Nicole Kidman honors Moulin Rouge! 20th anniversary with sweet throwback photos

Kidman posted a series of photos from the film featuring Ewan McGregor for the Baz Luhrmann musical's 20th anniversary, and costar Kylie Minogue chimed in.

Nicole Kidman is celebrating two decades of love in honor of her hit movie musical Moulin Rouge!

The Oscar-winning actress honored the Baz Luhrmann-directed movie's 20-year anniversary in a sweet Instagram post featuring throwback photos from the film's production. Among the shots are several images in which she's embracing costar Ewan McGregor, who played her romantic interest in the tale of a depressed poet who falls for an enchanting courtesan amid a highly stylized Parisian backdrop.

"Some of my favorite memories from #MoulinRouge!" the Australian superstar wrote in the caption, before adding a quote from the film: "The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love, and be loved in return."

Kidman's fellow Aussie entertainer Kylie Minogue, who had a small role in Moulin Rouge! as a fantastical green fairy, chimed in with a comment on the post in which she called the actress an "icon" for her work in the movie.

Upon its release in May 2001, Moulin Rouge! became a pop cultural phenomenon, both as a film (it received eight Academy Award nominations, including one for Best Picture) and for its iconic soundtrack featuring the No. 1 hit "Lady Marmalade" by Christina Aguilera, Mya, Pink, and Lil Kim.

Moulin Rouge
Nicole Kidman and Ewan McGregor in 'Moulin Rouge.'. Moviestore/Shutterstock

The film's choreographer, John O'Connell, recently told EW that Kidman's "incredible presence" helped elevate the film to the memorable status it holds today.

"She's crazy — in a good way — and you can see it in her career," he said. "She doesn't play safe. She jumps in and takes the risk. That trapeze [in one scene] is incredibly high and she just went up twice and said, 'Yep, I'm good.'"

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