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Crear Prompts para ChatGPT

Hola, este es Bing. Para crear prompts para ChatGPT y obtener resultados
sorprendentes, te recomiendo seguir estos consejos:
• Define el propósito y el objetivo de tu prompt. ¿Qué tipo de respuesta o contenido
esperas obtener de ChatGPT? ¿Para qué lo vas a usar? ¿Qué problema quieres
• Investiga y comprende a tu audiencia. ¿A quién va dirigido tu prompt? ¿Qué nivel
de conocimiento tiene sobre el tema? ¿Qué tono y estilo le resulta más adecuado?
• Elige la voz y la personalidad que quieres que tenga ChatGPT. ¿Quieres que sea
formal o informal, técnico o creativo, serio o divertido? Puedes pedirle a ChatGPT
que adopte el rol o la profesión que más se ajuste a tu propósito.
• Proporciona contexto e información relevante para tu prompt. ¿Qué datos o
fuentes quieres que use ChatGPT? ¿Qué detalles o ejemplos quieres que incluya?
¿Qué limitaciones o restricciones quieres que respete?
• Sé claro y específico en cómo debe ser la respuesta. ¿Qué formato o estructura
quieres que tenga? ¿Qué longitud o profundidad quieres que alcance? ¿Qué
palabras clave o frases quieres que utilice?
• Ajusta la creatividad y la temperatura de la respuesta. ¿Quieres que ChatGPT sea
original o conservador, innovador o tradicional, sorprendente o predecible?
Puedes usar un valor numérico entre 0 y 1 para indicar el grado de creatividad que
• Configura el tono y el estilo de escritura de la respuesta. ¿Quieres que ChatGPT
sea persuasivo o informativo, emocional o racional, positivo o negativo? Puedes
usar adjetivos o adverbios para describir el tono y el estilo que quieres.
Aquí tienes algunos ejemplos de prompts para ChatGPT basados en estos consejos:
• Actúa como un médico especialista en nutrición y escribe un artículo de 500
palabras sobre los beneficios de una dieta mediterránea para la salud
cardiovascular, dirigido a un público general, con un tono informativo y amigable,
usando datos científicos y consejos prácticos, con una creatividad de 0.5.
• Crea una historia corta de ciencia ficción ambientada en el año 2050, donde los
humanos conviven con robots inteligentes, con un protagonista que se enamora de
uno de ellos, con un estilo creativo y emocional, usando palabras como “amor”,
“tecnología” y “sociedad”, con una longitud de 1000 palabras y una creatividad de
• Analiza los resultados de las elecciones presidenciales de Estados Unidos en
2024, usando datos oficiales y fuentes confiables, con un formato de tabla que
compare los votos, los estados y los partidos de los candidatos, con un tono
objetivo y neutral, con una profundidad de 300 palabras y una creatividad de 0.2.
Espero que estos consejos te sean útiles para crear prompts para ChatGPT y obtener

resultados sorprendentes. Si tienes alguna duda o sugerencia, no dudes en

Leveraging ChatGPT Prompts

A defining feature of ChatGPT is its interaction through prompts — short
text inputs that instruct the AI on what tasks to perform. Personal
assistants can harness the power of ChatGPT prompts to streamline their
workload and enhance their capabilities. Here’s how:

1. Efficient Communication and Correspondence

Personal assistants are often tasked with drafting emails, memos, and
other forms of written communication. With ChatGPT, generating well-
crafted responses becomes a breeze. A simple prompt like, “Draft a concise
email to Mr. Smith regarding the upcoming meeting,” can result in a
coherent and professional email draft that can be refined and sent out with
minimal editing.

2. Scheduling and Calendar Management

Managing a busy schedule can be challenging, but ChatGPT simplifies the
process. By providing prompts like, “Schedule a conference call with the
marketing team at 3 PM next Monday,” personal assistants can efficiently
coordinate appointments and ensure optimal time management.
3. Information Retrieval and Research
ChatGPT’s ability to retrieve information quickly from the internet is a
boon for personal assistants who need to gather data for various tasks. A
prompt such as, “Find recent market trends in the tech industry,” can yield
a comprehensive summary that aids decision-making and strategy

4. Task Prioritization and To-Do Lists

Prioritizing tasks and creating to-do lists are critical aspects of a personal
assistant’s role. With prompts like, “Create a list of tasks for the CEO’s
business trip,” ChatGPT can generate well-structured lists that ensure
nothing falls through the cracks.

Challenges and Considerations

While ChatGPT offers incredible potential, there are considerations to bear
in mind. As with any AI, the model’s responses are based on patterns in the
data it has been trained on, which might lead to occasional inaccuracies or
unexpected outputs. Additionally, data privacy and security concerns must
be addressed, especially when dealing with sensitive information.
What is ChatGPTWhat are Prompts in ChatGPT?A Closer Look at
ChatGPT And PromptsExamples of What Prompts Do in ChatGPTThe
Best ChatGPT Prompts You Should Try TodayBest ChatGPT Prompts
For BusinessChatGPT Prompts For StudentsBest ChatGPT Prompts For
Coders/ProgrammersBest ChatGPT Prompts For Poets And Music
LoversBest ChatGPT Prompts for “Act As Someone”Best ChatGPT
Prompts for GamingChatGPT Prompts for SalesChatGPT Prompts for
UI/UX DesignLawyers Prompts for ChatGPTChatGPT Prompts for
ArtistsChatGPT Prompt for Writing a NovelChatGPT Prompt for Virtual
AssistantsChatGPT Prompt for CookingChatGPT Prompt for Affiliate
MarketingChatGPT Prompts for DropshippingChatGPT Prompts for
eCommerce SolutionsAdvanced ChatGPT Prompts (New List)Watch
This!FAQ: Best ChatGPT PromptsWhat Is A Prompt?What Can
ChatGPT Be Used For?How Accurate does ChatGPT generate the
Responses?Try These ChatGPT Prompt GeneratorsReady to Use The
Above ChatGPT Prompts

Guess what? You’re at the right place.

