'Rock Star': Burning Question

The story behind Jennifer Aniston's piercing scene in the new Mark Wahlberg rocker flick.

Q. In Rock Star, Jennifer Aniston pierces Mark Wahlberg’s nipple with ice and an alcohol-laced needle. How dumb is that?

A. Oh, the needle and the damage done. Dr. Janet Keating of Duke University Health Services says home piercing is unsafe—there’s no way to sufficiently sterilize the equipment—and could lead to scarring and infection. ”Heating a needle up with a match is not good enough,” she warns. Experts also scoff at piercing kits available online. ”They’re sold by someone who doesn’t care about safety,” says Jason Malec of piercing site tribalectic.com. Keating adds that even pros should be grilled about their methods. ”If they’re not willing to answer questions, look elsewhere.” Ouch.

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