Disclosure Division
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School Board Disclosure:

School Board Disclosure (form 403) due by September 15, 2024

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Message from the Disclosure Division

Acceptable Electronic Signature

Effective December 3, 2021, the Louisiana Board of Ethics implemented the Acceptance of Electronic Signature Policy. The agency continues to accept statements signed by hand, but now accepts digital/electronic signatures (e-Signature). An e-Signature is a graphic image of a signature using secure software (e.g., DocuSign, HelloSign, Adobe Sign, etc.) that confirms your identity. The applications must display either a date/time stamp or verification message/number indicating which digital/electronic software was used.

(covering calendar year 2023)

All Tier 1, Tier 2, Tier 2.1, and Tier 3 ANNUAL Personal Financial Disclosure Statements and Public Servant Financial Disclosure Statements were DUE BY MAY 15, 2024. Reports can be submitted by: PFD E-File, File Upload, Fax, Mail, or Hand Delivered

When transmitting your disclosure statement, please keep any confirmation sheets showing that your transmittal was successful. Statements should be added to the Disclosure Search website within two weeks of receipt.
View Reports : View and Search for disclosure reports.
Reporting Tiers for Elected Offices : Search for the Tier reporting level for elected offices in Louisiana.
Disclosure Forms : Find information on the requirements for filing disclosure reports and download the disclosure forms needed to file.
FAQs : Frequently Asked Questions (and their Answers) about Filing Tier Personal Financial Disclosure Forms.
Applicable Laws : Laws pertaining to disclosures.
View Failure to File List : View list of persons who have failed to file, or failed to timely file or who have failed to provide omitted information or failed to provide accurate information related to personal financial disclosure statements as required by LA. R.S. 42:1124.
View Outstanding Fines : View list of persons who have failed to pay late fees related to Personal Financial Disclosure Statements filed in accordance with LA. R.S. 42:1124.
Fines Payment Center : Online payment center for paying disclosures fines and late fees.
File Upload : This upload page is intended to be used for submitting disclosure forms to the Ethics Administration's Disclosure Division.
PFD E-File : The PFD E-Filing System is intended for the purposes of creating and electronically filing Personal Financial Disclosure Tier reports.