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Experiencias y

enseñanzas de
aprendizaje inclusivo
en el aula
¿Cómo debe ser un aula
Valores inclusivos

Igualdad Diversidad
Darle valor por igual a todos Trato justo acorde a sus

Participación Comunidad
Implica la acción o actividad Las relaciones y afecto con los
del aula que sea participativa demás para nuestro bienestar.
y además de ser un objetivo de
¿Cómo debe ser la
práctica docente?
Debe centrar en la personalización de la enseñanza,
el fomento de la autonomía, y el conocimiento de la
«ecología del aprendizaje» del alumnado (Coll,
2013a) .

A través de la personalización de la enseñanza se

pretende adecuar lo que se en- seña y el modo en
que se hace a las características personales del
alumnado, creando las con- diciones que capaciten
su accesibilidad cognitiva y fomentando sus
competencias al máximo de sus posibilidades
Table of contents

01 Introduction
You can describe the topic
02 Presentation
You can describe the topic
of the section here of the section here

03 Analysis
You can describe the topic
04 Our numbers
You can describe the topic
of the section here of the section here

05 Our team
You can describe the topic
06 Conclusion
You can describe the topic
of the section here of the section here
Crear un clima de aula que favorezca que todo el alumnado, independientemente de sus condiciones
personales, sociales, culturales y económicas, entre otras, se sienta que pertenece, que participa, que
aprende y logra los máximos avances académicos según sus potencialidades (Montero et al ., 2017) .

Estas aulas se caracterizan, además, por sobrepasar los muros de la escuela, abriéndose a la
comunidad, a su entorno, propiciando espacios y momentos de encuentro y comunicación con otras
personas del vecindario, de organizaciones de la zona, y otros agentes educativos externos (Echeita et
al ., 2016) .

Son aulas que se caracterizan porque acogen a la diversidad, fomentando en cada estudiante el
sentimiento de comunidad y de pertenencia a su grupo.
Organización y metodologías!

La organización del aula cuyo eje es la diversidad proporciona

oportunidades para que cada niña y niño disfruten de un aprendizaje
ajustado a sus capacidades, inteligencias múltiples e intereses personales a
través de propuestas metodológicas diversas, y de un sistema de evaluación
que valore y tenga en consideración las diferencias individuales .

Variedad de opciones sobre qué y cómo aprender, de materiales y medios

de formas de expresión y de oportunidades para comunicar lo aprendido .

Diversidad de formas de organización del espacio dentro del aula (por

ejemplo, mediante talleres y rincones) y del tiempo y ritmo de aprendizaje
(más a quien más lo necesita) .

Riqueza de estímulos y de espacios coordinados de aprendizaje .

You can enter a subtitle
here if you need it
Maybe you need to
divide the content

Mercury Venus
Mercury is the closest planet to the Venus has a beautiful name, is the
Sun and the smallest one in the second planet from the Sun and its
Solar System—it’s only a bit larger atmosphere is extremely poisonous
than the Moon
Maybe you need to divide the content

Mercury Saturn
Mercury is the closest Saturn is the only planet
planet to the Sun with rings

Venus Mars
Venus has a beautiful Despite being red, Mars is
name, but it’s hot a cold place
You can use three
columns, why not? It’s the biggest planet in the
Solar System and the
fourth-brightest object in
the sky

Mars Saturn
Mars is a cold place. It’s full Saturn is a gas giant and the
of iron oxide dust, which only planet with rings. It’s
gives the planet its reddish composed of hydrogen and
cast helium
You can use five columns, why not?

