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Logra la Fluidez y éxito en corto tiempo Miss Jenny Jimenez



Logra la Fluidez y éxito en corto tiempo Miss Jenny Jimenez

Welcome to this new step you are

starting now
A small step
to the right

Bienvenido a este nuevo paso

que estas empezando
Un pequeño paso para
un correcto sendero
Logra la Fluidez y éxito en corto tiempo Miss Jenny Jimenez

Logra la Fluidez y éxito en corto tiempo Miss Jenny Jimenez


Querido estudiante, es un gozo saludarte y felicitarte por este paso de fe y

reto en el inicio de tus clases de inglés, si perseveres sin desmayar en el
intento podrá s descubrir lo maravilloso que el inglés puede abrirte puertas de
oportunidades de conocer personas y lugares.

En este viaje empezaremos desde lo má s elemental, al principio parecerá

difíficl pero con el correr del tiempo y el esmero que le pongas a tus clases y a
tus participaciones, verá s que lo que al principio parecia difícil e imposible de
lograr o alcanzar, al final resultó divertido, y con una sonrisa de oreja a oreja
dirá s logré el sueñ o que tanto había imaginado.

Sin má s preambulo bienvenido a nuestras primeras sesiones de Inglés.

Logra la Fluidez y éxito en corto tiempo Miss Jenny Jimenez


Listen and practice.
Jennifer: Hello. My name is Jennifer Wan.
Michael: Hi. I'm Michael Lynch.
Jennifer: Nice to meet you, Michael.
Michael: Nice to meet you, too,
I'm sorry, what's your last name?
Is it Wong?
Jennifer: No, Wan. W-A-N. And how do you
spell Lynch?
Michael: L-Y-N-C-H.

1. Listen and practice.

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w xy

2. Pair work Spell your name. Then find out your partner's name and your teacher's
name. Spell their names.

GRAMMAR FOCUS: my, your, his, her

What's your name? My name is Jennifer.

What's his name? His name is Michael. What´s = What
What's her name? Her name is Nicole.
Logra la Fluidez y éxito en corto tiempo Miss Jenny Jimenez

Group work: "The Name Game" Make a circle.

Learn the names of your classmates.

A: My name is Juan B: His name is Juan. I'm Su Hee.

1. Listen and practice.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1
zero on t thr fo fi s seve eig nin t
(oh) e w ee ur v i n ht e e
o e x n

2. Say these numbers.

3. Group work Make a list of the names and

telephone numbers in your group.

A: What's your telephone number?

B: It's 555-2916.

Victor is making a list of telephone numbers
of students in his class. He's talking to
Sarah Smith. Listen and write the numbers.

1. Listen, and complete with a or an.
Logra la Fluidez y éxito en corto tiempo Miss Jenny Jimenez


a. This is .....a .... book. b. This is ... ......... eraser c. This is...........notebook.

d. This is .........English book. e.This is ..........dictionary. f. This is..........umbrella.

2. Find these things in your classroom.

table chair wastebasket A: This is a table

board map cassette player B: How do you spell
envelope piece of paper pencil A: T-A-B-L-E.
desk English


1. Listen and practice. (Mr., Mrs., Miss, and Ms. are formal.)
Good morning.
Good afternoon.
Good evening.

Saying good-bye
Have a nice day.
See you tomorrow.
Good night.

2. Practice the expressions with your classmates.

Logra la Fluidez y éxito en corto tiempo Miss Jenny Jimenez

GRAMMAR FOCUS: this, these; singular and plural nouns

This is a key These are keys.

1. What are these things called in English? Write a sentence for each item.
Then listen to the sentences and practice them.

handbag tissues photos address book

glasses calculator newspaper briefcase umbrella

a) This is .................... b) These are ....................... c).........................

d) ............................... e) ...................................... f) .........................

g) ...................................... h) .............................................. i) ..............................

2. Pair work Put four things from your pocket, wallet, or bag on the desk.
Cover them with a piece of paper: Your partner guesses what they are.
A: I think this is a credit card.
B: No.A: It's a library card. B: You're right.
Logra la Fluidez y éxito en corto tiempo Miss Jenny Jimenez


in on under next to behind in front of

Complete these sentences. Then listen to check your answers.

a) The briefcase is …… b) The keys are ......….....c) The wallet is .....…….....

in front of the tevision ………….......................... ………...............................

d) The umbrella is.......... e) The comb is .............. f) The notebooks are...........

................................ …............................... .................................……
Logra la Fluidez y éxito en corto tiempo Miss Jenny Jimenez


Country Nationality
They're from Korea. They're Korean
She's from Mexico. She's Mexican

1. Listen and practice. Notice the stressed syllables.

America American Spain Spanish
Mexico Mexican Sweden Swedish
Korea Korean Ireland Irish
Canada Canadian China Chinese
Hungary Hungaria Portugal Portugue
n se
Brazil Brazilian Japan Japanese

2. Listen and underline the stressed

syllables. Then practice the words.
Colombia Colombia India Indian
Egypt Egyptian Cambodi Cambodia
a n
England English Turkey Turkish
Italy Italian Venezuel Venezuel
a an
Poland Polish Vietnam Vietname
Lebanon Lebanese Peru Peruvian

3. Pair work Complete the dialogues with the correct

country or nationality. Then practice them.

A: I'm from ...........................

B: Oh, so you're Hungarian. B: Oh, so you're ..........................
A: That's right.
A: Is Mr. Lee from Korea?
B: No, he's ............................
He's from China.

A: Your newspaper is in Spanish.

B: Yes, it's a ..........................
newspaper. I'm from Mexico.
A: We're from Peru.
Logra la Fluidez y éxito en corto tiempo Miss Jenny Jimenez

A: Are you Vietnamese?

B: No, I'm not
from .......................
I'm from Cambodia.

