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Pregunta 1
 Present Simple: he/she/it
Read about Cenk and write short answers to the questions.

Do you like playing games? Cenk does. He is a Beta Tester – he plays

computer games at work. Cenk plays games and tests them before people buy
them. He works in an old building but inside there are lots of computers. His o
ce has a chair, a computer and a very big TV. He gets up at ten o’clock in the
morning, washes and has a quick breakfast. He starts work late in the morning
but he stays there all evening. He doesn’t stop for lunch – he eats his lunch and
tests the games. He eats fast food for dinner but he doesn’t eat at home – he
has dinner in the o ce. Cenk really likes his life.

5 Is Cenk happy?
Respuesta: Yes, he is.
Respuesta correcta: Yes, he is.
Puntuación: 3 de cada 3 Sí

Pregunta 2
 Asking for Information

Match the question with answers a)–f).

6 What time does the tour begin?

Respuesta: a) We start at 8.30.
Respuesta correcta: a) We start at 8.30.
Puntuación: 2 de cada 2 Sí

Pregunta 3
 Asking for Information

Match the question with answers a)–f).

4 How much does it cost?

Respuesta: d) It’s twenty euros a person.
Respuesta correcta: d) It’s twenty euros a person.
Puntuación: 2 de cada 2 Sí

Pregunta 4
 Write questions with the words in brackets.

5 how much homework / get? (I)

_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
Respuesta: How
Respuesta: much
Respuesta: homework
Respuesta: do
Respuesta: I
Respuesta: get?
Respuesta correcta: How, much, homework, do, I, get?
Puntuación: 3 de cada 3 Sí

Pregunta 5
 Asking for Information

Match the question with answers a)–f).

5 What can we see?

Respuesta: f) There are lots of sea animals.
Respuesta correcta: f) There are lots of sea animals.
Puntuación: 2 de cada 2 Sí

Pregunta 6
 Asking for Information

Match the question with answers a)–f).

3 Where does the boat leave from?

Respuesta: e) From the harbour.
Respuesta correcta: e) From the harbour.
Puntuación: 2 de cada 2 Sí

Pregunta 7
 Complete the sentences with in , at or on .
4 It finishes _____ ESPACIO 5.30 _____ ESPACIO the evening.
Respuesta: at
Respuesta: in
Respuesta correcta: at, in
Puntuación: 4 de cada 4 Sí
Pregunta 8
 Complete the sentences with in , at or on .
2 Is there another tour _____ ESPACIO 9.30?
Respuesta: at
Respuesta correcta: at
Puntuación: 2 de cada 2 Sí

Pregunta 9
 Put the words in the correct order to make sentences and questions.

1 you / time / what / do / get / up?

_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
Respuesta: What
Respuesta: time
Respuesta: do
Respuesta: you
Respuesta: get
Respuesta: up?
Respuesta correcta: What, time, do, you, get, up?
Puntuación: 3 de cada 3 Sí

Pregunta 10
 Write questions with the words in brackets.

2 where / meet / their friends? (they)

_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
Respuesta: Where
Respuesta: do
Respuesta: they
Respuesta: meet
Respuesta: their
Respuesta: friends?
Respuesta correcta: Where, do, they, meet, their, friends?
Puntuación: 3 de cada 3 Sí

Pregunta 11
 Asking for Information

Match the question with answers a)–f).

1 Can we take photographs?
Respuesta: c) Yes, you can.
Respuesta correcta: c) Yes, you can.
Puntuación: 2 de cada 2 Sí

Pregunta 12
 Present Simple: he/she/it
Read about Cenk and write short answers to the questions.

Do you like playing games? Cenk does. He is a Beta Tester – he plays

computer games at work. Cenk plays games and tests them before people buy
them. He works in an old building but inside there are lots of computers. His o
ce has a chair, a computer and a very big TV. He gets up at ten o’clock in the
morning, washes and has a quick breakfast. He starts work late in the morning
but he stays there all evening. He doesn’t stop for lunch – he eats his lunch and
tests the games. He eats fast food for dinner but he doesn’t eat at home – he
has dinner in the o ce. Cenk really likes his life.

