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Novelas (40)

Viaje alucinante - Fantastic voyage

Viaje alucinante II: Destino el cerebro - Fantastic voyage II: Destination brain
El fin de la eternidad - End of eternity, The
Los propios dioses - Gods themselves, The
Anochecer – Nightfall (con R. Siverberg)
Hijo del tiempo- Ugly little boy, The (con R. Siverberg)
El robot humano - Positronic Man, The (con R. Siverberg)
Cuevas de acero - Caves of steel, The
El Sol desnudo - Naked sun, The
Los robots del amanecer - Robots of dawn, The
Robots e imperio - Robots and empire
En la arena estelar (Las estrellas, como polvo) - Stars, like dust, The
Las corrientes del espacio - Currents of space, The
Guijarro en el cielo - Pebble in the sky
Fundación - Foundation
Fundación e Imperio - Foundation and empire
Segunda Fundación - Second foundation
Los límites de la Fundación - Foundation's edge
Fundación y Tierra - Foundation and Earth
Preludio a la Fundación - Prelude to Foundation
Hacia la Fundación - Forward the Foundation
David Star: Ranger del espacio - David Starr: Space ranger
Lucky Star y los piratas de los asteroides - Lucky Starr and the pirates of the asteroids
Lucky Star y los oceanos de Venus -Lucky Starr and the oceans of Venus
Lucky Star y el gran Sol de Mercurio - Lucky Starr and the big sun of Mercury
Lucky Star y las lunas de Júpiter - Lucky Starr and the moons of Jupiter
Lucky Star y los anillos de Saturno - Lucky Starr and the rings of Saturn
Norby, un robot especial - Norby, the mixed-up robot
El otro secreto de Norby - Norby's other secret
Norby y la princesa desaparecida - Norby and the lost princess
Norby y los invasores - Norby and the invaders
Norby y el collar de la reina - Norby and the queen's necklace
Norby salva el universo - Norby finds a villain
Norby regresa a la Tierra - Norby down to Earth
La gran aventura de Norby - Norby and Yobo's great adventure
Norby and the oldest dragon
Norby and the court jester
El negociante de muerte - Death dealers, The [A whiff of death]
Asesinato en la convención - Murder at the ABA

Compilación de cuentos
El joven Asimov - Early Asimov, The
Yo, robot - I, robot
Los robots - Complete robot, The
El resto de robots - Rest of the robots, The
Sueños de robot -Robot dreams
Visiones de robots - Robot visions
A lo marciano - Martian way and other stories, The
Con la Tierra nos basta - Earth is room enough
Nueve futuros - Nine tomorrows
Other worlds of Isaac Asimov
Compre Jupiter y otras otros cuentos - Buy Jupiter and other stories
Anochecer y otros cuentos - Nightfall and other stories
El hombre bicentenario y otros cuentos -Bicentennial man and other stories, The
Los vientos del cambio - Winds of change and other stories, The
Cuentos paralelos - Alternate Asimovs, The
Naturalmente mediante un vaso - Through a glass, clearly
Estoy en Puerto-marte sin Hilda y otros cuentos - Asimov's mysteries
La mejor cosa nueva - Best new thing, The
¿Ha visto usted estos? - Have you seen these?
El invitado celestial - Heavenly host, The
El sueño - Dream, The; Benjamin's Dream; Benjamin's bicentennial blast
Buen gusto - Good taste
Tres de Asimov - Three by Asimov
La edad del futuro - Edge of tomorrow, The
It's such a beautiful day
Science fiction by Asimov
Best SF of Isaac Asimov, The
All the troubles of the world
Asimov chronicles, The
Historias de los Viudos Negros - Tales of the Black Widowers
Mas historias de los Viudos Negros - More tales of the black widowers
El archivo de los Viudos Negros - Casebook of the Black Widowers
Banquets of the Black Widowers
Los enigmas de los Viudos Negros - Puzzles of the Black Widowers
El club de los misterios - Union Club mysteries, The
La palabra clave y otros misterios - Key word and other mysteries, The
Disappearing man and other mysteries, The