A: Are you from

B: Yes, we're Japanese.
Logra la Fluidez y éxito en corto tiempo Miss Jenny Jimenez

4. Class activity
Guess the country for each nationality..

Country Nationality Country Nationality

...................... Nepalese ………………. Cuban


...................... Bolivian ........................ Sudanese


...................... Panamanian ……………… New

… Zealander

...................... Indonesian ……………… French

Logra la Fluidez y éxito en corto tiempo Miss Jenny Jimenez


A.- Color

a.- brown b.-black c.-pink d.-blue e.-

white f.-red

g.-yellow h.-green i.- gray j.- light blue k.-

purple L.-dark

A.-Write the clothes in the appropriate column

*bathing suit *wool cap *shorts *hat*shoes

*socks *dress
*underpants *t – shirt *cap *sandals *blouse *coat
* gloves *skis *sweater *skirt *shirt *ball

*sunglasses *pants *racket * boots

*bat *tennis shoes *sweater shirt *belt *panty
house *raincoat boots *scarf *slacks
Logra la Fluidez y éxito en corto tiempo Miss Jenny Jimenez




A.-Match the weather with appropriate clothes

1.- It´s cool t-shirt, pants, socks , tennis shoes
2.- It´s snowy bathing suit, sandal , sunglasses , shorts

3.- It´s warm coat , gloves , wool cap, boots

4.- It´s cloudy sweater , hat , pants , socks
5.- It´s sunny sweater , shirt , boots
Draw the seasons in your city

Januar April - June July - October

y- Septemb -
Marc er Decemb
Logra la Fluidez y éxito en corto tiempo Miss Jenny Jimenez

h er
Logra la Fluidez y éxito en corto tiempo Miss Jenny Jimenez

Listen and practice
Susan: Uh –
Peter : What ´s the matter?
Susan: It´ s snowing, and it ´s very cold
Peter : Well, you´re wearing a coat
Susan: But I ´m not wearing boots! And it´s thirty – two degrees
Peter : That ´s zero degrees celcsius! That ´s really cold
Susan: So let´s take a taxi
Peter : Great idea. Come on!

6.- PRACTICE : Look at the weather information and write about the cities.


1 Boston 13 º C

2 Los Angeles 22 º C

3 New York 12 º C
4 Denver 0ºC Hot
5 Miami 31 º C
10 cold
6 Chicago




Logra la Fluidez y éxito en corto tiempo Miss Jenny Jimenez

Present Progressive: Describe activities happening now, at the moment of speaking

You / They / A Studyi English now

We He / She r ng Basketball right

Tom and e Playin now Juice now

g On the sofa now
I Drinki

s ng

A Sleeping


You / They / Aren`t Playi In the class now
HeWe / She Isn`t ng
Driving A bicycle right now
________________ _________ ____________
WOR D BANK __________________
W Tom ride
and Mary Aren`t rel Listening
we to Music
skate at this moment
ea ________________ _________ ax ____________
d __________________
Sing come
r Sam
clean Isn`t jo Sleeping
da dive Now walk
pla film
________________ _________ g nce
____________ swim
n My father Isn`t dri Ta
working At the hospital now
wi set nk ke
n do Gi rai
sit ve n
C.- Spelling of verb + ing
dri go wr run
ve in the chart
visit the progressive verb from
the word bank

Logra la Fluidez y éxito en corto tiempo Miss Jenny Jimenez


Playing Writing Running
Logra la Fluidez y éxito en corto tiempo Miss Jenny Jimenez

1.- Listen and complete the names of relatives and activities
son Filming
Playing hula hoop
Playing soccer
Playing soccer

2.- Listen and practice

Thin clean Cleaning thing
In plan Singing

Find more examples of these sounds throughout this unit

3.- A.-Read and listen to the conversation

A: Hello?
B: Hi, Sue. This is Ed. Are you busy?
A: Well, I´m making lunch right now.
I´m sorry. Can I call you back?
B: Sure. No problem
A: Bye

B.- Listen again and practice

4.- Listen and repeat. Then draw the actions

exercise Make Do Watch

dinner homework tv

Talk to a work Play volley Fix the

friend car
Logra la Fluidez y éxito en corto tiempo Miss Jenny Jimenez

5.- PAIR PRACTICE : complete the conversation and practice with your partner
A: Hello?
B: Hi, . This is . Are you
busy? A: Well, I´m right now.
I´m sorry. Can I call you back?
B: Sure. No problem
A: Bye


1.- This is Sam´s family on vacation . Write the activities they are doing in each picture

a.- Dad and Sam are drinking cold lemonade

b.- Paul on the beach
c.- Jim in the sea
d.- Jim and Sarah old houses in the city

2.- Write the activities in the correct category. Then Add one activity to each category

*fishing *rollerblading
*surfing the net *chatting
*doing crossword *listening to cds
*playing video games *walking

Leisure Sport
Activities Activities

3.- Fill in the blanks , Then according to their characteristics, write where the can go
I´m sports like, Energetic and
I´m a cyberboy fan of computers
and enthusiastic

Natalia can go to Andrew can go to

1.- At the mall , her brother is cds

2.- At the river , her parents are
3.- At the park , her neighbors are
4.- At the Library, his friend is the net and
5.- At home, his sister is crossword puzzle
6.- At the video store, his best friend is video games
4.- Complete with the appropriate BE and PROGRESSIVE verb )
a.- Bob (walk)
b.- Pat and Tom ( jog c
Logra la Fluidez y éxito en corto tiempo Miss Jenny Jimenez

.- Samy ( paint )
d.- Mia ( eat ) lunch
e.- Sarah ( write ) a letter

5.- A.- Read the letter from Mike to his pen pal and underline the activities and
translate the text into Spanish

circle the places . Then

Dear Sonia

Thanks for your letter and the photos. Here are some of my photos. In the first photo, I´m playing

basketball at school. In the second photo, I´m swimming at the pool.

In the next photo, you can see my family at home. We´re eating dinner. In the last photo I´m with my

sister Gina . She ´s doing homework --- I`m watching TV.


B.- Complete the letter

Dear Bob

Here are some ( 1 ) . In the first photo I´m ( 2 ) volleyball At school . In the second (3) . I´m (4) Tv .
And in the third photo. ( 5 ) doing homework.

6.- Write the name of clothes under the season when they are worn

Spring Summer Fall Wint

Logra la Fluidez y éxito en corto tiempo Miss Jenny Jimenez


A.- Read the paragraph. Then answer the questions

WINTER December 21 – March 20 SPRING March 21 – June 20

In the north there are four seasons. They In spring it is windy and rainy. In summer it is hot
and are winter, spring , summer and fall . The sunny. It is cloudy and cool in fall, but there usually
weather in winter is cold and snowy isn´t any snow

SUMMER June 21 – September 20 FALL September 21 – December 20

1.- How many seasons are there in the U.S ?
2.- What are the seasons ?
3.- What´s the weather like in the winter?
4.- How`s the weather in the spring?
5.- What´s the weather like in the summer ?
6.- How´s the weather in the tall ?
7.- What´s the weather like where you are from ?
8:_ How many seasons are there ?
9.- What weather are you on ?
10.- How´s the weather like ?