ChatGPT prompts are helpful commands that you can feed to ChatGPT, and
they will provide you with the best answers no matter what the question or the
prompt is. We have tried ChatGPT with different workflows like business,
studies, writing poems, blogs, etc.
Let’s start by introducing you to ChatGPT, in case you have heard it
somewhere on the news but have no damn idea about it.
What is ChatGPT
ChatGPT is a powerful language model made by OpenAI that can write text
that sounds like it was written by a person. It was taught to understand and
respond to a wide range of questions by reading a huge amount of text from
the internet.
As AI technology improves, more businesses, researchers, and regular people
use ChatGPT to help them write text, translate languages, summarise articles,
and do other things.
But there are so many options that figuring out where to start can be hard.
This article helps with that. We’ve listed the best ChatGPT prompts to help you
get the most out of this powerful AI tool.
Whether you’re a blogger, teacher, student, researcher, marketer, or just
interested in AI, these questions will help you get better results and save time.
The ChatGPT prompts are very helpful for automating many language-based
tasks, such as writing, translating, summarising, and more. You can save a lot
of time and work with it.
Let’s jump in and start using ChatGPT like a pro!
Don’t forget to read how to write better ChatGPT prompts to get
better results.
Also, if you want to try some of the best ChatGPT alternatives, check
out the post below:
• 6 Best ChatGPT Alternatives in 2023 (Honest Review)
What are Prompts in ChatGPT?
Artificial Intelligence (AI) prompts, in the broadest sense, are the instructions or
inputs given to an AI model to guide its responses or actions.
These prompts are essential to interacting with AI models,
especially language models like ChatGPT.

They are the human part of the human-computer interaction, the questions,
commands, or statements we use to tell the AI what we want it to do.
AI prompts can be simple or complex, and they can be used for a variety of
For instance, you might give a chatbot an AI prompt to generate a conversation
response. But you can also use AI prompts for an AI-generated poem, a story,
or an essay.
The AI uses the prompt as a starting point and then generates text that it
predicts would logically follow from the prompt, based on the patterns it
learned during its training.
A Closer Look at ChatGPT And Prompts
ChatGPT is a large language model developed by OpenAI. It’s a powerful and
versatile AI tool that has been trained on a diverse range of internet text.
However, it should be noted that while ChatGPT can generate creative and
compelling text, it doesn’t actually understand the content in the way humans
do. It doesn’t have beliefs, opinions, or desires.
It generates responses by predicting what text should come next, given the
input it has received.
ChatGPT operates on a sequence-to-sequence framework, which means
that it takes in a sequence of tokens (words, characters, etc.), processes them,
and then generates a sequence of tokens in response.
Examples of What Prompts Do in ChatGPT
Here are a few examples of prompts you might give to ChatGPT, along with
the kind of responses you might get:
1.Prompt: “Tell me a joke.”

ChatGPT Response: “Why don’t scientists trust atoms? Because

they make up everything!”
2.Prompt: “Explain the theory of relativity in simple terms.”

ChatGPT Response: “The theory of relativity is actually two

different theories proposed by Albert Einstein. The first is the special
theory of relativity, which basically says that the laws of physics are
the same everywhere and that the speed of light is constant. The
second is the general theory of relativity, which is a bit more
complicated. It says that what we perceive as gravity is actually
caused by objects bending the space around them.”
In each of these examples, ChatGPT takes the prompt and generates a
response that it predicts would logically follow based on its training data.
You can also provide more specific instructions to guide the AI’s output, such
as asking it to write in the style of a particular author or to speak like a
character from a movie.
So, AI prompts are not just questions or instructions; they’re a tool for
unlocking the creative and practical potential of AI models like ChatGPT.
With the right prompt, you can generate poetry, write stories, explain complex
topics, and much more. But the problem is for some people it is hard to write
prompts every time.
To solve this problem we have curated an entire list of best prompts that you
can use for any kind of work.
The Best ChatGPT Prompts You Should Try Today
It can be hard to figure out the best prompts to use with ChatGPT, especially if
you are new to the technology.
We’ve made a list of the best ChatGPT prompts for all kinds of work. Whether
you want to improve your customer service or learn how to code better, this list
has what you need.
Let’s jump in and see what some of the best ChatGPT prompts can do!
If you wanna know what prompts are and everything about it, then
read the last section of this article. Also, remember that these
prompts can be used on both ChatGPT 4 (Plus) and ChatGPT 3 (Free)
Best ChatGPT Prompts For Business
Running a business? ChatGPT has got your back. From marketing to
operations, these prompts make your daily tasks easier with these ChatGPT
prompts for business.
S.No. ChatGPT Prompts For Business
“Write a business proposal for launching a new line of eco-
1. friendly products, detailing the market demand, competitive
analysis, and sustainability benefits.”
“Generate a script for a 30-second commercial promoting our
new product”
“Write a persuasive email to convince potential customers to
try our service”
“Create a list of frequently asked questions for our customer
service team”
5. “Generate a summary of our company’s mission and values”
6. “Write a script for a training video on how to use our software”
“Create a list of potential blog post ideas for our company’s
8. “Generate a press release announcing our company’s latest
S.No. ChatGPT Prompts For Business
“Write a script for a video testimonial from a satisfied
“Create a list of keywords to optimize our website for search
“Generate a script for a social media video showcasing our
company culture”
12. “Write a script for a explainer video about our new product”
“Create a list of potential influencers to collaborate with for
social media campaigns”
“Generate a script for a podcast episode discussing industry
“Write a script for a webinar on best practices for using our
“Create a list of potential case studies to showcase our
company’s success”
“Generate a script for a short video on our company’s history
and achievements”
18. “Write a script for a virtual event to launch our new product”
19. “Create a list of potential topics for a company newsletter”
“Generate a script for a TV commercial to increase brand
“Write a script for an explainer video about our company’s
sustainability efforts”
22. “Can you think of new business ideas without money?”
“Write a persuasive email to increase attendance at our
upcoming event”
“Create a follow-up email to send to potential clients after a
“Generate a thank-you email to send to customers after a
“Write a promotional email to introduce our new product or
27. “Create a reminder email for an upcoming deadline or meeting”
28. “Generate a professional email to request a meeting or
S.No. ChatGPT Prompts For Business
29. “Write an apology email to a customer for a delay or mistake”
“Create a personalized email to nurture a lead and move them
closer to a sale”
“Generate an email to request a referral or testimonial from a
satisfied customer”
32. “Write a promotional email to announce a sale or special offer”
“Create an email to send to a prospect who has shown interest
in our product”
“Generate an email to request feedback from customers on our
product or service”
“Write an email to send to a customer who has unsubscribed
from our mailing list”
“Create an email to send to a potential partner to explore
collaboration opportunities”
“Generate an email to send to a customer with a personalized
upselling or cross-selling suggestion”
“Write a daily to-do list for the sales team using this
data; [data] “
“Generate a daily summary of customer feedback and
40. “Write a daily agenda for the executive team meeting”
ChatGPT Prompts For Students
Struggling with assignments or study plans? Check out these ChatGPT
prompts for students.
S.No Best ChatGPT Prompts For Education
“Generate a daily study schedule for the next week, including
41. specific times for each subject and any breaks or activities
“Write a persuasive essay discussing the benefits of experiential
42. learning in the classroom. Provide real-world examples of how
hands-on activities enhance educational outcomes.”
“Generate a list of potential essay topics for [assignment
43. name], along with a brief outline of main points to be
“Teach me the Pythagorean theorem [Any theorem name] and

