SNL: Donald Trump video shows world through president-elect's eyes

TV: SNL Trump's Eyes
Photo: NBC

Saturday Night Live took a trip inside Donald Trump’s world during the show’s latest episode, for a peek at life through the president-elect’s eyes.

The first-person short began with Trump waking up to Fox News. “Huge, huge success. Victory. Landslide. Fox News,” the anchor said.

Soon after, the president-elect picked up the Failing New York Times to see the day’s headline: “FALSE REPORT, BIASED. Lies Lies Lies.”

As the sketch went on, it was revealed Trump saw himself as host John Cena (but with a pair of giant fake hands); later, after a meeting with one of his supporters goes bad (as the Trump fan tells the president-elect how excited he is for Trump to keep his campaign promises), Trump falls asleep and wakes up in a dream where he dances with the Cena alter-ego.

The video recalls a comment Hillary Clinton made during the first presidential debate back in September when she chided Trump for living “in your own reality.”

Watch below.

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