Mercury Saturn Neptune

Mercury is the closest Saturn is the only planet Neptune is very far from
planet to the Sun with rings the Sun

Mars Venus
Despite being red, Mars Venus has a beautiful
is a cold place name, but it’s hot
You can use three columns, why not?
Despite being red, Mars is
a cold place

Saturn is the only planet
with rings

Mercury is the closest
planet to the Sun
A picture always
the concept
Images reveal large
amounts of data, so
remember: use an image
instead of long texts
A picture always
reinforces the concept
Images reveal large amounts
of data, so remember: use an
image instead of long texts
e key
are gre words
catchin t for

E WORDS audien g your

ce’s att
Key words are great for catching your
audience’s attention
Key words are great for catching your
audience’s attention
This is a graph
Mercur Saturn
Mercury is the
24% Saturn is the only
closest planet to the 38% planet
Sun with rings

Neptune Venus
Neptune is the Venus has a
farthest planet from beautiful name, but
the Sun it’s hot

Follow the link in the graph to modify its data and then paste the new one here. For more info, click here
This is a graph

30% Venus 50%

Venus has a Mercury
Mercury is the
beautiful name, but closest planet to the
it’s hot Sun

10% Mars 10%

Despite being red, Saturn
Saturn is the only
Follow the link in the graph to modify its data and then paste
Mars is a cold place planet
the new one here. For more info, click here with rings
Here you have
four ideas

Mercury Venus
Mercury is the closest Venus has a beautiful name,
planet to the Sun but it’s hot

Mars Saturn
Despite being red, Mars is a Saturn is the only planet
cold place with rings
You can use two columns

Mars is a cold place. It’s full of iron
oxide dust, which gives the planet
its reddish cast

It’s the biggest planet in the Solar
System and the fourth-brightest
How about the percentages?

30% 15
Mercury is the %
Despite being red,
closest planet to the Mars is a cold place

22% 45%
Saturn is a gas Venus has a
giant and the planet beautiful name, but
with rings it’s hot
How about the percentages?

30% 70%
Mercury is the closest Despite being red,
planet to the Sun Mars is a cold place
This is a graph
Despite being red,
Mars is a cold place

Venus Saturn
Venus has a Saturn is the only
beautiful name, but planet with rings.
it’s hot It’s made of gas
Follow the link in the graph to modify its data and then paste the
new one here. For more info, click here
This is a graph
26% Mars 24%
Mercury is the Despite being red,
closest planet to the Mars is a very cold
Sun place

38% Venus Saturn

Venus has a beautiful 12%
Saturn is the only
name, but it’s hot planet with rings. It’s
Mercur Mars Venus Saturn made of gas
Follow the link in the graph to modify its data and then paste the new one here. For more info, click here
Reviewing concepts is usually a good idea

Mercury Venus Mars

Mercury is the closest Venus has a beautiful name, Despite being red, Mars is a
planet to the Sun but it’s hot cold place

Neptune Saturn Earth

Neptune is the farthest Saturn is the only planet The Earth it's the third
planet from the Sun with rings planet from the Sun
Reviewing concepts is usually a good idea

Mercury Saturn
Mercury is the closest Saturn is the only planet
planet to the Sun with rings

Neptune Venus Mars

Neptune is very far from Venus has a beautiful Despite being red, Mars
the Sun name, but it’s hot is a cold place
Infographics make your idea

Infographics make your idea understandable…


Saturn Venus Mercur

Only Saturn Venus has a y is the
has rings beautiful name smallest planet
… and tables do the same!

Mass Diameter Surface gravity

(Earths) (Earths) (Earths)

Mercury 0.06 0.38 0.38

Mars 0.11 0.53 0.38

Saturn 95.2 9.4 1.16

Students notes

Math English Arts Chemistry

Jack Bright 10 7 6 10

8 9 10 7

Burt Light 9 8 7 10

Carmen Blue 7 10 8 6
This is a map

Venus has a beautiful
name, but it’s terribly
This is a map

Mercury Mars
Mercury is the Despite being red,
closest planet Mars is cold

Saturn Venus
Saturn is the planet Venus has a
with rings beautiful name
A timeline always works well

Mercury is the Venus has a Despite being red,

closest planet to the beautiful name, but Mars is a cold place
Sun it’s hot
2017 2019

2016 2018 2020

Jupiter is the Saturn is the only
biggest planet of planet with rings.
them all It’s made of gas
A timeline always works well

2020 2021 2022 2023

Jupiter is the Saturn is the only Mercury is the Venus has a

biggest planet of planet with rings. closest planet to the beautiful name, but
them all It’s made of gas Sun it’s hot
Big numbers catch your audience’s
Big numbers catch your audience’s attention
Big numbers catch your audience’s attention
Earths is the Sun’s mass

24h 37m 23s 386,000 km

is Jupiter’s rotation period between Earth and the Moon
475,125 871,365
Mercury is the closest Venus has a beautiful
planet to the Sun name, but it’s hot

984,263 174,96+
Jupiter is the biggest Saturn is the only planet
planet of them all with rings
Reinforce the concept using infographics!

