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In this course you will learn how to make your own sports clothing with very easy-to-
assemble molds, through a step-by-step guide and useful tips that will help you
throughout the manufacturing process.

It is a very good option for those who want to learn something new, for those who want
to take care of their pockets and also for those who want to start a new business.

Next, we are going to start by explaining some basic things to you and clear up any
doubts that may arise along the way.

Sewing machine: A domestic sewing machine will be enough, but if you want to
have a more professional finish we recommend you also have a serger.
Fabric and elastics: We will delve into details later
Nylon thread
normal thread
Measuring tape
Pencil or chalk


Cotton is the most adorable fabric ever because it is so comfortable on your skin.
Although cotton itself is a great fabric, but when combined with other technical fabrics it
becomes an outstanding product. Moisture can be retained by cotton. It is a
breathable, soft and comfortable garment for exercising.


Spandex is another good fabric for sportswear. It is mostly adorable for its stretching
and recovery abilities. Almost all tight clothing is made of spandex. Some users
consider it too tight as they find it difficult to move their body. But if you dry clean it and
iron it several times, it may lose its elasticity.


Polyester is a durable and economical fabric. You can recycle your polyester
garments. It does not absorb additional moisture, so it comes with quick-drying
features. You can use polyester for digital printing because of its ability to pick up
colors easily. Various chemicals are mixed to make polyester.


Nylon is one of the strongest fibers of all time. It is also considered an abrasion
resistant fabric. It comes with quick-drying qualities due to its low moisture absorption
capacity. Nylon is soft, durable and long-lasting, which is ideal for making sportswear.
Nylon cannot absorb dye well.


Fabrics made from bamboo are comfortable, cool and soft. Bamboo is a very
sustainable plant. Pollution can be created in the process if bamboo is transformed into
fabric. Bamboo is durable, resilient and comes with natural moisture-wicking qualities.
Provides warmth in the winter and helps keep you cool in the summer. This luxurious
fabric is more expensive than the others.


Whether going to the gym, going for a run, yoga or any physical activity you do, sports
clothing must fit comfortably enough to fulfill its function. Now there are many models
and colors for all tastes. In any case, here we leave you some considerations to wear
the ideal outfit for your body type.

1. If you have a lot of hips and want to balance a little, you can choose jackets or t-
shirts with many details or stronger colors than your pants. In pants you can wear
straight ones so as not to focus your gaze exactly where you don't want to.
2. If, on the other hand, your shoulders are wider than your hips (inverted triangle) you
can do the opposite of the first tip. Look for colored pants, with details on the pockets
and jackets or T-shirts in darker or neutral colors without much decoration.

3. If you are very skinny and want to hide it, you can choose all the happy colors you
can find.

4. If the width of your shoulders is similar to that of your hips, but you want to hide
your belly, monochromatic sweatshirts and outfits are perfect. And if they have detail
on the bust and colors on the hips even better, this way we achieve the sensation of a
smaller waist.

5. If you are very overweight, don't hide and look for t-shirts or sleeveless tops that are
not too loose. Remember that wearing clothes larger than you need will only create a
silhouette that is much larger than it is. Pants, preferably with straight legs.

These are some tips you can follow, but it's best to try on and keep your workout
clothes separate from the rest of your closet.
The choice of sports clothing can be the difference between a beneficial physical day
and a harmful one. Not using sports clothing that matches the time of year or choosing
inappropriate materials can have a negative impact on our health.
Whether you like running, mountaineering or playing soccer with your friends, never
neglect the use of quality sports clothing.

It is ideal for training with high temperatures and more intense sports such as CrossFit.

There are exercises that make you sweat more than others, and that is why it is
important to know how to choose the right clothing for each type of sport so that the
body stays as dry as possible. For this reason, it is advisable to avoid cotton clothing
because it is a material that does not allow the body to breathe, in addition to getting
wet with sweat and becoming heavier and more annoying. The ideal material is Nylon
or Polyester, which repel sweat and expel moisture away from the body through the

If you are in places with air conditioning or the current temperatures are low, it is
advisable to keep the body at its temperature. The ideal is to play with the layers of
clothing, which can be increased or decreased as the body temperature rises or falls
during exercise.
This is the most important step to get started because each garment is made based on
the measurements you take of your body. For this, you will only need a tape measure.

To make the garments it is necessary that they be according to your size. With each
mold we provide, there is an explanatory guide and also a measurement table.

The measurements are expressed in centimeters and remember that they should not
be too loose or too tight, so that you can feel comfortable.
Hemming is one of the most basic and common ways to finish the hem of a garment
and many of the garments in this course need that finishing. Therefore, we show you 3
techniques to sew a hem so that you can use the one that best suits you.