44. include a test at the end, but don’t give me the answers and
then tell me if I got the answer right when I respond. I want to
45. “For your introductory physics class in college, write a poem in
S.No Best ChatGPT Prompts For Education
the vein of Robert Frost”
“Write a detailed essay for me on [topic] in detail by adding all
46. the information necessary Write the essay using simple English
like you’re explaining something to a 5 year old”
“Solve this [math problem] for me and explain each step in
detail on how you solved it”
Best ChatGPT Prompts For Coders/Programmers
Coding just got friendlier with these ChatGPT prompts. Whether a pro or a
newbie, these will guide you through.

S.No. ChatGPT Prompts For Coders

“Write a function in [Python] to calculate the factorial of a

given number”
49. “Write a function in [Python] to calculate the factorial of a
S.No. ChatGPT Prompts For Coders
given number”
“Create a [JavaScript] program to implement a basic
“Generate a [C++] code to sort an array of integers using the
bubble sort algorithm”
“Write a [Python] script to scrape data from a website and save
it to a CSV file”
“Create a [Java] program to implement a simple chatbot using
natural language processing”
“Generate a [C#] code to create a basic game using the Unity
“Write a [Python] function to check if a given string is a
“Create a [JavaScript] program to create a responsive web page
layout using CSS and HTML”
“Generate a [C++] code to implement a basic machine learning
algorithm, such as linear regression”
“Write a [Python] script to automate tasks using Selenium
“Create a [Java] program to implement a basic encryption
“Generate a [C#] code to create a basic windows form
61. “Write a [Python] function to generate a random password”
“Create a [JavaScript] program to implement a basic CRUD
operations using MongoDB”
“Generate a [C++] code to implement a basic data structure,
such as a linked list”
“Write a [Python] script to read and analyze data from an excel
“Create a [Java] program to implement a basic algorithm for
image processing”
66. “Generate a [C#] code to create a basic WPF application”
67. “Write a [Python] function to implement a basic natural
S.No. ChatGPT Prompts For Coders
language processing task”
“Create a [JavaScript] program to implement a basic
“I have a h264 video that is too large for Twitter; please write a
69. bash script to convert it to the proper format and the highest
supported quality”
“Create a TypeScript function that computes the implied
volatility using the Black-Scholes model. Where the inputs are
the underlying price, strike price, free-risk rate, and option
price. Write it step by step, with an explanation for each step”
“Please only reply using p5.js code. Please concisely implement
a cellular automaton life game with 30 lines or less. – 800,800
by 800 pixels -Sorry, no line breaks. Please refrain from leaving
72. “Find bug in this [Code]”
“This year, the elves invested in a gift-wrapping machine.
However, it isn’t programmed! An algorithm that aids it in the
task must be developed. Many presents are given to the
machine. Each present is a string. Each gift must be wrapped
by the machine and set in a display of other wrapped gifts. To
wrap a gift, you must place the wrapping paper around the
73. string, which is represented by the * symbol. For instance:
const gifts are [“cat,” “game,” and “socks”]. console.log const
wrapped = wrapping(gifts) (wrapped) / [“ncatn,” “ngamen,”
and “nsocksn**”] */ As you can see, the thread is wrapped in
the wrapping paper. The corners are also wrapped in wrapping
paper on the top and bottom to prevent any gaps.”
“What exactly does this strange-looking regex do? ((([01]?\d)|
(two[0-three])): ([0-five]?\d)) ((:[0-five]?\d))?\s? ?b/i; (am|pm)”
“I require UI assistance. I need three action buttons for a card
component that includes a long statement, but I don’t want the
75. buttons to always be visible. I need a good UI that functions on
both desktop and mobile since if I try to show the buttons on
Hoover, that logic won’t work on mobile.”
“Provide me a roadmap for learning and become a Full Stack
Software Developer [Desired Field]”
S.No. ChatGPT Prompts For Coders
“Write a [Python] script to implement a neural network for
image classification using TensorFlow”
“Write a [Python] script to implement a reinforcement learning
algorithm for solving game-playing AI”
“Write a [Python] script to implement a natural language
processing task using BERT or GPT-2 model”
80. “Rewrite this [Java] code into [Desired Language]”
Generate a [C++] code to implement a basic simulation of a
self-driving car using ROS (Robot Operating System)”
“Write a [Python] script to implement a deep learning model for
natural language generation”
“Create a [JavaScript] program to implement a basic chatbot
using Dialogflow”
Best ChatGPT Prompts For Poets And Music Lovers
Love words and tunes? ChatGPT does, too. These prompts will spark your
creativity in poetry and music.
S.No. Best ChatGPT Prompts For Poets
“Write a poem about love and loss, using metaphors and
imagery to evoke emotion”
“Write a heartfelt poem about the beauty of a sunset over the
85. ocean, capturing the colors of the sky and the emotions it
“Create a song lyrics about chasing dreams and overcoming
“Generate a short story about a musician who discovers their
true passion”
“Write a script for a music video that tells a story of heartbreak
and redemption”
“Create a sonnet about the beauty of nature, using vivid
imagery and rhyme”
90. “Generate a monologue for a play about a struggling artist
S.No. Best ChatGPT Prompts For Poets
trying to make it in the music industry”
91. “Write a song about the power of friendship and support”
“Create a poem about the fleeting nature of time, using
personification and allusion”
“Generate a short poetry about a band that reunites after years
“Write a script for a musical about the rise and fall of a
legendary musician”
“Create a song lyrics about the beauty and the pain of falling in
“Generate a monologue for a play about the struggles of being
a musician”
“Write a poem about the beauty of music, using vivid imagery
and metaphor”
“Create a song lyrics about the importance of being true to
“Generate a short story about a musician who overcomes
personal demons to find success”
“Write a script for a music video that tells a story of self-
discovery and empowerment”
Best ChatGPT Prompts for “Act As Someone”
Have you ever wanted to make ChatGPT like someone else? Play pretend
with these fun and immersive ChatGPT prompts.
S.No. ChatGPT Prompts To Tell Him To Act As Someone
“I want you to act as a linux terminal. I will type commands and
you will reply with what the terminal should show. I want you to
only reply with the terminal output inside one unique code
101. block, and nothing else. do not write explanations. do not type
commands unless I instruct you to do so. when i need to tell
you something in english, i will do so by putting text inside
curly brackets {like this}. my first command is pwd”
“Pretend you’re a travel blogger recounting your recent
102. adventure to a remote island. Share the sights, sounds, and
unique experiences you encountered.”
103. “I want you to act as an English translator, spelling corrector
and improver. I will speak to you in any language and you will
detect the language, translate it and answer in the corrected
and improved version of my text, in English. I want you to
replace my simplified A0-level words and sentences with more
beautiful and elegant, upper level English words and sentences.
S.No. ChatGPT Prompts To Tell Him To Act As Someone
Keep the meaning same, but make them more literary. I want
you to only reply the correction, the improvements and nothing
else, do not write explanations. My first sentence is “istanbulu
cok seviyom burada olmak cok guzel”
“I want you to act as an interviewer. I will be the candidate and
you will ask me the interview questions for the position
position. I want you to only reply as the interviewer. Do not
write all the conservation at once. I want you to only do the
interview with me. Ask me the questions and wait for my
