Google launches Star Wars promo for The Force Awakens


There has been an awakening in the force… on Google.

The company launched a Star Wars website on Monday that allows fans to choose whether they’re on the dark side or the light side — at least when it comes to their Gmail and Google Maps.

Those who wish to enlist with the Resistance or the First Order can go to and make their choice (so far, according to the site, the dark side is winning). Some of the changes include a TIE fighter or X-wing showing your location in Google Maps and red or blue lightsabers replacing progress and volume bars in YouTube.

In a post announcing the promo on the company’s blog, VP of Product Management Clay Bavor said there are lots of Star Wars fans like him in the Google galaxy. “You can regularly spot Darth Vaders, dogs dressed like Yoda, and even the occasional stormtrooper, roaming the halls of our data centers (probably still looking for those droids),” he wrote.

There are more Easter eggs hidden, Bavor added, and more to come between now and The Force Awakens’ Dec. 18 release.

You can change your chosen side at any time, for those who wish to switch up their allegiance. The features will be available until Feb. 1.

UPDATE: Disney also announced that the Star Wars-Google collaboration will include a Google Cardboard virtual reality experience developed with Verizon, featuring a new story and never-before-seen content that “ties directly” into the opening of The Force Awakens. It will be available via the official Star Wars app on both iOS and Android devices starting Dec. 2.

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