married. Carlos is 46 years old and he
is an architect and his wife Laura is 42 years old and she is a
teacher. They have 2 children. Camilo is 10 years old and he is a
student. Katy is 22 years old and she is a lawyer. Anna is
Rodrigo’s daughter-in- law. She is 38 and she is a nurse. Her
husband, Francisco, is 40 years old and he is an engineer. They
have three children. They are Miguel, Juan, and Andrea.
Miguel is a university student and he is 18 years old. Juan is 7
years old and he is a primary school student.

Andrea’s family tree

Name:______ Name:______
Occupation_________ Occupation_________
Age: _________ = Age: _________

Name:______ Name:______
Occupation_________ = Occupation___
Age: _________ = Age: ________

Name:______ Name:______
Occupation_________ Occupation________
Age:__________ Age: _________

Name: Andrea Name:______ Name:______ Name:______ Name:______

Occupation________ Occupation________ Occupation_________ Occupation_________ Occupation________
Age: _________ Age: _________ Age: _________ Age: _________ Age: _________

A. People are talking about themselves and other family members. Which family member is the
speaker most similar to? Listen and check the correct answer.
Father Mother Sister Brother
1. Wen-ping
2. Michael
3. Justin
4. Susan
5. Robert
6. Beth
B. Listen again. How is each family member different from the speaker? Write the letter.
1. Wen-ping’s brother a. likes sports.
2. Michael’s brother b. likes reading and music.
3. Justin’s sister c. is taller than the father.
4. Susan’s father d. prefers to play cards.
5. Robert’s sister e. hates flying
6. Beth’s father f. is not interested in music.
A. Prepare 10 questions to ask your classmate. Once the questions are ready, ask them and
take notes.
1. Your classmate’s full name
2. The place your classmate is from
2. Number of his/her family relatives
3. Your classmate’s parents’ names
4. The age of your classmate and his/her parents
5. The time your classmate gets up on weekdays
6. Your classmate’s likes and dislikes
7. Clothes your classmate usually wears to go to the university
8. Description of your classmate’s favorite type of weather
9. Activities his/her parents like to do in their free time

Take notes here

B. Write a paragraph about your classmate’s personal information.

C. Tell the class about your classmate’s personal information. Use your own words.


Pay attention to the few features that must be correct in any piece of writing that is to be
marked. If more than one minimum requirement error is found, the writing is returned for
checking before it is marked.

No Minimum requirements Incorrect Correct

1. Subject-verb agreement She hate onions She hates onions

2. Pronoun-noun agreement Please call Maria to tell she about Please call Maria to tell
her mother her about her mother
3. Every sentence must I from Perú I am from Perú
contain a subject and a
4. No spelling errors I need to go witht you I need to go with you

Sign Meaning Example

Prep Wrong preposition prep
I have classes in the night.
Pron Wrong pronoun pron
My father is a teacher. She Works at a
WW Wrong word
I have to make my homework.
Word order She is wearing a dress blue.
VT Verb tense vt
Forty years ago, most women stay at home.
SVA Subject verb agreement sva
Many people is_ studying English.
# Number (singular or plural) #
They have a books.
Sp Spelling sp
Yenny lives whit her sister.
˄ Word missing I love chocolate because ˄ is delicious.
------ This is not necessary They are have many problems.
Punc Punctuation punc
He worked all night so he was tired.
Cap Capital letter cap
canada is the second largest country in the
/ New sentence
// New paragraph
______? Unclear She was proper from the law.?


Write your score for each reading passage at the bottom of the chart. Then put an X in one of the
boxes above the reading passage number to mark your time for each passage. Look on the right side
of the chart to find your reading speed for each reading passage. wpm: Words per Minute.

Time wpm
1.50 300
2.00 275
2.10 254
2.20 236
2.30 220
2.40 206
2.50 194
3.00 183
3.10 174
3.20 165
3.30 157
3.40 150
3.50 144
4.00 138
4.10 132
4.20 127
4.30 122
4.40 118
4.50 114
5.00 110
5.10 106
5.20 103
5.30 100
5.40 97
5.50 94
6.00 92
Reading 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15


Each time you do 10 minute writing, put the number of words you wrote on this graph. When your
written work has been marked and returned to you, put the number of errors per 100 words on the
graph for that piece of writing.

Number of words

Error rate per 100 words

Pieces of Writing 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Traducido y adaptado del libro de Paul Nation “What do you need to know to learn a foreign language?”