answers. Do not write explanations. Ask me the questions one
by one like an interviewer does and wait for my answers. My
first sentence is “Hi””
“I want you to act as a javascript console. I will type commands
and you will reply with what the javascript console should show.
I want you to only reply with the terminal output inside one
unique code block, and nothing else. do not write explanations.
do not type commands unless I instruct you to do so. when i
need to tell you something in english, i will do so by putting
text inside curly brackets {like this}. my first command is
console.log(“Hello World”);
“I want you to act as a text based excel. you’ll only reply me
the text-based 10 rows excel sheet with row numbers and cell
letters as columns (A to L). First column header should be
empty to reference row number. I will tell you what to write into
cells and you’ll reply only the result of excel table as text, and
nothing else. Do not write explanations. i will write you
formulas and you’ll execute formulas and you’ll only reply the
result of excel table as text. First, reply me the empty sheet.”
“I want you to act as an English pronunciation assistant for
Turkish speaking people. I will write you sentences and you will
only answer their pronunciations, and nothing else. The replies
107. must not be translations of my sentence but only
pronunciations. Pronunciations should use Turkish Latin letters
for phonetics. Do not write explanations on replies. My first
sentence is “how the weather is in Istanbul?”
108. “I want you to act as a travel guide. I will write you my location
and you will suggest a place to visit near my location. In some
cases, I will also give you the type of places I will visit. You will
S.No. ChatGPT Prompts To Tell Him To Act As Someone
also suggest me places of similar type that are close to my first
location. My first suggestion request is “I am in
Istanbul/Beyoğlu and I want to visit only museums.””
“I want you to act as an advertiser. You will create a campaign
to promote a product or service of your choice. You will choose
a target audience, develop key messages and slogans, select
109. the media channels for promotion, and decide on any additional
activities needed to reach your goals. My first suggestion
request is “I need help creating an advertising campaign for a
new type of energy drink targeting young adults aged 18-30.””
“Imagine you’re a marketing expert tasked with launching a
promotional campaign for a cutting-edge fitness app aimed at
health enthusiasts. Define your target audience, craft
compelling messages and taglines, pick the best channels to
spread the word, and outline any extra strategies you’d employ
to ensure the campaign’s success. To start, how would you
design an advertising campaign to introduce the fitness app to
busy professionals looking to stay in shape?”
“I want you to act as a stand-up comedian. I will provide you
with some topics related to current events and you will use
your wit, creativity, and observational skills to create a routine
111. based on those topics. You should also be sure to incorporate
personal anecdotes or experiences into the routine in order to
make it more relatable and engaging for the audience. My first
request is “I want an humorous take on politics.””
“I want you to act as a motivational coach. I will provide you
with some information about someone’s goals and challenges,
and it will be your job to come up with strategies that can help
this person achieve their goals. This could involve providing
positive affirmations, giving helpful advice or suggesting
activities they can do to reach their end goal. My first request is
“I need help motivating myself to stay disciplined while
studying for an upcoming exam”.”
“I want you to act as a virtual personal assistant and schedule
my appointments for the week”
“I want you to act as a language translator and translate this
document from English to Spanish”
S.No. ChatGPT Prompts To Tell Him To Act As Someone
“I want you to act as a research assistant and gather
information on a specific topic for me”
“I want you to act as a financial advisor and generate a budget
plan for me”
“I want you to act as a personal stylist and suggest outfits for a
upcoming event”
“I want you to act as a virtual writing assistant and help me
write an essay on a specific topic”
“I want you to act as a virtual event planner and plan a surprise
party for my friend”
“I want you to act as a personal chef and suggest a healthy
meal plan for the week”
Best ChatGPT Prompts for Gaming ChatGPT Prompt for Gaming
Create a detailed game review of an RPG game I’ve just
122 Help me write a guide for beginners in the game “Fortnite.”
123 Generate a plot for a new fantasy video game.
124 Suggest 20 tips for becoming a pro in “Call of Duty.”
125 Develop a marketing strategy for my new mobile game.
126 Write dialogues for characters in a mystery game.
127 Create a list of best gaming laptops under $1000.
128 Provide a walkthrough for the game “The Legend of Zelda.”
129 Help me design a game level with detailed descriptions.
130 Suggest 5 strategies for monetizing a free mobile game.
131 Write a patch note for my multiplayer online game.
132 Develop lore and backstory for my sci-fi game.
133 Help me create a daily quest system for my MMORPG.
134 Describe how to set up a gaming tournament.
Write a review comparing the graphics of “Xbox Series X” and
136 Suggest the best gaming gear for a tight budget.
137 Create character bios for my new fighting game.
138 Provide tips for beating the boss in “Dark Souls.” ChatGPT Prompt for Gaming
139 Describe how to make friends in multiplayer games.
140 Create a FAQ section for my new puzzle game.
ChatGPT Prompts for Sales ChatGPT Prompt for Sales
Craft a compelling sales pitch for a new fitness app aimed at
corporate clients who want to promote employee wellness.
Generate a list of objections potential customers might have
when buying a luxury car, and provide rebuttals for each.
Create an email campaign strategy to re-engage past customers
of an online fashion store.
Write a script for a webinar that will educate potential
customers on the advantages of solar energy.
Develop a step-by-step guide to train new sales representatives
on closing high-value deals.
Create a thorough competitive analysis between our organic
skincare brand and leading market competitors.
Formulate questions for customer discovery interviews to
understand pain points for a SaaS product.
Craft a proposal to sell cybersecurity services to a hospital
148 chain, focusing on the benefits of improved patient data
Develop a quarterly sales strategy to increase revenue for a
struggling local bookstore.
Write an end-of-year report to analyze sales trends, challenges,
and opportunities in the real estate market.
Develop a cold-calling script to promote a new line of ergonomic
office furniture to small businesses.
Design an SMS marketing campaign to alert customers about a
limited-time offer on holiday packages.
Create a buyer persona for a pet insurance company to
understand and target ideal customers.
Write a series of blog posts aimed at educating customers on
the value of long-term investments in mutual funds.
Prepare a presentation to pitch an AI-powered chatbot solution
to online retailers. ChatGPT Prompt for Sales
Develop a reward program to encourage repeat purchases for
an online grocery store.
Create a set of case studies to showcase the impact of our
consulting services on clients’ revenue growth.
Generate a series of social media posts to promote a new
software that helps remote teams collaborate better.
Design a product demo script to introduce a new type of 3D
printer to potential buyers at a tech convention.
Formulate a set of key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure
the success of a new product launch.
ChatGPT Prompts for UI/UX Design ChatGPT Prompt for UI/UX Design
Develop a comprehensive usability testing plan for a new e-
commerce website.
Create wireframes and user flows for a mobile banking app
aimed at senior citizens.
Conduct a heuristic analysis on a travel booking website and
