Cruel & unusual purr-nishment

Attention, animal lovers: Hollywood has been particularly cruel to our feline friends lately. We decided it was time to let the cat out of the bag

The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo, 2011
Blomkvist’s four-legged sidekick gets brutally dismembered as a warning.

Straw Dogs, 2011
Thugs hang a kitty corpse as a taunt, then graduate to arson.

The Roommate, 2011
As an unhinged stalker, Leighton Meester tosses Minka Kelly’s cat into a clothes dryer.

The Book of Eli, 2010
A postapocalyptic feral feline meets its end at the tip of Denzel Washington’s arrow.

The Last Exorcism, 2010
Perhaps the demon inside the girl who beats a barn cat is really an evil dog?

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