04 MARS 01
Mars is a
cold place

Venus is terribly Jupiter is the
hot biggest planet
harbors life
03 02
Reinforce the concept using

Mercury Mars
Mercury is the Despite being red,
smallest planet Mars is cold

Saturn Venus
Saturn is the only Venus has a
planet with rings beautiful name
Our services

Basic Pro Premium

$35 $60 $85

You can explain You can explain You can explain

your product or your your product or your your product or your
service service service

Characteristic Characteristic Characteristic

Characteristic Characteristic Characteristic
Our services

Free Basic Pro Premium

You can explain You can explain You can explain You can explain
here your product here your product here your product here your product
or your service or your service or your service or your service

● Characteristic ● Characteristic ● Characteristic ● Characteristic

● Characteristic ● Characteristic ● Characteristic ● Characteristic
● Characteristic ● Characteristic ● Characteristic ● Characteristic

$0 $35 $50 $100

Online education process

01 02 03
Saturn Venus Mercur
Saturn is the only Venus has a y is the
planet with rings beautiful name smallest planet
You can replace the
image on the screen with
your own work. Delete
this one, add yours and
center it
You can replace the
image on the screen
with your own work.
Just delete this one, add
yours and center it
You can replace the
image on the screen with
your own work. Just
delete this one, add yours
and center it properly
You can replace the
image on the screen
with your own work.
Just delete this one, add
yours and center it
Our team

Helena Patterson
You can replace the star on
the screen with a picture of
John Doe this person Ann Smith
You can replace the star on You can replace the star on
the screen with a picture of the screen with a picture of
this person this person
Our team

Sarah Clear Jonathan Blue

You can replace the star on You can replace the star on
the screen with a picture of the screen with a picture of
this person this person
Do you have any questions?

[email protected]
+91 620 421 838

CREDITS: This presentation template was created by Slidesgo,

including icons by Flaticon and infographics & images by Freepik

Please keep this slide for attribution

Learning icon pack
Alternative resources
Alternative infographic elements
Alternative resources
Alternative resources
● Hand drawn back to school background (I)
● Flat back to school background
● Hand drawn back to school background (II)
● Hand drawn back to school
● Doodle blogging concept
● Background welcome to school
● Hand drawn bullet journal elements (I)
● Hand drawn infographic element
● Hand drawn bullet journal elements (II)
● Hand drawn bullet journal elements (III)
● Hand drawn design back to school concept (III)
Alternative resources
● Close up on still life of hard exams (I)
● Close up on still life of hard exams (II)
● Close up people in class
● Close up man taking notes
● Close up man sitting in class
● Close up woman raising hand
● Medium shot people studying
● Medium shot smiley girls at school
● Hand drawn notebook with pencils and material
● Travel pattern with elements and dash lines
● Hand drawn arrow collection
● Assortment of arrows highlighter
● Cartoon math elements background
● Planning elements sample
● Collection of colored notes with adhesive tap
● Online learning background with variety of hand-drawn items
● Background of mobile phone with hand-drawn items
● Hand drawn timeline infographic template
● Hand drawn template timeline infographic

● Top view of graphic designer working with graphic tablet and laptop
● Flat lay of back to school concept with copy space
● Hand drawn back to school background
● Back to school background
● Hand drawn back to school background
● Bullet journal elements in pastel colours
● Portrait of college girl in front of her mates
● Portrait of college student holding some books
● Close up woman reading book
● Young students during group study researching together
● Smiling teens at desk
● Arrangement of education day elements with blackboard
● Messy arrangement of stationery
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Task 1

Task 2


Task 1

Task 2



Task 1

Task 2
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