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The Marana Karaka Avastha of Planets

Las posiciones especificas mas maleficas de los planetas capaces de causar sufrimiento son
las siguientes:

 Sol en casa 12
 Luna en casa 8
 Marte y Mercurio en casa 7
 Jupiter en casa 3
 Venus en casa 6
 Saturno en casa 1
 Rahu en casa 9

Las posiciones mencionadas son consideradas desde el lagna o dasa rasi. Tales posiciones
son denominadas marana sthana y los planetas se convierten en marana karaka (causantes
de muerte). Cuando tales planetas están en conjunción con o aspectados por maléficos o
enemigos o signos de debilitación un gran sufrimiento es seguro que sucederá.

Marana significa muerte, karaka significa indicador y avastha significa estado o condicion.
Entonces el termino marana karaka avastha significa estado que causa la muerte de un


Rahu es el planeta indicador del adharma y por lo tanto es la causa principal de la

reencarnación la cual es causada por nuestros pecados llevados a cabo en nuestra vida
anterior. Por otro lado la casa 9 es la casa del Dharma y la mas importante de todas las
casas dharma trikona en cuanto a los deberes y obligaciones se refiere. Cuando el karaka
principal del adharma (rahu) se posiciona en lugar del dharma, la casa 9 que indica los
templos y lugares dharmicos, se siente completamente abatido por los crimenes que ha
cometido durante su vida. La sensación de que es mejor morir que vivir con la pesada carga
del pecado en su cabeza le absorbe por completo. Se convierte en remordimiento.

Entre los dos karakas de la casa 9 o del dharma, es decir, Jupiter y el sol, el sol se convierte
en un planeta yogui y no hace mucho daño a rahu. Sin embargo, devaguru se agita cuando
el devalayas o el lugar sagrado es profanado por la presencia de Rahu. La ira de jupiter es
insondable cuando se enoja. Le da tales palizas a rahu que este es llevado a un estado de
muerte. Cuando Júpiter se agita todos los pecados son quemados en el fuego del sacrificio o
pavitra agni del devaguru.

Es interesante observar aqui que rahu entra en debilitacion en la casa 9 del zodiaco natural
gobernada por escorpio. Sagitario es un signo agni-tattwa rasi, el cual tiene el poder de
quemar todos los pecados. Esta es una de las razones de porque cuando jupiter esta agitado
muestra un espectáculo de fuego generalizado durante el the Manduka Dasa.

Chandrastama is considered very inauspicious in any horoscope. As the name suggest this
happens when the Moon is placed in 8th house from Lagna. Moon is the overall karaka for
the natal horoscope as Sun is the Karaka for the prenatal horoscope. This is because after
we have taken birth in this world, we start working under the veil of Maya or illusion or
apparent contradictions.

The body is also nothing but a product of Maya. While we identify ourselves with the body,
we forget out true identity as a part of the omnipresent, omniscient and omnipotent
Paramatma. The Mind (which is again a product of Maya- Moon) also makes us believe
that we are not the soul but the body and gives us our own identity (Ego - feeling of I and

Thus being a significator of Mind and body, if Moon goes to the house of death or one of
the houses Moksha Trikona, it gets a terrible shock while it faces the true identity of our
soul and that we all would die one day. Such position of Moon ruins the health of the native
and the mind is also adversely affected.
Hence, the Moon being the main life giving principle goes to the eighth house of death, she
is thoroughly beaten up by the karaka of 8th, the Saturn, the main principle of disease and
hard work.
This is again interesting to note that Moon gets debilitated in the 8th house of death of
Natural Zodiac, which is opposed to the 2nd house of Sustenance.


Besides other significations, 12th house signify pleasures of Bed, signified by Venus. Sun
is the protector of Dharma and hence another significator of the 9th house. Dharma falls at
the places of pleasures. When the Sun goes to such places, what shall be its Avastha then?

We can see that 12th is the house of exaltation of Venus in the natural zodiac. Wherever
Shukra (Sex, Passion) is strong, Sun is rendered weak, which is why Venus debilitates Sun.
The natural trait of the Sun is to stay away from the materials of pleasures and perform his
duty of upholding Dharma diligently. In the places of pleasures, Sun is not allowed to
perform his duty.

This is a well-known fact that among shadripus, which causes the fall of dharma, the ripu of
Matsarya or sex causes the greatest fall. This is why anyone who has taken birth on tithes
ruled by the Sun, he should overcome the weakness signified by Venus, as per Astadala
Padma Scheme.

