Sharknado 5 trailer: 'Why does it always gotta be sharks?'

Sharknado 5: Global Swarming - Season 2017
Photo: James Dimmock/Syfy

You don’t have to venture to the woods of New Hampshire to experience summer camp. No, Syfy has its own version of summer camp, and it’s called Sharknado 5: Global Swarming. (Take a moment and breathe in that title; we’ve got all the time in the world.)

Syfy will fly the fifth movie in the franchise directly at you on Aug. 6, but the network is chumming the waters at Comic-Con with a new trailer, which you can see here first. And in Sharknado 5: Global Swarming, they’re going back to where it all started. As in, ancient times. Are we saying there are hieroglyphics that, thousands of years ago, indicated sharknados were a plague? We might be saying that! In their latest adventure, Fin (Ian Ziering) and April (Tara Reid) trek around the world (London! Tokyo! Rome! Amsterdam! Other Places!) while trying to save their son who’s trapped in a sharknado. Check out the 30-second spot, which features Fin and April examining some ancient hieroglyphics, and the former muttering in a wink to Indiana Jones, “Why does it always gotta be sharks?”

The pair will get help in their mission from “a highly-skilled squad of royals, scholars, and Olympians.” What does this mean for you? It means: Fabio as the Pope, Charo as the Queen of England, Chris Kattan as the Prime Minister of England, Tony Hawk as a weapons operative strategist, Clay Aiken as a tech genius, Olivia Newton-John as a scientist, and Bret Michaels (who is hit by a bus and continues to plays guitar while serving as bus hood ornament) as an artist. Among the actors making cameos are Dolph Lundgren, Al Roker, Kathie Lee Gifford, Hoda Kotb, and Dan Fogler.

In more Sharknado 5: Global Swarming news(we will never stop writing that title), there are a few more names to add to that cast list that will make you smile/shake your head. EW has learned that Star Trek vet Nichelle Nichols, Geraldo Rivera, and Bai Ling have signed on for cameo roles. Nichols plays a NATO secretary, Rivera plays Dr. Angel, and Ling plays a character named Mira. Also joining them in the cameo department are Samantha Fox, Downtown Julie Brown (as the Vatican consigliere for the Pope … again, because it’s worth repeating, played by Fabio), John Hennigan, ice skater Sasha Cohen as an ice skater, Jai Rodriguez, and Benjy Bronk.

During audience Q&A portion of the Comic-Con panel, one fan asked what kind of research the producers had done in regards to the “biology” of the sharks. “Security!” mock-commanded Ziering. “The reality of this is that we’ve done four or five of these movies and I don’t think we’ve done a single bit of research,” said director Anthony Ferrante, holding back laughs. “They’re tornado sharks!” That was immediately followed by this question from a different fan: “I’ve always been curious why it’s called Sharknado because I thought it was a hurricane.” After the audience laughter and applause died down, Ferrante quipped, “I have no response to that, so give this man a prize.”

Sharknado 5: Global Swarming also brings in new writing blood to the franchise, as Scotty Mullen penned the screenplay. (Thunder Levin wrote the first four movies). Ferrante returns for the fifth time as the director of the franchise, and once again, those airborne sharks return on Aug. 6.

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