Best mysteries of Isaac Asimov, The

Los Premios Hugo - Hugo winners, The
Los Premios Hugo 1968-1969 - Hugo winners, The, vol. 2
Hugo winners, The, vol. 3
Los Premios Hugo 1978-1979 - Hugo winners, The, vol. 4
Hugo winners, The, vol. 5
New Hugo winners, The
New Hugo winners, The, vol. 2
Antes de la Edad de Oro - Before the Golden Age
La Edad de Oro, 1939-1940 - Isaac Asimov presents the great SF stories 1, 1939
La Edad de Oro, 1939-1940 - Isaac Asimov presents the great sf stories 2, 1940
Isaac Asimov presenta grandes historias de ci-fi III, 1941 - Isaac Asimov presents the great sf stories 3, 1941
Isaac Asimov presenta grandes historias de ci-fi IV, 1942 - Isaac Asimov presents the great sf stories 4, 1942
Isaac Asimov presenta grandes historias de ci-fi V, 1943 - Isaac Asimov presents the great sf stories 5, 1943
Isaac Asimov presenta grandes historias de ci-fi VI, 1944 - Isaac Asimov presents the great sf stories 6, 1944
Isaac Asimov presents the great sf stories 7, 1945
Isaac Asimov presents the great sf stories 8, 1946
Isaac Asimov presents the great sf stories 9, 1947
Isaac Asimov presents the great sf stories 10, 1948
Isaac Asimov presents the great sf stories 11, 1949
Isaac Asimov presents the great sf stories 12, 1950
Isaac Asimov presents the great sf stories 13, 1951
Isaac Asimov presents the great sf stories 14, 1952
Isaac Asimov presents the great sf stories 15, 1953
Isaac Asimov presents the great sf stories 16, 1954
Isaac Asimov presents the great sf stories 17 , 1955
Isaac Asimov presents the great sf stories 19, 1957
Isaac Asimov presents the great sf stories 18, 1956
Isaac Asimov presents the great sf stories 20, 1958
Isaac Asimov presents the great sf stories 21, 1959
Isaac Asimov presents the great sf stories 23, 1961
Isaac Asimov presents the great sf stories 24, 1962
Isaac Asimov presents the great sf stories 25, 1963
Isaac Asimov presents the best fantasy of the 19th century
Isaac Asimov presents the best horror and supernatural stories of the 19th century
Isaac Asimov presents the best science fiction firsts
Isaac Asimov presents the best crime stories of the 19th century
Isaac Asimov presents tales of the occult
Isaac Asimov presents the great sf stories 14, 1952
Isaac Asimov presenta la mejor ci-fi del siglo XIX - Isaac Asimov presents the best SF of the 19th century
Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction and Fantasy Story-a-Month 1989
Mammoth book of classic science fiction
Mammoth book of fantastic science fiction, The
Mammoth book of new world science fiction, The
Mammoth book of vintage science fiction, The
Mammoth book of golden age science fiction, The
Mammoth book of modern science fiction
Cien historias cortas de Ci-Fi - One hundred great science fiction short-short stories
Cincuenta historias cortas de ciencia ficción - Fifty short science fiction tales
Los trece crímenes de la ci-fi - Thirteen crimes of science fiction, The
Siete pecados mortales de la ciencia ficción - Seven deadly sins of science fiction, The
Siete virtudes de la ciencia ficción - Seven cardinal virtues of science fiction
Doce crimenes de Navidad - Twelve crimes of Christmas, The
Thirteen horrors of Halloween, The
One hundred great fantasy short-short stories
Twelve frights of Christmas, The
Baker's dozen: Thirteen short fantasy novels
Baker's dozen: thirteen short science fiction novels
Correo espacial - Space mail
Correo espacial II - Space mail 2
Raintree reading series 1
Raintree reading series 2
Raintree reading series 3
Los niños del mañana - Tomorrow's children
Where do we go from here?
El futuro en cuestión - Future in question, The
Historias del Microcosmos - Microcosmic tales
¿Quíen lo hizo? - Who done it?
El futuro I - Future I, The
Catastrofes - Catastrophes!