3rd is the house of Parakrama (bravery), Maithuna (copulation) and Death. Mars is the
karaka of 3rd house, showing parakrama; because it is the sign of Maithuna, Rahu gets
exalted in this house in the natural Zodiac and Jaimini says 3rd is the house of death (Dinau
Dine Punya).
Jupiter, being the Devaguru, by nature is a peace-loving planet who signify harmony,
universal brotherhood (Vasudaiva Kutumbakam) and wisdom. When such a planet goes to
the house of parakrama, he is rendered ineffective under the violent temper of Mars. This is
why Jupiter gets debilitated where Mars gets exalted. He can’t withstand the violence of

Jupiter being a karaka for dharma, becomes very uncomfortable when it goes to the house
of copulation. Like Sun who is rendered ineffective in the house of pleasures of Bed,
Jupiter is also rendered ineffective in the house of sex.

Jupiter is again the prana of the Life force and hence also called the Jiva, where as Mars is
the Mrityu karaka. When Jupiter goes to the 3rd house, the house of death, the life force
diminishes, more so under the effect of Karaka Mars.

When we look at the ayana of planets we see that the ayana of Rahu is opposite to that of
Jupiter. Hence wherever Rahu is strong, Jupiter is rendered weak. In the Kalachakra we see
that the Kala of the Dik goveren by Jupiter, is ruled by Jupiter and hence any Jupiterian
activity is prohibited in the Rahu Kala.


Jaimini has given a dictum Shasta Shukra Marana Karaka, which says Venus in the 6th
becomes Marana Karaka. Why this is so?

Sixth is the house of Service and Venus is the karaka of Pleasures, the two opposites. What
shall we expect when the chief karaka for pleasure is asked to serve others! In the natural
zodiac, 6th is house of debilitation and the sign Virgo symbolizes a virgin (the purest).
Hence at this place Venus becomes incapable to enhance its own Karakatva.

The two karakas for the 6th, Mars (Enemies) and Saturn (Servant). In the Kalachakra this is
clear that Mars obstructs the ayana of Venus. Hence none of the Venusian activity shall be
performed in the Mars’s Kala. Moreover Saturn signify hard work, which is not suited to
pleasures and luxury seeking Venus and hence she goes to the Marana Avastha, if placed in

Saturn is the Karaka (Significator) of destruction of intelligence (Dhi) and opposed to
Satya, being opposes to Jupiter and Sun respectively. Lagna stands for the intelligence and
health of the native and Saturn is opposed to the karakas of the Lagna, Jupiter and Saturn.
Whenever Sat goes to the first house, it can’t stand the Karakas and goes into the marana

Now in the natural zodiac too Saturn gets debilitated in the first house Aries, where the
fiery Sun gets exalted. Here Sun opposes the lethargy and sluggishness of Saturn and wants
it to be fast, jovial and forces it to promote the significations of Sun. Now in mythology,
Saturn represent Mahakala, the son of Sun from Chaya. Because of treachery of his mother,
Sun can’t stand him and wherever Sun becomes the strong karaka, Saturn becomes weaker.
Posted by Sarajit Poddar at 4:32 PM


Anonymous said...

Does the MKS principle is applied with respect to Lagna or with Chandra or with
Surya or with any other lagna? Most of the cases the chandra and actual lagna or
other lagnas will not match each other. Which combination will take precedence
over the other? please let me know.

Thank you
Ravi Shankar

Thursday, September 21, 2006 7:23:00 PM

Anonymous said...

Dear Sarajit,

I am novice beginning student of vedic astrology. I came across your site and found
it to be informative. While going through your artciles, I came across this one.

Interesting in my chart I have 3 of these combinations:

a) Saturs (R) in lagna and debilated in navamsa
b) Venus, Lagna lord in 6rh
c) Rahu in 9th

The planets in the trines are exalted (moon in first, Mercury in 5th and Mars in 9th)

How does this combinations affect? Any thoughts?


Date: October 7, 1971

Time: 22:20:00
Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of GMT)
Place: 78 E 49' 00", 10 N 23' 00"
Pudukkottai, India

Monday, October 16, 2006 6:32:00 PM

Anonymous said...

|| Hare Rama Krushna ||

Namaste Sarajitji,

Curiously you left out Mercury from this list. Why so?

May Sri Vishnu bless us all,


Friday, December 22, 2006 6:01:00 AM

Maddy said...

bro, wonderful place , feels like my home!!!! but u havent explained what happens
when Budha is placed in marana karaka sthana the 7th house (libra) where he is
transiting currently along with another maelific Sun . any disha from u will help.
Keep up the good work

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