'Bernie': Jack Black talks about his 'lovable killer' character at AFI Fest -- VIDEO

As the annual AFI Fest comes to a close, one of its final events put a spotlight on Jack Black and his recent dark comedy, Bernie, which reunited him with School of Rock director Richard Linklater.

On Wednesday, EW teamed up with AFI Fest to present a conversation with Black about Bernie, where he talked about why the role of “a lovable killer” appealed to him, recalled his first acting gig in a commercial for Atari game Pitfall and gave a shout out to Dexter. Check out part of the discussion with Black and EW’s Anthony Breznican in the video below.

Bernie, which had a limited run this spring and is now out on DVD, also stars Shirley MacLaine and Matthew McConaughey.

Read more:

EW’s ‘Bernie’ review

‘Bernie’ poster: Jack Black as a beloved accused murderer in a true-life tale

‘Lincoln’ world premiere to close AFI Fest

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