provide detailed recommendations.
Generate a list of must-have features for an online learning
platform targeting young professionals.
Write an article exploring the importance of accessibility in
UI/UX design.
Develop a user persona for a social media app focused on
hobbyist photographers.
Create a style guide for a new digital magazine app aimed at
Write a tutorial for designing interactive prototypes using Adobe
Conduct an A/B testing plan for a landing page to optimize
conversion rates.
Craft an RFP (Request for Proposal) for redesigning a
government website with a focus on user experience.
Provide a critique of the user interface for a popular video
streaming service.
172 Generate a series of user interviews to gauge the effectiveness ChatGPT Prompt for UI/UX Design
of a digital health platform.
Create mood boards to set the visual direction for a new
restaurant reservation app.
Write an article comparing the pros and cons of mobile app
design in Android vs iOS.
Develop a micro-interaction strategy for enhancing user
engagement in an online forum.
Create a set of user stories to guide the development of a new
event planning software.
Craft a questionnaire for collecting user feedback on a new ride-
sharing app.
Develop a UX strategy roadmap for transitioning a print
newspaper to a digital format.
Generate guidelines for designing with inclusivity in mind,
focusing on gender-neutral design elements.
Write a case study outlining the UI/UX redesign of a fitness
tracking app and its impact on user retention.
Lawyers Prompts for ChatGPT ChatGPT Prompt for Lawyers
Draft a comprehensive guide on how to prepare for a personal
injury lawsuit, including steps to take and documents needed.
Write an article discussing the pros and cons of alternative
dispute resolution methods in contract law.
Create a list of important factors to consider when choosing an
immigration lawyer.
Generate a set of tips for law students preparing for the bar
Develop a script for a legal seminar focused on the implications
of recent changes in intellectual property law.
Craft an FAQ section for a family law firm’s website, covering
topics like divorce, child custody, and alimony.
Provide a detailed analysis of the legal aspects involved in
starting a small business.
Write a memo summarizing recent case law on data privacy
issues for a tech company. ChatGPT Prompt for Lawyers
Generate interview questions for hiring a new associate lawyer
specialized in criminal defense.
Create a marketing strategy for a new law firm specializing in
elder law.
Draft a legal opinion on the implications of a recent Supreme
Court decision for civil liberties.
Write a guide on estate planning, including wills, trusts, and
power of attorney.
Develop a list of best practices for maintaining client
confidentiality in a legal practice.
Provide a comprehensive review of current employment laws
that businesses need to know.
Create a checklist for conducting due diligence in a corporate
Write a proposal for offering pro bono services to a local
nonprofit organization.
Develop a template for client intake forms for a bankruptcy law
Create an article that educates the public on tenant rights and
Draft a guide for legal professionals on how to effectively use
social media for networking and brand building.
Generate a series of blog posts focusing on legal ethics and
professional conduct for lawyers.
ChatGPT Prompts for Artists ChatGPT Prompt for Artists
Write a comprehensive guide on how to monetize art through
201 digital platforms, including social media and online
Create a step-by-step tutorial for painting a landscape using
acrylic colors.
Develop a portfolio review checklist for artists applying for
galleries or exhibitions.
Generate an article discussing the influence of modern
technology on traditional art forms. ChatGPT Prompt for Artists
Craft a list of must-have tools and materials for beginner digital
Develop a series of social media posts to promote an upcoming
art exhibition.
Write a case study on how an artist successfully used social
media to build their brand.
Create a list of effective marketing strategies for freelance
209 Generate tips for photographing artwork for online portfolios.
Develop an FAQ section for an artist’s website, answering
questions about commissions, materials, and techniques.
211 Write a proposal for conducting art workshops in local schools.
Create a resource list of books, podcasts, and courses beneficial
for artists.
Generate an article discussing the importance of networking for
214 Develop a guide on copyright issues specifically for artists.
215 Create a list of art festivals and fairs worth participating in.
216 Write a guide on setting pricing for art pieces.
Craft an article discussing the impact of social issues in
contemporary art.
Generate tips for artists on managing time between creating
and marketing their work.
219 Develop a list of artist grants and fellowships to apply for.
220 Write an article on the evolution of art styles through history.
ChatGPT Prompt for Writing a Novel ChatGPT Prompt for Writing a Novel
Write a comprehensive guide on plotting a novel, including
elements like character arcs and story beats.
Develop a set of character profiles for a fantasy novel set in a
magical realm.
Create a list of effective writing exercises to overcome writer’s
Generate tips for writing dialogue that sounds natural and
serves the story. ChatGPT Prompt for Writing a Novel
225 Craft an article discussing the role of setting in storytelling.
Write a blog post on the pros and cons of self-publishing versus
traditional publishing.
Develop a checklist for editing a novel, including looking for plot
holes and character inconsistencies.
Generate an article about the importance of pacing in a thriller
Create a template for tracking a novel’s word count and
Write a case study on how a debut novelist successfully
marketed their book.
231 Develop tips for using foreshadowing effectively in storytelling.
Generate a list of literary awards and fellowships aspiring
authors can aim for.
233 Create a guide on how to write compelling villains in a novel.
Develop a list of resources like software, books, and courses for
aspiring novelists.
Write a blog post on the ethical considerations when writing
about real events or people.
Create an FAQ section for an aspiring author’s website to answer
queries about the writing process.
Generate tips for balancing research and writing when crafting a
historical novel.
Develop a series of writing prompts to help inspire scenes in a
romance novel.
Craft an article discussing the role of the first and last lines in a
Write a guide on how to choose the right point of view for a
ChatGPT Prompt for Virtual Assistants ChatGPT Prompt for Virtual Assistants
Write a comprehensive guide on how to become a virtual
assistant, including skill development and marketing.
Develop a list of essential tools and software for virtual
assistants. ChatGPT Prompt for Virtual Assistants
Create tips for efficient task management and scheduling as a
virtual assistant.
Generate an article on the pros and cons of being a virtual
Craft a guide on how to set pricing and packages for virtual
assistant services.
Write a case study on a successful virtual assistant business,
detailing the strategies used.
Develop an FAQ section for a virtual assistant website, including
service offerings and client testimonials.
Generate a list of industries that commonly hire virtual
Create a social media strategy aimed at promoting virtual
assistant services.
Write an article on how virtual assistants can specialize in fields
like social media, email management, etc.
Generate tips for effective communication with clients, including
managing expectations.
Craft a guide on legal considerations for virtual assistants, such
as contracts and confidentiality.
Develop a list of online courses and certifications beneficial for
virtual assistants.
Create a list of popular job boards and platforms where virtual
assistants can find work.
Write an article on how to handle difficult clients and conflicts in
a virtual setting.