Cómo usar fichas de vocabulario: la estrategia de aprendizaje de vocabulario consciente más

importante es el aprendizaje por medio de fichas de vocabulario bilingües. Las fichas de vocabulario
son pequeñas fichas de 6 cm x 4 cm que tienen una palabra o una frase del idioma extranjero en un
lado y la traducción en el idioma nativo de esta palabra o frase en el otro lado. Cada estudiante hace
su propio conjunto de fichas. Instrucciones para los estudiantes:

1. Escriba en fichas de vocabulario las palabras que necesite aprender que se trabajan en la
clase de inglés y el vocabulario de los libros de lectura por niveles que se asignan en el

2. Escriba la palabra en la pequeña ficha con su pronunciación en un lado y su traducción en

el otro lado. Esto ayuda a que usted recuerde la palabra después del primer encuentro. Cada vez
que usted recuerda la palabra se fortalece la conexión entre la forma y el significado de la palabra. Si
usted escribe la palabra en el idioma extranjero y al frente su traducción no hay fortalecimiento de
esta conexión.

/ bʌmp/ 4 cm


E.g. The man has a

bump on the back of his

3. Repase las palabras tratando de recordar la traducción del otro lado. No voltee la ficha
demasiado rápido cuando no recuerde la traducción de la palabra. Usted debe tratar de recordarla sin
mirar la traducción por unos instantes. Si no recuerda la traducción, voltee la ficha para ver la
traducción. Después de mirar la palabra y su traducción ponga la ficha en medio del conjunto de
fichas para que la vuelva a repasar rápido de nuevo.

4. Al comienzo, empiece con pequeños conjuntos de fichas –alrededor de 15 o 20 palabras.

Las palabras difíciles deben estudiarse en pequeños grupos para que haya mayor repetición y
procesamiento más profundo. A medida que el aprendizaje se vuelva más fácil, incremente el número
de fichas –más de 50 palabras en un conjunto de fichas parece ser inmanejable porque se hace difícil
mantener las fichas juntas y estudiarlas todas a la vez. Mantenga grupos pequeños de fichas en su
bolso, maletín, bolsillo para estudiarlas cada vez que usted tenga unos minutos libres.

5. Espacie las repeticiones. La mejor forma de estudiar las fichas es repasarlas unos pocos minutos
después de haberlas escrito, luego se deben estudiar una hora después, luego al siguiente día, luego
dos días después, luego una semana más tarde y finalmente un par de semanas después. Esta
repetición espaciada es mucho más efectiva que repeticiones masivas juntas en una hora de estudio.
La cantidad de tiempo invertido en el estudio de las palabras puede ser el mismo pero los resultados
son diferentes. Las repeticiones espaciadas dan como resultado un aprendizaje de larga duración.

6. Use técnicas de procesamiento profundo con las palabras que son difíciles de aprender
como la técnica de la palabra clave. Piense la palabra en contextos situacionales. Divida la palabra
en partes, si es posible. Entre más asociaciones usted pueda hacer con la palabra, mejor la

7. Asegúrese que las palabras de escritura parecida o de significado parecido no estén juntas
en el mismo conjunto de fichas. Esto significa que los días de la semana no se deben aprender
juntos. Lo mismo aplica para los meses del año, sinónimos, números, antónimos, nombres de
prendas de vestir, frutas, partes del cuerpo, cosas en la cocina, etc. Estas palabras interfieren unas
con otras y hacen que el aprendizaje de vocabulario sea mucho más difícil.

8. Continúe cambiando el orden de las palabras en su conjunto de fichas. Esto evitará que se
aprenda el significado de una palabra por la cercanía a otra palabra en el conjunto de fichas.

9. Diga la palabra en voz alta. Esto ayuda a que la forma de la palabra entre en la memoria de largo

10. Escriba frases u oraciones que contengan las palabras de las fichas cuando esto sea
necesario. Esto se aplica particularmente a los verbos. Algunas palabras se aprenden mejor en
frases o en imágenes mentales.

Nation, I.S.P. (2014). What do you need to know to learn a foreign language? New Zealand: Victoria
University of Wellington.

Texto traducido del libro “Make it Stick, the Science of Successful Learning” de Brown, Peter C.,
Roediger, Henry L., and McDaniel, Mark A.

No importa lo que usted desee ser o hacer, si usted desea ser competidor, es el dominio de la
habilidad de aprender lo que lo pondrá en el juego y lo que lo mantendrá allí.

