This is the week of Despicable Me


Image Credit: Universal; David Studarus/Showtime ; Mark Brendel /ABC; Bob Luckey/Greenwich Times/AP ImagesImagine our surprise to receive this doomsday iPhone missive from Doc Jensen during his summer vacation: “A DARK CLOUD OF DESPICABLE ME-NESS HAS DESCENDED UPON US! RUN FOR OUR LIVES!” We honestly had no idea he was camping in the middle of the jungle on The Island from Lost. But as usual, Doc is correct! This week’s main source of entertainment has come from people behaving badly.


Lebron James became public enemy number one — arguably the most talked about man in America — the same week that the Jake-and-Vienna show grabbed ratings and one day before Despicable Me opened.

Also on the same day? Terry O’Quinn, Michael Emerson, Jon Hamm, Michael C. Hall, Bryan Cranston, Hugh Laurie, and Martin Short were all nominated for Emmys playing bad guys, anit-heroes, creeps, or self-centered, self-absorbed jerks. Also see: John Lithgow and the entire best guest actor category.

Next week: Inception, the first great studio movie of the year (live action edition), in which the heroes are criminals/crooks. Later this year: Megamind.

Also on the same day? Showtime got the bright idea of creating an “anti-heroes panel” at Comic-Con, bringing together Californication‘s David Duchovny, Dexter‘s Michael C. Hall and Weeds‘ Mary-Louise Parker — plus those shows’ executive producers and the creator of Nurse Jackie — to discuss why the anti-hero is the face of heroism right now.

And you know who still exists? That total doucheboat Bradley Cooper.

Thanks to EW’s own version of Dr. J for giving us so much on which to ruminate over the weekend! As he spelunks deeper and deeper into The Heart of the Island of His Despicable Soul, vote for your favorite Despicable Me-ness below.

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