Generate a guide on how to build a portfolio and gather client
Develop tips for staying up-to-date with industry trends and
Craft an article discussing the future trends in the virtual
assistant industry.
259 Write a guide on work-life balance for virtual assistants.
Create an article on how virtual assistants can expand their
business through subcontracting and partnerships.
ChatGPT Prompt for Cooking ChatGPT Prompt for Cooking
261 Provide a detailed recipe for making vegan brownies.
262 Suggest a 7-day meal plan for someone on a keto diet.
263 Create a list of 20 essential cooking tools for a home cook.
264 Help me make a shopping list for a family BBQ.
265 Write a guide for cooking the perfect steak.
266 Offer tips for meal prepping for a week.
267 Provide a recipe for a gluten-free cake.
268 Suggest ways to make quick and healthy breakfasts.
269 Describe how to properly store fruits and vegetables.
270 Create a list of 5 easy pasta recipes.
271 Offer tips for cooking safely with kids.
272 Write a review comparing different types of cooking oils.
273 Suggest 10 spices every kitchen should have.
274 Provide a guide for cooking for a large group.
275 Write a guide for making homemade pizza from scratch.
276 Create a list of 10 best cookbooks for beginners.
277 Offer tips for baking the perfect loaf of bread.
278 Describe the best way to cook seafood.
279 Suggest 5 creative ways to use leftover rice.
280 Create a guide for making the best smoothies.
ChatGPT Prompt for Affiliate Marketing ChatGPT Prompt for Affiliate Marketing
Write a comprehensive guide on starting an affiliate marketing
business, including niche selection and SEO strategies.
Develop a list of high-paying affiliate programs in different
283 Create tips for writing compelling product reviews that convert.
Generate an article discussing the pros and cons of affiliate
Craft an email sequence aimed at promoting an affiliate product
to a mailing list.
286 Write a case study on a successful affiliate marketing campaign, ChatGPT Prompt for Affiliate Marketing
including the strategies used.
287 Develop an FAQ section for an affiliate marketing website.
Generate tips for optimizing conversion rates in affiliate
Create a list of essential tools and software for affiliate
Write an article on how to track and analyze performance in
affiliate marketing.
Craft a guide on legal considerations in affiliate marketing, such
as disclosure and contracts.
Generate a list of common mistakes to avoid in affiliate
Write an article on how to build an audience before launching an
affiliate marketing campaign.
Develop a social media strategy specifically for promoting
affiliate products.
Create a list of affiliate marketing events and conferences for
networking and learning.
Generate an article discussing the future trends in affiliate
Write a guide on how to work with brands as an affiliate
Craft tips for creating compelling content that naturally
incorporates affiliate links.
Develop a list of affiliate marketing books, courses, and other
educational resources.
300 Create an article discussing the ethics of affiliate marketing.
ChatGPT Prompts for Dropshipping ChatGPT Prompt for Dropshipping
Write a comprehensive guide to starting a dropshipping
business, including selecting a niche and supplier.
Create a list comparing various eCommerce platforms suitable
for dropshipping.
Generate an article discussing the tax implications and
regulations around dropshipping. ChatGPT Prompt for Dropshipping
Develop tips for optimizing the user experience on a
dropshipping website.
Craft an email sequence for cart abandonment recovery in a
dropshipping store.
Generate a guide on conducting market research for finding
profitable dropshipping products.
Write a case study on a successful dropshipping business,
focusing on marketing strategies and scaling.
Develop a list of common pitfalls to avoid when starting a
dropshipping business.
Create a checklist for evaluating potential dropshipping
310 Generate tips for improving SEO ranking of a dropshipping store.
Write an article comparing dropshipping with traditional retail
Develop a social media marketing plan for a dropshipping
business selling fitness gear.
Create a budget and financial projection template for a
dropshipping startup.
Generate a list of effective ways to handle returns and refunds
in dropshipping.
Craft a guide on using influencer marketing to boost
dropshipping sales.
Write an article discussing how to scale a dropshipping business
Develop tips on how to use analytics to improve dropshipping
Create a list of apps and tools to automate various aspects of a
dropshipping business.
Generate a set of interview questions for hiring a virtual
assistant for a dropshipping business.
Develop an FAQ section for a dropshipping website to address
customer queries about shipping, payments, and returns.
ChatGPT Prompts for eCommerce Solutions
Selling online? These ChatGPT prompts are your toolkit for making
eCommerce a rewarding experience. ChatGPT Prompts for E-commerce
You’re launching a limited-time sale on a beauty and skincare
321 website. Create a series of social media posts to promote the
sale and showcase the discounted products.
Design a series of targeted marketing strategies for an online
store’s upcoming holiday sale.
Evaluate the user experience of our e-commerce site and
provide recommendations to improve conversion rates.
Create a comprehensive FAQ section for our e-commerce site
that addresses common customer concerns and enhances trust.
Analyze the performance of our top-selling products and provide
recommendations for inventory management.
Write product descriptions for a new line of sustainable
products, focusing on unique selling points.
Create an email sequence to re-engage customers who
abandoned their shopping carts.
Develop a detailed social media marketing strategy to promote
our e-commerce brand across various platforms.
Generate a list of tips for improving customer service in an e-
commerce setting.
Craft a guide on how to implement an effective loyalty program
for an e-commerce business.
Advanced ChatGPT Prompts (New List)
S.No. Category Prompt
331 Writing “Hey ChatGPT, act as a professional novelist.
Craft an engaging and creative story suitable
for [target audience]. The story should be set in
a [desired setting], with a total length of [word
count] words. The narrative should be from
a [desired perspective] perspective. Please
make use of [desired stylistic elements] and
develop [number] main characters, each with
their unique personality traits. The plot should
S.No. Category Prompt
follow a traditional structure with a clear
beginning, middle, and end. Ensure a plot twist
occurs at [desired plot point] and the story
concludes with a [desired ending style].”
“Hey ChatGPT, act as a software engineer. Write
a Python script that scrapes data from
a [website URL]. The website is a [type of
website] and I want to gather the [specific data
points]. The program should run on a [desired
332 Coding operating system] and be designed to
run [frequency of execution]. If any errors are
encountered, the script should [desired error
handling]. The scraped data should be saved in
a [desired output format] and stored
at [desired storage location].”
“Hey ChatGPT, act as a marketing expert.
Develop a comprehensive marketing strategy for
a [type of product/service]. The target
audience is [demographic information]. Please
include a mixture of traditional and digital
marketing approaches. The strategy should focus
333 Marketing on [specific marketing channels] and aim to
achieve [desired marketing objectives]. Please
ensure to detail the budget allocation for each
marketing initiative and provide a timeline for
campaign execution. Also, include key
performance indicators (KPIs) to track the
success of each initiative.”
334 Architecture “Hey ChatGPT, act as an architect. Design
a [type of building] for a plot size
of [dimensions of the plot]. The building should
have [number of floors] and include the
following spaces: [list of spaces]. The design
should prioritize [desired architectural
S.No. Category Prompt