This first technique may seem the easiest of all since it involves using a presser foot
with a hem guide. This guide is very useful because it shows you the width that you
should fold, so you can make sure that the hem is even along the entire length. But, it
takes some practice to get used to using this guide, so we recommend practicing
before using it.

1. First you must fold the edge of the fabric twice, the width indicated by the guide
you have. Next, place the fabric under the presser foot and sew a couple of
stitches to secure the hem.
2. Insert the hem into the guide and when it is positioned correctly, lower the
presser foot and sew in a straight line


This second technique is very useful if you are a beginner and want the hem to look
perfect without using a hemming guide: it involves hemming in 2 steps, using 2 seams.
1. To begin, you are going to fold the edge of the fabric once and you are going to
sew a straight seam with a long stitch along the entire hem.
2. When you are finished, fold the edge of the fabric once again and sew another
stitch, this time with the normal stitch length.
This last technique is more time-consuming, but you ensure that the hem is

1. Fold and iron the hem to the width you want the hem to be. Then, secure with
pins so that it does not unfold. With the hem perfectly folded you can easily sew
it with a regular presser foot.

As these are sports garments, we recommend using a serger as it gives a much more
professional finish to the garment. But if you don't have one, you can use your flat
machine with nylon thread on the spool and adjust the tension very well so that the
thread doesn't burst when you stretch the fabric. You can also surf

To hem the garments you can use a hemming or coating machine. If you don't have it,
you can make a simple seam along the entire edge, then fold the hem 2cm inwards
and sew 2 seams with your flat machine to simulate the stitch of a hem machine. If you
look at any knitted garment you own, this is the most common finish for hems.
When printing, keep in mind that normally the smallest size patterns can be printed
entirely on a single sheet due to their small size.

For the rest of the sizes, the patterns are divided so that they can be printed on several
sheets that will then have to be joined with adhesive tape or glue.

If you do not have a printer available, you can also trace the patterns with paper and
pencil on the computer screen.


Below, you will find the molds of each garment with its respective size and
explanation. You will see that it is easy to do.

All molds already include seam

Step by Step:
1. Cut the molds in the fabric
2. Join by sewing the sides (right sides to right sides). Surf or overlock
3. Place bias binding on the neck of the garment, stretching it slightly

4. Sew the bias only to form the first strap of the bodice. Join it to one end of
the top and continue sewing this same bias until you reach the other end.
5. Continue sewing only the bias to form the second strap.
6. Cut the straps according to the measurements in the table
7. Sew the straps to the back from the wrong side
pass and a zigzag stitch to reinforce
8. Place bias binding at the bottom of the bodice or a
elastic according to your preference


BUST 82-85 86-89 90-93 Q+-97 88-101 102-107 108-111

BRETEL 33 34 35 36 37 39 VO

*All measurements are expressed in centimeters

To enter the mold click here

Step by Step:
1. Cut the molds on the fabric folded in half
2. Join by sewing one of the shoulders of the back and front (right side to
right side). Surf or overlock

3. Place elastic bias on the neck

4. Sew the other shoulder and seat the elastic bias upwards with a zigzag
5. Place elastic bias binding on the armholes
6. Sew the sides (right sides to right sides). Surf or overlock
7. Sew the elastic at the ends
8. Arrange it as shown in the following image and pin it to the garment.
9. Sew starting from the front of the garment (right side with wrong side of the
elastic) stretching slightly
10. Finally, topstitch the elastic seam with a zigzag stitch, for greater

xxs xs yes M l XL XXL

BUST 82-85 86-89 90-93 Q+-97 88-101 102-107 108-111

ELASTIC 126 130 134+ 138 1+2 1+6 150

*All measurements are expressed in centimeters

To enter the mold click here
Step by Step:
1. Cut 2 pieces of each mold on the fabric
2. For the sides, use a ruler to mark 4cm inwards from the outer seam of the
front and back pieces from the waist to the hem.
3. Since we cut 4cm from the front and back parts, you will have to cut a strip
of fabric
4. 8cm wide transparent for each leg with one end diagonally
5. Cut the same piece of the main fabric of the leggings
6. Attach the clear strip to the shim fabric strip and then sew the seam
allowance in place
7. Then use a stretch stitch again to attach the strips to the front and back
8. Sew the draft curve of the front and back (right sides to right sides)
9. Close the crotch. Surf or overlock
10. make roll
11. For the waist you can: sew one side down and then sew the inside or fold
the fabric in half and sew it to the rest of the garment

