Emmy nominees 2010: A roundup of sweet tweets


We’ve rounded up our favorite Emmy nominations-related tweets from this busy day for those of you who can’t be bothered. Hey, I hear ya. Twitter is so stupid. I definitely don’t obsessively refresh it all day, use it to share pictures of food on my desk, or include my username for it at the end of all of my posts. That would be so obnoxious. Here we go!

ConanOBrien: Congrats to my staff on 4 Emmy nominations. This bodes well for the future of The Tonight Show with Conan O’Brien.

Lost creator CarltonCuse: Especially happy for Matthew Fox, who finally was recognized for his outstanding work.

The other (self-proclaimed) “idiot behind Lost,” DamonLindelof: Guess I’m feeling a little more emotional about it than I thought.

Modern Family creator SteveLevitan: Congrats to our entire cast and crew. Ed O’Neill deserves a BIG award.

Parks and Recreation producer Michael Schur a.k.a. KenTremendous: All-time biggest ever CONGRATULATIONS to Amy Poehler for her Emmy nomination. Totally undeserved, but congratulations anyway.

Modern Family‘s jessetyler: I now know what people mean when they say “it was a complete surprise”. I am sending big wet kisses to my tv lover @ericstonestreet[and]…Keeping it real moment # 1: My Dad’s (awesome) German wife asked me if the Emmys are for TV or Theater.

Modern Family‘s ericstonestreet: humbled, honored, excited, thankful, happy. very happy.

Glee‘s chriscolfer: What an amazing year it’s been! I never could have wished for more! Thank you all so much! :)

Glee‘s msleamichele: I’m speechless. I’m so proud of my cast and crew! 19 noms is amazing! @chriscolfer I love you so much and am so proud of you. So thankful.

The Office‘s mindykaling: @arnettwill congrats, Will. Your gay villain is insanely funny and you get to be married to a hot blonde.

30 Rock‘s arnettwill: @mindykaling thanks and congrats to you from all of us here at the “Matt and Ben” regional touring company.

JoshMalina: And shame on @JohnStamos‘ English teacher./ RT @JohnStamos: congrats to GLEE on it’s 19 EMMY NOMS!!

TheTonyAwards: No strangers to the stage, #Tonys performers @msleamichele, @matt_morrison get Emmy noms. 19 total for @GleeonFox!

Bravo’s Andy Cohen: Congrats to my fave funny gingeys @ActuallyNPH and @jessietyler on their emmy noms

Ugly Betty‘s michaelurie: @jessetyler YEAH boy-ee!!! Congrats!!!!!!!

Ugly Betty‘s markindelicato: I think I’m gonna wear black the rest of this week… and on Emmy night. :)

Cougar Town‘s Busy Philipps: Well, I guess on the bright side, no one woke me up at 5:30 this morning so I got to sleep in…[and from earlier!]…@MichaelAusiello I love that I’m one of your longshots! Honestly, almost as good as an actual nomination…

EW’s MichaelAusiello: Tina Fey on Emmy nod: “Seems like an appropriate time for me to announce to NBC that I will not be renewing my contract… with my gym.”

EW’s DocJensen: Eliz. Mitchell, nominated as guest actress for astounding sonogram reading, vending machine vandalism, Sawyer smooching work in “The End.”

EW’s DaltonRoss: How could the worst year ever of Project Runway get nominated over one of the best of Survivor? Were voters even watching?

ESPN’s robneyer: Parks and Rec’s Nick Offerman is the Joey Votto of the Emmy nominations.


Any to add?

Read more: EW.com’s 2010 Emmy Awards hub

Annie on Twitter: @EWAnnieBarrett

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