Recuerde que los estudiantes más exitosos son los que se hacen cargo de su propio aprendizaje y
siguen una simple pero disciplinada estrategia. Puede que usted no haya recibido instrucción en esto,
pero usted puede hacerlo, y muy seguramente se sorprenderá con los resultados.
Acepte el hecho de que el aprendizaje significativo es frecuentemente, o incluso usualmente,
de alguna forma difícil. Usted experimentará complicaciones. Estas son señales de esfuerzo, no de
fracaso. Las complicaciones vienen con el esfuerzo, y el esfuerzo construye la experiencia. El
aprendizaje con esfuerzo cambia su cerebro, crea nuevas conexiones, construye modelos mentales,
incrementa su capacidad. Las implicaciones de esto son muy importantes: su habilidad intelectual
depende en un gran porcentaje de su propio control. El saber esto hace que las dificultades que se
experimentan al aprender valgan la pena afrontarlas.
A continuación, se presentan dos estrategias claves de estudio. Conviértalas en un hábito y
organice su tiempo para que las practique con regularidad.

Practique Recuperación de Información de la Memoria

¿Qué significa esto? “Práctica de recuperación” significa hacerse quizzes a sí mismo. La

recuperación de información de la memoria debe convertirse en su primera estrategia de estudio en
lugar de leer, leer, y re-leer.
¿Cómo usar la práctica de recuperación de información como una estrategia de estudio?
Cuando usted lea un texto o estudie sus apuntes, haga una pausa periódicamente y sin mirar el texto
hágase preguntas como las siguientes: ¿Cuáles son las ideas fundamentales? ¿Qué términos o ideas
son nuevas para mí? ¿Cómo defino esos términos? ¿Cómo relaciono los términos o ideas a lo que ya
Muchos textos guía tienen preguntas de estudio al final de cada capítulo, y estas son muy
buenas para auto-evaluarse. El generar sus propias preguntas y responderlas también es una
excelente forma de estudio.
Programe unas pocas horas cada semana en todo el semestre para hacerse quizzes a usted
mismo sobre el material de un curso, tanto del material trabajado en la semana como del trabajado en
las semanas anteriores.
Cuando se haga quizzes a usted mismo, revise sus respuestas para que se asegure de que
hace una valoración acertada de lo que sabe y de lo que aún no sabe.
Use los quizzes para identificar las áreas de mayor debilidad, y enfoque su estudio en ellas
para fortalecerlas.
Entre más difícil sea para usted recuperar/recordar la información de la memoria, mayor será
el beneficio en el aprendizaje. Cometer errores no lo retrasará, siempre y cuando usted revise sus
respuestas y corrija sus errores.
¿Qué le dice su intuición que haga? La mayoría de los estudiantes se enfocan en subrayar y
resaltar el texto y las notas tomadas de las clases. Estos estudiantes dedican su tiempo a leer y re-
leer las notas, volviéndose fluidos en el texto y la terminología, porque esto les hace sentir como si
estuvieran aprendiendo.
¿Por qué la práctica de recuperación de información es mejor? Después de una o dos
revisiones del texto, hacerse quizzes a sí mismo es más potente para el aprendizaje que leer y re-
La familiaridad que se gana de la re-lectura de un texto crea ilusiones de aprendizaje, pero
estas no son indicaciones confiables del conocimiento del material. La fluidez que se obtiene con un
texto tiene dos aspectos a considerar: esta fluidez es un indicador engañoso de lo que usted ha
aprendido y crea la falsa impresión de que usted recordará el material.
En contraste, haciéndose quizzes a sí mismo sobre las ideas más importantes y los
significados detrás de los términos le ayuda a enfocarse en los conceptos centrales en lugar del
material periférico. El hacerse quizzes a sí mismo suministra una medida confiable de lo que usted ha
aprendido y de lo que aún no maneja. Además, hacerse quizzes frena el olvido. El olvidar es parte de
la naturaleza humana, pero la práctica de recuperación de información la asegura en la memoria y le
ayuda a recordarla en el futuro.
La práctica periódica con auto-quizzes fortalece el aprendizaje y la habilidad de conectarlo con
el conocimiento previo.
El hábito de recuperar información regularmente durante todo un curso acaba con la práctica
común de quemarse las pestañas la noche anterior a un examen. Usted necesitará estudiar muy poco
a la hora del examen. Revisar y aprender el material la noche previa al examen es mucho más fácil
que aprenderlo.
¿Cómo se siente? Comparado con re-leer, el hacerse quizzes a sí mismo se siente un poco
extraño y frustrante, especialmente cuando el nuevo aprendizaje es difícil de recordar. El hacerse
quizzes a sí mismo no se siente tan productivo como re-leer los apuntes, fotocopias y oraciones
resaltadas de un texto. Pero lo que usted no siente cuando se esfuerza por recuperar nuevo
aprendizaje es el hecho de que cada vez que usted trabaja duro para recuperar alguna información,
usted realmente está fortaleciéndola. Si usted estudia algo después de no poder recordarlo, usted
realmente lo está aprendiendo mejor que si usted no hubiese intentado recordar. El esfuerzo de
recuperar información fortalece el aprendizaje de esa información y la habilidad de recordarla en el