concepts] and be environmentally sustainable.

Please include a basic layout for each floor and
detail the materials to be used in construction.
Additionally, provide an estimate of the project
duration and cost.”
“Hey ChatGPT, act as a legal advisor. Draft
a [type of legal document] that covers [topics
to be covered in the document]. This
document should comply with the legal
standards of [geographical jurisdiction] and is
335 Legal
intended to serve the needs of [intended users].
Ensure the language is clear and accessible, yet
legally sound. Include clauses that protect the
rights of [party’s name] and limit their liabilities
in scenarios involving [potential risk areas].”
“Hey ChatGPT, act as a graphic designer. Sketch
a design concept for a [type of graphic] that will
be used for [purpose of the graphic]. The
design should follow a [desired design
Graphic style] and incorporate [color scheme]. Ensure
336 the design communicates the core values
of [entity’s name] and appeals to their target
audience, which is [demographic information].
Please provide a rough layout, detailing the
placement of each design element, and a list of
fonts and imagery to be used.”
337 Teaching “Hey ChatGPT, act as a teacher. Develop a
comprehensive lesson plan for
teaching [topic] to [age/grade level]. The lesson
plan should engage multiple learning styles,
including [desired learning styles], and include
a clear objective, detailed instructions, a list of
required materials, and an assessment method.
The lesson should ideally last [desired
duration] and align with the education standards
S.No. Category Prompt

of [geographical region or education

“Hey ChatGPT, act as a chef. Create a unique
recipe using [specific ingredients]. The recipe
should be suitable for [dietary
restrictions/preferences] and serve [number
338 Cooking of servings]. Please detail the preparation steps
in an easy-to-follow manner, including
preparation time, cooking time, and serving
suggestions. Also, provide tips for storage and
possible ingredient substitutions.”
“Hey ChatGPT, act as an accountant. Prepare a
detailed financial forecast for a [type of
business] in its [business stage]. The forecast
should cover the next [time period], taking into
339 Accounting account current financial status, projected
revenue growth, estimated operating expenses,
and any potential financial risks. Please also
include a break-even analysis and suggestions
for cost-saving measures.”
“Hey ChatGPT, act as a project manager. Draft a
project management plan for a [type of
project]. The plan should include objectives, key
deliverables, project timeline, risk analysis,
Project resource allocation, budget breakdown, and
Management stakeholder communication strategy. Ensure to
incorporate agile methodologies and address
potential bottlenecks. Also, provide a framework
for tracking project progress and handling scope
341 Psychology “Hey ChatGPT, act as a psychologist. Write a
psychological profile for a character
exhibiting [specific behaviors and traits].
Detail their likely background, key personality
traits, possible motivations, and potential
S.No. Category Prompt

