Comic-Con giveaway: Win tickets to our 'Spider-Man' Tumblr meetup!

Spider Man 2
Photo: Niko Tavernise

Attention, Spidey fans: EW has teamed up with Tumblr and The Amazing Spider-Man 2 to host a meetup this Friday at San Diego Comic-Con.

To enter the contest, come up with your best caption for the exclusive Amazing Spider-Man 2 photo below. It can be a snippet of dialogue between Spidey and Max Dillon (a.k.a. Electro), a goofy guess at what they're arguing about, a haiku, whatever — so long as it's about the picture and it's funny, you've got a shot at winning.

Submit your caption through our Tumblr Ask box, along with a valid email address (formatted as "username AT website DOT com," so that Tumblr doesn't think it's spam). We'll accept entries until 9:30 a.m. ET Thursday, July 18. Winners will be announced later that day.

And please, don't enter the contest unless you're already going to be at Comic-Con — even if you've got a great idea for a caption.

Ready? …GO!

Lewis Jacobs/NBC

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