Espacie/Separe/Reparta su Práctica de Recuperación de Información

¿Qué significa esto? La práctica espaciada significa estudiar la información más de una vez pero
dejando pasar considerable tiempo entre las sesiones de práctica.
¿Cómo usar la práctica espaciada como una estrategia de estudio? Establezca un horario de
auto-quizzes que deje pasar tiempo entre las sesiones de estudio. ¿Qué tanto tiempo? Esto depende
del material a estudiar. Si usted está aprendiendo un conjunto de nombres y rostros, usted necesitará
revisarlos después de unos pocos minutos del primer encuentro porque estas asociaciones se olvidan
fácilmente. El nuevo material de un texto puede necesitar revisión en un mismo día después de su
primer encuentro. Luego, no revise el material durante varios días o una semana. Cuando usted se
sienta más seguro del dominio de un material, hágase quizzes una vez al mes. Durante un curso en
un semestre, a medida que usted se hace quizzes sobre el nuevo material, también recupere
información del material anterior y pregúntense a sí mismo como ese conocimiento se relaciona con
lo que usted subsecuentemente ha aprendido.
Si usted usa fichas (de vocabulario), no deje de hacerse quizzes sobre las fichas que
usted contesta correctamente un par de veces. Continúe revolviéndolas en el paquete de
fichas hasta que estén bien aprendidas. Cuando estén bien aprendidas, déjelas aparte –pero
en un conjunto de fichas que usted repasa periódicamente, quizás mensualmente. Cualquier
cosa que usted desee recordar debe ser periódicamente recuperada de la memoria.
Otra forma de espaciar la práctica de recuperación de información es intercalando el estudio
de dos o más temas, de esta forma el alternar los temas hace que usted continuamente refresque su
mente cada vez que vuelva a ellos.
¿Qué le dice su intuición que haga? Nuestra intuición nos persuade para que dediquemos
mucho tiempo a la práctica repetitiva de algo que queremos dominar, el régimen de práctica-práctica-
práctica masiva que nos han hecho creer que es esencial para tener dominio en una habilidad o en
un nuevo aprendizaje. Estas intuiciones son convincentes debido a dos razones. Primero, a medida
que practicamos algo una y otra vez frecuentemente vemos que nuestro desempeño mejora, lo cual
refuerza esta estrategia. Segundo, nosotros no podemos percibir que las ganancias de la práctica
repetitiva vienen de la memoria de corto plazo y se desvanecen rápidamente. El no poder percibir lo
rápido que olvidamos lo aprendido de la práctica repetitiva nos deja con la impresión de que este tipo
de práctica es productiva.
Además, la mayoría de los estudiantes, debido a su fe inapropiada en la práctica masiva,
posponen la revisión/el estudio hasta que la fecha del examen se aproxima, y luego se sumergen en
el material, repasándolo una y otra vez, tratando de meterlo en la memoria.
¿Por qué la práctica espaciada es mejor? Una creencia errónea y común es la de pensar que
uno puede aprender algo con pura repetición. Mucha práctica funciona, pero sólo si ésta es
Si usted usa auto-quizzes como su primera estrategia de estudio y separa sus sesiones de
estudio para que algo de olvido suceda entre cada sesión, usted tendrá que trabajar más duro para
reconstruir lo que usted ya había estudiado. En efecto, usted está “recargando” información de su
memoria de largo plazo. Este esfuerzo de reconstruir el aprendizaje hace que las ideas más
importantes sobresalgan y sean más memorables y las conecte de forma más segura a otro
conocimiento y a un aprendizaje más reciente. Esta es una estrategia de aprendizaje poderosa.
¿Cómo se siente? La práctica repetitiva masiva se siente más productiva que la práctica
espaciada, pero esto no es así. La práctica espaciada se siente más difícil porque usted se ha
oxidado un poco y es más difícil recordar el material. Se siente como si usted no estuviera
aprendiendo nada, pero en realidad está sucediendo todo lo contrario. A medida que usted
reconstruye el aprendizaje de la memoria de largo plazo, por extraño que parezca, usted está
fortaleciendo su dominio, así como su memoria.

Brown, Peter C., Roediger, Henry L., & McDaniel, Mark A., (2014). Make It Stick: The Science of
Successful Learning. Cambridge, MA, USA: Harvard University Press.


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