Teen Wolf: Tyler Posey previews Scott's darkest season yet

Photo: MTV

From the looks of Teen Wolf season 5, things are about to get dark, mostly thanks to the introduction of The Doctors, this year’s new villain—or rather, group of villains. But for star Tyler Posey, there’s a better word to describe this season than “dark.”

“I feel like [this season] is the goriest,” Posey said. “It’s really gross, and I guess that gives it a dark tone. It’s definitely dark, but it’s just gory.”

However, the tone of this season isn’t just about gore. With everyone—other than youngin’ Liam—heading into senior year, there’s also a lot happening in terms of characters’ emotional journeys. Stiles, in particular, finds himself caught up on the finality of one last year together with his friends.

And speaking of friends, the introduction of new guy Theo, played by Cody Christian, will certainly stir some things up. “He’s a pretty mysterious guy, and not even our characters know too much about him other than he wants to be in Scott’s pack,” Posey said. “And he’s also from Scott’s past. Stiles and Scott know him from school.”

But why is Theo showing up now? Well, that’s what Scott would like to know. “He’s been missing and no one knows where he’s been or why,” Posey added. And yet, he’s back in Beacon Hills, and his presence will play a big role in what Posey claims is a very dark storyline for Scott.

“[This season] really revolves around Scott, his pack, and Theo, and trying to keep the pack together,” he said. “Scott gets broken down. This storyline this season has been one of my favorites because Scott completely gets broken down and his world’s completely flipped upside down and he hasn’t been that vulnerable, in such a dark place, since season 1. He’s in a really dark place and it was really fun to play because in the beginning, everything is great. He and Kira are strong and he and Stiles are talking about college and moving away with each other, so it’s a good contrast from the first episode to the tenth, but Scott gets put in a really bad place that we haven’t seen, if ever, in a while.”

As for what’s going on with other characters, Posey teased that the search for the Desert Wolf is still on, Scott will finally get some time to interact with Parrish, and Derek might not have as big a physical presence now that Tyler Hoechlin isn’t a series regular, but Posey promises that “Derek is definitely still around.” And yes, “There’s always room for Derek to come back,” he said.

And last but not least, this season will give fans a brand new Lydia. “What’s cool about Lydia is that she gets introduced to the dark world of Teen Wolf,” Posey said. She’s definitely had some crazy stuff happen so her, especially the first season when she gets bit, but she definitely has one of the coolest storylines. This season doesn’t revolve around Lydia, but she’s a huge part of it. And she holds it together. So it’s Holland’s real debut as a badass, and she’s super badass.”

Teen Wolf returns tonight at 10 p.m. on MTV.

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