Criaturas fantásticas - Fantastic creatures
Misterios en miniatura - Miniature mysteries
Tantalizing locked room mysteries
TV: 2000
Laughing space
Flying saucers
Dragon tales
Big Apple mysteries, The
Last man on Earth, The
Science fiction A to Z
Show business is murder
Hallucination in orbit
Caught in the organ draft
Science fiction weight-loss book, The
Those amazing electronic thinking machines
Se acabaron las espinacas y otros delitos de computadora - Computer crimes and capers
Intergalactic empires
Machines that think
Murder on the menu
Young mutants
Science fictional olympics, The
Fantastic reading
Election day 2084: Science fiction stories on the politics of the future
Jóvenes extraterrestres - Young extraterrestrials
Sherlock Holmes through time and space
Cosmic knights
Young monsters
Great science fiction stories by the world's great scientists
Amazing stories: Sixty years of the best science fiction
Jóvenes fantasmas - Young ghosts
Young star travelers
Mythical beasties
Tin stars
Magical wishes
Young witches and warlocks
Hound dunnit
Space shuttles
Sport of Crime, The
Purr-fect Crime
Visions of fantasy: Tales from the masters
Senior sleuths: A large print anthology of mysteries and puzzlers
Cosmic critiques: How and why ten science fiction stories work
Complete stories, The, vol. 1
Complete stories, The, vol. 2
Robots from Asimov's
I, Robot: The Illustrated Screenplay
Magic: The final fantasy collection
Best science fiction of Isaac Asimov, The

No Ficción
In joy still felt
In memory yet green
Memorias - I, Asimov. A memoir
Asimov y la ciencia ficción - Asimov on science fiction
Asimov's galaxy: Reflections on science fiction
La química de la vida -Chemicals of life, The
Bioquímica y metabolismo humano - Biochemistry and human metabolism
Kinetics of the reaction inactivation of tyrosinase during its catalysis of the aerobic oxidation of catechol
Razas y gente - Races and people
Química y salud humana - Chemistry and human health
Dentro del átomo - Inside the atom
Construyendo el edificio del Universo - Building blocks of the universe
Solo un billón - Only a trillion
World of carbon, The
El mundo del nitrógeno - World of nitrogen, The
El tiempo que noosotros vivimos - Clock we live on, The
Palabras de ciencia - Words of science
El reino de los números - Realm of numbers
El rio vivo (La corriente sanguinea) - Living river, The [The bloodstream]
El reino del Sol - Kingdom of the sun, The
El reino de las medidas - Realm of measure
Adelantos de la ciencia - Breakthroughs in science
Satelites en el espacio exterior - Satellites in outer space
Wellsprings of life, The
La guia del inteligente hombre de ciencia - Intelligent man's guide to science, The
El planeta doble - Double planet, The
Guia sobre los mitos - Words from the myths
El reino del algebra - Realm of algebra
Vida y energia - Life and energy
Guia del genesis - Words in Genesis
Realidad y fantasia - Fact and fancy
Guia sobre los mapas - Words on the map
La busqueda de los elementos - Search for the elements, The
Guia sobre el exodo - Words from the exodus
El código genético - Genetic code, The
El cuerpo humano - Human body, The
Visto desde la altura - View from a height
El cometa que gano la revolución - Kite that won the revolution, The
El cerebro humano - Human brain, The
Una historia corta de biología - Short history of biology, A
Matemáticas rápidas y faciles - Quick and easy math
Agregando una dimensión - Adding a dimension
Planetas para el hombre - Planets for man
Enciclopedia de Asimov de ciencia y tecnología -Asimov's biographical encyclopedia of science and
Historia corta de la química - Short history of chemistry, A
Los griegos: La gran aventura - Greeks, The: A great adventure
El tiempo, el espacio y otras cosas - Of time and space and other things
La nueva guía inteligente del hombre de ciencia - New intelligent man's guide to science, The
Introducción fácil a la regla de calculo - Easy introduction to the slide rule, An
Los gases nobles - Noble gases, The
Dentro del átomo - Inside the atom (3d ed.)
El Neutrino - Neutrino, The
La República Romana - Roman Republic, The
Comprenda la física, vol 1 - Understanding physics, volume one
Comprenda la física, vol 2 - Understanding physics, volume two
Comprenda la física, vol 3 - Understanding physics, volume three
Los efectos genéticos de la radiación - Genetic effects of radiation, The
El Universo - Universe, The
De la Tierra al cielo - From earth to heaven
La Luna - Moon, The
Allí fuera - Environments out there
El Imperio Romano - Roman Empire, The
¿Hay alguien allí? - Is anyone there?
En los fines del Universo - To the ends of the universe
Marte - Mars
Los egipcios - Egyptians, The
Números y ciencia - Science, numbers and I
Las estrellas - Stars
Las Galaxias - Galaxies
El proximo oriente - Near East, The
La Edad Oscura - Dark ages,The
Guia de la Biblia de Asimov vol 1 - Asimov's guide to the Bible, volume one
Frases de la historia - Words from history
Fotosintesis - Photosynthesis
La formación de Inglaterra - Shaping of England, The
Los descubriminetos del siglo XX - Twentieth century discovery
Guia de la Biblia de Asimov, vol 2 - Asimov's guide to the Bible, volume two
Opus 100 - Opus 100
ABC del espacio - ABC's of space
Grandes ideas de la ciencia - Great ideas of science
El sistema solar - Solar system and back, The
Guia de Shakespeare, vol 1 - Asimov's guide to Shakespeare, volume one
Guia de Shakespeare, vol 2 - Asimov's guide to Shakespeare, volume two
Constantinopla, el imperio olvidado - Constantinople, the forgotten empire
ABC de los oceanos - ABC's of the ocean
La luz - Light
El curso de las estrellas - Stars in their courses, The
¿Que hace que brille el sol? - What makes the sun shine?