4 Does he make dinner at home?

Respuesta: No, he doesn’t.
Respuesta correcta: No, he doesn’t.
Puntuación: 3 de cada 3 Sí

Pregunta 13
 Put the words in the correct order to make sentences and questions.

6 read / books / they / evening / the / in

_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
Respuesta: They
Respuesta: read
Respuesta: books
Respuesta: in
Respuesta: the
Respuesta: evening
Respuesta correcta: They, read, books, in, the, evening
Puntuación: 3 de cada 3 Sí

Pregunta 14
 Complete the sentences with in , at or on .
5 Pat starts her tourguide job _____ ESPACIO Saturday night and finishes
_____ ESPACIO the morning _____ ESPACIO Sunday.
Respuesta: on
Respuesta: in
Respuesta: on
Respuesta correcta: on, in, on
Puntuación: 6 de cada 6 Sí

Pregunta 15
 Write questions with the words in brackets.

4 what time / get home? (we)

_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
Respuesta: What
Respuesta: time
Respuesta: do
Respuesta: we
Respuesta: get
Respuesta: home?
Respuesta correcta: What, time, do, we, get, home?
Puntuación: 3 de cada 3 Sí

Pregunta 16
 Complete the sentences with in , at or on .
1 What time does the tour start _____ ESPACIO the weekend?
Respuesta: at
Respuesta correcta: at
Puntuación: 2 de cada 2 Sí

Pregunta 17
 Write questions with the words in brackets.

6 when / do your homework? (you)

_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
Respuesta: When
Respuesta: do
Respuesta: you
Respuesta: do
Respuesta: your
Respuesta: homework?
Respuesta correcta: When, do, you, do, your, homework?
Puntuación: 3 de cada 3 Sí

Pregunta 18
Write questions to complete the conversation.
Use the words in brackets.
A: Hello, could you tell us about your Island tour?
B: Sure. What do you want to know?
A: Well, 1 _____ ? (time / start)
B: Well, the tour begins at eight in the morning. Don’t be late – we don’t wait.
A: OK. Is it an all-day tour?
B: No, no it isn’t.
A: 2 _____? (time / take)
B: It takes all morning.
A: 3 _____? (where / go)
B: We go around the islands over there.
A: That’s a long way. 4 _____? (what / can / see)
B: There are lots of things to see. There are dolphins and sometimes whales.
A: 5 _____? (how / cost)
B: It costs twenty euros. So that’s forty euros for two people.
A: Our hotel is over there. 6 _____? (where / leave from)
B: You’re not far away. The tour leaves from the harbour.
A: And do we need special clothes?
B: It’s cold on the boat – bring a warm coat.
A: OK, let’s go. 7 _____? (take / credit cards)
B: Yes, we do.
A: Here you are.
B: Thank you. See you tomorrow morning. And don’t forget – don’t be late!
Respuesta: What time does iit start
Respuesta: How much time does the tour take?
Respuesta: Where does the tour go?
Respuesta: What can we see?
Respuesta: How much does it cost?
Respuesta: Where does the tour leave from?
Respuesta: Do you take credit cards?
Respuesta correcta: what time does it start, How much time does it/the tour
take?, Where does it/the tour go?, What can we see?, How much does it cost?,
Where does it/the tour leave from?, Do you take credit cards?
Puntuación: 9 de cada 21 

Pregunta 19
 Asking for Information

Match the question with answers a)–f).

2 How much time does the tour take?
Respuesta: b) It’s one hour thirty minutes.
Respuesta correcta: b) It’s one hour thirty minutes.
Puntuación: 2 de cada 2 Sí

Pregunta 20
 Complete the sentences with in , at or on .
3 How much does the tour _____ ESPACIO Tuesday cost?
Respuesta: on
Respuesta correcta: on
Puntuación: 2 de cada 2 Sí

Pregunta 21
 Put the words in the correct order to make sentences and questions.

3 do / study / they / where / work / or?

_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
Respuesta: Where
Respuesta: do
Respuesta: they
Respuesta: work
Respuesta: or
Respuesta: study?
Respuesta correcta: Where, do, they, work, or, study?
Puntuación: 3 de cada 3 Sí

Pregunta 22
 Write questions with the words in brackets.