C.- Write the weather or season

1.- 2.- 3.- 4.-

Logra la Fluidez y éxito en corto tiempo Miss Jenny Jimenez

1.- Build a pyramid of words using the clues below. All the words end in “ y “ see the example

1.- A month of a year

2.- The seventh month of the year
3.- The opposite of sad
4.- The day before Saturday
5.- The third day of the
6.- The day before Friday __
7.- The day that is in the middle of the week
8.- A person who is not a good friend

2.- Draw the hands on each clock

a.- It´s six o´clock e.- it´s one – oh – five i.- It´s half past five
b.- It´s eight thirty- five f.- It´s a quarter past two j.- it´s six fifty-five
c.- It´s twelve fifty – five g.- It´s twenty – five to four
d.- it´s one thirty h.- it´s a quarter to five


1.- IN: use before year , month , morning , afternoon, evening

Example: - in 2005 - in the morning
- in July - in the afternoon
- in the evening

2.- ON : Use before day of the week ,

date Example : - On Monday
- On July 28th
- On Sunday 3rd

3.- AT : Use before specific time on the clock, night, midnight ,

noon Example . - at 3:30
- at night
- at midnight
- at noon

My birthday is On Saturday and I´m having Sure ! And my birthday is In

lunch. Are you coming? It´s At 2:00 P.M June. It´s ON June 22nd. Are
you coming to my
Logra la Fluidez y éxito en corto tiempo Miss Jenny Jimenez

4.- WRITE : Complete the sentences with the corresponding prepositions of time

a.- People have breakfast the morning and dinner night

b.- I celebrate my birthday June 29 th

c.- Monday 8:00 AM. Is the English class at school

d.- Every year May 1st people celebrate Labor day
e.- the morning I go to school and the afternoon I go home
f.- The sun rises 6:00 the morning and sets 6:30 the evening




A You Getting up Now?
e He / Havi Breakfa

I She ng st?

s They / Going Work?

A We to


Wh - word Verb to be subject Action verb complement

Wh Are Y Doing Now?

at I o Goin

Wh s u g? No

ere S Worki w?

Wh I a ng No
o s m w?

A.- Write the ING form
Logra la Fluidez y éxito en corto tiempo Miss Jenny Jimenez

Example : cook cooking

1.- w 14.- beg
2.- tal 15.- occ
k ur
3.- us 16.- sew
4.- exercise 17.- say
5.- eat 18.- dela
6.- do 19.- def
7.- turn 20.- run
8.- set 21.- cry
9.- happen 22.- pay
10. taste 23.- gro
- w
11. think 24.- prin
- t
12. commit 25.- ope
- n
13. drag
Logra la Fluidez y éxito en corto tiempo Miss Jenny Jimenez

B.- Circle the correct present continuous verb in each sentence. Then translate in Spanish
Example : She deciding / is deciding to take the bus

Ella esta decidiendo tomar el bus

1.- The Jones family are worrying / is worrying about the rent

2.- He are drinking / is drinking about the rent

3.- You am reading / read your homework every night this week

4.- Jane is working / working all day

5.- We is having / are having a good time at our job

6.- Those people is waiting / are waiting for the bus

7.- The fish swimming / are swimming up the river

8.- The baseball player is laughing / be laughing at the other team

9.- I are doing / am doing my grammar exercises tonight

10.- It is rain / is raining right now

11.- our baseball team is winning / are winning today

12.- The hot dog vendor is selling / selling many hot dogs with onions

C.- Make the following present continuous sentences in negative form

Example: I´m driving to the city tonight
I ´m not driving to the city tonight

1.- She is sitting beside him

2.- He is marrying her soon
Logra la Fluidez y éxito en corto tiempo Miss Jenny Jimenez

3.- The flowers are opening in the sunshine

4.- I´m wiping off the tables
5.- The customers are waiting for the check

D.- Write the missing part of each sentence Then translate in Spanish
Example: He ´s eat ing a sandwich
El esta comiendo sanduich

They are playing baseball

Ellos estan jugando beisbol

1.- I ´m think of you

2.- My mother and father riding the train

3.- Karla wearing a new dress

4.- The students in my class are speak English

5.- He ´s learn Chinese

6.- My teacher writing on the board

7.- I taking notes

8.- The boats sailing on the water

9.- The sun shining down

10.- My brother is study computer science

E.- Write a sentence in the present continuous tense using the words given
Example: the cat / sleep The cat is sleeping

1.- my brother / cook / dinner

2.- my sister / talk / on the telephone
3.- my father / use / his computer
Logra la Fluidez y éxito en corto tiempo Miss Jenny Jimenez

4.- my mother / do / exercise

5.- the dog / eat
6.- I / do my homework
7.- The earth / turn
8.- the sun / set
9.- plants / grow
10.- I / think / about my friend

F.- Answer the questions using the present continuous tense with true information about yourself
Example: Who is helping you with your homework?
My friend Lee is helping me with my homework

1.- What are you doing now?

2.- What are you thinking
3.- Where are you sitting ?
4.- What are you writing with?
5.- Is anyone sitting near you ?
6.- Who is teaching you English?
7.- What other classes are you taking ?
8.- What are you wearing?
9.- Are you sleeping?
10.- Are you eating ?

G.- Write a question about each sentence using the words given
Example: A girl is jogging
Why / jog Why is she jogging ?
Where / jog Where is she jogging ?
Why / not / relax Why isn´t she relaxing?
Logra la Fluidez y éxito en corto tiempo Miss Jenny Jimenez

1.- The professor is writing

a.- What / write

b.- Where / write

c.- Why / not / eat

d.- Whom / write / to

2.- He is leaving
a.- Who / leave

b.- Where / he / go

c.- How / he / get / there

d.- What / he / take / with him

3.- The leaves are turning brown

a.- Why / leaves / turn brown

b.- Which / leaves / turn brown

c.- Who / not / water / the plant

4.- Jorge is studying English

a.- why / study / English

b.- Where / study / English

c.- Who / practice / English / with

d.- Why / not / study / computer science

H.- Write a short answer to each question

Example : Are you dreaming about flying ? ( no ) No, I ´m not

1.- Is he thinking and worrying about his friends? (yes)

Logra la Fluidez y éxito en corto tiempo Miss Jenny Jimenez

2.- Are they going home soon ? ( no )

3.- Is she answering the test questions correctly ? ( no )

4.- Are we studying a useful language ? ( yes)

5.- Is my life changing? ( yes )

6.- Am I waiting for the wrong train ? ( no )

7.- Is the taxi driver heading in the right direction ? ( yes )

8.- Are you eating lunch at twelve o´clock today ? ( no )

9.- Are they wearing funny shoes ? ( yes )

Logra la Fluidez y éxito en corto tiempo Miss Jenny Jimenez

1.- Listen and read the text for today´s Cultural Review Program on the HKJ 7:00 PM. News.
Underline the dates , places , traditions and celebrations. Then translate into spanish

Good evening ! Today´s cultural note is big puppet called “ Año Viejo “ that people burn

about celebrations and holidays around the world. at 12 o´clock ( midnight ) Families dance around it

Holidays are special days and very nice,

In Africa, the Mandingo people celebrate
too! For example, some countries celebrate New year in March or April. On this day. They give
Independence Day , that is , their birthday . In the thanks for the rain that will come . They feel

United States they celebrate it on July 4 th , In worried about the dry weather
Colombia they celebrate it on July 20 th.