El anciano sensual - Sensuous dirty old man, The
Tesoros del humor de Asimov - Isaac Asimov's treasury of humor
La tierra de Canaan - Land of Canaan, The
ABC de la Tierra - ABC's of the earth
Asimov enciclopedia de ciencia y tecnologia - Asimov's biographical encyclopedia of science and technology,
2d ed.
La mano izuierda del electrón - Left hand of the electron, The
Asimov guia de la ciencia - Asimov's guide to science
Mas palabras sobre la ciencia - More words of science
La electricidad y el hombre - Electricity and man
ABC de la ecología - ABC's of ecology
La formación de Francia - Shaping of France, The
La historia de Ruth - Story of Ruth, The
Programa de ciencia Intermedio A - Ginn science program--Intermediate A
Programa de ciencia Intermedio C - Ginn science program--Intermediate C
Notas de Asimov sobre "Don Juan" - Asimov's annotated 'Don Juan'
Mundos dentro de mundos - Worlds within worlds
Programa de ciencia Intermedio B - Ginn science program--Intermediate B
¿Como descubrir que la tierra gira? - How did we find out the earth is round?
Cometas y meteoros - Comets and meteors
El Sol - Sun, The
¿Como descubrir la electricidad? - How did we find out about electricity?
La formación de America del Norte - Shaping of North America, The
Hoy y mañana - Today and tomorrow and--
Jupiter, el planeta más grande - Jupiter, the largest planet
Programa de ciencia Avanzado A - Ginn science program--Advanced A
Programa de ciencia Avanzado B - Ginn science program--Advanced B
¿Como descubrir los números? - How did we find out about numbers?
Expliquese, por favor - Please explain
La tragedia de la Luna - Tragedy of the moon, The
¿Como conocer a los dinosauriso? - How did we find out about dinosaurs?
Astronomía de Asimov - Asimov on astronomy
El nacimiento de los Estados Unidos - Birth of the United States, The
Nuestro mundo en el espacio - Our world in space
¿Como descubrimos los germenes? - How did we find out about germs?
Notas de Asimov sobre "El mundo Perdido" - Asimov's annotated 'Paradise lost'
La Tierra: Nuestra nave espacial - Earth: Our crowded spaceship
Asimov y la química - Asimov on chemistry
¿Como descubrir las vitaminas? - How did we find out about vitamins?
Materias grandes y pequeñas - Of matters great and small
El sistema solar - Solar system, The
Nuestra unión federal - Our federal union
¿Como descubrir los cometas? - How did we find out about comets?
Pasado y futuro de la ciencia - Science past--science future
Contempla el Universo - Eyes on the universe
Versos humorísticos lascivos - Lecherous limericks
El fin de la Tierra - Ends of the Earth, The
¿Como descubrir la energía? - How did we find out about energy?
Asimov y la física - Asimov on physics
¿Como descubrir los átomos? - How did we find out about atoms?
El planeta que no se movio - Planet that wasn't, The
Alpha Centauri, la estrella mas cercana - Alpha Centauri, the nearest star
¿Como descubrir la energía nuclear? - How did we find out about nuclear power?
Poemas familiares - Familiar poems, annotated
El colapso del Universo - Collapsing universe, The
Asimov y los números - Asimov on numbers
¿Como descubrir el espacio? - How did we find out about outer space?
Versos todavía mas lascivos - Still more lecherous limericks
Mas versos lascivos - More lecherous limericks
El principio y el fin - Beginning and the end, The
Marte, el planeta rojo - Mars, the red planet
La puerta de Oro - Golden door, The
Versos sobre Sherlock - Asimov's Sherlockian limericks
El quasar - Quasar, quasar, burning bright
¿Como descubrir los terremotos? - How did we find out about earthquakes?
Animales en la Biblia - Animals of the Bible
Versos: Demasiado bruto (w/John Ciardi) - Limericks: Too gross (w/John Ciardi)
¿Como conocer los agueros negros ? -How did we find out about black holes?
Vida y tiempo - Life and time
Saturno y mas alla - Saturn and beyond
Opus 200 - Opus 200
Civilizaciones extraterrestre - Extraterrestrial civilizations
¿Como conocer los origenes del hombre? - How did we find out about our human roots?
