Levi Johnston's tell-all about 'life in Sarah Palin's crosshairs' will be published this fall

If it's Monday, it must be time to announce the imminent release of another Sarah Palin tell-all. Touchstone revealed today that Levi Johnston, the Playgirl model/Wasilla mayoral wannabe best known for fathering Bristol Palin's son Tripp, is writing a book about his experience with the Palin family. The publisher is describing Johnston's tome — Deer in the Headlights: My Life in Sarah Palin's Crosshairs — as "a fascinating tale of a misunderstood boy figuring out how to be a man and a father after being thrust into the spotlight and subsequent media circus at a very young and vulnerable age." All we know for sure is that the Lifetime movie adaptation of it is going to be fantastic.

Read more:

Levi Johnston regrets apologizing to Sarah Palin… and never lies. Expect that once.

Sarah Palin tell-all to be released May 24

Former Sarah Palin adviser plans tell-all

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