The Chinese New year is celebrated on

Second , let´s talk about New year .It is a
January 21st or February 19th.

common holiday that many countries celebrate the Chinese people celebrate the first day of the year

first day of the year . In the United States . There with a parade and a giant paper dragon.

are parades and great football games on January

1st. New year´s Eve, on December 31st, in Latin

America countries, is a family celebration. In some They are happy and excited

countries , families make a funny scarecrow that How do you celebrate New Year?

represents all the sad things of the year . It is a

Logra la Fluidez y éxito en corto tiempo Miss Jenny Jimenez

2.- Complete the sentences below with prepositions of time in, on, at and some personal information
when necessary

a.- Christmas is ( date )

b.- My mother´s birthday is ( date )
c.- My birthday is ( month)
d.- This year , my birthday is ( day of the week )
e.- My best friend´s birthday is ( date )
f.- My country´s Independence Day is ( date )


1.- Listen and Practice
DEBORAH : Hello?
JOHN: Hi , Deborah! This is John. I´m calling from Australia?
DEBORAH ; What are you doing in Australia?
JOHN : I´m attending a conference in Sydney this week. Remember?
DEBORAH : Oh , right . What time is it there?
JOHN : It´s 10 P.M. And it´s four o´clock in Los Angeles, right?
DEBORAH : Yes – four o ´clock in the morning
JOHN : 4:00 A.M ? I´m really sorry
DEBORAH : That´s OK. I´m awake now

2.- Listen and Write the time

A.- What time is it ? B.- It´s o
It´s o´clock in the morning ´clock in the morning
It´s A.M. It ´s A.M

C.- It ´s o D.- It ´s o
´clock It´s noon ´clock in the afternoon
( It´s noon It´s P.M

E.- It´s o F.- It´s o´

´clock In the evening clock at night. It´s
It´s P.M midnight


3.- Listen and Complete the chart


Los Angeles 4:00 A. M Victoria Sleeping
Mexico 6: 00 A.M
New York 7:00 A.M Having breakfast
Brasilia 9 : 00 A.M
London 12 :00 noon Paul and Ann
Moscow 3: 00 P.M working
Bangkok 7:00 P.M Permsak
Sydney 10 :00 P.M

4.- Answer questions about the chart

1.- What time is it in Los Angeles?
Logra la Fluidez y éxito en corto tiempo Miss Jenny Jimenez

2.- What is Victoria doing ?

Logra la Fluidez y éxito en corto tiempo Miss Jenny Jimenez

3.- Where are Sue and Tom ?

4.- What are they doing ?
5.- Who is working right now ?
6.- What is Juan doing ?
7.- Where is Permsak ?

SONG : Listen and number the paragraph

Loving God , Loving each other

We tent to make it harder
Built steeples out of stone
Fill books with explanation of the way
But is we´d stop and listen
And break a little bread
We would hear the Master say

Repeat chorus

They pushed book from the table

To listen to his words
His secret plan before He had to go
It´s not complicated
Don´t need a lot of rules
This is all you´ll need to know

Loving God , loving each other
Making music with , my friends
Loving God , loving each other
And the story never ends

And the story never ends

Still the story never ends

Repeat chorus
Logra la Fluidez y éxito en corto tiempo Miss Jenny Jimenez


Motorbike yacht pickup truck bus car

Van airplane bike truck train

1.- Complete the sentence with a transport

a.- I go to school by
b.- I go to United States by
c.- I go to Machu Picchu by
d.- I go to Paracas Island by
e.- I go to camping by
f.´- I go to the park by
g.- My parents go to work by
h.- My friends ride
Logra la Fluidez y éxito en corto tiempo Miss Jenny Jimenez


son Ann Mike daughter

daughter son in
Charles Amy
in law law

fathermother husbandwife

children grandchildren child

Pat cousin
Sophia John

1.- Complete the sentences

a.- Ann is Charles ´s ………………………
b.- Pat and Sophia are Charles ´s …………………………..
c.- Charles is Ann ´s ……………………..
d.- John is Amy ´s …………………………
e.- Sophia is Ann ´s ………………………
f.- John is Sophia ´s …………………….
g.- Sophia is John ´s …………………….
h.- Charles and Ann are Pat ´s ………………………………..
i.- Sophia and Pat are Mike ´s ………………………………..
j.- Ann is John ´s ………………………..
k.- Tom and Julia are John ´s …………………………………
l.- Amy is Charles ´s ……………………..
m.- Charles is Amy ´s …………………….
n.- Mike is Ann ´s …………………………
o.- Ann is Amy´ s …………………………
p.- Julia is Mike ´s ……………………….
q.- Julia is Charles ´s …………………….
r.- Amy is Tom ´s ………………………..
s.- Pat is Sophia ´s ……………………..
Logra la Fluidez y éxito en corto tiempo Miss Jenny Jimenez


HOME bedroom

bathroombedroom bath bedroo

garage kitchen dining room living room

Family room

 What rooms do houses have in your country ?

 What rooms do apartments have in your country? FURNITURE

Microwave dresser table lamp television desk

Refrigerator clock bookcase stove chairs curtains

Pair work

Mirror sofa picture armchairs rug

Logra la Fluidez y éxito en corto tiempo Miss Jenny Jimenez

1.- Classify the things in the correct chart

kitchen Dining room Living room bedroom


Thereis : There are :

Living room dining room

1.- Write the sentences

Example ( television ) There is a television in the living room

1.- ( lamp )
2.- ( chairs )
3.- ( window )
4.- ( books )
5.- ( rug )
6.- ( curtains )

Thereisno : There aren ´ tany :

Logra la Fluidez y éxito en corto tiempo Miss Jenny Jimenez

2.- Write sentences

Example : ( television ) There is no a television in the bedroom

1. ( pictures )
2. ( chair )
3. ( armchair
- s)
4. ( rug )
5. ( books )
6. ( mirror )
7. ( desk )

1.- Find the meaning of these actions in the dictionary and find in the crossword

