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Paulias Matane

Wikipedia, Entziklopedia askea
Paulias Matane

8. Governor-General of Papua New Guinea (en) Itzuli

2004ko ekainaren 29a - 2010eko abenduaren 13a
Jeffrey Nape (en) Itzuli - Jeffrey Nape (en) Itzuli
Papua New Guinean Ambassador to the United States (en) Itzuli

1975 - 1976
JaiotzaEkialdeko Britainia Berria1931ko irailaren 21a
Herrialdea Papua Ginea Berria
Heriotza2021eko abenduaren 12a (90 urte)
Jarduerakdiplomazialaria eta politikaria
Jasotako sariak

Sir Paulias Nguna Matane (Ekialdeko Britainia Berria, 1931ko irailaren 21a - ibidem, 2021eko abenduaren 12a) papuagineaberriar kazetari, idazle, diplomazialari eta politikaria izan zen. Papua Ginea Berriko 8. gobernadore orokorra izan zen 2004tik 2010era.

Irakasleak prestatzeko eskoletan ikasi zuen eta eskoletako ikuskatzaile teknikoa izan zen. Bere herrialdeko enbaxadore ere izan zen Nazio Batuetan. Gobernadore orokorra izan zen 2004tik 2010era.

  • Kum Tumun of Minj, Melbourne: Oxford University Press, 1966 (Stories of Our People).
  • What Good is Business? Here are Some Answers, Madang: Kristen Pres [1972].
  • Aimbe, the Challenger, Port Moresy: Niugini Press, 1974.
  • Aimbe, the School Drop-out, Rabaul: Toksave na Buk Dipatmen, United Church, New Guinea Islands Region, 1977.
  • Aimbe, the Magician, New York: Vantage Press, 1978.
  • Aimbe, the Pastor: A Novel, Hicksville, New York: Exposition Press, 1979.
  • Two Papua New Guineans Discover the Bible Lands, Rabaul: Trinity Press, 1987.
  • To Serve With Love, Mount Waverley, Victoria: Dellasta Pacific, 1992.
  • Let's Do It PNG! Inspirational Messages, Mount Waverley, Victoria: Dellasta Pacific, 1994.
  • Trekking Through the New Worlds, New Delhi: UBS Publishers' Distributors Ltd., 1995.
  • My Childhood in New Guinea, Melbourne: Oxford University Press, 1996.
  • 40th Anniversary: Amazing Discoveries in 40 Years of Marriage, Port Moresby: Sir Paulias Matane, 1996.
  • Chit-Chat, South Melbourne: Addison Wesley Longman, 1996.
  • Pawa na pipel! People and Power in Papua New Guinea, Woollahra, N.S.W.: Aid/Watch, [1996].
  • Laughter Made in PNG, New Delhi: UBSPD, 1997.
  • Voyage to Antarctica, New Delhi: UBSPD, 1997.
  • The Other Side of Port Moresby in pictures, New Delhi: UBSPD, 1998.
  • A Trip of a Lifetime, Boroko: Sir Paulias Matane, 1998.
  • Management Problems in PNG: Some Solutions, New Delhi: UBSPD, 2000.
  • Management for Excellence, New Delhi: UBSPD, 2001.
  • Ripples in the South Pacific Ocean, New Delhi: CBS Publishers & Distributors, 2003.
  • Time Traveller: A Journey Through the Heart of Papua New Guinea, Port Moresby: Cassowary Books, 2005.
  • Papua New Guinea: Land of Natural Beauty and Cultural Diversity, New Delhi: CBS Publishers & Distributors, 2005.
  • Laughter: Its Concept and Papua New Guineans, New Delhi: CBS, 2007.
  • Understanding Papua New Guinea, New Delhi: Scientific International, 2013. Joint author: M. L. Ahuja.
  • Books for National Development, New Delhi: MEDTEC, an imprint of Scientific International Pvt. Ltd., [2013]. Joint author: M. L. Ahuja.
  • Christianity: Faith and Holy Days, New Delhi: MEDTEC, an imprint of Scientific International Pvt. Ltd., 2014. Joint author: M. L. Ahuja.

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