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Um Produkthighlights, spannende Stories, Informationen über Aktivismus, Veranstaltungen und mehr zu erhalten.


Ken Etzel
Oak Flat Is No Sacrifice Zone
Oak Flat Is No Sacrifice Zone
Oak Flat Is No Sacrifice Zone
Len Necefer

As we make a transition to renewable sources of energy, let’s not renew the same old mistakes.

10 Min. Lesezeit
The Wall as a Mirror
The Wall as a Mirror
The Wall as a Mirror
Sean Villanueva O’Driscoll

Giving failure a chance in Greenland.

7 Min. Lesezeit
Alpine Suit
Alpine Suit
Alpine Suit
MaiLee Hung

The making of a mountain-ready one-piece.

5 Min. Lesezeit
What's a Climbing Road Trip Without a Car?
What's a Climbing Road Trip Without a Car?
What's a Climbing Road Trip Without a Car?
narinda heng

Taking California public transit from Oakland to Yosemite National Park, narinda heng wonders: What’s a climbing trip without a car?

7 Min. Lesezeit
What the Hands Do
What the Hands Do
What the Hands Do

Wie können wir mit Klettern die Welt so gestalten, wie wir sie uns wünschen?

Josh Wharton

Hard alpinism in the Cordillera Huayhuash endures as the climate changes the routes.

4 Min. Lesezeit

Diese Frauen waren gezwungen, aus ihrer Heimat in Afghanistan zu fliehen. Jetzt hilft ihnen die Kletter-Community beim Aufbau einer neuen Heimat.

Afarin! Good Job!
Afarin! Good Job!
Afarin! Good Job!
Lauren DeLaunay Miller

For these Afghan women, climbing in Yosemite is a connection to home.

14 Min. Lesezeit
Remembering Allen Steck
Remembering Allen Steck
Remembering Allen Steck

A life full of great climbs with friends.

8 Min. Lesezeit
Legacy on the Muir
Legacy on the Muir
Legacy on the Muir
Max Buschini

TM Herbert helped put up the first ascent of the Muir Wall in 1965. His son followed in his footsteps 55 years later.

2 Min. Lesezeit
The Charpoua Way
The Charpoua Way
The Charpoua Way
Floran Tomei

Eine Familie gibt das Tempo vor, auf einer historischen Hütte in der Nähe von Chamonix, Frankreich.

5 Min. Lesezeit
The Scale of Hope
The Scale of Hope
The Scale of Hope

Molly Kawahata über Klima, Klettern und den Kampf für einen Systemwandel.

El Maestro
El Maestro
El Maestro
Sofía Arredondo

Eine Ode an Raúl Revilla Quiroz, einen der Väter des mexikanischen Kletterns.

11 Min. Lesezeit
Smith Rock Is Animal Village
Smith Rock Is Animal Village
Smith Rock Is Animal Village
Len Necefer & Tara Kerzhner

Elder Wilson Wewa tells the creation story of Animal Village. Tara Kerzhner and Len Necefer consider how these stories can reshape stewardship.

15 Min. Lesezeit
Episode 2: A Climate of Optimism
Episode 2: A Climate of Optimism
Episode 2: A Climate of Optimism

Patagonia and Pop-Up Magazine Productions present a series about knowledge.

Queering Climb Mentorship
Queering Climb Mentorship
Queering Climb Mentorship
Lor Sabourin & Madaleine Sorkin

A conversation between Lor Sabourin and Madaleine Sorkin.

13 Min. Lesezeit
Chasing Charlie
Chasing Charlie
Chasing Charlie
Kennan Harvey

Charlie Fowler was a world-class alpinist; what did he find out in Colorado’s Wild, Wild West climbing area that kept him coming back?

8 Min. Lesezeit
Too Far, Too High
Too Far, Too High
Too Far, Too High
Tad McCrea

On an intergenerational new routing trip in the Sierra, Tad McCrea asks, what if your best adventure is the one you’re already on?

