Exclusive Pixar 'Inside Out' clip reveals how childhood memories mold personality

Photo: Disney

So how exactly are our personalities formed? With childhood memories, of course, as revealed in a new exclusive clip from Pixar’s upcoming feature film, Inside Out.

In the clip, Joy (Amy Poehler) introduces audiences to some of the memories that live inside 11-year-old Riley’s mind. Thanks to Joy, Riley’s core memories are mostly happy—like the time she scored her first hockey goal during a game with her dad. Stored in glowing orbs of light, her memories fuel different aspects of happy-go-lucky Riley’s personality and correspond to colorful amusement park-like islands that exist in her mind. “Goofball Island is my personal favorite,” says Joy, as she flashes back to some bare-bottomed goofball fun.

Directed by Peter Docter (Up), Inside Out tells the story of what really happens inside a pre-pubescent girl’s head when a cross-country move with her family from Minnesota to San Francisco makes her emotions go haywire. As alpha emotion Joy, Poehler heads up a comedic group of characters voiced by Mindy Kaling (Disgust), Bill Hader (Fear), Lewis Black (Anger) and The Office‘s Phyllis Smith (Sadness).

Inside Out opens in theaters nationwide June 19.


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