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Pasivas Impersonales en inglés

las pasivas impersonales en inglés suelen usarse para rumores o cuando no es tan importante quién
da la información como la información en sí.

Ejemplos típicos son los que empiezan con “People say...” aunque pueden usarse muchos otros
verbos, como pueden ser: report, claim, believe, affirm, etc.

Hay dos formas principales de hacer estas pasivas, una mucho más sencilla y que no suelen pedir en
niveles altos debido su sencillez.


Para realizar la pasiva de estas oraciones de forma sencilla siempre usamos la siguiente formula

IT + 1er verbo en pasiva + that+ el resto de la oracioón.

E.g. 1 ACTIVE: People say that Andrea studies a lot.
PASSIVE It is said that Andrea studies a lot

e.g. 2 ACTIVE People think that Claudia passes all her exams.
PASSIVE It is thought that Claudia passes all her exams.


Para realizar la passiva de estas oraciones de forma más compleja (se pide desde B2) debemos 1º
dividir la oración (OR) en dos (suelen ir unidas por el nexo that)

people say that Andrea studies a lot.

OR 1 OR 2

luego aplicamos la siguente formula:

sujeto OR 2 + verbo OR 2 en pasiva + verbo or 2 (según el tiempo) * + resto de la oración

* a) infinitivo con to si era presente simple;

b) to be + ing si era presente continuo;
c) to have + participio si era pasado simple o presente perfecto;
d) to have been + ing si era pasado continuo o presente perfecto continuo;
e) to be + ing o to be going to + infinitivo si es un tiempo de futuro (no es muy frecuente esta
estructura para el futuro, sin embargo).

E.g.1 ACTIVA People say that Andrea studies a lot.

PASIVA Andrea is said to study a lot
E.g. 2 ACTIVA People think that Claudia passes all her exams.
Claudia is thought to pass all her exams.
E.g. 3 ACTIVA People said that Rosario didn't go to work.
PASIVA Rosario is said not to have gone to work.
1. People claim that Tom is the best musician in the world.
It is claimed that Tom is the best musician in the world
Tom is claimed to be the best musician in the world

2. Meteorologists believe that  the weather will clear up soon.

It is believed that the weather will clear up soon.
The weather is believed to be clearing up soon.
3. Experts think the eartquake caused serious damage
It is thought that the eartquake caused serious damage.
The earquake is thought to have caused serious damage.
4. People say the strike will begin tomorrow.
It is said that the strike will begin tomorrow
The strike is said to be begining tomorrow
5. Everybody knows that Mr Morgan has financial difficulties.
It is known that Mr Morgan has financial difficulties
Mr Morgan is known to have financial difficulties
6. The journalist reported that the thief ran away after the burglary.
It is reporteds that the thief ran away after the burglary
The thief is reported to have run away after the burglary

¡¡Muy bien entendido!! un oar de despistes pero por lo demás, perfecto =)

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