7 Min. Lesezeit
A Partial Ascent of Mantok 0
A Partial Ascent of Mantok 0
A Partial Ascent of Mantok 0
Jack Cramer

Lessons from a close one in Alaska.

9 Min. Lesezeit
Bring Back Clean Climbing
Bring Back Clean Climbing
Bring Back Clean Climbing
MaiLee Hung

Fifty years ago, Yvon Chouinard, Tom Frost and Doug Robinson set down an ethic for climbing that emphasized restraint and respect for the rock. In 2022, it’s needed more than ever.

10 Min. Lesezeit
Life Lived Wild
Life Lived Wild
Life Lived Wild
Rick Ridgeway

Rolling Stone called him “the real Indiana Jones.” His new memoir reveals why our friend Rick was always a great deal more.

5 Min. Lesezeit

Begleite Lor Sabourin in den Sandsteinschluchten des nördlichen Arizonas dabei, wie they die fünf schwierigsten Kletterpassagen in their Kletterkarriere bewältigt und eine Kletter-Community aufbaut, in der alle ihr authentisches Selbst ausleben können.

Raising Kuba
Raising Kuba
Raising Kuba
Lauren Evans

Cydney Knapp and her husband, Bartek, knew they wanted to raise their kids to love the outdoors, so they learned how to navigate change and embraced the chaos.

4 Min. Lesezeit
Love Scaled Up
Love Scaled Up
Love Scaled Up
Lor Sabourin

Behind the film They/Them.

10 Min. Lesezeit
Higher Ground
Higher Ground
Higher Ground
Austin Siadak & Richelle Kimble

Discovering that climbing is for them.

6 Min. Lesezeit
Tread Lightly
Tread Lightly
Tread Lightly
Emmeline Wang

Finding the intersection of identity, stewardship and rock climbing.

6 Min. Lesezeit
Doing the Work
Doing the Work
Doing the Work
Josh Wharton

Not totally relating to some forms of climate activism, Josh Wharton found his own way to contribute.

5 Min. Lesezeit
Girl Crush
Girl Crush
Girl Crush
Natasha Woodworth

On designing our women’s climbing pants.

4 Min. Lesezeit
The Lure of the Unclimbed
The Lure of the Unclimbed
The Lure of the Unclimbed
Anne Gilbert Chase

Reflecting on risk and partnership in Pakistan.

5 Min. Lesezeit
Freedom of the Hills
Freedom of the Hills
Freedom of the Hills
Matthew Tufts

Recreation in the Alabama Hills is surging at an unsustainable pace. But some people are working to ensure that it doesn’t get loved to death.

17 Min. Lesezeit
Whitmore’s Legacy
Whitmore’s Legacy
Whitmore’s Legacy
John Long

Remembering the climber and conservationist.

6 Min. Lesezeit
Colin Haley’s Clothing System for Alpine Climbing in the Chaltén Massif
Colin Haley’s Clothing System for Alpine Climbing in the Chaltén Massif
Colin Haley’s Clothing System for Alpine Climbing in the Chaltén Massif
Colin Haley

6,000 words about dressing for alpine climbing you didn’t know you needed to know.

23 Min. Lesezeit
Sendero Luminoso
Sendero Luminoso
Sendero Luminoso
Josh Wharton

Back to the Wind River Range.

5 Min. Lesezeit
Calculating Risk
Calculating Risk
Calculating Risk
Mikey Schaefer

Reflecting on a lifetime of climbing, and the risks and rewards that come with it.

7 Min. Lesezeit
Rotpunkt: Bibliographie
Rotpunkt: Bibliographie
Rotpunkt: Bibliographie

Alex Megos setzt eine neue Grenze.

New Routing (and Photogenic Wildlife) in Kenya
New Routing (and Photogenic Wildlife) in Kenya
New Routing (and Photogenic Wildlife) in Kenya
Eric Bissell

Eric Bissell captured his first published image with Patagonia on a climbing trip to establish a new route on Mount Ololokwe.

7 Min. Lesezeit
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