Logra la Fluidez y éxito en corto tiempo Miss Jenny Jimenez

2.- Write the Spanish meaning

Verb spanish ve spanish ve Spanish

rb rb
Live Use Swim
Drive Take Work
Have Watch Open
Go to Wear Close
Walk Play Write
Do run Say
Erase Have breakfast Arrive
Eat Have dinner Speak
Come Have lunch Want
Get up Get dressed Wash
Read Study Like
leave visit Make

3.- Pronunciation

/a/ /e / / i /
/ o/
Hav Get up Live Wa
e Get dressed Wea lk
Wat Have r Wo
ch breakfast Swi rk
Run Open m Op
Stud Eras en
y e
Have lunch Rea
Have d
breakfast Leav
Get up e
Co Dinn
me er
Wa Visit
nt spea
Wa k
/u/ / ai / / /
ei ou
/ /
Go Dri Tak Go to
to ve e Close
Do Wri Pla
te y
arri Say
ve Era
Logra la Fluidez y éxito en corto tiempo Miss Jenny Jimenez

Simple Present Tense
Use to talk about daily routines and habits

1.- VERBS : for affirmative sentences use the verb adding S , -ES , -IES with
the subjects He , She , It
S - -IES
E Verbs that end iny
S preceded by a
Verbs that end consonant
in sh, ch , x, o


Subject + verb + complement

2.- Circle the correct verb and translate the affirmative sentences

Example : George and Mary ( need / needs ) a new house

Jorge y Maria necesitan una nueva casa .
1.- Carlos ( like / likes ) ice cream
2.- Tom ( want / wants ) a new bicycle
3.- They ( go / goes ) to school on Saturday
4.- Julia ( come / comes ) from England
5.- He ( write / writes ) novels
6.- My family ( watch / watches ) a lot of Tv
7.- You ( do / does ) your homework
8.- Sam ( eat / eats ) lunch before class
9.- They ( visit / visits ) my family in Miami
10.- Jane and Sandra ( travel / travels ) a lot
11.- Marilyn ( come / comes ) from Peru
12.- Japan ( has / have ) many temples
13.- He ( eat / eats ) bread with butter
14.- Noodles ( come / comes ) from China
15.- I ( go / goes ) to the movies on weekend
16.- They ( plays / play ) tennis together
17.- My teacher ( speak / speaks ) English
Logra la Fluidez y éxito en corto tiempo Miss Jenny Jimenez

18.- I ( come / comes ) from Peru

3.- Write in order and translate
1.- Wimbledon , I , in , live , in , a , house
2.- in , She , Bogotá , lives , an , apartment
3.- school . I . at , German , study
4.- advertising , He , for , works , an , company
5.- plays , jazz , She , piano , club , the , a , in
6.- IBM , work , for , They , company
7.- takes , old , he , pictures , of , houses
8.- homework , Joe , on , weekends , and , do ,
Sam 9.- eats , at , Chris , lunch , noon
10.- Alborada , study , at , school , I
11.- every , take , morning , we , a shower
12.- in , I , at , study , the , morning , school
13.- science , likes , courses , she
14.- always , pray , I , school , the . at
15.- in , God , heart , lives , your


1.- For negative sentences use the auxiliary Don´ t , Doesn ´t
Complete the sentences with the correct auxiliary and translate in spanish
Example : I don ´t get up late
1.- Patty go to school by bus
2.- Paul and Martha study at this school
3.- Peter drive a car
4.- We read this book
5.- Robert take a shower everyday
6.- Your teachers come to school on weekends
7.- George go to school every weekday
8.- Sara live in Chicago
9.- Her parents live in Washington
10.- She work in London
Logra la Fluidez y éxito en corto tiempo Miss Jenny Jimenez

2.- Write a negative sentence

1.- My cousin comes from United States.
She from England
2.- She lives in London.
She with her parents
3.- Her parents live in Cuzco
They in Trujillo
4.- She works in London
She in New York
5.- My son has a lot of homework
He free time
6.- Nathalie likes classical music
She rock music
7.- Dan goes to concerts on weekends
He to discos
8.- My father works as a Teacher
He as a Banker
9.- My friend eats a lot of vegetables
She meat
10.- She wears colorful clothes
She black clothes

3.- Rewrite the sentences using the affirmative form of the underlined
verb 1.- I don´t speak French.
2.- You don´t work every day

3.- He doesn ´t play basketball

4.- She doesn´t ride a motorcycle
5.- We don´t read at night
Logra la Fluidez y éxito en corto tiempo Miss Jenny Jimenez

6.- You don´t like vegetable

7.- She doesn´t write e- mails
8.- They don´t have a truck
9.- She doesn´t eat breakfast every day
10.- My uncle doesn ´t have a pickup
My father _

4.- Complete the sentences with the correct verb form

1.- I............................( live , lives ) with my parents
2.- We........................( live , lives ) downtown
3.- My parents.........................( has , have ) an apartment
4.- I...........................( walk , walks ) to work
5.- I............................( don ´t , doesn´t ) need a car
6.- My mother..........................( don ´t , doesn´t ) walk to work
7.- She......................( use , uses ) public transportation
8.- She.......................( take , takes ) the train
9.- My grandfather............................( don´t , doesn´t ) have a job
10.- He........................( do , does ) a lot of work at home
11.- He also.......................( watch , watches ) television
12.- I............................( has , have ) a brother and a sister
13.- My sister..........................( has / have ) a husband and three children
14.- They.......................( live , lives ) in a house in the country
15.- the children........................( go , goes ) to school by bus
16.- My brother...........................( has , have ) an apartment in the city
17.- He...........................( live , lives ) alone
18.- He...........................( don´t , doesn´t ) have a car
20.- He...........................( use , uses ) public transportation
21.- He...........................( go , goes ) to work by bus
Logra la Fluidez y éxito en corto tiempo Miss Jenny Jimenez



1.- Complete the question with do , does and answer

1. …………… you get up early ? Yes,
- ……………..
2. …………… you go to school by …………………..
- bus? .
3. …………… you study at school ? …………………..
- .
4. …………… you drive a car ? …………………..
- .
5. …………… you read books ? ………………….
- .
6.- …………… you take a shower everyday? …………………

2.- Write a yes , no question , change the subject with a pronoun

1.- Joseph has a notebook
2.- We like music
3.- My mother reads a book every
day 4.- We study English grammar
5.- The teacher do the homework
6.- The school has ten classrooms
7.- You drink water at break time
8.- The man speaks English at his job
9.- The students use cell phones at break time
10.- The director make new books for the school

3.- Write answer

1.- Do you live in Puno ?
2.- Do you like English?
3.- Do you have a pet ‘
4.- Does your mother work ?