To enter the mold click here

Step by Step:

Internal short:
1. Cut the molds in fabric
2. Locate both rear and front (right to right). Sew the draft curve. Surf or
3. Sew the pocket mouth. Surf or redo and roll
4. Place the pocket on the right side piece and sew along all the edges,
except the pocket opening.
5. Then, place the right side over the right rear (right to right). Sew both
6. Sew the other side of the right side to the back
right, just like in the previous step
7. Sew the left side and crotch of the
short (right with right)
8. make a roll

External short:
1. Cut the molds in fabric
2. Locate both rear and front (right to right). Sew the draft curve. Surf or
3. Place the back part on the front part (right side to right side). Sew both
pieces on the sides
4. Sew the crotch
5. make roll

1. introduce the internal short insideof the external short,
aligning the seams of the inseams and sides
2. Pin andsew heEdge of the waist
to join both pieces
3. Take an elastic 5 to 7cm wide and sew its ends. Surf or overlock

4. Place the elastic at the waist of the shorts (right side to right side)
5. Pin and sew, stretching the elastic slightly. Surf or overlock


WAIST 62-65 66-69 70-73 71-77 78-81 82-87 88-31
HIP 86-89 90-93 Q+-97 38-101 102-105 106-111 112-115

ELASTIC 65 66 70 7+ 78 82 88

*All measurements are expressed in centimeters

To enter the mold click here

Step by Step:
1. Cut the molds in the fabric
2. Join by sewing the shoulders of the back and front. Surf or overlock
3. Place elastic bias binding on the armholes

4. Roll the bottom of the garment

5. Join by sewing the sides (right sides to right sides).
Surf or overlock
6. Do hem at the bottom of the
sides to form the opening or cut
7. Fold the neckline inwards 7mm and pass a
straight seam all around the edge

See mold

xxs xs yes M l XL XXL

WAIST 62-65 66-69 70-73 71-77 78-81 82-87 88-81

HIP 86-89 90-93 Q+-97 88-101 102-105 106-111 112-115

BUST 82-85 86-89 80-83 8^-87 88-101 102-107 108-111

*All measurements are expressed in centimeters

To enter the mold click here

Step by Step:
1. Cut the molds on the fabric
2. Sew the shoulder of the back and front. Surf or Remesh
3. Open the garment and sew the sleeve, aligning the center of the
sleeve with the shoulder seam (right side to right side)

4. Close the sleeve and side of the top

5. Roll the end of the sleeve
6. Place elastic bias binding on the neckline
7. Close the other side of the top. Surf or overlock
8. Take an elastic approximately 2cm wide and sew the ends.
9. Align and pin the elastic to the bottom of the top
10. Sew, stretching slightly
11. Turn the garment right side out and pass a second seam over the elastic

xxs xs yes M l XL XXL

BUST 82-85 86-89 90-93 Q+-97 88-101 102-107 108-111

*All measurements are expressed in centimeters

To enter the mold click here

Step by Step:
11. Cut 2 pieces of each mold on the fabric
12. Sew the shooting curve of the front part and
rear (right with right)
13. Place the front over the back
(right side to right side) and close the sides of the shorts. Surf or overlock

14. Close the crotch. Surf or overlock

15. make roll
16. Take an elastic and sew the ends
17. Insert the elastic into the waistband of the shorts, with the wrong side of
the garment facing outwards. Secure the elastic with pins
18. Sew along the entire edge of the waist
19. Fold the elastic inwards, so that it is hidden under the fabric and pass
another seam

xxs xs yes M l XL XXL

WAIST 62-65 66-69 70-73 71-77 78-81 82-87 88-31

HIP 86-89 90-93 Q+-97 38-101 102-105 106-111 112-115

ELASTIC 56 60 64+ 68 72 76 80

*All measurements are expressed in centimeters

To enter the mold click here



We want to add value to your purchase, that's why we're giving you an extra
mold of a fanny pack... It's very cute and useful!

Step by Step:
1. Cut the mold in the fabric
2. Cut the zipper opening
3. Sew the closure (20cm long) into the opening
4. Pass the seam from the right side for a better finish

For the internal pocket:

5. Fold the edges inward with the help of an iron and sew the pocket
6. Place the pocket on the wrong side of the fanny pack, on the side without
the zipper, and sew the edges with a straight stitch.

7. Take a 3cm wide elastic for the length you want and sew each end to the
sides of the fanny pack.
8. With the zipper open, fold the fanny pack in half (right sides) and sew all
the way around 1cm from the edge.

To enter the mold click here

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