3 like studying English? (they)

_____ _____ _____ _____ _____
Respuesta: Do
Respuesta: they
Respuesta: like
Respuesta: studying
Respuesta: English?
Respuesta correcta: Do, they, like, studying, English?
Puntuación: 3 de cada 3 Sí
Pregunta 23
 Put the words in the correct order to make sentences and questions.

2 breakfast / I / cereal / for / have

_____ _____ _____ _____ _____
Respuesta: I
Respuesta: have
Respuesta: cereal
Respuesta: for
Respuesta: breakfast
Respuesta correcta: I, have, cereal, for, breakfast.
Puntuación: 2.4 de cada 3 

Pregunta 24
 Present Simple: he/she/it
Read about Cenk and write short answers to the questions.

Do you like playing games? Cenk does. He is a Beta Tester – he plays

computer games at work. Cenk plays games and tests them before people buy
them. He works in an old building but inside there are lots of computers. His o
ce has a chair, a computer and a very big TV. He gets up at ten o’clock in the
morning, washes and has a quick breakfast. He starts work late in the morning
but he stays there all evening. He doesn’t stop for lunch – he eats his lunch and
tests the games. He eats fast food for dinner but he doesn’t eat at home – he
has dinner in the o ce. Cenk really likes his life.

3 Does he get up early?

Respuesta: No, he doesn’t.
Respuesta correcta: No, he doesn’t.
Puntuación: 0 de cada 3 No

Pregunta 25
 Present Simple: he/she/it
Read about Cenk and write short answers to the questions.

Do you like playing games? Cenk does. He is a Beta Tester – he plays

computer games at work. Cenk plays games and tests them before people buy
them. He works in an old building but inside there are lots of computers. His o
ce has a chair, a computer and a very big TV. He gets up at ten o’clock in the
morning, washes and has a quick breakfast. He starts work late in the morning
but he stays there all evening. He doesn’t stop for lunch – he eats his lunch and
tests the games. He eats fast food for dinner but he doesn’t eat at home – he
has dinner in the o ce. Cenk really likes his life.
2 Does he work in a new building?
Respuesta: No, he doesn’t.
Respuesta correcta: No, he doesn’t.
Puntuación: 0 de cada 3 No

Pregunta 26
 Put the words in the correct order to make sentences and questions.

5 I / work / 5p.m. / leave / at

_____ _____ _____ _____ _____
Respuesta: I
Respuesta: leave
Respuesta: work
Respuesta: at
Respuesta: 5p.m
Respuesta correcta: I, leave, work, at, 5p.m.
Puntuación: 2.4 de cada 3 

Pregunta 27
 Put the words in the correct order to make sentences and questions.

4 lunch / much / do / we / how / have / for / time?

_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____

Respuesta: How
Respuesta: much
Respuesta: time
Respuesta: do
Respuesta: we
Respuesta: have
Respuesta: for
Respuesta: lunch?
Respuesta correcta: How, much, time, do, we, have, for, lunch?
Puntuación: 3 de cada 3 Sí

Pregunta 28
 Present Simple: he/she/it
Read about Cenk and write short answers to the questions.
Do you like playing games? Cenk does. He is a Beta Tester – he plays
computer games at work. Cenk plays games and tests them before people buy
them. He works in an old building but inside there are lots of computers. His o
ce has a chair, a computer and a very big TV. He gets up at ten o’clock in the
morning, washes and has a quick breakfast. He starts work late in the morning
but he stays there all evening. He doesn’t stop for lunch – he eats his lunch and
tests the games. He eats fast food for dinner but he doesn’t eat at home – he
has dinner in the o ce. Cenk really likes his life.

1 Does Cenk play PC games at work?

Respuesta: Yes, he does.
Respuesta correcta: Yes, he does.
Puntuación: 3 de cada 3 Sí

Pregunta 29
 Write questions with the words in brackets.

1 get up early? (you)

_____ _____ _____ _____ _____
Respuesta: Do
Respuesta: you
Respuesta: get
Respuesta: up
Respuesta: early?
Respuesta correcta: Do, you, get, up, early?
Puntuación: 3 de cada 3 

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