5.- Do you eat breakfast every day

? 6.- Do you live with your parents ?
7.- Do you like fish ?
8.- Do you eat meat ?
9.- Does your school have
computers ? 10.- Do you get up early
12.- Do you have dinner with your
family? 13.- Do you take the bus ?
Logra la Fluidez y éxito en corto tiempo Miss Jenny Jimenez

14.- Do you watch television in the evening every

day? 15.- Do you read in the evening?
Logra la Fluidez y éxito en corto tiempo Miss Jenny Jimenez

4.- Write in order and translate

1.- Australia , English , speak , ? , do
2.- Mexicans , ? , Spanish , speak , do
3.- do , know , ? , you , math , collage
4.- does , ? , friends , She , visit , your
5.- have , you , every , breakfast , day , ? ,


Wh – word +do , does+subject +verb+ complement?

1.- Complete with the correct Wh- word and verb study English? do your homework?
3.-...................................................she go on vacation ? live ?
5.-...................................................he work ?
6.-...................................................they come to school? get up ?
8.-...................................................she eat lunch with ? go to school ?
10.-.................................................she visit her family with ?

2.- Write in order and translate

1.- you, do , the , in , morning , what , eat ,?
2.- does , when , ‘ letters , write , he
3.- she , ? , does , go , where , school , after
4.- do, when , English , ? , practice , you
5.- when , friends, emails , your , you , ? , do , write ,
to 6.- to , ? , when , want , you , leave , do
7.- get . what , up , do , time , you , ?
8.- Julia , does , alone , ? , live, why
9.- does , ? , come , the , what , the , time
10.- have , you , ? , every , breakfast , day , do , where
Logra la Fluidez y éxito en corto tiempo Miss Jenny Jimenez

1.- Listen to Charles talk about his family , Complete the sentences

My wife and I.................In the My My sister.....................An

Suburbs. We.....................To the country . My father apartment in the city. She
Work , but we don´t …………. ……………… to work. …………. Alone . She
Together. We...................two My mother doesn ´t ………….. to work. She
Cars. Our children ………….. ……………… because doesn ´t..................A car
School by bus. She ´s retired now

2.- One word in each paragraph is incorrect. Listen and Circle the word

Randall Kelly Andrea Morris Rob Jefferson

Restaurant Flight Attendant Rock musician
I get up at 5:00 A.M., get Sometimes I go to work at I go to work at ten o´clock
dressed, and drive to 5:00 A.M., and sometimes in the evening, and I play
work. The restaurant I go at 5:00 P.M. until 3:00 A. M. I take a
opens at 6:00 A. M. sharp. sometimes I leave the break at midnight, though.
We serve breakfast until house on Monday and After work I have dinner at
eleven and lunch until don´t come home until an all- night restaurant.
three. Then i go to bed at Wednesday. I often work Then I take a taxi home. I
around nine, and hope on weekends . my job is go to bed at five in the
that the telephone doesn interesting, but my morning and sleep until
´t ring. Luckily, I don schedule is regular. And I two in the morning . I only
´t work on Saturday or don´t see my husband work three nights a week
Sunday, I only work on enough. – Friday, Saturday, and
weekends Sunday.
Logra la Fluidez y éxito en corto tiempo Miss Jenny Jimenez

3.- Answer the questions

1.- Who gets up early ?
2.- Who gets up late ?
3.- Who works at night ?
4.- Who works during the
day ? 5.- Who works on
weekends? 6.- Who works on

3.- Complete the conversation

Linda : ……………. You.....................In an apartment ?
Chris : No, I ……… . a house
Linda : What is it like ? …………….. it....................a yard?
Chris : Yes , it..................And it´s next to the river.
Linda : That sound great. ………….. you....................alone ?
Chris : No , I …………. I....................with my parents and my sister
Linda : How many sisters…………… you................?
Chris : I......................four
Linda : That ´s a big family. ………… you.....................A big house ?
Chris : Yes , We …………. It....................ten rooms
Linda : ten rooms!! How many bedrooms …………….. it..................?
Chris : It.....................Four
Linda : ………………. You....................your own bedroom?
Chris : Yes, I....................I´m really lucky
Linda : ……………… your bedroom......................a view of the river?
Chris : No , it......................It´s in the basement

4.- Write the words in the correct order . Then

listen Who , Where , When ?

Who , Where , When ?
I´ve got a friend and his name ´s John
Come , does , from , he , where
Hong Kong!
John goes to school at half past nine
Logra la Fluidez y éxito en corto tiempo Miss Jenny Jimenez

Does , when , home , he , come

At five !
John plays football some weekends
Who , he , play , with , does
Brazil !

Jill has a band with a group of friends

Practice , do , when , they
Jill plays the trumpet and the trombone
She , where , practice , does
At home !
John loves Jill but she doesn´t love him
Does , she , who , love
, then ?
…Jim !
Logra la Fluidez y éxito en corto tiempo Miss Jenny Jimenez


What do you do?

2.- Remember : Suffix is add –er, -or, -man to indicate
occupation Examples: Singer Director
A.- Fill in the chart
Occupation Occupation
1.- Play 11.- Cash
2.- Sing 12.- Ride
3.- Write 13.- Bank
4.- Teach 14.- Invent
5.- Drive 15.- Wait
6.- Police 16.- Office
7.- Fire 17.- Law
8.- Business 18.- Sell
9.- Swim 19.- Vend
10.- Dance 20.- Act

B.- Classify the following occupations according to their ending and ( / ) the
jobs that you think are well- paid and cross ( X ) the jobs that you think are
badly paid.

Teacher professor carpenter mailman

Doctor soccer player actress chemist
Musician policeman administrator businessman
Artist actor fireman guitar player
Drummer cashier cook chef
Judge nurse pilot salesclerk
Waiter security guard receptionist police officer
Flight attendant waitress dentist surfer
Lawyer writer architect engineer
Secretary Supervisor manager word
Mechanic Travel agent Journalist Coach
Logra la Fluidez y éxito en corto tiempo Miss Jenny Jimenez

- - ma oth oth
e o n er er
r r
Surfer X

3.- Match the columns

A salesperson for an airline builds houses
A chef in a restaurant cares for patients
A flight attendant for a contraction company answer the phone
A carpenter in a hospital cooks food
in a department store
A receptionist serves passengers
A nurse in an office sells clothes

4.- Pair work Who works at the places below? Choose occupations from page 48.
Add one more occupation to each list.
A: A doctor works in a hospital.
B: A nurse works in a hospital, too.

in a hospital in an office in a store in a hotel

………………… …………………… ………………… …………………
…. … …. ..
………………… …………………… …………………… ………………….
…. … ..
Logra la Fluidez y éxito en corto tiempo Miss Jenny Jimenez

………………… …………………… …………………… ………………….

