Vanity Fair's 2012 Hollywood Issue cover girls

Katniss’ prep team is going to have a lot to live up to after this. The Hunger Games star Jennifer Lawrence, embodying an old-school Hollywood look, is just one of the 11 actresses to go very va-va-voom for Vanity Fair (alliteration is fun!) and its 2012 Hollywood issue. Also gracing the cover alongside Lawrence is Albert Nobbs actress Mia Wasikowska making her second appearance, the ubiquitous and unreasonably beautiful Best Supporting Actress nominee Jessica Chastain, and Best Actress nominee Rooney Mara, who undergoes quite the transformation from the sexy-grungy Girl With the Dragon Tattoo to a nearly unrecognizable hybrid of Isabella Rossellini and Judy Davis’ character in The Break-Up.

The other female stars featured in the issue (which has Q&A’s with Lawrence, Wasikowska, Chastain, and Mara) include 2011 breakout stars Martha Marcy May Marlene‘s Elizabeth Olsen, Abduction‘s Lily Collins, The Descendants‘ Shailene Woodley, Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol‘s Paula Patton, Like Crazy‘s Felicity Jones, Pariah‘s Adepero Oduye, and Another Earth‘s Brit Marling.

Of course, there’s one element of the “20s and 30s boudoir feel” that isn’t sitting pretty with everyone. As Jezebel noted, VF once again placed their few women of color (here Patton and Oduye) on the inside of the foldout cover (something, as the site points out, they’ve done in years past). A sign of things in Hollywood or a misstep from VF? Only time will tell.

What do you think of the Vanity Fair cover, PopWatchers? Is there someone they missed? Do you agree with Jezebel’s argument? Share in the comments section below.

Read more:

‘Vanity Fair’ cover girls: Which one will still be It in 10 years?

Vanity Fair’s ‘Best-Dressed’: More proof that Kate Middleton wins at everything

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