El camino al inifinito - Road to infinity, The
Elección de catastrofes - Choice of catastrophes, A
La ciencia ficción y el sistema solar - Science fictional solar system, The
Libro de los sucesos de Isaac Asimov - Isaac Asimov's book of facts
¿Como conocer la Antartida? - How did we find out about Antarctica?
¿Como conocer el petroleo? - How did we find out about oil?
Las anotacioens a "Los viajes de Gulliver" - Annotated 'Gulliver's travels,' The
¿Como conocer el carbón? - How did we find out about coal?
Al principio - In the beginning
Venus, vecino del Sol - Venus, near neighbor of the Sun
¿Como descubrimos el poder solar? - How did we find out about solar power?
¿Como descubrimos los volcanes? - How did we find out about volcanoes?
Visiones del Universo - Visions of the universe
El brillo del Sol - Sun shines bright, The
¡Cambio! - Change!
Un glosario de palabras lascivas (w/John Ciardi) - Grossery of limericks, A (w/John Ciardi)
How did we find out about life in the deep sea?
Exploring the Earth and the cosmos
How did we find out about the beginnings of life?
Asimov's biographical encyclopedia of science and technology, 3d ed.
Isaac Asimov presents superquiz
How did we find out about the universe?
Counting the eons
Roving mind, The
Measure of the universe
How did we find out about [our] genes?
Isaac Asimov presents superquiz 2
'X' stands for unknown
How did we find out about computers?
Opus 300
Isaac Asimov's limericks for children
Asimov's new guide to science
How did we find out about robots?
Asimov's guide to Halley's Comet
Exploding suns, The
How did we find out about the atmosphere?
Living in the future
Robots: Machines in man's image
Subatomic monster, The
How did we find out about DNA?
Dangers of intelligence, The, and other essays
How did we find out about the speed of light?
Futuredays: A Nineteenth century vision of the year 2000
Far as human eye could see
How did we find out about blood?
Past, present, and future
Isaac Asimov presents superquiz 3
How did we find out about sunshine?
How to enjoy writing: A book of aid and comfort
How did we find out about the brain?
Did comets kill the dinosaurs?
Asimov's annotated Gilbert and Sullivan
Isaac Asimov presents from Harding to Hiroshima
How did we find out about superconductivity?
Isaac Asimov's book of science and nature quotations
Relativity of wrong, The
Asteroids, The
Earth's moon, The
Mars: Our mysterious neighbor
Our Milky Way and other galaxies
Quasars, pulsars, and black holes
Rockets, probes, and satellites
Our solar system
Sun, The
Uranus: The sideways planet
History of Biology, The (chart)
Saturn: The ringed beauty
How was the Universe born?
Earth: Our home base
Ancient astronomy
Unidentified flying objects
Space spotter's guide, The
How did we find out about microwaves?
Is there life on other planets?
Science fiction, science fact
Mercury: The quick planet
Space garbage
Jupiter, the spotted giant
Birth and death of stars, The
History of Mathematics, The (chart)
Think about space: Where have we been and where are we going?
Isaac Asimov presents superquiz 4
Tyrannosaurus prescription, The, and one hundred other science essays
Asimov on science
Asimov's chronology of science and discovery
How did we find out about photosynthesis?
Complete science fair handbook, The
Little treasury of dinosaurs (5 vols.)
Mythology and the Universe
Colonizing the planets and stars
Astronomy today
Pluto: A double planet?
Piloted space flights
Comets and meteors
Frontiers: New discoveries about man and his planet, outer space and the universe
Out of the everywhere
How did we find out about lasers?
Neptune: The farthest giant
Venus: A shrouded mystery
World's space programs, The
March of the millennia, The: A key to looking at history
Secret of the Universe, The
How did we find out about Neptune?
How did we find out about Pluto?
Isaac Asimov presents the great sf stories 22, 1960
Atom: Journey across the subatomic cosmos
Christopher Columbus: Navigator to the new world
What is a shooting star?
Why do stars twinkle?
Why does the moon change shape?
Why do we have different seasons?
What is an eclipse?
Isaac Asimov's guide to earth and space
Ferdinand Magellan: Opening the door to world exploration
Our angry earth
Henry Hudson: Arctic Explorer and North American Adventurer
Why are whales vanishing?
Is our planet warming up?
Why is the air dirty?
Where does garbage go?
What causes acid rain?
Asimov's chronology of the world
History of Chemistry, The (chart)
Asimov laughs again
Why are some beaches oily?
Why are animals endangered?
What's happening to the ozone layer?
Why are the rain forests vanishing?
Why does litter cause problems?
Frontiers II: More recent discoveries about life, Earth, space, and the universe
Future in space, The
Yours, Isaac Asimov

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