… … ..
Logra la Fluidez y éxito en corto tiempo Miss Jenny Jimenez

5.- Class activity Ask and answer questions about occupations.

Who… a) wears a uniform? A: Who wears a uniform?
b) stands all day? B: Police officers wear a uniform.
c) sits all day? C: Security guards . . .
d) handles money?
e) talks to people?
f) works hard?
g) works at night?
h)carries a gun?

Listen and practice.
Rachel: Where does your brother work?
Angela: He works in a hotel.
Rachel: Oh. What does he do, exactly?
Angela: He's a chef in a French restaurant.
Rachel: That's interesting. My boyfriend
works in a hotel, too.
Angela: Is he a chef?
Rachel: No, he's a security guard, but he
doesn't like the work. So he' s
looking for a new job.

7.- Write sentences. Use HE or SHE

1.- I´m a security guard. I work in a department store. I guard the store at night

2.- I work in a travel agency and take people on tours. I´m a tour guide.

3.- I work in an office, I´m a word processor, I like computers a lot.

4.- I´m a disc jockey. I work in a night club. I play music

8.- Write a or an in the correct place

1.- He´s carpenter. He works for construction company.
He builds schools and hospitals.
Logra la Fluidez y éxito en corto tiempo Miss Jenny Jimenez

2.- She works for travel company and arranges tour s.

She´s travel agent.
3.- He has interesting job. He´s teacher. He works in high school
4.- She´s architect. She works for large company ,
She builds houses. It´s great job.
5.- She works with computers in office . She´s word processor .
She also part - time student. She takes English class
in the evening.

9.- Write sentences with the same meaning

 He goes to the university  What does he do?
 She serves food in a restaurant  He´s an aerobics teacher
 She stays up late  He works part-time

1. He teaches aerobics =
2. She´s a waitress =
3. He´s a student =
4. She goes to bed a =
- midnight
5. He works four hours a day =
6. Where does he work?

10.- Fill in the missing words or phrases from these job advertisements
1.- at night 2.- interesting 3.- manager
part time Spanish long hours
weekends tours restaurant
nurses until

New York Hospital needs. call 278-1191

Work during the day or job for language student.

Mornings only. Take people On
weekdays or Need
good English and
full time or call
Logra la Fluidez y éxito en corto tiempo Miss Jenny Jimenez

989-3239 No need to work

! Only work from
four evenings a week. Our

serves great food!

Work as our call
Logra la Fluidez y éxito en corto tiempo Miss Jenny Jimenez

11.- Complete the conversation with the correct words

TOM : What your husband exactly?

(do – does ) ( do – does)
LIZ : He for a department store. He´s a store manager.
( work – works)
TOM : How he it?
( do – does) ( like – likes )
LIZ : It´s an interesting job. He it very much. But he
( like – likes) ( work – works )
Long hours. And what you ?
( do – does ) ( do – does )
TOM : I´m a student . I architecture
( study – studies)
LIZ : Oh, really? Where you to school?
(do-does) (go- goes)
TOM: I to Lincoln University. My wife Jenny
( go – goes) ( go- goes)
There, too
LIZ : Really ? And what she ?
(do-does) (study – studies)
TOM: She hotel management
(study – studies)

12.- Complete the question

MARK: Where ?
VICTOR : I work for American Express

MARK: And what there?

VICTOR: I´m in management
MARK : How ?
VICTOR : It´s a great job. And What ?
MARK : I´m a salesperson
VICTOR: Really? What ?
MARK : I sell computers. Do you want to buy one?
Logra la Fluidez y éxito en corto tiempo Miss Jenny Jimenez

13.- Use these words to complete the

crossword Across
1.- Lauren work at 5:00p.m 1 2 3
4.- Brandon in a restaurant
5.- Ellen up early in the morning
7.- The Elephant restaurant good Thai food
9.- Rodney to bed after midnight 4
10.- Andrea is a receptionist. She the phone
and greets people 5 6
2.- Linda is a tour guide. She people on tours
3.- She 100 words a minute on her new
4.- Julia about five letters a week
6.- My father works in a bookstore. He books 7 8
and magazines
8.- What your sister do? 9


Learning GRAMMAR
Countable Nouns : Are nouns that have plural form
Example : Tables , bananas , oranges
Uncountable Nouns : Are nouns that don´t have a plural form , liquids , mass
and flour( use A+ consonant , use AN + vowel )
Example :a Table , a banana , an orange , sugar , water ,butter

1.- Classify the food in the correct bag

cor cheese milk chicken peas tomatoes turkey lettu
n ce
be beans flour carrot cauliflower pear appl
ef e
eg orange butter rice yogurt fish
Logra la Fluidez y éxito en corto tiempo Miss Jenny Jimenez

vegetables meat Dairy products

fruits cereals other

2.- Classify the food on exercise 1 in the correct speech

Uncountable Countable
Nouns Nouns
Logra la Fluidez y éxito en corto tiempo Miss Jenny Jimenez

3.- Measurements
A bottle a cup a carton a a package a bar
2 bottles 2 cups 2 cartons 2 jars 2 packages 2 bars

a glass a bag
2 glasses 2 bags

4.- Help Mary to complete her shopping list

2 of milk
1 of eggs
1 of fish
1 of oranges
3 of beef
1 of butter
1 of yogurt

5.- A.- Look at the pictures and answer the questions

Logra la Fluidez y éxito en corto tiempo Miss Jenny Jimenez

1.- Are there any tomatoes?

2.- Are there any apples?
3.- Is there any bread?
4.- Is there any water?
5.- Is there any juice?
6.- Are there bananas?

B.- Look at the picture and write sentences using Any and Some
1.- ( carrots )
2.- ( eggs )
3.- ( bread )
4.- ( potatoes )
5.- ( water )
6.- ( cheese )
7.- ( apples )
8.- ( bananas )
9.- ( rice )

C.- Fill in the blanks with any or

some 1.- Is there rice ?
2.- There are apples?
3.- Are there matches ?
4.- There aren´t potatoes?
5.- There is coffe?
Logra la Fluidez y éxito en corto tiempo Miss Jenny Jimenez

1.- Classify these sports in the correct category , add more sports

*basketball *baseball *soccer*football*ping pong

*tennis *golf *volleyball*chess*skate
*jog *ride *climb*swim*surf
*ride horse *fish *box*water sky*dive
*run *hike

Team Individu Need a ball Need a Don´t need

sports al special special
sport equipment equipment

2.- Notebook : Draw or paste pictures of sports into following category

*indoors *outdoors

3.- Answer the questions

1*What is your favorite winter sport ?
2*What is your favorite summer sport?
3*What is your favorite Olympic sport ?

