Teen Wolf: Jeff Davis talks unmasking the Dread Doctors

Photo: MTV

The Beast might be the biggest villain currently on Teen Wolf physically speaking — but the Dread Doctors are the ones who started all of this madness by creating chimera after chimera until they were able to resurrect the aforementioned werewolf. So in addition to the question of The Beast’s identity, there’s still the question of: Who are the Dread Doctors?

“Unmasking is definitely on the table,” showrunner Jeff Davis says of revealing the Dread Doctors’ identities. “The makeup for underneath the surgeons’ masks … our makeup effects artist did a phenomenal job. We’re happy about it. You’ll see it eventually.”

More specifically, you’ll see it by the end of season 5B. “We’ve been treating the 20 episodes as one storyline, so this thing will wrap up in 520. You’ll know the fate of the Dread Doctors, you’ll know the fate of all of our characters, and how it leads into season 6,” Davis said.

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And yet, the fate of our favorite characters doesn’t lie solely in the hands of The Beast … or the hands of the Doctors. With a number of old villains returning – Deucalion, Gerard — anything could happen, including teamwork. “It’s everyone using the resurrection of The Beast of Gévaudan to their advantage,” Davis says. “Theo wants its power, [and] Gerard wants the legacy of his family back — if they can defeat the Beast of Gévaudan again, he believes he’ll restore the good name of the Argents to its legacy. He wants immortality in that sense. And the Dread Doctors have their own ambitions.”

Regardless, Davis promises, “You’ll see how things fall together or fall apart by the end of the season.”

Teen Wolf airs Tuesdays at 9 p.m. ET on MTV.

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