reactions to [specific scenarios]. Include

analysis based on [desired psychological
theories or frameworks] and suggestions for
therapeutic interventions, where appropriate.”
“Hey ChatGPT, act as a historian. Draft a
comprehensive analysis of the [specific
historical period or event], detailing its causes,
key figures, significant occurrences, and its long-
342 Historian term effects on [specific geographical area or
societal aspect]. Please compare and
contrast [specific perspectives or
theories] regarding this event and reference
primary and secondary sources where possible.”
“Hey ChatGPT, act as a healthcare professional.
Develop a patient care plan for a patient
with [specific health condition]. Include a
proposed treatment plan, recommended lifestyle
343 Healthcare modifications, potential challenges in
management, and indicators for reassessing the
care plan. Make sure the plan is holistic, patient-
centric, and based on the latest clinical
“Hey ChatGPT, act as a financial advisor. Develop
a comprehensive investment strategy for a client
with [specific financial goals] and a risk
tolerance of [low/medium/high]. The client’s
344 Finance portfolio should be diversified across [desired
asset classes] and align with the principles
of [specific investment strategy]. Provide an
explanation for each recommended investment,
potential risks, and expected returns.”
345 Data Analysis “Hey ChatGPT, act as a data analyst. Propose a
detailed plan for analyzing a dataset
from [specific industry or field] with [number
of variables]. The goal of the analysis is
S.No. Category Prompt

to [specific objective]. Suggest appropriate

statistical methods, potential visualizations, and
how to handle missing or outlier data. Also,
propose methods for validating the results and
possible applications of the insights gained.”
“Hey ChatGPT, act as a journalist. Write a
detailed news article on the topic of [specific
topic] that occurred in [specific
location] on [specific date]. The article should
follow the inverted pyramid structure, starting
with the most crucial details and following with
346 Journalism supporting information and background context.
Please include direct quotes from [specific
individuals or roles] and adhere to AP style
guidelines. The article should be
approximately [desired word count] words long
and suitable for publication in [type of
“Hey ChatGPT, act as an art critic. Analyze the
artwork titled [artwork title] by [artist name].
Please consider the artwork’s historical context,
medium, style, subject matter, and symbolism.
347 Art Critique Compare and contrast this artwork with other
works by the same artist or within the same art
movement. Also, propose possible interpretations
and assess the artwork’s impact on the art
348 Business “Hey ChatGPT, act as a business strategist.
Strategy Propose a comprehensive business strategy for
a [type of business] that aims to [specific
business goal]. Consider the current market
trends, competitor analysis, SWOT analysis, and
unique selling propositions. The strategy should
detail plans for product/service development,
pricing, distribution, and promotion. Also, discuss
potential risks and mitigation strategies,
S.No. Category Prompt
performance metrics, and a timeline for strategy
“Hey ChatGPT, act as a real estate analyst.
Provide a detailed analysis of the real estate
market in [specific location]. The report should
cover current market trends, median property
prices, rental yields, demographic information,
349 Real Estate and future growth predictions. Also, highlight
potential investment opportunities and risks for
both residential and commercial properties. The
analysis should be based on the latest available
data and relevant for a potential investor
considering the location.”
“Hey ChatGPT, act as an HR manager. Draft a
detailed job description for the role of [specific
job title] in a [type of industry] company. The
job description should include job duties,
Human required qualifications and skills, and any specific
Resources software knowledge or certifications needed. It
should also detail the reporting structure,
performance expectations, and company culture.
Please include an equal opportunity statement
and instructions for how to apply.”
“Hey ChatGPT, act as a content marketing
specialist. Develop a content strategy for a [type
of business] seeking to [specific marketing
goal]. The strategy should include content types
Content (e.g., blog posts, whitepapers, social media
Marketing posts), content topics, target audience, content
creation schedule, distribution channels, and SEO
keywords. Also, propose methods for tracking
content performance and engaging the
352 Travel “Hey ChatGPT, act as a travel consultant. Create
Planning a detailed travel itinerary for a [number of
days] trip to [destination]. The trip should
S.No. Category Prompt

include [specific activities or attractions] and

cater to a traveler who prefers [specific travel
style]. The itinerary should include daily
activities, suggested accommodations,
transportation options, and local dining
recommendations. Include tips for navigating
local culture, customs, and any necessary travel
“Hey ChatGPT, act as a PR specialist. Draft a
press release for [specific
company] announcing their [specific news or
event]. The press release should include an
Public engaging headline, a concise summary, quotes
353 from key stakeholders, and relevant company
information. It should also contain contact
information and instructions for further press
inquiries. Please adhere to the traditional press
release format and make it newsworthy for a
wide range of media outlets.”
“Hey ChatGPT, act as an economist. Conduct a
detailed analysis of the economic impact
of [specific event or policy] on [specific
region or industry]. Your analysis should
354 Economics consider both short-term and long-term effects,
and discuss the implications on GDP,
employment, inflation, and trade. Please provide
your assessment using relevant economic
theories and models, and also suggest potential
measures to mitigate any negative impacts.”
355 Product “Hey ChatGPT, act as a product manager.
Management Develop a detailed product roadmap for a
new [type of product] aimed at [target
audience]. The roadmap should detail key
stages of product development, including market
research, prototyping, testing, launch, and post-
launch improvements. It should also consider
S.No. Category Prompt
potential challenges, resource requirements,
stakeholder management, and key performance
indicators for each stage.”
“Hey ChatGPT, act as a startup advisor. Draft a
comprehensive business plan for a startup in
the [specific industry] that aims to [specific
objective]. The plan should include an executive
summary, company description, market analysis,
356 Entrepreneur
organization structure, product line description,
marketing and sales strategy, and financial
projections. Also, identify potential risks and
provide a roadmap for the first [number of
years] of operation.”

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