Affirmative sentence Negative sentence

subjec abili
subjec Negati verb
t ty t ve
Yo Yo
u u Can not
Sh can swi Sh Can´t swim
e m e
He He
Logra la Fluidez y éxito en corto tiempo Miss Jenny Jimenez

e e
Th Th
ey ey
Logra la Fluidez y éxito en corto tiempo Miss Jenny Jimenez

4. Match : What can they do?


1.- * guide a pers

blind on

2.- * climb

3.- *lay eggs

4.- *give milk

*catch mice

6.- *catch prey

7.- *sing

8.- *eat leaves

5.- MATCH: write the number

1.-chameleons sing nice melodies

2.-ostriches run rapidly
3.-canaries carry heavy loads
4.-eagles can live is lakes or rivers
5.-kangaroos carry their babies in their
6.-horses catch a prey
7.-fishes change color

6.- Complete with CAN or CAN ¨T according your abilities

1.- I draw
2.- I write poetry
3.- I fix a car
4.- I play the piano
5.- I sing very well
6.- I cook very well
7.- I swim across the pool
8.- I dive
9.- I skate
10.- I touch your toes
11.- I say “hello” in 3 five different languages
12.- I write with both hands
Logra la Fluidez y éxito en corto tiempo Miss Jenny Jimenez

I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me .

Philippians 4 : 13

7.- Complete the sentences with the correct ability

1.- Horses travel long distances
2.- Hens lay eggs
3.- Dogs see in the dark
4.- Cats swim
5.- Parrots fly long distances
6.- Camels live without water for a long time

7.- Hens fly long distances

8.- Dogs catch a prey
9.- Cats catch mice
10.- Parrots repeat some words

8.- Complete with the correct action

*stand *travel * live * change *fly *jump *run
*do *repeat * bark *sing *catch *creep
1.- A hare can´t on herbs exclusively
2.- A canary can´t color
3.- A parrot can´t up on a stake for a log time
4.- A fish can in lakes
5.- A horse can heavy loads
6.- A chameleon can on land
7.- The kitten can , but it can´t very fats
8.- The dolphin can´t too high , but it can tricks
9.- The parrot can´t , but it can words in five
language 10.- The dog can´t , but it can
prey in the forest
11.- The canary can beautiful melodies , but it can´t too

Learning GRAMMAR
Ability subjec action answer
You yes , I can
I yes , you can
She swim yes , she
can CAN He sing No , he
can´t We No , we can´t
They No , they can
Logra la Fluidez y éxito en corto tiempo Miss Jenny Jimenez

1.- Write the question for each answer

(sing ballad music )a.- ? Yes, I can
(write poems ) b.-
? No, he can´t
( drive a car ) c.-
? Yes , she can
( read music ) d.-
? No, I can´t
( speak Chinese ) e.-
? No , They can´t
( play the violin ) f.-
? Yes, he can
( bake cookies ) g.-
? No, I can´t

2.- Write in order and translate into Spanish

1.-hand / I / left / can / my / write / with 5.- French / I / understand / can

2.- drive / she / can´t

3.- he / pen / can / use / a

4.- can´t / they / swim

6.- drive / ? / she / can

7.- can / Spanish / ? / you / speak

8.- sing / Mariana / ? / can

Logra la Fluidez y éxito en corto tiempo Miss Jenny Jimenez

3.- Answer the questions

1.- can you play the piano ?
2.- Can you speak two
3.- can you run fast ?
4.- can you swim ?
5.- can you use a computer?
6.- can you cook ?
7.- can you play an instrument?
8.- can you ride a motorcycle ?
9.- can you ride a bicycle?
10. can you write with left hand?
11. can you sing opera?
12.- can you listen to headphones in class?
13.- can you talk with your partner in class?
14.- can you use pencils in exams?
15.- can you eat in class?
16.- can you sleep in class?
17.- can you speak your own native language in English class?

18.- can you take notes in class?

19.- can you brig your pet to the class?
20.- can you wear hats in class?
21.- can you wear sneakers?
Learning GRAMMAR
Affirmative and Negative


I Am / Tonight
Y not Tomorrow
O Are /
Going work night Next
U aren´t Saturday
He Is / to Next Sunday
Sh isn´t Next summer
e Is On your next birthday
W Are / aren
e ´t
Th A
ey r


W Ve subje Futu actio compleme Answ

h- rb ct re n nt er
w to going
or be to
A Y Goi Wo Late? Yes, I am
Logra la Fluidez y éxito en corto tiempo Miss Jenny Jimenez

Wh r o ng rk After I´m going to

at e u to Do work? have dinner
a Y Goi
r o ng
e u to

Listen, practice and draw a picture about the conversation
Logra la Fluidez y éxito en corto tiempo Miss Jenny Jimenez

Amy : How old are you Philip?

Philip : I´m twenty years old. But I´m going to be twenty – one on
August 5th
Amy : That´s next Friday! What are you going to do ?
Philip : Katherine is going to take me to a restaurant
Amy . Nice ! Is she going to order a birthday cake ?
Philip : probably , And the waiters are probably going to
Sing “ happy birthday” to me . It´s So embarrassing
Amy : Oh, I bet It ´s going to be fun
Philip : I don´t know. I hope so

1.- Write the sentences or questions in future from the conversation and translate






2.- Write sentences with these actions

*eat dinner *cook lunch *eat soup *do the dishes *clean
the house
*take a walk *play tennis *see a movie *watch tv *listen
Logra la Fluidez y éxito en corto tiempo Miss Jenny Jimenez

things I´m going to do tonight things I´m not going to do tonight


3.- Notebook : What are you going to do ?

Write four sentences for each celebration, using the expressions in the

*blow out the candles *receive some presents

*sing “ Happy birthday” *have a party
*open the presents *wear special hats
*shout “Happy new year” *have a good time
*kiss their friends *have a picnic
*listen to a speech *cook food on the barbecue
*receive a diploma *watch the fireworks

A.- It´s Jeremy´s birthday
B.- It´s New Year´s Eve
C.- It´s Jessica´s high school graduation
D.- It´s the fourth of July in the U.S
Logra la Fluidez y éxito en corto tiempo Miss Jenny Jimenez


What is Fabio is / isn´t going to do?

1.- go water skiing

2.- clean the cabins
3.- play baseball
4.- run in the race
5.- go sailing
6.- play soccer
7.- go fishing
8.- go to dance
9.- play basketball
10.- go to party

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